/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /** * @fileOverview * ViewModel template parser & data-binding process */ import { hasOwn, Log, removeItem } from '../../utils/index'; import { initData, initComputed } from '../reactivity/state'; import { bindElement, setClass, setIdStyle, setTagStyle, setUniversalStyle, setId, bindSubVm, bindSubVmAfterInitialized, newWatch, bindDir, setAttributeStyle } from './directive'; import { createBlock, createBody, createElement, attachTarget, moveTarget, removeTarget } from './domHelper'; import { bindPageLifeCycle } from './pageLife'; import Vm from './index'; import Element from '../../vdom/Element'; import Comment from '../../vdom/Comment'; import Node from '../../vdom/Node'; import Document from '../../vdom/Document'; import { VmOptions } from './vmOptions'; export interface FragBlockInterface { start: Comment; end: Comment; element?: Element; blockId: number; children?: any[]; data?: any[]; vms?: Vm[]; updateMark?: Node; display?: boolean; type?: string; vm?: Vm; } export interface AttrInterface { type: string; value: () => void | string; tid: number; append: string; slot: string; slotScope: string; name: string; data: () => any | string; $data: () => any | string; } export interface TemplateInterface { type: string; attr: Partial; classList?: () => any | string[]; children?: TemplateInterface[]; events?: object; repeat?: () => any | RepeatInterface; shown?: () => any; style?: Record; id?: () => any | string; append?: string; onBubbleEvents?: object; onCaptureEvents?: object; catchBubbleEvents?: object; catchCaptureEvents?: object; } interface RepeatInterface { exp: () => any; key?: string; value?: string; tid?: number; } interface MetaInterface { repeat: object; shown: boolean; type: string; } interface ConfigInterface { latestValue: undefined | string | number; recorded: boolean; } export function build(vm: Vm) { const opt: any = vm._vmOptions || {}; const template: any = opt.template || {}; compile(vm, template, vm._parentEl); // foreach vm const doc: Document = vm._app.doc; const body: Node = doc.body; compileVm(vm, body); compileElementAndElement(vm, body); compileAttrStyle(vm, body); Log.debug(`"OnReady" lifecycle in Vm(${vm._type}).`); vm.$emit('hook:onReady'); if (vm._parent) { vm.$emit('hook:onAttached'); } vm._ready = true; } /** * Compile the Virtual Dom. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {TemplateInterface} target - Node need to be compiled. Structure of the label in the template. * @param {FragBlockInterface | Element} dest - Parent Node's VM of current. * @param {MetaInterface} [meta] - To transfer data. */ function compile(vm: Vm, target: TemplateInterface, dest: FragBlockInterface | Element, meta?: Partial): void { const app: any = vm._app || {}; if (app.lastSignal === -1) { return; } meta = meta || {}; if (targetIsSlot(target)) { compileSlot(vm, target, dest as Element); return; } if (targetNeedCheckRepeat(target, meta)) { if (dest.type === 'document') { Log.warn('The root element does\'t support `repeat` directive!'); } else { compileRepeat(vm, target, dest as Element); } return; } if (targetNeedCheckShown(target, meta)) { if (dest.type === 'document') { Log.warn('The root element does\'t support `if` directive!'); } else { compileShown(vm, target, dest, meta); } return; } const type = meta.type || target.type; const component: VmOptions | null = targetIsComposed(vm, type); if (component) { compileCustomComponent(vm, component, target, dest, type, meta); return; } if (type === 'compontent') { compileDyanmicComponent(vm, target, dest, type, meta); return; } if (targetIsBlock(target)) { compileBlock(vm, target, dest); return; } compileNativeComponent(vm, target, dest, type); } function compileVm(vm: Vm, body: Node): void { if (body.nodeType === Node.NodeType.Element) { const node: Element = body as Element; let count = 0; node.children.forEach((child: Node) => { const el = child as Element; const tag = child.type; if (count === 0) { setTagStyle(vm, el, tag, true, false, false); } else if (count === node.children.length - 1) { setTagStyle(vm, el, tag, false, true, false); } count++; compileVmChild(vm, child); }); } } function compileVmChild(vm: Vm, body: Node): void { if (body.nodeType === Node.NodeType.Element) { const node: Element = body as Element; let count = 0; node.children.forEach((child: Node) => { const el = child as Element; const tag = child.type; if (count === 0) { setTagStyle(vm, el, tag, true, false, false); } else if (count === node.children.length - 1) { setTagStyle(vm, el, tag, false, true, false); } count++; compileVm(vm, child); }); } } function compileAttrStyle(vm: Vm, body: Node): void { if (body.nodeType === Node.NodeType.Element) { const node: Element = body as Element; node.children.forEach((child: Node) => { const el = child as Element; setAttributeStyle(vm, el); compileAttrStyleChild(vm, child); }); } } function compileAttrStyleChild(vm: Vm, body: Node): void { if (body.nodeType === Node.NodeType.Element) { const node: Element = body as Element; node.children.forEach((child: Node) => { const el = child as Element; setAttributeStyle(vm, el); compileAttrStyle(vm, child); }); } } function compileElementAndElement(vm: Vm, body: Node): void { if (body.nodeType === Node.NodeType.Element) { const node: Element = body as Element; node.children.forEach((child: Node) => { if (child.nextSibling) { const el = child.nextSibling as Element; const tag = child.type + '+' + child.nextSibling.type; setTagStyle(vm, el, tag, false, false, false); } compileElementAndElementChild(vm, child); }); } } function compileElementAndElementChild(vm: Vm, body: Node): void { if (body.nodeType === Node.NodeType.Element) { const node: Element = body as Element; node.children.forEach((child: Node) => { if (child.nextSibling) { const el = child.nextSibling as Element; const tag = child.type + '+' + child.nextSibling.type; setTagStyle(vm, el, tag, false, false, false); } compileElementAndElement(vm, child); }); } } /** * Compile a dynamic component. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {TemplateInterface} target - Node needs to be compiled. Structure of the label in the template. * @param {Element | FragBlockInterface} dest - Parent Node's VM of current. * @param {string} type - Component Type. * @param {MetaInterface} meta - To transfer data. */ export function compileDyanmicComponent( vm: Vm, target: TemplateInterface, dest: Element | FragBlockInterface, type: string, meta: Partial ): void { const attr: object = target.attr; let dynamicType: string; for (const key in attr) { const value = attr[key]; if (key === 'name') { if (typeof value === 'function') { dynamicType = value.call(vm, vm); } else if (typeof value === 'string') { dynamicType = value; } else { Log.error('compontent attr name is unkonwn'); return; } } } const elementDiv = createElement(vm, 'div'); attachTarget(elementDiv, dest); const element = createElement(vm, type); element.vm = vm; element.target = target; element.destroyHook = function() { if (element.watchers !== undefined) { element.watchers.forEach(function(watcher) { watcher.teardown(); }); element.watchers = []; } }; bindDir(vm, element, 'attr', attr); attachTarget(element, elementDiv); const component: VmOptions | null = targetIsComposed(vm, dynamicType); if (component) { compileCustomComponent(vm, component, target, elementDiv, dynamicType, meta); return; } } /** * Check if target type is slot. * * @param {object} target * @return {boolean} */ function targetIsSlot(target: TemplateInterface) { return target.type === 'slot'; } /** * Check if target needs to compile by a list. * @param {TemplateInterface} target - Node needs to be compiled. Structure of the label in the template. * @param {MetaInterface} meta - To transfer data. * @return {boolean} - True if target needs repeat. Otherwise return false. */ function targetNeedCheckRepeat(target: TemplateInterface, meta: Partial) { return !hasOwn(meta, 'repeat') && target.repeat; } /** * Check if target needs to compile by a 'if' or 'shown' value. * @param {TemplateInterface} target - Node needs to be compiled. Structure of the label in the template. * @param {MetaInterface} meta - To transfer data. * @return {boolean} - True if target needs a 'shown' value. Otherwise return false. */ function targetNeedCheckShown(target: TemplateInterface, meta: Partial) { return !hasOwn(meta, 'shown') && target.shown; } /** * Check if this kind of component is composed. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {string} type - Component type. * @return {VmOptions} Component. */ export function targetIsComposed(vm: Vm, type: string): VmOptions { let component; if (vm._app && vm._app.customComponentMap) { component = vm._app.customComponentMap[type]; } if (component) { if (component.data && typeof component.data === 'object') { if (!component.initObjectData) { component.initObjectData = component.data; } const str = JSON.stringify(component.initObjectData); component.data = JSON.parse(str); } } return component; } /** * Compile a target with repeat directive. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {TemplateInterface} target - Node needs to be compiled. Structure of the label in the template. * @param {dest} dest - Node need to be appended. */ function compileSlot(vm: Vm, target: TemplateInterface, dest: Element): Element { if (!vm._slotContext) { // slot in root vm return; } const slotDest = createBlock(vm, dest); // reslove slot content const namedContents = vm._slotContext.content; const parentVm = vm._slotContext.parentVm; const slotItem = { target, dest: slotDest }; const slotName = target.attr.name || 'default'; // acquire content by name const namedContent = namedContents[slotName]; if (!namedContent) { compileChildren(vm, slotItem.target, slotItem.dest); } else { // Bind slot scope if (Array.isArray(namedContent)) { namedContent.forEach((item: TemplateInterface) => { const slotScope = item.attr && item.attr.slotScope; if (typeof slotScope === 'string') { parentVm[slotScope] = vm._data; } }); } compileChildren(parentVm, { children: namedContent }, slotItem.dest); } } /** * Compile a target with repeat directive. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {TemplateInterface} target - Node needs to be compiled. Structure of the label in the template. * @param {Element} dest - Parent Node's VM of current. */ function compileRepeat(vm: Vm, target: TemplateInterface, dest: Element): void { const repeat = target.repeat; let getter: any; let key: any; let value: any; let trackBy: any; if (isRepeat(repeat)) { getter = repeat.exp; key = repeat.key || '$idx'; value = repeat.value; trackBy = repeat.tid; } else { getter = repeat; key = '$idx'; value = '$item'; trackBy = target.attr && target.attr.tid; } if (typeof getter !== 'function') { getter = function() { return []; }; } const fragBlock: FragBlockInterface = createBlock(vm, dest); fragBlock.children = []; fragBlock.data = []; fragBlock.vms = []; bindRepeat(vm, target, fragBlock, { getter, key, value, trackBy }); } /** * Compile a target with 'if' directive. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {TemplateInterface} target - Node needs to be compiled. Structure of the label in the template. * @param {FragBlockInterface | Element} dest - Parent Node's VM of current. * @param {MetaInterface} meta - To transfer data. */ function compileShown( vm: Vm, target: TemplateInterface, dest: Element | FragBlockInterface, meta: Partial ): void { const newMeta: Partial = { shown: true }; const fragBlock = createBlock(vm, dest); if (isBlock(dest) && dest.children) { dest.children.push(fragBlock); } if (hasOwn(meta, 'repeat')) { newMeta.repeat = meta.repeat; } bindShown(vm, target, fragBlock, newMeta); } /** * Support . * @param {TemplateInterface} target - Node needs to be compiled. Structure of the label in the template. * @return {boolean} True if target supports bolck. Otherwise return false. */ function targetIsBlock(target: TemplateInterface): boolean { return target.type === 'block'; } /** * If create block and compile the children node. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {TemplateInterface} target - Node needs to be compiled. Structure of the label in the template. * @param {Element | FragBlockInterface} dest - Parent Node's VM of current. */ function compileBlock(vm: Vm, target: TemplateInterface, dest: Element | FragBlockInterface): void { const block = createBlock(vm, dest); if (isBlock(dest) && dest.children) { dest.children.push(block); } const app: any = vm._app || {}; const children = target.children; if (children && children.length) { children.every((child) => { compile(vm, child, block); return app.lastSignal !== -1; }); } } /** * Compile a composed component. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {VmOptions} component - Composed component. * @param {TemplateInterface} target - Node needs to be compiled. Structure of the label in the template. * @param {Element | FragBlockInterface} dest - Parent Node's VM of current. * @param {string} type - Component Type. * @param {MetaInterface} meta - To transfer data. */ export function compileCustomComponent( vm: Vm, component: VmOptions, target: TemplateInterface, dest: Element | FragBlockInterface, type: string, meta: Partial ): void { const subVm = new Vm( type, component, vm, dest, undefined, { 'hook:_innerInit': function() { // acquire slot content of context const namedContents = {}; if (target.children) { target.children.forEach(item => { const slotName = item.attr.slot || 'default'; if (namedContents[slotName]) { namedContents[slotName].push(item); } else { namedContents[slotName] = [item]; } }); } this.__slotContext = { content: namedContents, parentVm: vm }; setId(vm, null, target.id, this); // Bind template earlier because of lifecycle issues. this.__externalBinding = { parent: vm, template: target }; // Bind props before init data. bindSubVm(vm, this, target, meta.repeat); } }); bindSubVmAfterInitialized(vm, subVm, target, dest); } /** * Reset the element style. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {Element} element - To be reset. */ function resetElementStyle(vm: Vm, element: Element): void { // Add judgment statements to avoid repeatedly calling 'setClass' function. let len = 0; if (element.children !== undefined) { len = element.children.length; } const css = vm._css || {}; const mqArr = css['@MEDIA']; for (let ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) { const el = element.children[ii] as Element; if (!el.isCustomComponent) { resetElementStyle(vm, el); } } setUniversalStyle(vm, element); if (element.type) { setTagStyle(vm, element, element.type, false, false, false); } if (element.id) { setIdStyle(vm, element, element.id); } if (element.classList && mqArr) { for (let i = 0; i < element.classList.length; i++) { for (let m = 0; m < mqArr.length; m++) { const clsKey = '.' + element.classList[i]; if (hasOwn(mqArr[m], clsKey)) { setClass(vm, element, element.classList); } } } } } /** *

Generate element from template and attach to the dest if needed.


The time to attach depends on whether the mode status is node or tree.

* @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {TemplateInterface} template - Generate element from template. * @param {FragBlockInterface | Element} dest - Parent Node's VM of current. * @param {string} type - Vm type. */ function compileNativeComponent(vm: Vm, template: TemplateInterface, dest: FragBlockInterface | Element, type: string): void { function handleViewSizeChanged(e) { if (!vm._mediaStatus) { vm._mediaStatus = {}; } vm._mediaStatus.orientation = e.orientation; vm._mediaStatus.width = e.width; vm._mediaStatus.height = e.height; vm._mediaStatus.resolution = e.resolution; vm._mediaStatus['device-type'] = e['device-type']; vm._mediaStatus['aspect-ratio'] = e['aspect-ratio']; vm._mediaStatus['device-width'] = e['device-width']; vm._mediaStatus['device-height'] = e['device-height']; vm._mediaStatus['round-screen'] = e['round-screen']; vm._mediaStatus['dark-mode'] = e['dark-mode']; const css = vm._vmOptions && vm._vmOptions.style || {}; const mqArr = css['@MEDIA']; if (!mqArr) { return; } if (e.isInit && vm._init) { return; } vm._init = true; resetElementStyle(vm, e.currentTarget); e.currentTarget.addEvent('show'); } let element; if (!isBlock(dest) && dest.ref === '_documentElement') { // If its parent is documentElement then it's a body. element = createBody(vm, type); } else { element = createElement(vm, type); element.destroyHook = function() { if (element.block !== undefined) { removeTarget(element.block); } if (element.watchers !== undefined) { element.watchers.forEach(function(watcher) { watcher.teardown(); }); element.watchers = []; } }; } if (!vm._rootEl) { vm._rootEl = element; // Bind event earlier because of lifecycle issues. const binding: any = vm._externalBinding || {}; const target = binding.template; const parentVm = binding.parent; if (target && target.events && parentVm && element) { for (const type in target.events) { const handler = parentVm[target.events[type]]; if (handler) { element.addEvent(type, handler.bind(parentVm)); } } } // Page show hide life circle hook function. bindPageLifeCycle(vm, element); element.setCustomFlag(); element.customFlag = true; vm._init = true; element.addEvent('viewsizechanged', handleViewSizeChanged); } // Dest is parent element. bindElement(vm, element, template, dest); if (element.event && element.event['attached']) { element.fireEvent('attached', {}); } if (template.attr && template.attr.append) { template.append = template.attr.append; } if (template.append) { element.attr = element.attr || {}; element.attr.append = template.append; } let treeMode = template.append === 'tree'; const app: any = vm._app || {}; // Record the parent node of treeMode, used by class selector. if (treeMode) { if (!global.treeModeParentNode) { global.treeModeParentNode = dest; } else { treeMode = false; } } if (app.lastSignal !== -1 && !treeMode) { app.lastSignal = attachTarget(element, dest); } if (app.lastSignal !== -1) { compileChildren(vm, template, element); } if (app.lastSignal !== -1 && treeMode) { delete global.treeModeParentNode; app.lastSignal = attachTarget(element, dest); } } /** * Set all children to a certain parent element. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {any} template - Generate element from template. * @param {Element | FragBlockInterface} dest - Parent Node's VM of current. * @return {void | boolean} If there is no children, return null. Return true if has node. */ function compileChildren(vm: Vm, template: any, dest: Element | FragBlockInterface): void | boolean { const app: any = vm._app || {}; const children = template.children; if (children && children.length) { children.every((child) => { compile(vm, child, dest); return app.lastSignal !== -1; }); } } /** * Watch the list update and refresh the changes. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object need to be compiled. * @param {TemplateInterface} target - Node needs to be compiled. Structure of the label in the template. * @param {FragBlockInterface} fragBlock - {vms, data, children} * @param {*} info - {getter, key, value, trackBy, oldStyle} */ function bindRepeat(vm: Vm, target: TemplateInterface, fragBlock: FragBlockInterface, info: any): void { const vms = fragBlock.vms; const children = fragBlock.children; const { getter, trackBy } = info; const keyName = info.key; const valueName = info.value; function compileItem(item: any, index: number, context: Vm) { const mergedData = {}; mergedData[keyName] = index; mergedData[valueName] = item; const newContext = mergeContext(context, mergedData); vms.push(newContext); compile(newContext, target, fragBlock, { repeat: item }); } const list = watchBlock(vm, fragBlock, getter, 'repeat', (data) => { Log.debug(`The 'repeat' item has changed ${data}.`); if (!fragBlock || !data) { return; } const oldChildren = children.slice(); const oldVms = vms.slice(); const oldData = fragBlock.data.slice(); // Collect all new refs track by. const trackMap = {}; const reusedMap = {}; data.forEach((item, index) => { const key = trackBy && item[trackBy] !== undefined ? item[trackBy] : index; if (key === null || key === '') { return; } trackMap[key] = item; }); // Remove unused element foreach old item. const reusedList: any[] = []; const cacheList: any[] = []; oldData.forEach((item, index) => { const key = trackBy && item[trackBy] !== undefined ? item[trackBy] : index; if (hasOwn(trackMap, key)) { reusedMap[key] = { item, index, key, target: oldChildren[index], vm: oldVms[index] }; reusedList.push(item); } else { cacheList.push({ target: oldChildren[index], vm: oldVms[index] }); } }); // Create new element for each new item. children.length = 0; vms.length = 0; fragBlock.data = data.slice(); fragBlock.updateMark = fragBlock.start; data.forEach((item, index) => { const key = trackBy && item[trackBy] !== undefined ? item[trackBy] : index; const reused = reusedMap[key]; if (reused) { if (reused.item === reusedList[0]) { reusedList.shift(); } else { removeItem(reusedList, reused.item); moveTarget(reused.target, fragBlock.updateMark); } children.push(reused.target); vms.push(reused.vm); reused.vm[valueName] = item; reused.vm[keyName] = index; fragBlock.updateMark = reused.target; } else { if (cacheList.length > 0) { const reusedItem = cacheList[0]; cacheList.shift(); moveTarget(reusedItem.target, fragBlock.updateMark); children.push(reusedItem.target); vms.push(reusedItem.vm); reusedItem.vm[valueName] = item; reusedItem.vm[keyName] = index; fragBlock.updateMark = reusedItem.target; } else { compileItem(item, index, vm); } } }); delete fragBlock.updateMark; cacheList.forEach((item) => { removeTarget(item.target); }); } ); if (list && Array.isArray(list)) { fragBlock.data = list.slice(0); list.forEach((item, index) => { compileItem(item, index, vm); }); } } /** * Watch the display update and add/remove the element. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {TemplateInterface} target - Node needs to be compiled. Structure of the label in the template. * @param {FragBlockInterface} fragBlock - {vms, data, children} * @param {MetaInterface} meta - To transfer data. */ function bindShown( vm: Vm, target: TemplateInterface, fragBlock: FragBlockInterface, meta: Partial ): void { const display = watchBlock(vm, fragBlock, target.shown, 'shown', (display) => { Log.debug(`The 'if' item was changed ${display}.`); if (!fragBlock || !!fragBlock.display === !!display) { return; } fragBlock.display = !!display; if (display) { compile(vm, target, fragBlock, meta); } else { removeTarget(fragBlock, true); } } ); fragBlock.display = !!display; if (display) { compile(vm, target, fragBlock, meta); } } /** * Watch calc changes and append certain type action to differ. * @param {Vm} vm - Vm object needs to be compiled. * @param {FragBlockInterface} fragBlock - {vms, data, children} * @param {Function} calc - Function. * @param {string} type - Vm type. * @param {Function} handler - Function. * @return {*} Init value of calc. */ function watchBlock(vm: Vm, fragBlock: FragBlockInterface, calc: Function, type: string, handler: Function): any { const differ = vm && vm._app && vm._app.differ; const config: Partial = {}; const newWatcher = newWatch(vm, calc, (value) => { config.latestValue = value; if (differ && !config.recorded) { differ.append(type, fragBlock.blockId.toString(), () => { const latestValue = config.latestValue; handler(latestValue); config.recorded = false; config.latestValue = undefined; }); } config.recorded = true; }); fragBlock.end.watchers.push(newWatcher); return newWatcher.value; } /** * Clone a context and merge certain data. * @param {Vm} context - Context value. * @param {Object} mergedData - Certain data. * @return {*} The new context. */ function mergeContext(context: Vm, mergedData: object): any { const newContext = Object.create(context); newContext.__data = mergedData; newContext.__shareData = {}; initData(newContext); initComputed(newContext); newContext.__realParent = context; return newContext; } /** * Check if it needs repeat. * @param {Function | RepeatInterface} repeat - Repeat value. * @return {boolean} - True if it needs repeat. Otherwise return false. */ function isRepeat(repeat: Function | RepeatInterface): repeat is RepeatInterface { const newRepeat = repeat; return newRepeat.exp !== undefined; } /** * Check if it is a block. * @param {FragBlockInterface | Node} node - Node value. * @return {boolean} - True if it is a block. Otherwise return false. */ export function isBlock(node: FragBlockInterface | Node): node is FragBlockInterface { const newNode = node; return newNode.blockId !== undefined; }