namespace ts { export function isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName: string): boolean { // TypeScript 1.0 spec (April 2014): 11.2.1 // An external module name is "relative" if the first term is "." or "..". // Update: We also consider a path like `C:\foo.ts` "relative" because we do not search for it in `node_modules` or treat it as an ambient module. return pathIsRelative(moduleName) || isRootedDiskPath(moduleName); } export function sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(diagnostics: readonly T[]): SortedReadonlyArray { return sortAndDeduplicate(diagnostics, compareDiagnostics); } export function getDefaultLibFileName(options: CompilerOptions): string { switch ( { case ScriptTarget.ESNext: return "lib.esnext.full.d.ts"; case ScriptTarget.ES2020: return "lib.es2020.full.d.ts"; case ScriptTarget.ES2019: return "lib.es2019.full.d.ts"; case ScriptTarget.ES2018: return "lib.es2018.full.d.ts"; case ScriptTarget.ES2017: return "lib.es2017.full.d.ts"; case ScriptTarget.ES2016: return "lib.es2016.full.d.ts"; case ScriptTarget.ES2015: return "lib.es6.d.ts"; // We don't use lib.es2015.full.d.ts due to breaking change. default: return "lib.d.ts"; } } export function textSpanEnd(span: TextSpan) { return span.start + span.length; } export function textSpanIsEmpty(span: TextSpan) { return span.length === 0; } export function textSpanContainsPosition(span: TextSpan, position: number) { return position >= span.start && position < textSpanEnd(span); } /* @internal */ export function textRangeContainsPositionInclusive(span: TextRange, position: number): boolean { return position >= span.pos && position <= span.end; } // Returns true if 'span' contains 'other'. export function textSpanContainsTextSpan(span: TextSpan, other: TextSpan) { return other.start >= span.start && textSpanEnd(other) <= textSpanEnd(span); } export function textSpanOverlapsWith(span: TextSpan, other: TextSpan) { return textSpanOverlap(span, other) !== undefined; } export function textSpanOverlap(span1: TextSpan, span2: TextSpan): TextSpan | undefined { const overlap = textSpanIntersection(span1, span2); return overlap && overlap.length === 0 ? undefined : overlap; } export function textSpanIntersectsWithTextSpan(span: TextSpan, other: TextSpan) { return decodedTextSpanIntersectsWith(span.start, span.length, other.start, other.length); } export function textSpanIntersectsWith(span: TextSpan, start: number, length: number) { return decodedTextSpanIntersectsWith(span.start, span.length, start, length); } export function decodedTextSpanIntersectsWith(start1: number, length1: number, start2: number, length2: number) { const end1 = start1 + length1; const end2 = start2 + length2; return start2 <= end1 && end2 >= start1; } export function textSpanIntersectsWithPosition(span: TextSpan, position: number) { return position <= textSpanEnd(span) && position >= span.start; } export function textSpanIntersection(span1: TextSpan, span2: TextSpan): TextSpan | undefined { const start = Math.max(span1.start, span2.start); const end = Math.min(textSpanEnd(span1), textSpanEnd(span2)); return start <= end ? createTextSpanFromBounds(start, end) : undefined; } export function createTextSpan(start: number, length: number): TextSpan { if (start < 0) { throw new Error("start < 0"); } if (length < 0) { throw new Error("length < 0"); } return { start, length }; } export function createTextSpanFromBounds(start: number, end: number) { return createTextSpan(start, end - start); } export function textChangeRangeNewSpan(range: TextChangeRange) { return createTextSpan(range.span.start, range.newLength); } export function textChangeRangeIsUnchanged(range: TextChangeRange) { return textSpanIsEmpty(range.span) && range.newLength === 0; } export function createTextChangeRange(span: TextSpan, newLength: number): TextChangeRange { if (newLength < 0) { throw new Error("newLength < 0"); } return { span, newLength }; } export let unchangedTextChangeRange = createTextChangeRange(createTextSpan(0, 0), 0); // eslint-disable-line prefer-const /** * Called to merge all the changes that occurred across several versions of a script snapshot * into a single change. i.e. if a user keeps making successive edits to a script we will * have a text change from V1 to V2, V2 to V3, ..., Vn. * * This function will then merge those changes into a single change range valid between V1 and * Vn. */ export function collapseTextChangeRangesAcrossMultipleVersions(changes: readonly TextChangeRange[]): TextChangeRange { if (changes.length === 0) { return unchangedTextChangeRange; } if (changes.length === 1) { return changes[0]; } // We change from talking about { { oldStart, oldLength }, newLength } to { oldStart, oldEnd, newEnd } // as it makes things much easier to reason about. const change0 = changes[0]; let oldStartN = change0.span.start; let oldEndN = textSpanEnd(change0.span); let newEndN = oldStartN + change0.newLength; for (let i = 1; i < changes.length; i++) { const nextChange = changes[i]; // Consider the following case: // i.e. two edits. The first represents the text change range { { 10, 50 }, 30 }. i.e. The span starting // at 10, with length 50 is reduced to length 30. The second represents the text change range { { 30, 30 }, 40 }. // i.e. the span starting at 30 with length 30 is increased to length 40. // // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // | / // | /---- // T1 | /---- // | /---- // | /---- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // | \ // | \ // T2 | \ // | \ // | \ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Merging these turns out to not be too difficult. First, determining the new start of the change is trivial // it's just the min of the old and new starts. i.e.: // // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 // ------------------------------------------------------------*------------------------------------------ // | / // | /---- // T1 | /---- // | /---- // | /---- // ----------------------------------------$-------------------$------------------------------------------ // . | \ // . | \ // T2 . | \ // . | \ // . | \ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------*-------------------------------- // // (Note the dots represent the newly inferred start. // Determining the new and old end is also pretty simple. Basically it boils down to paying attention to the // absolute positions at the asterisks, and the relative change between the dollar signs. Basically, we see // which if the two $'s precedes the other, and we move that one forward until they line up. in this case that // means: // // 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*---------------------- // | / // | /---- // T1 | /---- // | /---- // | /---- // ------------------------------------------------------------$------------------------------------------ // . | \ // . | \ // T2 . | \ // . | \ // . | \ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------*-------------------------------- // // In other words (in this case), we're recognizing that the second edit happened after where the first edit // ended with a delta of 20 characters (60 - 40). Thus, if we go back in time to where the first edit started // that's the same as if we started at char 80 instead of 60. // // As it so happens, the same logic applies if the second edit precedes the first edit. In that case rather // than pushing the first edit forward to match the second, we'll push the second edit forward to match the // first. // // In this case that means we have { oldStart: 10, oldEnd: 80, newEnd: 70 } or, in TextChangeRange // semantics: { { start: 10, length: 70 }, newLength: 60 } // // The math then works out as follows. // If we have { oldStart1, oldEnd1, newEnd1 } and { oldStart2, oldEnd2, newEnd2 } then we can compute the // final result like so: // // { // oldStart3: Min(oldStart1, oldStart2), // oldEnd3: Max(oldEnd1, oldEnd1 + (oldEnd2 - newEnd1)), // newEnd3: Max(newEnd2, newEnd2 + (newEnd1 - oldEnd2)) // } const oldStart1 = oldStartN; const oldEnd1 = oldEndN; const newEnd1 = newEndN; const oldStart2 = nextChange.span.start; const oldEnd2 = textSpanEnd(nextChange.span); const newEnd2 = oldStart2 + nextChange.newLength; oldStartN = Math.min(oldStart1, oldStart2); oldEndN = Math.max(oldEnd1, oldEnd1 + (oldEnd2 - newEnd1)); newEndN = Math.max(newEnd2, newEnd2 + (newEnd1 - oldEnd2)); } return createTextChangeRange(createTextSpanFromBounds(oldStartN, oldEndN), /*newLength*/ newEndN - oldStartN); } export function getTypeParameterOwner(d: Declaration): Declaration | undefined { if (d && d.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeParameter) { for (let current: Node = d; current; current = current.parent) { if (isFunctionLike(current) || isClassLike(current) || current.kind === SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration) { return current; } } } } export type ParameterPropertyDeclaration = ParameterDeclaration & { parent: ConstructorDeclaration, name: Identifier }; export function isParameterPropertyDeclaration(node: Node, parent: Node): node is ParameterPropertyDeclaration { return hasSyntacticModifier(node, ModifierFlags.ParameterPropertyModifier) && parent.kind === SyntaxKind.Constructor; } export function isEmptyBindingPattern(node: BindingName): node is BindingPattern { if (isBindingPattern(node)) { return every(node.elements, isEmptyBindingElement); } return false; } export function isEmptyBindingElement(node: BindingElement): boolean { if (isOmittedExpression(node)) { return true; } return isEmptyBindingPattern(; } export function walkUpBindingElementsAndPatterns(binding: BindingElement): VariableDeclaration | ParameterDeclaration { let node = binding.parent; while (isBindingElement(node.parent)) { node = node.parent.parent; } return node.parent; } function getCombinedFlags(node: Node, getFlags: (n: Node) => number): number { if (isBindingElement(node)) { node = walkUpBindingElementsAndPatterns(node); } let flags = getFlags(node); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration) { node = node.parent; } if (node && node.kind === SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarationList) { flags |= getFlags(node); node = node.parent; } if (node && node.kind === SyntaxKind.VariableStatement) { flags |= getFlags(node); } return flags; } export function getCombinedModifierFlags(node: Declaration): ModifierFlags { return getCombinedFlags(node, getEffectiveModifierFlags); } /* @internal */ export function getCombinedNodeFlagsAlwaysIncludeJSDoc(node: Declaration): ModifierFlags { return getCombinedFlags(node, getEffectiveModifierFlagsAlwaysIncludeJSDoc); } // Returns the node flags for this node and all relevant parent nodes. This is done so that // nodes like variable declarations and binding elements can returned a view of their flags // that includes the modifiers from their container. i.e. flags like export/declare aren't // stored on the variable declaration directly, but on the containing variable statement // (if it has one). Similarly, flags for let/const are stored on the variable declaration // list. By calling this function, all those flags are combined so that the client can treat // the node as if it actually had those flags. export function getCombinedNodeFlags(node: Node): NodeFlags { return getCombinedFlags(node, n => n.flags); } /* @internal */ export const supportedLocaleDirectories = ["cs", "de", "es", "fr", "it", "ja", "ko", "pl", "pt-br", "ru", "tr", "zh-cn", "zh-tw"]; /** * Checks to see if the locale is in the appropriate format, * and if it is, attempts to set the appropriate language. */ export function validateLocaleAndSetLanguage( locale: string, sys: { getExecutingFilePath(): string, resolvePath(path: string): string, fileExists(fileName: string): boolean, readFile(fileName: string): string | undefined }, errors?: Push) { const lowerCaseLocale = locale.toLowerCase(); const matchResult = /^([a-z]+)([_\-]([a-z]+))?$/.exec(lowerCaseLocale); if (!matchResult) { if (errors) { errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Locale_must_be_of_the_form_language_or_language_territory_For_example_0_or_1, "en", "ja-jp")); } return; } const language = matchResult[1]; const territory = matchResult[3]; // First try the entire locale, then fall back to just language if that's all we have. // Either ways do not fail, and fallback to the English diagnostic strings. if (contains(supportedLocaleDirectories, lowerCaseLocale) && !trySetLanguageAndTerritory(language, territory, errors)) { trySetLanguageAndTerritory(language, /*territory*/ undefined, errors); } // Set the UI locale for string collation setUILocale(locale); function trySetLanguageAndTerritory(language: string, territory: string | undefined, errors?: Push): boolean { const compilerFilePath = normalizePath(sys.getExecutingFilePath()); const containingDirectoryPath = getDirectoryPath(compilerFilePath); let filePath = combinePaths(containingDirectoryPath, language); if (territory) { filePath = filePath + "-" + territory; } filePath = sys.resolvePath(combinePaths(filePath, "diagnosticMessages.generated.json")); if (!sys.fileExists(filePath)) { return false; } // TODO: Add codePage support for readFile? let fileContents: string | undefined = ""; try { fileContents = sys.readFile(filePath); } catch (e) { if (errors) { errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Unable_to_open_file_0, filePath)); } return false; } try { // this is a global mutation (or live binding update)! setLocalizedDiagnosticMessages(JSON.parse(fileContents!)); } catch { if (errors) { errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Corrupted_locale_file_0, filePath)); } return false; } return true; } } export function getOriginalNode(node: Node): Node; export function getOriginalNode(node: Node, nodeTest: (node: Node) => node is T): T; export function getOriginalNode(node: Node | undefined): Node | undefined; export function getOriginalNode(node: Node | undefined, nodeTest: (node: Node | undefined) => node is T): T | undefined; export function getOriginalNode(node: Node | undefined, nodeTest?: (node: Node | undefined) => boolean): Node | undefined { if (node) { while (node.original !== undefined) { node = node.original; } } return !nodeTest || nodeTest(node) ? node : undefined; } /** * Iterates through the parent chain of a node and performs the callback on each parent until the callback * returns a truthy value, then returns that value. * If no such value is found, it applies the callback until the parent pointer is undefined or the callback returns "quit" * At that point findAncestor returns undefined. */ export function findAncestor(node: Node | undefined, callback: (element: Node) => element is T): T | undefined; export function findAncestor(node: Node | undefined, callback: (element: Node) => boolean | "quit"): Node | undefined; export function findAncestor(node: Node, callback: (element: Node) => boolean | "quit"): Node | undefined { while (node) { const result = callback(node); if (result === "quit") { return undefined; } else if (result) { return node; } node = node.parent; } return undefined; } /** * Gets a value indicating whether a node originated in the parse tree. * * @param node The node to test. */ export function isParseTreeNode(node: Node): boolean { return (node.flags & NodeFlags.Synthesized) === 0; } /** * Gets the original parse tree node for a node. * * @param node The original node. * @returns The original parse tree node if found; otherwise, undefined. */ export function getParseTreeNode(node: Node | undefined): Node | undefined; /** * Gets the original parse tree node for a node. * * @param node The original node. * @param nodeTest A callback used to ensure the correct type of parse tree node is returned. * @returns The original parse tree node if found; otherwise, undefined. */ export function getParseTreeNode(node: T | undefined, nodeTest?: (node: Node) => node is T): T | undefined; export function getParseTreeNode(node: Node | undefined, nodeTest?: (node: Node) => boolean): Node | undefined { if (node === undefined || isParseTreeNode(node)) { return node; } node = node.original; while (node) { if (isParseTreeNode(node)) { return !nodeTest || nodeTest(node) ? node : undefined; } node = node.original; } } /** Add an extra underscore to identifiers that start with two underscores to avoid issues with magic names like '__proto__' */ export function escapeLeadingUnderscores(identifier: string): __String { return (identifier.length >= 2 && identifier.charCodeAt(0) === CharacterCodes._ && identifier.charCodeAt(1) === CharacterCodes._ ? "_" + identifier : identifier) as __String; } /** * Remove extra underscore from escaped identifier text content. * * @param identifier The escaped identifier text. * @returns The unescaped identifier text. */ export function unescapeLeadingUnderscores(identifier: __String): string { const id = identifier as string; return id.length >= 3 && id.charCodeAt(0) === CharacterCodes._ && id.charCodeAt(1) === CharacterCodes._ && id.charCodeAt(2) === CharacterCodes._ ? id.substr(1) : id; } export function idText(identifierOrPrivateName: Identifier | PrivateIdentifier): string { return unescapeLeadingUnderscores(identifierOrPrivateName.escapedText); } export function symbolName(symbol: Symbol): string { if (symbol.valueDeclaration && isPrivateIdentifierPropertyDeclaration(symbol.valueDeclaration)) { return idText(; } return unescapeLeadingUnderscores(symbol.escapedName); } /** * A JSDocTypedef tag has an _optional_ name field - if a name is not directly present, we should * attempt to draw the name from the node the declaration is on (as that declaration is what its' symbol * will be merged with) */ function nameForNamelessJSDocTypedef(declaration: JSDocTypedefTag | JSDocEnumTag): Identifier | PrivateIdentifier | undefined { const hostNode = declaration.parent.parent; if (!hostNode) { return undefined; } // Covers classes, functions - any named declaration host node if (isDeclaration(hostNode)) { return getDeclarationIdentifier(hostNode); } // Covers remaining cases (returning undefined if none match). switch (hostNode.kind) { case SyntaxKind.VariableStatement: if (hostNode.declarationList && hostNode.declarationList.declarations[0]) { return getDeclarationIdentifier(hostNode.declarationList.declarations[0]); } break; case SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement: let expr = hostNode.expression; if (expr.kind === SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression && (expr as BinaryExpression).operatorToken.kind === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) { expr = (expr as BinaryExpression).left; } switch (expr.kind) { case SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression: return (expr as PropertyAccessExpression).name; case SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression: const arg = (expr as ElementAccessExpression).argumentExpression; if (isIdentifier(arg)) { return arg; } } break; case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression: { return getDeclarationIdentifier(hostNode.expression); } case SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement: { if (isDeclaration(hostNode.statement) || isExpression(hostNode.statement)) { return getDeclarationIdentifier(hostNode.statement); } break; } } } function getDeclarationIdentifier(node: Declaration | Expression): Identifier | undefined { const name = getNameOfDeclaration(node); return name && isIdentifier(name) ? name : undefined; } /** @internal */ export function nodeHasName(statement: Node, name: Identifier) { if (isNamedDeclaration(statement) && isIdentifier( && idText( as Identifier) === idText(name)) { return true; } if (isVariableStatement(statement) && some(statement.declarationList.declarations, d => nodeHasName(d, name))) { return true; } return false; } export function getNameOfJSDocTypedef(declaration: JSDocTypedefTag): Identifier | PrivateIdentifier | undefined { return || nameForNamelessJSDocTypedef(declaration); } /** @internal */ export function isNamedDeclaration(node: Node): node is NamedDeclaration & { name: DeclarationName } { return !!(node as NamedDeclaration).name; // A 'name' property should always be a DeclarationName. } /** @internal */ export function getNonAssignedNameOfDeclaration(declaration: Declaration | Expression): DeclarationName | undefined { switch (declaration.kind) { case SyntaxKind.Identifier: return declaration as Identifier; case SyntaxKind.JSDocPropertyTag: case SyntaxKind.JSDocParameterTag: { const { name } = declaration as JSDocPropertyLikeTag; if (name.kind === SyntaxKind.QualifiedName) { return name.right; } break; } case SyntaxKind.CallExpression: case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression: { const expr = declaration as BinaryExpression | CallExpression; switch (getAssignmentDeclarationKind(expr)) { case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ExportsProperty: case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ThisProperty: case AssignmentDeclarationKind.Property: case AssignmentDeclarationKind.PrototypeProperty: return getElementOrPropertyAccessArgumentExpressionOrName((expr as BinaryExpression).left as AccessExpression); case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ObjectDefinePropertyValue: case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ObjectDefinePropertyExports: case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ObjectDefinePrototypeProperty: return (expr as BindableObjectDefinePropertyCall).arguments[1]; default: return undefined; } } case SyntaxKind.JSDocTypedefTag: return getNameOfJSDocTypedef(declaration as JSDocTypedefTag); case SyntaxKind.JSDocEnumTag: return nameForNamelessJSDocTypedef(declaration as JSDocEnumTag); case SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment: { const { expression } = declaration as ExportAssignment; return isIdentifier(expression) ? expression : undefined; } case SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression: const expr = declaration as ElementAccessExpression; if (isBindableStaticElementAccessExpression(expr)) { return expr.argumentExpression; } } return (declaration as NamedDeclaration).name; } export function getNameOfDeclaration(declaration: Declaration | Expression): DeclarationName | undefined { if (declaration === undefined) return undefined; return getNonAssignedNameOfDeclaration(declaration) || (isFunctionExpression(declaration) || isClassExpression(declaration) ? getAssignedName(declaration) : undefined); } /*@internal*/ export function getAssignedName(node: Node): DeclarationName | undefined { if (!node.parent) { return undefined; } else if (isPropertyAssignment(node.parent) || isBindingElement(node.parent)) { return; } else if (isBinaryExpression(node.parent) && node === node.parent.right) { if (isIdentifier(node.parent.left)) { return node.parent.left; } else if (isAccessExpression(node.parent.left)) { return getElementOrPropertyAccessArgumentExpressionOrName(node.parent.left); } } else if (isVariableDeclaration(node.parent) && isIdentifier( { return; } } function getJSDocParameterTagsWorker(param: ParameterDeclaration, noCache?: boolean): readonly JSDocParameterTag[] { if ( { if (isIdentifier( { const name =; return getJSDocTagsWorker(param.parent, noCache).filter((tag): tag is JSDocParameterTag => isJSDocParameterTag(tag) && isIdentifier( && === name); } else { const i = param.parent.parameters.indexOf(param); Debug.assert(i > -1, "Parameters should always be in their parents' parameter list"); const paramTags = getJSDocTagsWorker(param.parent, noCache).filter(isJSDocParameterTag); if (i < paramTags.length) { return [paramTags[i]]; } } } // return empty array for: out-of-order binding patterns and JSDoc function syntax, which has un-named parameters return emptyArray; } /** * Gets the JSDoc parameter tags for the node if present. * * @remarks Returns any JSDoc param tag whose name matches the provided * parameter, whether a param tag on a containing function * expression, or a param tag on a variable declaration whose * initializer is the containing function. The tags closest to the * node are returned first, so in the previous example, the param * tag on the containing function expression would be first. * * For binding patterns, parameter tags are matched by position. */ export function getJSDocParameterTags(param: ParameterDeclaration): readonly JSDocParameterTag[] { return getJSDocParameterTagsWorker(param, /*noCache*/ false); } /* @internal */ export function getJSDocParameterTagsNoCache(param: ParameterDeclaration): readonly JSDocParameterTag[] { return getJSDocParameterTagsWorker(param, /*noCache*/ true); } function getJSDocTypeParameterTagsWorker(param: TypeParameterDeclaration, noCache?: boolean): readonly JSDocTemplateTag[] { const name =; return getJSDocTagsWorker(param.parent, noCache).filter((tag): tag is JSDocTemplateTag => isJSDocTemplateTag(tag) && tag.typeParameters.some(tp => === name)); } /** * Gets the JSDoc type parameter tags for the node if present. * * @remarks Returns any JSDoc template tag whose names match the provided * parameter, whether a template tag on a containing function * expression, or a template tag on a variable declaration whose * initializer is the containing function. The tags closest to the * node are returned first, so in the previous example, the template * tag on the containing function expression would be first. */ export function getJSDocTypeParameterTags(param: TypeParameterDeclaration): readonly JSDocTemplateTag[] { return getJSDocTypeParameterTagsWorker(param, /*noCache*/ false); } /* @internal */ export function getJSDocTypeParameterTagsNoCache(param: TypeParameterDeclaration): readonly JSDocTemplateTag[] { return getJSDocTypeParameterTagsWorker(param, /*noCache*/ true); } /** * Return true if the node has JSDoc parameter tags. * * @remarks Includes parameter tags that are not directly on the node, * for example on a variable declaration whose initializer is a function expression. */ export function hasJSDocParameterTags(node: FunctionLikeDeclaration | SignatureDeclaration): boolean { return !!getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocParameterTag); } /** Gets the JSDoc augments tag for the node if present */ export function getJSDocAugmentsTag(node: Node): JSDocAugmentsTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocAugmentsTag); } /** Gets the JSDoc implements tags for the node if present */ export function getJSDocImplementsTags(node: Node): readonly JSDocImplementsTag[] { return getAllJSDocTags(node, isJSDocImplementsTag); } /** Gets the JSDoc class tag for the node if present */ export function getJSDocClassTag(node: Node): JSDocClassTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocClassTag); } /** Gets the JSDoc public tag for the node if present */ export function getJSDocPublicTag(node: Node): JSDocPublicTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocPublicTag); } /*@internal*/ export function getJSDocPublicTagNoCache(node: Node): JSDocPublicTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocPublicTag, /*noCache*/ true); } /** Gets the JSDoc private tag for the node if present */ export function getJSDocPrivateTag(node: Node): JSDocPrivateTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocPrivateTag); } /*@internal*/ export function getJSDocPrivateTagNoCache(node: Node): JSDocPrivateTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocPrivateTag, /*noCache*/ true); } /** Gets the JSDoc protected tag for the node if present */ export function getJSDocProtectedTag(node: Node): JSDocProtectedTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocProtectedTag); } /*@internal*/ export function getJSDocProtectedTagNoCache(node: Node): JSDocProtectedTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocProtectedTag, /*noCache*/ true); } /** Gets the JSDoc protected tag for the node if present */ export function getJSDocReadonlyTag(node: Node): JSDocReadonlyTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocReadonlyTag); } /*@internal*/ export function getJSDocReadonlyTagNoCache(node: Node): JSDocReadonlyTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocReadonlyTag, /*noCache*/ true); } /** Gets the JSDoc deprecated tag for the node if present */ export function getJSDocDeprecatedTag(node: Node): JSDocDeprecatedTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocDeprecatedTag); } /*@internal */ export function getJSDocDeprecatedTagNoCache(node: Node): JSDocDeprecatedTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocDeprecatedTag, /*noCache*/ true); } /** Gets the JSDoc enum tag for the node if present */ export function getJSDocEnumTag(node: Node): JSDocEnumTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocEnumTag); } /** Gets the JSDoc this tag for the node if present */ export function getJSDocThisTag(node: Node): JSDocThisTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocThisTag); } /** Gets the JSDoc return tag for the node if present */ export function getJSDocReturnTag(node: Node): JSDocReturnTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocReturnTag); } /** Gets the JSDoc template tag for the node if present */ export function getJSDocTemplateTag(node: Node): JSDocTemplateTag | undefined { return getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocTemplateTag); } /** Gets the JSDoc type tag for the node if present and valid */ export function getJSDocTypeTag(node: Node): JSDocTypeTag | undefined { // We should have already issued an error if there were multiple type jsdocs, so just use the first one. const tag = getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocTypeTag); if (tag && tag.typeExpression && tag.typeExpression.type) { return tag; } return undefined; } /** * Gets the type node for the node if provided via JSDoc. * * @remarks The search includes any JSDoc param tag that relates * to the provided parameter, for example a type tag on the * parameter itself, or a param tag on a containing function * expression, or a param tag on a variable declaration whose * initializer is the containing function. The tags closest to the * node are examined first, so in the previous example, the type * tag directly on the node would be returned. */ export function getJSDocType(node: Node): TypeNode | undefined { let tag: JSDocTypeTag | JSDocParameterTag | undefined = getFirstJSDocTag(node, isJSDocTypeTag); if (!tag && isParameter(node)) { tag = find(getJSDocParameterTags(node), tag => !!tag.typeExpression); } return tag && tag.typeExpression && tag.typeExpression.type; } /** * Gets the return type node for the node if provided via JSDoc return tag or type tag. * * @remarks `getJSDocReturnTag` just gets the whole JSDoc tag. This function * gets the type from inside the braces, after the fat arrow, etc. */ export function getJSDocReturnType(node: Node): TypeNode | undefined { const returnTag = getJSDocReturnTag(node); if (returnTag && returnTag.typeExpression) { return returnTag.typeExpression.type; } const typeTag = getJSDocTypeTag(node); if (typeTag && typeTag.typeExpression) { const type = typeTag.typeExpression.type; if (isTypeLiteralNode(type)) { const sig = find(type.members, isCallSignatureDeclaration); return sig && sig.type; } if (isFunctionTypeNode(type) || isJSDocFunctionType(type)) { return type.type; } } } function getJSDocTagsWorker(node: Node, noCache?: boolean): readonly JSDocTag[] { let tags = (node as JSDocContainer).jsDocCache; // If cache is 'null', that means we did the work of searching for JSDoc tags and came up with nothing. if (tags === undefined || noCache) { const comments = getJSDocCommentsAndTags(node, noCache); Debug.assert(comments.length < 2 || comments[0] !== comments[1]); tags = flatMap(comments, j => isJSDoc(j) ? j.tags : j); if (!noCache) { (node as JSDocContainer).jsDocCache = tags; } } return tags; } /** Get all JSDoc tags related to a node, including those on parent nodes. */ export function getJSDocTags(node: Node): readonly JSDocTag[] { return getJSDocTagsWorker(node, /*noCache*/ false); } /* @internal */ export function getJSDocTagsNoCache(node: Node): readonly JSDocTag[] { return getJSDocTagsWorker(node, /*noCache*/ true); } /** Get the first JSDoc tag of a specified kind, or undefined if not present. */ function getFirstJSDocTag(node: Node, predicate: (tag: JSDocTag) => tag is T, noCache?: boolean): T | undefined { return find(getJSDocTagsWorker(node, noCache), predicate); } /** Gets all JSDoc tags that match a specified predicate */ export function getAllJSDocTags(node: Node, predicate: (tag: JSDocTag) => tag is T): readonly T[] { return getJSDocTags(node).filter(predicate); } /** Gets all JSDoc tags of a specified kind */ export function getAllJSDocTagsOfKind(node: Node, kind: SyntaxKind): readonly JSDocTag[] { return getJSDocTags(node).filter(doc => doc.kind === kind); } /** * Gets the effective type parameters. If the node was parsed in a * JavaScript file, gets the type parameters from the `@template` tag from JSDoc. */ export function getEffectiveTypeParameterDeclarations(node: DeclarationWithTypeParameters): readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] { if (isJSDocSignature(node)) { return emptyArray; } if (isJSDocTypeAlias(node)) { Debug.assert(node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocComment); return flatMap(node.parent.tags, tag => isJSDocTemplateTag(tag) ? tag.typeParameters : undefined); } if (node.typeParameters) { return node.typeParameters; } if (isInJSFile(node)) { const decls = getJSDocTypeParameterDeclarations(node); if (decls.length) { return decls; } const typeTag = getJSDocType(node); if (typeTag && isFunctionTypeNode(typeTag) && typeTag.typeParameters) { return typeTag.typeParameters; } } return emptyArray; } export function getEffectiveConstraintOfTypeParameter(node: TypeParameterDeclaration): TypeNode | undefined { return node.constraint ? node.constraint : isJSDocTemplateTag(node.parent) && node === node.parent.typeParameters[0] ? node.parent.constraint : undefined; } // #region export function isIdentifierOrPrivateIdentifier(node: Node): node is Identifier | PrivateIdentifier { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier || node.kind === SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier; } /* @internal */ export function isGetOrSetAccessorDeclaration(node: Node): node is AccessorDeclaration { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor || node.kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor; } export function isPropertyAccessChain(node: Node): node is PropertyAccessChain { return isPropertyAccessExpression(node) && !!(node.flags & NodeFlags.OptionalChain); } export function isElementAccessChain(node: Node): node is ElementAccessChain { return isElementAccessExpression(node) && !!(node.flags & NodeFlags.OptionalChain); } export function isCallChain(node: Node): node is CallChain { return isCallExpression(node) && !!(node.flags & NodeFlags.OptionalChain); } export function isOptionalChain(node: Node): node is PropertyAccessChain | ElementAccessChain | CallChain | NonNullChain { const kind = node.kind; return !!(node.flags & NodeFlags.OptionalChain) && (kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression || kind === SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression || kind === SyntaxKind.CallExpression || kind === SyntaxKind.NonNullExpression); } /* @internal */ export function isOptionalChainRoot(node: Node): node is OptionalChainRoot { return isOptionalChain(node) && !isNonNullExpression(node) && !!node.questionDotToken; } /** * Determines whether a node is the expression preceding an optional chain (i.e. `a` in `a?.b`). */ /* @internal */ export function isExpressionOfOptionalChainRoot(node: Node): node is Expression & { parent: OptionalChainRoot } { return isOptionalChainRoot(node.parent) && node.parent.expression === node; } /** * Determines whether a node is the outermost `OptionalChain` in an ECMAScript `OptionalExpression`: * * 1. For `a?.b.c`, the outermost chain is `a?.b.c` (`c` is the end of the chain starting at `a?.`) * 2. For `a?.b!`, the outermost chain is `a?.b` (`b` is the end of the chain starting at `a?.`) * 3. For `(a?.b.c).d`, the outermost chain is `a?.b.c` (`c` is the end of the chain starting at `a?.` since parens end the chain) * 4. For `a?.b.c?.d`, both `a?.b.c` and `a?.b.c?.d` are outermost (`c` is the end of the chain starting at `a?.`, and `d` is * the end of the chain starting at `c?.`) * 5. For `a?.(b?.c).d`, both `b?.c` and `a?.(b?.c)d` are outermost (`c` is the end of the chain starting at `b`, and `d` is * the end of the chain starting at `a?.`) */ /* @internal */ export function isOutermostOptionalChain(node: OptionalChain) { return !isOptionalChain(node.parent) // cases 1, 2, and 3 || isOptionalChainRoot(node.parent) // case 4 || node !== node.parent.expression; // case 5 } export function isNullishCoalesce(node: Node) { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression && (node).operatorToken.kind === SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken; } export function isConstTypeReference(node: Node) { return isTypeReferenceNode(node) && isIdentifier(node.typeName) && node.typeName.escapedText === "const" && !node.typeArguments; } export function skipPartiallyEmittedExpressions(node: Expression): Expression; export function skipPartiallyEmittedExpressions(node: Node): Node; export function skipPartiallyEmittedExpressions(node: Node) { return skipOuterExpressions(node, OuterExpressionKinds.PartiallyEmittedExpressions); } export function isNonNullChain(node: Node): node is NonNullChain { return isNonNullExpression(node) && !!(node.flags & NodeFlags.OptionalChain); } export function isBreakOrContinueStatement(node: Node): node is BreakOrContinueStatement { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.BreakStatement || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement; } export function isNamedExportBindings(node: Node): node is NamedExportBindings { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceExport || node.kind === SyntaxKind.NamedExports; } export function isUnparsedTextLike(node: Node): node is UnparsedTextLike { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.UnparsedText: case SyntaxKind.UnparsedInternalText: return true; default: return false; } } export function isUnparsedNode(node: Node): node is UnparsedNode { return isUnparsedTextLike(node) || node.kind === SyntaxKind.UnparsedPrologue || node.kind === SyntaxKind.UnparsedSyntheticReference; } export function isJSDocPropertyLikeTag(node: Node): node is JSDocPropertyLikeTag { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocPropertyTag || node.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocParameterTag; } // #endregion // #region // Node tests // // All node tests in the following list should *not* reference parent pointers so that // they may be used with transformations. /* @internal */ export function isNode(node: Node) { return isNodeKind(node.kind); } /* @internal */ export function isNodeKind(kind: SyntaxKind) { return kind >= SyntaxKind.FirstNode; } /** * True if node is of some token syntax kind. * For example, this is true for an IfKeyword but not for an IfStatement. * Literals are considered tokens, except TemplateLiteral, but does include TemplateHead/Middle/Tail. */ export function isToken(n: Node): boolean { return n.kind >= SyntaxKind.FirstToken && n.kind <= SyntaxKind.LastToken; } // Node Arrays /* @internal */ export function isNodeArray(array: readonly T[]): array is NodeArray { return array.hasOwnProperty("pos") && array.hasOwnProperty("end"); } // Literals /* @internal */ export function isLiteralKind(kind: SyntaxKind): kind is LiteralToken["kind"] { return SyntaxKind.FirstLiteralToken <= kind && kind <= SyntaxKind.LastLiteralToken; } export function isLiteralExpression(node: Node): node is LiteralExpression { return isLiteralKind(node.kind); } // Pseudo-literals /* @internal */ export function isTemplateLiteralKind(kind: SyntaxKind): kind is TemplateLiteralToken["kind"] { return SyntaxKind.FirstTemplateToken <= kind && kind <= SyntaxKind.LastTemplateToken; } export function isTemplateLiteralToken(node: Node): node is TemplateLiteralToken { return isTemplateLiteralKind(node.kind); } export function isTemplateMiddleOrTemplateTail(node: Node): node is TemplateMiddle | TemplateTail { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.TemplateMiddle || kind === SyntaxKind.TemplateTail; } export function isImportOrExportSpecifier(node: Node): node is ImportSpecifier | ExportSpecifier { return isImportSpecifier(node) || isExportSpecifier(node); } export function isTypeOnlyImportOrExportDeclaration(node: Node): node is TypeOnlyCompatibleAliasDeclaration { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier: case SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier: return (node as ImportOrExportSpecifier).parent.parent.isTypeOnly; case SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport: return (node as NamespaceImport).parent.isTypeOnly; case SyntaxKind.ImportClause: case SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration: return (node as ImportClause | ImportEqualsDeclaration).isTypeOnly; default: return false; } } export function isStringTextContainingNode(node: Node): node is StringLiteral | TemplateLiteralToken { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral || isTemplateLiteralKind(node.kind); } // Identifiers /* @internal */ export function isGeneratedIdentifier(node: Node): node is GeneratedIdentifier { return isIdentifier(node) && (node.autoGenerateFlags! & GeneratedIdentifierFlags.KindMask) > GeneratedIdentifierFlags.None; } // Private Identifiers /*@internal*/ export function isPrivateIdentifierPropertyDeclaration(node: Node): node is PrivateIdentifierPropertyDeclaration { return isPropertyDeclaration(node) && isPrivateIdentifier(; } /*@internal*/ export function isPrivateIdentifierPropertyAccessExpression(node: Node): node is PrivateIdentifierPropertyAccessExpression { return isPropertyAccessExpression(node) && isPrivateIdentifier(; } // Keywords /* @internal */ export function isModifierKind(token: SyntaxKind): token is Modifier["kind"] { switch (token) { case SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword: case SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword: case SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword: case SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword: case SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword: case SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword: case SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword: return true; } return false; } /* @internal */ export function isParameterPropertyModifier(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean { return !!(modifierToFlag(kind) & ModifierFlags.ParameterPropertyModifier); } /* @internal */ export function isClassMemberModifier(idToken: SyntaxKind): boolean { return isParameterPropertyModifier(idToken) || idToken === SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword; } export function isModifier(node: Node): node is Modifier { return isModifierKind(node.kind); } export function isEntityName(node: Node): node is EntityName { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.QualifiedName || kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier; } export function isPropertyName(node: Node): node is PropertyName { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier || kind === SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier || kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral || kind === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral || kind === SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName; } export function isBindingName(node: Node): node is BindingName { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier || kind === SyntaxKind.ObjectBindingPattern || kind === SyntaxKind.ArrayBindingPattern; } // Functions export function isFunctionLike(node: Node): node is SignatureDeclaration { return node && isFunctionLikeKind(node.kind); } /* @internal */ export function isFunctionLikeDeclaration(node: Node): node is FunctionLikeDeclaration { return node && isFunctionLikeDeclarationKind(node.kind); } function isFunctionLikeDeclarationKind(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean { switch (kind) { case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.Constructor: case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction: return true; default: return false; } } /* @internal */ export function isFunctionLikeKind(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean { switch (kind) { case SyntaxKind.MethodSignature: case SyntaxKind.CallSignature: case SyntaxKind.JSDocSignature: case SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature: case SyntaxKind.IndexSignature: case SyntaxKind.FunctionType: case SyntaxKind.JSDocFunctionType: case SyntaxKind.ConstructorType: return true; default: return isFunctionLikeDeclarationKind(kind); } } /* @internal */ export function isFunctionOrModuleBlock(node: Node): boolean { return isSourceFile(node) || isModuleBlock(node) || isBlock(node) && isFunctionLike(node.parent); } // Classes export function isClassElement(node: Node): node is ClassElement { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.Constructor || kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor || kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor || kind === SyntaxKind.IndexSignature || kind === SyntaxKind.SemicolonClassElement; } export function isClassLike(node: Node): node is ClassLikeDeclaration { return node && (node.kind === SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ClassExpression || node.kind === SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration); } export function isStruct(node: Node): node is StructDeclaration { return node && node.kind === SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration; } export function isAccessor(node: Node): node is AccessorDeclaration { return node && (node.kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor || node.kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor); } /* @internal */ export function isMethodOrAccessor(node: Node): node is MethodDeclaration | AccessorDeclaration { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: return true; default: return false; } } // Type members export function isTypeElement(node: Node): node is TypeElement { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature || kind === SyntaxKind.CallSignature || kind === SyntaxKind.PropertySignature || kind === SyntaxKind.MethodSignature || kind === SyntaxKind.IndexSignature; } export function isClassOrTypeElement(node: Node): node is ClassElement | TypeElement { return isTypeElement(node) || isClassElement(node); } export function isObjectLiteralElementLike(node: Node): node is ObjectLiteralElementLike { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment || kind === SyntaxKind.ShorthandPropertyAssignment || kind === SyntaxKind.SpreadAssignment || kind === SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor || kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor; } // Type /** * Node test that determines whether a node is a valid type node. * This differs from the `isPartOfTypeNode` function which determines whether a node is *part* * of a TypeNode. */ export function isTypeNode(node: Node): node is TypeNode { return isTypeNodeKind(node.kind); } export function isFunctionOrConstructorTypeNode(node: Node): node is FunctionTypeNode | ConstructorTypeNode { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.FunctionType: case SyntaxKind.ConstructorType: return true; } return false; } // Binding patterns /* @internal */ export function isBindingPattern(node: Node | undefined): node is BindingPattern { if (node) { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.ArrayBindingPattern || kind === SyntaxKind.ObjectBindingPattern; } return false; } /* @internal */ export function isAssignmentPattern(node: Node): node is AssignmentPattern { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression || kind === SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression; } /* @internal */ export function isArrayBindingElement(node: Node): node is ArrayBindingElement { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.BindingElement || kind === SyntaxKind.OmittedExpression; } /** * Determines whether the BindingOrAssignmentElement is a BindingElement-like declaration */ /* @internal */ export function isDeclarationBindingElement(bindingElement: BindingOrAssignmentElement): bindingElement is VariableDeclaration | ParameterDeclaration | BindingElement { switch (bindingElement.kind) { case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.Parameter: case SyntaxKind.BindingElement: return true; } return false; } /** * Determines whether a node is a BindingOrAssignmentPattern */ /* @internal */ export function isBindingOrAssignmentPattern(node: BindingOrAssignmentElementTarget): node is BindingOrAssignmentPattern { return isObjectBindingOrAssignmentPattern(node) || isArrayBindingOrAssignmentPattern(node); } /** * Determines whether a node is an ObjectBindingOrAssignmentPattern */ /* @internal */ export function isObjectBindingOrAssignmentPattern(node: BindingOrAssignmentElementTarget): node is ObjectBindingOrAssignmentPattern { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ObjectBindingPattern: case SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression: return true; } return false; } /** * Determines whether a node is an ArrayBindingOrAssignmentPattern */ /* @internal */ export function isArrayBindingOrAssignmentPattern(node: BindingOrAssignmentElementTarget): node is ArrayBindingOrAssignmentPattern { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ArrayBindingPattern: case SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression: return true; } return false; } /* @internal */ export function isPropertyAccessOrQualifiedNameOrImportTypeNode(node: Node): node is PropertyAccessExpression | QualifiedName | ImportTypeNode { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression || kind === SyntaxKind.QualifiedName || kind === SyntaxKind.ImportType; } // Expression export function isPropertyAccessOrQualifiedName(node: Node): node is PropertyAccessExpression | QualifiedName { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression || kind === SyntaxKind.QualifiedName; } export function isCallLikeExpression(node: Node): node is CallLikeExpression { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningElement: case SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement: case SyntaxKind.CallExpression: case SyntaxKind.NewExpression: case SyntaxKind.TaggedTemplateExpression: case SyntaxKind.Decorator: case SyntaxKind.EtsComponentExpression: return true; default: return false; } } export function isCallOrNewExpression(node: Node): node is CallExpression | NewExpression { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.CallExpression || node.kind === SyntaxKind.NewExpression; } export function isTemplateLiteral(node: Node): node is TemplateLiteral { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.TemplateExpression || kind === SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral; } /* @internal */ export function isLeftHandSideExpression(node: Node): node is LeftHandSideExpression { return isLeftHandSideExpressionKind(skipPartiallyEmittedExpressions(node).kind); } function isLeftHandSideExpressionKind(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean { switch (kind) { case SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression: case SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression: case SyntaxKind.NewExpression: case SyntaxKind.CallExpression: case SyntaxKind.JsxElement: case SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement: case SyntaxKind.JsxFragment: case SyntaxKind.TaggedTemplateExpression: case SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression: case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression: case SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression: case SyntaxKind.ClassExpression: case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: case SyntaxKind.EtsComponentExpression: case SyntaxKind.Identifier: case SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral: case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral: case SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral: case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: case SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral: case SyntaxKind.TemplateExpression: case SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword: case SyntaxKind.NullKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword: case SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword: case SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword: case SyntaxKind.NonNullExpression: case SyntaxKind.MetaProperty: case SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword: // technically this is only an Expression if it's in a CallExpression return true; default: return false; } } /* @internal */ export function isUnaryExpression(node: Node): node is UnaryExpression { return isUnaryExpressionKind(skipPartiallyEmittedExpressions(node).kind); } function isUnaryExpressionKind(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean { switch (kind) { case SyntaxKind.PrefixUnaryExpression: case SyntaxKind.PostfixUnaryExpression: case SyntaxKind.DeleteExpression: case SyntaxKind.TypeOfExpression: case SyntaxKind.VoidExpression: case SyntaxKind.AwaitExpression: case SyntaxKind.TypeAssertionExpression: return true; default: return isLeftHandSideExpressionKind(kind); } } /* @internal */ export function isUnaryExpressionWithWrite(expr: Node): expr is PrefixUnaryExpression | PostfixUnaryExpression { switch (expr.kind) { case SyntaxKind.PostfixUnaryExpression: return true; case SyntaxKind.PrefixUnaryExpression: return (expr).operator === SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken || (expr).operator === SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken; default: return false; } } /* @internal */ /** * Determines whether a node is an expression based only on its kind. * Use `isExpressionNode` if not in transforms. */ export function isExpression(node: Node): node is Expression { return isExpressionKind(skipPartiallyEmittedExpressions(node).kind); } function isExpressionKind(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean { switch (kind) { case SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression: case SyntaxKind.YieldExpression: case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction: case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression: case SyntaxKind.SpreadElement: case SyntaxKind.AsExpression: case SyntaxKind.OmittedExpression: case SyntaxKind.CommaListExpression: case SyntaxKind.PartiallyEmittedExpression: return true; default: return isUnaryExpressionKind(kind); } } export function isAssertionExpression(node: Node): node is AssertionExpression { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.TypeAssertionExpression || kind === SyntaxKind.AsExpression; } /* @internal */ export function isNotEmittedOrPartiallyEmittedNode(node: Node): node is NotEmittedStatement | PartiallyEmittedExpression { return isNotEmittedStatement(node) || isPartiallyEmittedExpression(node); } // Statement export function isIterationStatement(node: Node, lookInLabeledStatements: false): node is IterationStatement; export function isIterationStatement(node: Node, lookInLabeledStatements: boolean): node is IterationStatement | LabeledStatement; export function isIterationStatement(node: Node, lookInLabeledStatements: boolean): node is IterationStatement { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ForStatement: case SyntaxKind.ForInStatement: case SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement: case SyntaxKind.DoStatement: case SyntaxKind.WhileStatement: return true; case SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement: return lookInLabeledStatements && isIterationStatement((node).statement, lookInLabeledStatements); } return false; } /* @internal */ export function isScopeMarker(node: Node) { return isExportAssignment(node) || isExportDeclaration(node); } /* @internal */ export function hasScopeMarker(statements: readonly Statement[]) { return some(statements, isScopeMarker); } /* @internal */ export function needsScopeMarker(result: Statement) { return !isAnyImportOrReExport(result) && !isExportAssignment(result) && !hasSyntacticModifier(result, ModifierFlags.Export) && !isAmbientModule(result); } /* @internal */ export function isExternalModuleIndicator(result: Statement) { // Exported top-level member indicates moduleness return isAnyImportOrReExport(result) || isExportAssignment(result) || hasSyntacticModifier(result, ModifierFlags.Export); } /* @internal */ export function isForInOrOfStatement(node: Node): node is ForInOrOfStatement { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.ForInStatement || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement; } // Element /* @internal */ export function isConciseBody(node: Node): node is ConciseBody { return isBlock(node) || isExpression(node); } /* @internal */ export function isFunctionBody(node: Node): node is FunctionBody { return isBlock(node); } /* @internal */ export function isForInitializer(node: Node): node is ForInitializer { return isVariableDeclarationList(node) || isExpression(node); } /* @internal */ export function isModuleBody(node: Node): node is ModuleBody { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock || kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier; } /* @internal */ export function isNamespaceBody(node: Node): node is NamespaceBody { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock || kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration; } /* @internal */ export function isJSDocNamespaceBody(node: Node): node is JSDocNamespaceBody { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier || kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration; } /* @internal */ export function isNamedImportBindings(node: Node): node is NamedImportBindings { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.NamedImports || kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport; } /* @internal */ export function isModuleOrEnumDeclaration(node: Node): node is ModuleDeclaration | EnumDeclaration { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration || node.kind === SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration; } function isDeclarationKind(kind: SyntaxKind) { return kind === SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction || kind === SyntaxKind.BindingElement || kind === SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.ClassExpression || kind === SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.Constructor || kind === SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.EnumMember || kind === SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier || kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression || kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor || kind === SyntaxKind.ImportClause || kind === SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier || kind === SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute || kind === SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.MethodSignature || kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceExportDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport || kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceExport || kind === SyntaxKind.Parameter || kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment || kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.PropertySignature || kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor || kind === SyntaxKind.ShorthandPropertyAssignment || kind === SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.TypeParameter || kind === SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocTypedefTag || kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocCallbackTag || kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocPropertyTag; } function isDeclarationStatementKind(kind: SyntaxKind) { return kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.MissingDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment || kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceExportDeclaration; } function isStatementKindButNotDeclarationKind(kind: SyntaxKind) { return kind === SyntaxKind.BreakStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.DebuggerStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.DoStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.EmptyStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.ForInStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.ForStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.IfStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.ReturnStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.SwitchStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.ThrowStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.TryStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.VariableStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.WhileStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.WithStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.NotEmittedStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.EndOfDeclarationMarker || kind === SyntaxKind.MergeDeclarationMarker; } /* @internal */ export function isDeclaration(node: Node): node is NamedDeclaration { if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeParameter) { return (node.parent && node.parent.kind !== SyntaxKind.JSDocTemplateTag) || isInJSFile(node); } return isDeclarationKind(node.kind); } /* @internal */ export function isDeclarationStatement(node: Node): node is DeclarationStatement { return isDeclarationStatementKind(node.kind); } /** * Determines whether the node is a statement that is not also a declaration */ /* @internal */ export function isStatementButNotDeclaration(node: Node): node is Statement { return isStatementKindButNotDeclarationKind(node.kind); } /* @internal */ export function isStatement(node: Node): node is Statement { const kind = node.kind; return isStatementKindButNotDeclarationKind(kind) || isDeclarationStatementKind(kind) || isBlockStatement(node); } function isBlockStatement(node: Node): node is Block { if (node.kind !== SyntaxKind.Block) return false; if (node.parent !== undefined) { if (node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.TryStatement || node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.CatchClause) { return false; } } return !isFunctionBlock(node); } /** * NOTE: This is similar to `isStatement` but does not access parent pointers. */ /* @internal */ export function isStatementOrBlock(node: Node): node is Statement | Block { const kind = node.kind; return isStatementKindButNotDeclarationKind(kind) || isDeclarationStatementKind(kind) || kind === SyntaxKind.Block; } // Module references /* @internal */ export function isModuleReference(node: Node): node is ModuleReference { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.ExternalModuleReference || kind === SyntaxKind.QualifiedName || kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier; } // JSX /* @internal */ export function isJsxTagNameExpression(node: Node): node is JsxTagNameExpression { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword || kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier || kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression; } /* @internal */ export function isJsxChild(node: Node): node is JsxChild { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.JsxElement || kind === SyntaxKind.JsxExpression || kind === SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement || kind === SyntaxKind.JsxText || kind === SyntaxKind.JsxFragment; } /* @internal */ export function isJsxAttributeLike(node: Node): node is JsxAttributeLike { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute || kind === SyntaxKind.JsxSpreadAttribute; } /* @internal */ export function isStringLiteralOrJsxExpression(node: Node): node is StringLiteral | JsxExpression { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral || kind === SyntaxKind.JsxExpression; } export function isJsxOpeningLikeElement(node: Node): node is JsxOpeningLikeElement { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningElement || kind === SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement; } // Clauses export function isCaseOrDefaultClause(node: Node): node is CaseOrDefaultClause { const kind = node.kind; return kind === SyntaxKind.CaseClause || kind === SyntaxKind.DefaultClause; } // JSDoc /** True if node is of some JSDoc syntax kind. */ /* @internal */ export function isJSDocNode(node: Node): boolean { return node.kind >= SyntaxKind.FirstJSDocNode && node.kind <= SyntaxKind.LastJSDocNode; } /** True if node is of a kind that may contain comment text. */ export function isJSDocCommentContainingNode(node: Node): boolean { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocComment || node.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocNamepathType || isJSDocTag(node) || isJSDocTypeLiteral(node) || isJSDocSignature(node); } // TODO: determine what this does before making it public. /* @internal */ export function isJSDocTag(node: Node): node is JSDocTag { return node.kind >= SyntaxKind.FirstJSDocTagNode && node.kind <= SyntaxKind.LastJSDocTagNode; } export function isSetAccessor(node: Node): node is SetAccessorDeclaration { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor; } export function isGetAccessor(node: Node): node is GetAccessorDeclaration { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor; } /** True if has jsdoc nodes attached to it. */ /* @internal */ // TODO: GH#19856 Would like to return `node is Node & { jsDoc: JSDoc[] }` but it causes long compile times export function hasJSDocNodes(node: Node): node is HasJSDoc { const { jsDoc } = node as JSDocContainer; return !!jsDoc && jsDoc.length > 0; } /** True if has type node attached to it. */ /* @internal */ export function hasType(node: Node): node is HasType { return !!(node as HasType).type; } /** True if has initializer node attached to it. */ /* @internal */ export function hasInitializer(node: Node): node is HasInitializer { return !!(node as HasInitializer).initializer; } /** True if has initializer node attached to it. */ export function hasOnlyExpressionInitializer(node: Node): node is HasExpressionInitializer { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.Parameter: case SyntaxKind.BindingElement: case SyntaxKind.PropertySignature: case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment: case SyntaxKind.EnumMember: return true; default: return false; } } export function isObjectLiteralElement(node: Node): node is ObjectLiteralElement { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute || node.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxSpreadAttribute || isObjectLiteralElementLike(node); } /* @internal */ export function isTypeReferenceType(node: Node): node is TypeReferenceType { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeReference || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments; } const MAX_SMI_X86 = 0x3fff_ffff; /* @internal */ export function guessIndentation(lines: string[]) { let indentation = MAX_SMI_X86; for (const line of lines) { if (!line.length) { continue; } let i = 0; for (; i < line.length && i < indentation; i++) { if (!isWhiteSpaceLike(line.charCodeAt(i))) { break; } } if (i < indentation) { indentation = i; } if (indentation === 0) { return 0; } } return indentation === MAX_SMI_X86 ? undefined : indentation; } export function isStringLiteralLike(node: Node): node is StringLiteralLike { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral || node.kind === SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral; } // #endregion }