#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Description : Create script file for updater """ import os import re import tempfile from decimal import getcontext from decimal import Decimal from log_exception import VendorExpandError from log_exception import UPDATE_LOGGER from utils import OPTIONS_MANAGER from utils import IMAGE_FILE_MOUNT_TO_PARTITION_DICT from utils import PARTITION_FILE from utils import TWO_STEP from utils import TOTAL_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME from utils import SCRIPT_FILE_NAME from utils import SCRIPT_KEY_LIST class Script: def __init__(self): self.script = [] self.version = 0 self.info = {} def add_command(self, cmd=None): """ Add command content to the script. :param cmd: command content :return: """ self.script.append(cmd) def get_script(self): """ Get the script list. :return: script list """ return self.script def sha_check(self, *args, **kwargs): raise VendorExpandError(type(self), 'sha_check') def first_block_check(self, *args, **kwargs): raise VendorExpandError(type(self), 'first_block_check') def abort(self, *args, **kwargs): raise VendorExpandError(type(self), 'abort') def show_progress(self, *args, **kwargs): raise VendorExpandError(type(self), 'show_progress') def block_update(self, *args, **kwargs): raise VendorExpandError(type(self), 'block_update') def sparse_image_write(self, *args, **kwargs): raise VendorExpandError(type(self), 'sparse_image_write') def raw_image_write(self, *args, **kwargs): raise VendorExpandError(type(self), 'raw_image_write') def get_status(self, *args, **kwargs): raise VendorExpandError(type(self), 'get_status') def set_status(self, *args, **kwargs): raise VendorExpandError(type(self), 'set_status') def reboot_now(self, *args, **kwargs): raise VendorExpandError(type(self), 'reboot_now') def updater_partitions(self, *args, **kwargs): raise VendorExpandError(type(self), 'updater_partitions') class PreludeScript(Script): def __init__(self): super().__init__() class VerseScript(Script): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def sha_check(self, ranges_str, expected_sha, partition): """ Get the sha_check command. :param ranges_str: ranges string :param expected_sha: hash value :param partition: image name :return: """ cmd = ('sha_check("/{partition}", "{ranges_str}", ' '"{expected_sha}")').format( ranges_str=ranges_str, expected_sha=expected_sha, partition=partition) return cmd def first_block_check(self, partition): """ Get the first_block_check command. :param partition: image name :return: """ cmd = 'first_block_check("/{partition}")'.format( partition=partition) return cmd def abort(self, partition): """ Get the abort command. :param partition: image name :return: """ cmd = 'abort("ERROR: {partition} partition ' \ 'fails to incremental check!");\n'.format( partition=partition) return cmd def show_progress(self, start_progress, dur): """ Get the show_progress command. 'dur' may be zero to advance the progress via SetProgress :param start_progress: start progress :param dur: seconds :return: """ cmd = 'show_progress({start_progress}, {dur});\n'.format( start_progress=start_progress, dur=dur) return cmd def block_update(self, partition): """ Get the block_update command. :param partition: image name :return: """ cmd = 'block_update("/{partition}", ' \ '"{partition}.transfer.list", "{partition}.new.dat", ' \ '"{partition}.patch.dat");\n'.format(partition=partition) return cmd def sparse_image_write(self, partition): """ Get the sparse_image_write command. :param partition: image name :return: """ cmd = 'sparse_image_write("/%s");\n' % partition return cmd def raw_image_write(self, partition, image_file_name): """ Get the raw_image_write command. :param partition: image name :param image_file_name: image file name :return: """ if partition in IMAGE_FILE_MOUNT_TO_PARTITION_DICT.keys(): partition = IMAGE_FILE_MOUNT_TO_PARTITION_DICT.get(partition) cmd = 'raw_image_write("/%s", "/%s");\n' % (partition, image_file_name) return cmd def get_status(self): """ Get the get_status command. :return: """ cmd = 'get_status("/misc")' return cmd def set_status(self, status_value): """ Get the set_status command. :param status_value: status value to be set :return: """ cmd = 'set_status("/misc", %s);\n' % status_value return cmd def reboot_now(self): """ Get the reboot_now command. :return: """ cmd = 'reboot_now();\n' return cmd def updater_partitions(self): """ Get the updater_partitions command. :return: """ cmd = 'update_partitions("/%s");\n' % PARTITION_FILE return cmd class RefrainScript(Script): def __init__(self): super().__init__() class EndingScript(Script): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def write_script(script_content, opera_name): """ Generate the {opera}script. :param script_content: script content :param opera_name: Opera phase names corresponding to the script content 'prelude', 'verse', 'refrain', and 'ending'. :return: """ script_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') script_file.write(script_content) script_file.seek(0) script_file_name = ''.join([opera_name.title(), SCRIPT_FILE_NAME]) OPTIONS_MANAGER.opera_script_file_name_dict[opera_name].\ append((script_file_name, script_file)) UPDATE_LOGGER.print_log("%s generation complete!" % script_file_name) def generate_total_script(): """ Generate the overall script. """ content_list = [] for each_key, each_value in \ OPTIONS_MANAGER.opera_script_file_name_dict.items(): for each in each_value: each_content = "LoadScript(\"%s\", %s);" % \ (each[0], SCRIPT_KEY_LIST.index(each_key)) content_list.append(each_content) script_total = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') script_total.write('\n'.join(content_list)) script_total.seek(0) OPTIONS_MANAGER.total_script_file_obj = script_total UPDATE_LOGGER.print_log("%s generation complete!" % TOTAL_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME) def get_progress_value(distributable_value=100): """ Allocate a progress value to each image update. :param distributable_value: distributable value :return: """ progress_value_dict = {} full_img_list = OPTIONS_MANAGER.full_img_list incremental_img_list = OPTIONS_MANAGER.incremental_img_list file_size_list = [] if len(full_img_list) == 0 and len(incremental_img_list) == 0: UPDATE_LOGGER.print_log( "get progress value failed! > getting progress value failed!", UPDATE_LOGGER.ERROR_LOG) return False for idx, _ in enumerate(incremental_img_list): # Obtain the size of the incremental image file. if OPTIONS_MANAGER.two_step and incremental_img_list[idx] == TWO_STEP: # Updater images are not involved in progress calculation. incremental_img_list.remove(TWO_STEP) continue file_obj = OPTIONS_MANAGER.incremental_image_file_obj_list[idx] each_img_size = os.path.getsize(file_obj.name) file_size_list.append(each_img_size) for idx, _ in enumerate(full_img_list): # Obtain the size of the full image file. if OPTIONS_MANAGER.two_step and full_img_list[idx] == TWO_STEP: # Updater images are not involved in progress calculation. continue file_obj = OPTIONS_MANAGER.full_image_file_obj_list[idx] each_img_size = os.path.getsize(file_obj.name) file_size_list.append(each_img_size) if OPTIONS_MANAGER.two_step and TWO_STEP in full_img_list: full_img_list.remove(TWO_STEP) proportion_value_list = get_proportion_value_list( file_size_list, distributable_value=distributable_value) adjusted_proportion_value_list = adjust_proportion_value_list( proportion_value_list, distributable_value) all_img_list = incremental_img_list + full_img_list current_progress = 40 for idx, each_img in enumerate(all_img_list): temp_progress = current_progress + adjusted_proportion_value_list[idx] progress_value_dict[each_img] = (current_progress, temp_progress) current_progress = temp_progress return progress_value_dict def get_proportion_value_list(file_size_list, distributable_value=100): """ Obtain the calculated progress proportion value list (proportion_value_list). :param file_size_list: file size list :param distributable_value: distributable value :return proportion_value_list: progress proportion value list """ sum_size = sum(file_size_list) getcontext().prec = 2 proportion_value_list = [] for each_size_value in file_size_list: proportion = Decimal(str(float(each_size_value))) / Decimal( str(float(sum_size))) proportion_value = int( Decimal(str(proportion)) * Decimal(str(float(distributable_value)))) if proportion_value == 0: proportion_value = 1 proportion_value_list.append(proportion_value) return proportion_value_list def adjust_proportion_value_list(proportion_value_list, distributable_value): """ Adjust the calculated progress proportion value list to ensure that sum is equal to distributable_value. :param proportion_value_list: calculated progress proportion value list :param distributable_value: number of distributable progress values :return proportion_value_list: new progress proportion value list """ if len(proportion_value_list) == 0: return [] sum_proportion_value = sum(proportion_value_list) if sum_proportion_value > distributable_value: max_value = max(proportion_value_list) max_idx = proportion_value_list.index(max_value) proportion_value_list[max_idx] = \ max_value - (sum_proportion_value - distributable_value) elif sum_proportion_value < distributable_value: min_value = min(proportion_value_list) min_idx = proportion_value_list.index(min_value) proportion_value_list[min_idx] = \ min_value + (distributable_value - sum_proportion_value) return proportion_value_list def create_script(prelude_script, verse_script, refrain_script, ending_script): """ Generate the script file. :param prelude_script: prelude script :param verse_script: verse script :param refrain_script: refrain script :param ending_script: ending script :return: """ # Generate the prelude script. prelude_script.add_command("\n# ---- prelude ----\n") # Get the distribution progress. progress_value_dict = get_progress_value() if progress_value_dict is False: return False verse_script_content_list = verse_script.get_script() updater_content = [] if OPTIONS_MANAGER.two_step: for idx, each_cmd in enumerate(verse_script_content_list[1:]): if "/%s" % TWO_STEP in each_cmd: updater_content.append(each_cmd) each_cmd = \ '\n'.join( [' %s' % each for each in each_cmd.split('\n')]) verse_script_content_list[0] = \ verse_script_content_list[0].replace( "UPDATER_WRITE_FLAG", "%s\nUPDATER_WRITE_FLAG" % each_cmd) verse_script_content_list[0] = \ verse_script_content_list[0].replace("UPDATER_WRITE_FLAG", "") verse_script_content_list[0] = \ verse_script_content_list[0].replace("updater_WRITE_FLAG", "") for each in updater_content: verse_script_content_list.remove(each) verse_script_content = '\n'.join(verse_script_content_list[1:]) else: verse_script_content = '\n'.join(verse_script_content_list) for key, value in progress_value_dict.items(): show_progress_content = \ verse_script.show_progress((value[1] - value[0]) / 100, 0) verse_script_content = \ re.sub(r'%s_WRITE_FLAG' % key, '%s' % show_progress_content, verse_script_content, count=1) if OPTIONS_MANAGER.two_step: verse_script_content = '\n'.join( [' %s' % each for each in verse_script_content.split('\n')]) verse_script_content = verse_script_content_list[0].replace( "ALL_WRITE_FLAG", verse_script_content) # Generate the verse script. write_script(verse_script_content, 'verse') # Generate the refrain script. refrain_script.add_command("\n# ---- refrain ----\n") # Generate the ending script. ending_script.add_command("\n# ---- ending ----\n") generate_total_script()