# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Petr Vorel sudo: required language: c services: - docker matrix: include: # 32 bit build - os: linux env: DISTRO=debian:stable VARIANT=i386 compiler: gcc # cross compilation builds - os: linux env: DISTRO=debian:stable VARIANT=cross-compile ARCH=ppc64el TREE=out MAKE_INSTALL=1 compiler: powerpc64le-linux-gnu-gcc - os: linux env: DISTRO=debian:stable VARIANT=cross-compile ARCH=arm64 TREE=out compiler: aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc - os: linux env: DISTRO=debian:stable VARIANT=cross-compile ARCH=s390x TREE=out compiler: s390x-linux-gnu-gcc # musl (native) - os: linux # Message: WARNING: xsltproc: cannot process http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl-ns/current/manpages/docbook.xsl # doc/meson.build:70:1: ERROR: Problem encountered: Docs cannot be built: xsltproc does not work correctly env: DISTRO=alpine:latest compiler: gcc # build with minimal dependencies - os: linux env: DISTRO=debian:stable VARIANT=minimal TREE=out compiler: clang # native non-intel - os: linux arch: ppc64le compiler: gcc env: DISTRO=debian:testing # other builds - os: linux env: DISTRO=fedora:rawhide MAKE_INSTALL=1 compiler: clang - os: linux env: DISTRO=centos:6 TREE=out compiler: gcc - os: linux env: DISTRO=debian:testing compiler: gcc - os: linux env: DISTRO=debian:oldstable compiler: clang - os: linux env: DISTRO=opensuse/tumbleweed compiler: gcc - os: linux env: DISTRO=opensuse/leap compiler: gcc - os: linux env: DISTRO=debian:oldstable compiler: gcc - os: linux env: DISTRO=debian:testing compiler: clang - os: linux env: DISTRO=ubuntu:eoan TREE=out compiler: gcc - os: linux env: DISTRO=ubuntu:xenial compiler: gcc - os: linux env: DISTRO=centos:latest compiler: gcc before_install: - df -hT - DIR="/usr/src/ltp" - printf "FROM $DISTRO\nRUN mkdir -p $DIR\nWORKDIR $DIR\nCOPY . $DIR\n" > Dockerfile - cat Dockerfile - docker build -t ltp . script: - INSTALL="${DISTRO%%:*}" - INSTALL="${INSTALL%%/*}" - if [ "$MAKE_INSTALL" = 1 ]; then INSTALL_OPT="-i"; fi - if [ ! "$TREE" ]; then TREE="in"; fi - case $VARIANT in cross-compile*) BUILD="cross";; i386) BUILD="32";; *) BUILD="native";; esac # Tumbleweed requires newer Docker version - > if [ "${DISTRO//*\/}" = "tumbleweed" -o "$INSTALL" = "fedora" ]; then curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install docker-ce fi - docker run -t ltp /bin/sh -c "cd travis && ./$INSTALL.sh && if [ \"$VARIANT\" ]; then ARCH=\"$ARCH\" ./$INSTALL.$VARIANT.sh; fi && ../build.sh -o $TREE -t $BUILD -c $CC $INSTALL_OPT"