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Searched defs:name (Results 1 – 25 of 108) sorted by relevance


DcssConfig.json4 "name": "column-span", string
8 "name": "<number>" string
13 "name": "v3.0" string
18 …"name": "Number of columns occupied by the current list-item in the list. By default, the list-ite… string
23 "name": ["number"] array
28 "name": "width", string
31 "name": "<length> || <percentage>" string
36 "name": "v3.0" string
41 …"name": "Component width. If this attribute is not set, the width required for the element content… string
47 "name": ["length", "percentage"] array
[all …]
DcssConfig.json4 "name": "column-span", string
13 "name": "<number>" string
18 "name": "v3.0" string
23 …"name": "Number of columns occupied by the current list-item in the list. By default, the list-ite… string
28 "name": [ array
35 "name": "fill", string
44 "name": "<color>" string
49 "name": "v7.0" string
54 "name": "Use the shorthand property to set the fill color of the element." string
59 "name": [ array
[all …]
Dtoolbar.json2 "name": "toolbar", string
5 "name": "v4.0" string
11 …"name": "Toolbar, which is placed at the bottom of the interface and is used to display the operat… string
17 "name": "id", string
22 "name": "Unique ID of a component.", string
29 "name": "style", string
34 "name": "Style declaration of a component.", string
41 "name": "class", string
46 "name": "Style class of a component, which is used to refer to a style table.", string
53 "name": "ref", string
[all …]
Dtextarea.json2 "name": "textarea", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 "name": "The <textarea> component provides a text box to receive multi-line text input.", string
17 "name": "placeholder", string
22 "name": "Content of the hint text.", string
29 "name": "maxlength", string
34 "name": "Maximum number of characters that can be entered in the multi-line text box.", string
41 "name": "headericon", string
46 …"name": "Icon displayed before text input. This icon does not support click events. The supported … string
53 "name": "extend", string
[all …]
Doption.json2 "name": "option", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 …"name": "When used as a child component of <select>, the <option> component is used to display ite… string
17 "name": "selected", string
22 …"name": "Whether a value is the default value in the drop-down list. This attribute is available o… string
29 "name": "true" string
32 "name": "false" string
37 "name": "value", string
42 …"name": "Value of the selection item, which is used as the returned value of the selected event of… string
49 "name": "icon", string
[all …]
Dpiece.json2 "name": "piece", string
5 "name": "v4.0" string
11 …"name": "A block-shaped entry that can contain pictures and text. It is often used to display reci… string
17 "name": "content", string
22 "name": "Action block text content.", string
29 "name": "closable", string
34 …"name": "Specifies whether to display the deletion icon for the current operation block. When the … string
41 "name": "true" string
44 "name": "false" string
49 "name": "icon", string
[all …]
Dimage.json2 "name": "image", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 "name": "The <image> component is used to render and display images.", string
17 "name": "src", string
22 …"name": "Image path, which supports both local and cloud paths. The supported image formats includ… string
29 "name": "alt", string
34 "name": "Placeholder image displayed during image loading.", string
41 "name": "shareid", string
46 …"name": "Used for the transition of shared elements and takes effect only when it is configured. T… string
53 "name": "id", string
[all …]
Dtoggle.json2 "name": "toggle", string
5 "name": "v4.0" string
11 …"name": "The status button is used to select from a set of options and may display the results of … string
17 "name": "value", string
22 "name": "Text value of the toggle component.", string
29 "name": "checked", string
34 "name": "Whether the toggle component is selected.", string
41 "name": "true" string
44 "name": "false" string
49 "name": "shareid", string
[all …]
Dpicker.json2 "name": "picker", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 …"name": "The <picker> component supports common, date, time, data and time, and multi-column text … string
17 "name": "type", string
22 …"name": "Dynamic modification is not supported. Available values include: text: text selector. dat… string
29 "name": "text" string
32 "name": "date" string
35 "name": "time" string
38 "name": "datetime" string
41 "name": "multi-text" string
[all …]
Dqrcode.json2 "name": "qrcode", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 "name": "The <qrcode> component is used to generate and display a QR code.", string
17 "name": "value", string
22 "name": "Content used to generate the QR code", string
29 "name": "type", string
34 …"name": "QR code type Available values are as follows:rect: rectangular QR code.circle: round QR c… string
41 "name": "rect" string
44 "name": "circle" string
49 "name": "shareid", string
[all …]
Dchart.json2 "name": "chart", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 "name": "The <chart> component displays line charts, gauge charts, and bar charts.", string
17 "name": "type", string
22 …"name": "Chart type. Dynamic modification is not supported. Available values include: bar: bar cha… string
29 "name": "bar" string
32 "name": "line" string
35 "name": "gauge", string
39 "name": "progress", string
43 "name": "v5.0" string
[all …]
Dsearch.json2 "name": "search", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 "name": "The <search> component provides an input area for users to search.", string
17 "name": "icon", string
22 …"name": "Search icon. By default, the system search icon is used. The supported icon format is SVG… string
29 "name": "hint", string
34 "name": "Hint text.", string
41 "name": "value", string
46 "name": "Text in the search box.", string
53 "name": "searchbutton", string
[all …]
Dselect.json2 "name": "select", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 …"name": "The <select> component provides a drop-down list that allows users to select among multip… string
17 "name": "shareid", string
22 …"name": "Used for the transition of shared elements and takes effect only when it is configured. T… string
29 "name": "id", string
41 "name": "v4.0" string
46 "name": "Unique ID of a component.", string
60 "name": "style", string
72 "name": "v4.0" string
[all …]
Dpanel.json2 "name": "panel", string
5 "name": "v4.0" string
11 …"name": "Sliding panel. Provides a lightweight content display window that can be easily switched … string
17 "name": "type", string
22 …"name": "Sets the sliding panel type. The options are as follows:\nMinibar: provides the switchove… string
29 "name": "minibar" string
32 "name": "foldable" string
35 "name": "temporary" string
40 "name": "mode", string
45 …"name": "Sets the initial state. The options of mode are as follows:\nmini: indicates the minimum … string
[all …]
Dtabs.json2 "name": "tabs", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 "name": "The <tabs> component provides a tab container.", string
17 "name": "index", string
22 "name": "Index of the active tab.", string
29 "name": "vertical", string
34 …"name": "Whether the tab is vertical. Available values are as follows: false: The <tab-bar> and <t… string
41 "name": "true" string
44 "name": "false" string
49 "name": "shareid", string
[all …]
Ddialog.json2 "name": "dialog", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 "name": "The <dialog> component is a custom pop-up container.", string
17 "name": "dragable", string
21 "name": "v7.0" string
27 …"name": "Specifies whether to provide a drag icon in a pop-up window. Users can use the drag icon … string
34 "name": "true" string
37 "name": "false" string
42 "name": "shareid", string
47 …"name": "Used for the transition of shared elements and takes effect only when it is configured. T… string
[all …]
Drefresh.json2 "name": "refresh", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 "name": "The <refresh> component is used to pull down to refresh the page.", string
17 "name": "offset", string
22 …"name": "Distance to the top of the parent component from the <refresh> component that comes to re… string
29 "name": "refreshing", string
34 "name": "Whether the <refresh> component is being refreshed.", string
41 "name": "true" string
44 "name": "false" string
49 "name": "type", string
[all …]
Dstepper.json2 "name": "stepper", string
5 "name": "v4.0" string
11 …"name": "Step Navigator. When multiple steps are required to complete a task, you can use the Step… string
17 "name": "index", string
22 …"name": "Sets the sequence number of the stepper-item subcomponent to be displayed in the step nav… string
29 "name": "voicelabel", string
34 …"name": "Voice label. When a voice label is triggered, the click event of the component is trigger… string
41 "name": "subscriptflag", string
46 …"name": "Voice subscript switch. Available values are as follows: auto: For the <image> and <list-… string
53 "name": "auto" string
[all …]
Dpopup.json2 "name": "popup", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 …"name": "The <popup> component is used to display a pop-up to instruct user operations after a use… string
17 "name": "target", string
22 "name": "ID of the target element. Dynamic switch is not supported.", string
29 "name": "placement", string
34 …"name": "Position of the popup. Available values are as follows: left: The pop-up is displayed on … string
41 "name": "left", string
45 "name": "right", string
49 "name": "top", string
[all …]
Dtab-content.json2 "name": "tab-content", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 …"name": "<tab-content> is a child component of tabs and is used to provide the area for displaying… string
17 "name": "scrollable", string
22 …"name": "Whether the tabs can be switched by swiping left or right. The default value is true. If … string
29 "name": "true" string
32 "name": "false" string
37 "name": "shareid", string
42 …"name": "Used for the transition of shared elements and takes effect only when it is configured. T… string
49 "name": "id", string
[all …]
Dstepper-item.json2 "name": "stepper-item", string
5 "name": "v4.0" string
11 …"name": "The step navigator subcomponent is used as the content display component of a step in the… string
17 "name": "label", string
22 …"name": "Attribute of the step prompt text button at the bottom of the Customized Step Navigator, … string
29 "name": "shareid", string
34 …"name": "Used for the transition of shared elements and takes effect only when it is configured. T… string
41 "name": "id", string
53 "name": "v4.0" string
58 "name": "Unique ID of a component.", string
[all …]
Dtab-bar.json2 "name": "tab-bar", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 …"name": "<tab-bar> is a child component of <tabs> and is used to provide the area to display tab l… string
17 "name": "mode", string
22 …"name": "Extensibility of the component width. Available values are as follows: scrollable: The wi… string
29 "name": "scrollable" string
32 "name": "fixed" string
37 "name": "shareid", string
42 …"name": "Used for the transition of shared elements and takes effect only when it is configured. T… string
49 "name": "id", string
[all …]
Dlist-item.json2 "name": "list-item", string
5 "name": "v3.0" string
11 "name": "<list-item> is a child component of <list> and is used to display items in a list.", string
15 …"name": "<list-item> is a child component of <list> and is used to display items in a list. The wi… string
21 "name": "type", string
26 …"name": "Type of the list-item. A list can contain multiple list-item types. The same type of list… string
33 "name": "primary", string
38 …"name": "The value true indicates that the item is the primary item in the group, which is the ite… string
45 "name": "true" string
48 "name": "false" string
[all …]
Dform.json2 "name": "form", string
5 "name": "v6.0" string
11 …"name": "The <form> component is a column container that is used for input message submit and rese… string
17 "name": "shareid", string
22 …"name": "Used for the transition of shared elements and takes effect only when it is configured. T… string
29 "name": "id", string
41 "name": "v4.0" string
46 "name": "Unique ID of a component.", string
60 "name": "style", string
72 "name": "v4.0" string
[all …]
Dcamera.json2 "name": "camera", string
5 "name": "v6.0" string
11 "name": "Camera component, which provides the preview and photographing functions.", string
17 "name": "flash", string
22 …"name": "Indicates the flashlight. The value can be on, off, or torch (the flashlight is always on… string
29 "name": "on" string
32 "name": "off" string
35 "name": "torch" string
40 "name": "deviceposition", string
45 "name": "Front or back. The value can be front or back.", string
[all …]