/* @internal */ namespace ts { export interface SourceMapGeneratorOptions { extendedDiagnostics?: boolean; } export function createSourceMapGenerator(host: EmitHost, file: string, sourceRoot: string, sourcesDirectoryPath: string, generatorOptions: SourceMapGeneratorOptions): SourceMapGenerator { const { enter, exit } = generatorOptions.extendedDiagnostics ? performance.createTimer("Source Map", "beforeSourcemap", "afterSourcemap") : performance.nullTimer; // Current source map file and its index in the sources list const rawSources: string[] = []; const sources: string[] = []; const sourceToSourceIndexMap = new Map(); let sourcesContent: (string | null)[] | undefined; const names: string[] = []; let nameToNameIndexMap: ESMap | undefined; let mappings = ""; // Last recorded and encoded mappings let lastGeneratedLine = 0; let lastGeneratedCharacter = 0; let lastSourceIndex = 0; let lastSourceLine = 0; let lastSourceCharacter = 0; let lastNameIndex = 0; let hasLast = false; let pendingGeneratedLine = 0; let pendingGeneratedCharacter = 0; let pendingSourceIndex = 0; let pendingSourceLine = 0; let pendingSourceCharacter = 0; let pendingNameIndex = 0; let hasPending = false; let hasPendingSource = false; let hasPendingName = false; return { getSources: () => rawSources, addSource, setSourceContent, addName, addMapping, appendSourceMap, toJSON, toString: () => JSON.stringify(toJSON()) }; function addSource(fileName: string) { enter(); const source = getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(sourcesDirectoryPath, fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), host.getCanonicalFileName, /*isAbsolutePathAnUrl*/ true); let sourceIndex = sourceToSourceIndexMap.get(source); if (sourceIndex === undefined) { sourceIndex = sources.length; sources.push(source); rawSources.push(fileName); sourceToSourceIndexMap.set(source, sourceIndex); } exit(); return sourceIndex; } /* eslint-disable boolean-trivia, no-null/no-null */ function setSourceContent(sourceIndex: number, content: string | null) { enter(); if (content !== null) { if (!sourcesContent) sourcesContent = []; while (sourcesContent.length < sourceIndex) { sourcesContent.push(null); } sourcesContent[sourceIndex] = content; } exit(); } /* eslint-enable boolean-trivia, no-null/no-null */ function addName(name: string) { enter(); if (!nameToNameIndexMap) nameToNameIndexMap = new Map(); let nameIndex = nameToNameIndexMap.get(name); if (nameIndex === undefined) { nameIndex = names.length; names.push(name); nameToNameIndexMap.set(name, nameIndex); } exit(); return nameIndex; } function isNewGeneratedPosition(generatedLine: number, generatedCharacter: number) { return !hasPending || pendingGeneratedLine !== generatedLine || pendingGeneratedCharacter !== generatedCharacter; } function isBacktrackingSourcePosition(sourceIndex: number | undefined, sourceLine: number | undefined, sourceCharacter: number | undefined) { return sourceIndex !== undefined && sourceLine !== undefined && sourceCharacter !== undefined && pendingSourceIndex === sourceIndex && (pendingSourceLine > sourceLine || pendingSourceLine === sourceLine && pendingSourceCharacter > sourceCharacter); } function addMapping(generatedLine: number, generatedCharacter: number, sourceIndex?: number, sourceLine?: number, sourceCharacter?: number, nameIndex?: number) { Debug.assert(generatedLine >= pendingGeneratedLine, "generatedLine cannot backtrack"); Debug.assert(generatedCharacter >= 0, "generatedCharacter cannot be negative"); Debug.assert(sourceIndex === undefined || sourceIndex >= 0, "sourceIndex cannot be negative"); Debug.assert(sourceLine === undefined || sourceLine >= 0, "sourceLine cannot be negative"); Debug.assert(sourceCharacter === undefined || sourceCharacter >= 0, "sourceCharacter cannot be negative"); enter(); // If this location wasn't recorded or the location in source is going backwards, record the mapping if (isNewGeneratedPosition(generatedLine, generatedCharacter) || isBacktrackingSourcePosition(sourceIndex, sourceLine, sourceCharacter)) { commitPendingMapping(); pendingGeneratedLine = generatedLine; pendingGeneratedCharacter = generatedCharacter; hasPendingSource = false; hasPendingName = false; hasPending = true; } if (sourceIndex !== undefined && sourceLine !== undefined && sourceCharacter !== undefined) { pendingSourceIndex = sourceIndex; pendingSourceLine = sourceLine; pendingSourceCharacter = sourceCharacter; hasPendingSource = true; if (nameIndex !== undefined) { pendingNameIndex = nameIndex; hasPendingName = true; } } exit(); } function appendSourceMap(generatedLine: number, generatedCharacter: number, map: RawSourceMap, sourceMapPath: string, start?: LineAndCharacter, end?: LineAndCharacter) { Debug.assert(generatedLine >= pendingGeneratedLine, "generatedLine cannot backtrack"); Debug.assert(generatedCharacter >= 0, "generatedCharacter cannot be negative"); enter(); // First, decode the old component sourcemap const sourceIndexToNewSourceIndexMap: number[] = []; let nameIndexToNewNameIndexMap: number[] | undefined; const mappingIterator = decodeMappings(map.mappings); for (let iterResult = mappingIterator.next(); !iterResult.done; iterResult = mappingIterator.next()) { const raw = iterResult.value; if (end && ( raw.generatedLine > end.line || (raw.generatedLine === end.line && raw.generatedCharacter > end.character))) { break; } if (start && ( raw.generatedLine < start.line || (start.line === raw.generatedLine && raw.generatedCharacter < start.character))) { continue; } // Then reencode all the updated mappings into the overall map let newSourceIndex: number | undefined; let newSourceLine: number | undefined; let newSourceCharacter: number | undefined; let newNameIndex: number | undefined; if (raw.sourceIndex !== undefined) { newSourceIndex = sourceIndexToNewSourceIndexMap[raw.sourceIndex]; if (newSourceIndex === undefined) { // Apply offsets to each position and fixup source entries const rawPath = map.sources[raw.sourceIndex]; const relativePath = map.sourceRoot ? combinePaths(map.sourceRoot, rawPath) : rawPath; const combinedPath = combinePaths(getDirectoryPath(sourceMapPath), relativePath); sourceIndexToNewSourceIndexMap[raw.sourceIndex] = newSourceIndex = addSource(combinedPath); if (map.sourcesContent && typeof map.sourcesContent[raw.sourceIndex] === "string") { setSourceContent(newSourceIndex, map.sourcesContent[raw.sourceIndex]); } } newSourceLine = raw.sourceLine; newSourceCharacter = raw.sourceCharacter; if (map.names && raw.nameIndex !== undefined) { if (!nameIndexToNewNameIndexMap) nameIndexToNewNameIndexMap = []; newNameIndex = nameIndexToNewNameIndexMap[raw.nameIndex]; if (newNameIndex === undefined) { nameIndexToNewNameIndexMap[raw.nameIndex] = newNameIndex = addName(map.names[raw.nameIndex]); } } } const rawGeneratedLine = raw.generatedLine - (start ? start.line : 0); const newGeneratedLine = rawGeneratedLine + generatedLine; const rawGeneratedCharacter = start && start.line === raw.generatedLine ? raw.generatedCharacter - start.character : raw.generatedCharacter; const newGeneratedCharacter = rawGeneratedLine === 0 ? rawGeneratedCharacter + generatedCharacter : rawGeneratedCharacter; addMapping(newGeneratedLine, newGeneratedCharacter, newSourceIndex, newSourceLine, newSourceCharacter, newNameIndex); } exit(); } function shouldCommitMapping() { return !hasLast || lastGeneratedLine !== pendingGeneratedLine || lastGeneratedCharacter !== pendingGeneratedCharacter || lastSourceIndex !== pendingSourceIndex || lastSourceLine !== pendingSourceLine || lastSourceCharacter !== pendingSourceCharacter || lastNameIndex !== pendingNameIndex; } function commitPendingMapping() { if (!hasPending || !shouldCommitMapping()) { return; } enter(); // Line/Comma delimiters if (lastGeneratedLine < pendingGeneratedLine) { // Emit line delimiters do { mappings += ";"; lastGeneratedLine++; lastGeneratedCharacter = 0; } while (lastGeneratedLine < pendingGeneratedLine); } else { Debug.assertEqual(lastGeneratedLine, pendingGeneratedLine, "generatedLine cannot backtrack"); // Emit comma to separate the entry if (hasLast) { mappings += ","; } } // 1. Relative generated character mappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(pendingGeneratedCharacter - lastGeneratedCharacter); lastGeneratedCharacter = pendingGeneratedCharacter; if (hasPendingSource) { // 2. Relative sourceIndex mappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(pendingSourceIndex - lastSourceIndex); lastSourceIndex = pendingSourceIndex; // 3. Relative source line mappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(pendingSourceLine - lastSourceLine); lastSourceLine = pendingSourceLine; // 4. Relative source character mappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(pendingSourceCharacter - lastSourceCharacter); lastSourceCharacter = pendingSourceCharacter; if (hasPendingName) { // 5. Relative nameIndex mappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(pendingNameIndex - lastNameIndex); lastNameIndex = pendingNameIndex; } } hasLast = true; exit(); } function toJSON(): RawSourceMap { commitPendingMapping(); return { version: 3, file, sourceRoot, sources, names, mappings, sourcesContent, }; } } // Sometimes tools can see the following line as a source mapping url comment, so we mangle it a bit (the [M]) const sourceMapCommentRegExp = /^\/\/[@#] source[M]appingURL=(.+)\s*$/; const whitespaceOrMapCommentRegExp = /^\s*(\/\/[@#] .*)?$/; export interface LineInfo { getLineCount(): number; getLineText(line: number): string; } export function getLineInfo(text: string, lineStarts: readonly number[]): LineInfo { return { getLineCount: () => lineStarts.length, getLineText: line => text.substring(lineStarts[line], lineStarts[line + 1]) }; } /** * Tries to find the sourceMappingURL comment at the end of a file. */ export function tryGetSourceMappingURL(lineInfo: LineInfo) { for (let index = lineInfo.getLineCount() - 1; index >= 0; index--) { const line = lineInfo.getLineText(index); const comment = sourceMapCommentRegExp.exec(line); if (comment) { return comment[1]; } // If we see a non-whitespace/map comment-like line, break, to avoid scanning up the entire file else if (!line.match(whitespaceOrMapCommentRegExp)) { break; } } } /* eslint-disable no-null/no-null */ function isStringOrNull(x: any) { return typeof x === "string" || x === null; } export function isRawSourceMap(x: any): x is RawSourceMap { return x !== null && typeof x === "object" && x.version === 3 && typeof x.file === "string" && typeof x.mappings === "string" && isArray(x.sources) && every(x.sources, isString) && (x.sourceRoot === undefined || x.sourceRoot === null || typeof x.sourceRoot === "string") && (x.sourcesContent === undefined || x.sourcesContent === null || isArray(x.sourcesContent) && every(x.sourcesContent, isStringOrNull)) && (x.names === undefined || x.names === null || isArray(x.names) && every(x.names, isString)); } /* eslint-enable no-null/no-null */ export function tryParseRawSourceMap(text: string) { try { const parsed = JSON.parse(text); if (isRawSourceMap(parsed)) { return parsed; } } catch { // empty } return undefined; } export interface MappingsDecoder extends Iterator { readonly pos: number; readonly error: string | undefined; readonly state: Required; } export interface Mapping { generatedLine: number; generatedCharacter: number; sourceIndex?: number; sourceLine?: number; sourceCharacter?: number; nameIndex?: number; } export interface SourceMapping extends Mapping { sourceIndex: number; sourceLine: number; sourceCharacter: number; } export function decodeMappings(mappings: string): MappingsDecoder { let done = false; let pos = 0; let generatedLine = 0; let generatedCharacter = 0; let sourceIndex = 0; let sourceLine = 0; let sourceCharacter = 0; let nameIndex = 0; let error: string | undefined; return { get pos() { return pos; }, get error() { return error; }, get state() { return captureMapping(/*hasSource*/ true, /*hasName*/ true); }, next() { while (!done && pos < mappings.length) { const ch = mappings.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === CharacterCodes.semicolon) { // new line generatedLine++; generatedCharacter = 0; pos++; continue; } if (ch === CharacterCodes.comma) { // Next entry is on same line - no action needed pos++; continue; } let hasSource = false; let hasName = false; generatedCharacter += base64VLQFormatDecode(); if (hasReportedError()) return stopIterating(); if (generatedCharacter < 0) return setErrorAndStopIterating("Invalid generatedCharacter found"); if (!isSourceMappingSegmentEnd()) { hasSource = true; sourceIndex += base64VLQFormatDecode(); if (hasReportedError()) return stopIterating(); if (sourceIndex < 0) return setErrorAndStopIterating("Invalid sourceIndex found"); if (isSourceMappingSegmentEnd()) return setErrorAndStopIterating("Unsupported Format: No entries after sourceIndex"); sourceLine += base64VLQFormatDecode(); if (hasReportedError()) return stopIterating(); if (sourceLine < 0) return setErrorAndStopIterating("Invalid sourceLine found"); if (isSourceMappingSegmentEnd()) return setErrorAndStopIterating("Unsupported Format: No entries after sourceLine"); sourceCharacter += base64VLQFormatDecode(); if (hasReportedError()) return stopIterating(); if (sourceCharacter < 0) return setErrorAndStopIterating("Invalid sourceCharacter found"); if (!isSourceMappingSegmentEnd()) { hasName = true; nameIndex += base64VLQFormatDecode(); if (hasReportedError()) return stopIterating(); if (nameIndex < 0) return setErrorAndStopIterating("Invalid nameIndex found"); if (!isSourceMappingSegmentEnd()) return setErrorAndStopIterating("Unsupported Error Format: Entries after nameIndex"); } } return { value: captureMapping(hasSource, hasName), done }; } return stopIterating(); } }; function captureMapping(hasSource: true, hasName: true): Required; function captureMapping(hasSource: boolean, hasName: boolean): Mapping; function captureMapping(hasSource: boolean, hasName: boolean): Mapping { return { generatedLine, generatedCharacter, sourceIndex: hasSource ? sourceIndex : undefined, sourceLine: hasSource ? sourceLine : undefined, sourceCharacter: hasSource ? sourceCharacter : undefined, nameIndex: hasName ? nameIndex : undefined }; } function stopIterating(): { value: never, done: true } { done = true; return { value: undefined!, done: true }; } function setError(message: string) { if (error === undefined) { error = message; } } function setErrorAndStopIterating(message: string) { setError(message); return stopIterating(); } function hasReportedError() { return error !== undefined; } function isSourceMappingSegmentEnd() { return (pos === mappings.length || mappings.charCodeAt(pos) === CharacterCodes.comma || mappings.charCodeAt(pos) === CharacterCodes.semicolon); } function base64VLQFormatDecode(): number { let moreDigits = true; let shiftCount = 0; let value = 0; for (; moreDigits; pos++) { if (pos >= mappings.length) return setError("Error in decoding base64VLQFormatDecode, past the mapping string"), -1; // 6 digit number const currentByte = base64FormatDecode(mappings.charCodeAt(pos)); if (currentByte === -1) return setError("Invalid character in VLQ"), -1; // If msb is set, we still have more bits to continue moreDigits = (currentByte & 32) !== 0; // least significant 5 bits are the next msbs in the final value. value = value | ((currentByte & 31) << shiftCount); shiftCount += 5; } // Least significant bit if 1 represents negative and rest of the msb is actual absolute value if ((value & 1) === 0) { // + number value = value >> 1; } else { // - number value = value >> 1; value = -value; } return value; } } export function sameMapping(left: T, right: T) { return left === right || left.generatedLine === right.generatedLine && left.generatedCharacter === right.generatedCharacter && left.sourceIndex === right.sourceIndex && left.sourceLine === right.sourceLine && left.sourceCharacter === right.sourceCharacter && left.nameIndex === right.nameIndex; } export function isSourceMapping(mapping: Mapping): mapping is SourceMapping { return mapping.sourceIndex !== undefined && mapping.sourceLine !== undefined && mapping.sourceCharacter !== undefined; } function base64FormatEncode(value: number) { return value >= 0 && value < 26 ? CharacterCodes.A + value : value >= 26 && value < 52 ? CharacterCodes.a + value - 26 : value >= 52 && value < 62 ? CharacterCodes._0 + value - 52 : value === 62 ? CharacterCodes.plus : value === 63 ? CharacterCodes.slash : Debug.fail(`${value}: not a base64 value`); } function base64FormatDecode(ch: number) { return ch >= CharacterCodes.A && ch <= CharacterCodes.Z ? ch - CharacterCodes.A : ch >= CharacterCodes.a && ch <= CharacterCodes.z ? ch - CharacterCodes.a + 26 : ch >= CharacterCodes._0 && ch <= CharacterCodes._9 ? ch - CharacterCodes._0 + 52 : ch === CharacterCodes.plus ? 62 : ch === CharacterCodes.slash ? 63 : -1; } function base64VLQFormatEncode(inValue: number) { // Add a new least significant bit that has the sign of the value. // if negative number the least significant bit that gets added to the number has value 1 // else least significant bit value that gets added is 0 // eg. -1 changes to binary : 01 [1] => 3 // +1 changes to binary : 01 [0] => 2 if (inValue < 0) { inValue = ((-inValue) << 1) + 1; } else { inValue = inValue << 1; } // Encode 5 bits at a time starting from least significant bits let encodedStr = ""; do { let currentDigit = inValue & 31; // 11111 inValue = inValue >> 5; if (inValue > 0) { // There are still more digits to decode, set the msb (6th bit) currentDigit = currentDigit | 32; } encodedStr = encodedStr + String.fromCharCode(base64FormatEncode(currentDigit)); } while (inValue > 0); return encodedStr; } interface MappedPosition { generatedPosition: number; source: string | undefined; sourceIndex: number | undefined; sourcePosition: number | undefined; nameIndex: number | undefined; } interface SourceMappedPosition extends MappedPosition { source: string; sourceIndex: number; sourcePosition: number; } function isSourceMappedPosition(value: MappedPosition): value is SourceMappedPosition { return value.sourceIndex !== undefined && value.sourcePosition !== undefined; } function sameMappedPosition(left: MappedPosition, right: MappedPosition) { return left.generatedPosition === right.generatedPosition && left.sourceIndex === right.sourceIndex && left.sourcePosition === right.sourcePosition; } function compareSourcePositions(left: SourceMappedPosition, right: SourceMappedPosition) { // Compares sourcePosition without comparing sourceIndex // since the mappings are grouped by sourceIndex Debug.assert(left.sourceIndex === right.sourceIndex); return compareValues(left.sourcePosition, right.sourcePosition); } function compareGeneratedPositions(left: MappedPosition, right: MappedPosition) { return compareValues(left.generatedPosition, right.generatedPosition); } function getSourcePositionOfMapping(value: SourceMappedPosition) { return value.sourcePosition; } function getGeneratedPositionOfMapping(value: MappedPosition) { return value.generatedPosition; } export function createDocumentPositionMapper(host: DocumentPositionMapperHost, map: RawSourceMap, mapPath: string): DocumentPositionMapper { const mapDirectory = getDirectoryPath(mapPath); const sourceRoot = map.sourceRoot ? getNormalizedAbsolutePath(map.sourceRoot, mapDirectory) : mapDirectory; const generatedAbsoluteFilePath = getNormalizedAbsolutePath(map.file, mapDirectory); const generatedFile = host.getSourceFileLike(generatedAbsoluteFilePath); const sourceFileAbsolutePaths = map.sources.map(source => getNormalizedAbsolutePath(source, sourceRoot)); const sourceToSourceIndexMap = new Map(sourceFileAbsolutePaths.map((source, i) => [host.getCanonicalFileName(source), i])); let decodedMappings: readonly MappedPosition[] | undefined; let generatedMappings: SortedReadonlyArray | undefined; let sourceMappings: readonly SortedReadonlyArray[] | undefined; return { getSourcePosition, getGeneratedPosition }; function processMapping(mapping: Mapping): MappedPosition { const generatedPosition = generatedFile !== undefined ? getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(generatedFile, mapping.generatedLine, mapping.generatedCharacter, /*allowEdits*/ true) : -1; let source: string | undefined; let sourcePosition: number | undefined; if (isSourceMapping(mapping)) { const sourceFile = host.getSourceFileLike(sourceFileAbsolutePaths[mapping.sourceIndex]); source = map.sources[mapping.sourceIndex]; sourcePosition = sourceFile !== undefined ? getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(sourceFile, mapping.sourceLine, mapping.sourceCharacter, /*allowEdits*/ true) : -1; } return { generatedPosition, source, sourceIndex: mapping.sourceIndex, sourcePosition, nameIndex: mapping.nameIndex }; } function getDecodedMappings() { if (decodedMappings === undefined) { const decoder = decodeMappings(map.mappings); const mappings = arrayFrom(decoder, processMapping); if (decoder.error !== undefined) { if (host.log) { host.log(`Encountered error while decoding sourcemap: ${decoder.error}`); } decodedMappings = emptyArray; } else { decodedMappings = mappings; } } return decodedMappings; } function getSourceMappings(sourceIndex: number) { if (sourceMappings === undefined) { const lists: SourceMappedPosition[][] = []; for (const mapping of getDecodedMappings()) { if (!isSourceMappedPosition(mapping)) continue; let list = lists[mapping.sourceIndex]; if (!list) lists[mapping.sourceIndex] = list = []; list.push(mapping); } sourceMappings = lists.map(list => sortAndDeduplicate(list, compareSourcePositions, sameMappedPosition)); } return sourceMappings[sourceIndex]; } function getGeneratedMappings() { if (generatedMappings === undefined) { const list: MappedPosition[] = []; for (const mapping of getDecodedMappings()) { list.push(mapping); } generatedMappings = sortAndDeduplicate(list, compareGeneratedPositions, sameMappedPosition); } return generatedMappings; } function getGeneratedPosition(loc: DocumentPosition): DocumentPosition { const sourceIndex = sourceToSourceIndexMap.get(host.getCanonicalFileName(loc.fileName)); if (sourceIndex === undefined) return loc; const sourceMappings = getSourceMappings(sourceIndex); if (!some(sourceMappings)) return loc; let targetIndex = binarySearchKey(sourceMappings, loc.pos, getSourcePositionOfMapping, compareValues); if (targetIndex < 0) { // if no exact match, closest is 2's complement of result targetIndex = ~targetIndex; } const mapping = sourceMappings[targetIndex]; if (mapping === undefined || mapping.sourceIndex !== sourceIndex) { return loc; } return { fileName: generatedAbsoluteFilePath, pos: mapping.generatedPosition }; // Closest pos } function getSourcePosition(loc: DocumentPosition): DocumentPosition { const generatedMappings = getGeneratedMappings(); if (!some(generatedMappings)) return loc; let targetIndex = binarySearchKey(generatedMappings, loc.pos, getGeneratedPositionOfMapping, compareValues); if (targetIndex < 0) { // if no exact match, closest is 2's complement of result targetIndex = ~targetIndex; } const mapping = generatedMappings[targetIndex]; if (mapping === undefined || !isSourceMappedPosition(mapping)) { return loc; } return { fileName: sourceFileAbsolutePaths[mapping.sourceIndex], pos: mapping.sourcePosition }; // Closest pos } } export const identitySourceMapConsumer: DocumentPositionMapper = { getSourcePosition: identity, getGeneratedPosition: identity }; }