/* * Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2014-2020. All rights reserved. * Licensed under Mulan PSL v2. * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: * http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, * EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. * Description: The user of this secure c library should include this header file in you source code. * This header file declare all supported API prototype of the library, * such as memcpy_s, strcpy_s, wcscpy_s,strcat_s, strncat_s, sprintf_s, scanf_s, and so on. * Author: lishunda * Create: 2014-02-25 */ #ifndef SECUREC_H_5D13A042_DC3F_4ED9_A8D1_882811274C27 #define SECUREC_H_5D13A042_DC3F_4ED9_A8D1_882811274C27 #include "securectype.h" #ifndef SECUREC_HAVE_STDARG_H #define SECUREC_HAVE_STDARG_H 1 #endif #if SECUREC_HAVE_STDARG_H #include <stdarg.h> #endif #ifndef SECUREC_HAVE_ERRNO_H #define SECUREC_HAVE_ERRNO_H 1 #endif /* EINVAL ERANGE may defined in errno.h */ #if SECUREC_HAVE_ERRNO_H #if SECUREC_IN_KERNEL #include <linux/errno.h> #else #include <errno.h> #endif #endif /* Define error code */ #if defined(SECUREC_NEED_ERRNO_TYPE) || !defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) || \ (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && (!__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__)) #ifndef SECUREC_DEFINED_ERRNO_TYPE #define SECUREC_DEFINED_ERRNO_TYPE /* Just check whether macrodefinition exists. */ #ifndef errno_t typedef int errno_t; #endif #endif #endif /* Success */ #ifndef EOK #define EOK 0 #endif #ifndef EINVAL /* The src buffer is not correct and destination buffer cant not be reset */ #define EINVAL 22 #endif #ifndef EINVAL_AND_RESET /* Once the error is detected, the dest buffer must be reseted! Value is 22 or 128 */ #define EINVAL_AND_RESET 150 #endif #ifndef ERANGE /* The destination buffer is not long enough and destination buffer can not be reset */ #define ERANGE 34 #endif #ifndef ERANGE_AND_RESET /* Once the error is detected, the dest buffer must be reseted! Value is 34 or 128 */ #define ERANGE_AND_RESET 162 #endif #ifndef EOVERLAP_AND_RESET /* Once the buffer overlap is detected, the dest buffer must be reseted! Value is 54 or 128 */ #define EOVERLAP_AND_RESET 182 #endif /* If you need export the function of this library in Win32 dll, use __declspec(dllexport) */ #ifndef SECUREC_API #if defined(SECUREC_DLL_EXPORT) #define SECUREC_API __declspec(dllexport) #elif defined(SECUREC_DLL_IMPORT) #define SECUREC_API __declspec(dllimport) #else /* * Standardized function declaration. If a security function is declared in the your code, * it may cause a compilation alarm,Please delete the security function you declared. * Adding extern under windows will cause the system to have inline functions to expand, * so do not add the extern in default */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define SECUREC_API #else #define SECUREC_API extern #endif #endif #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_MEMSET /* * Description: The memset_s function copies the value of c (converted to an unsigned char) into each of * the first count characters of the object pointed to by dest. * Parameter: dest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer * Parameter: c - the value to be copied * Parameter: count - copies count bytes of value to dest * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t memset_s(void *dest, size_t destMax, int c, size_t count); #endif #ifndef SECUREC_ONLY_DECLARE_MEMSET #define SECUREC_ONLY_DECLARE_MEMSET 0 #endif #if !SECUREC_ONLY_DECLARE_MEMSET #if SECUREC_ENABLE_MEMMOVE /* * Description: The memmove_s function copies n characters from the object pointed to by src * into the object pointed to by dest. * Parameter: dest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer * Parameter: src - source address * Parameter: count - copies count bytes from the src * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t memmove_s(void *dest, size_t destMax, const void *src, size_t count); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_MEMCPY /* * Description: The memcpy_s function copies n characters from the object pointed to * by src into the object pointed to by dest. * Parameter: dest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer * Parameter: src - source address * Parameter: count - copies count bytes from the src * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t memcpy_s(void *dest, size_t destMax, const void *src, size_t count); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_STRCPY /* * Description: The strcpy_s function copies the string pointed to by strSrc (including * the terminating null character) into the array pointed to by strDest * Parameter: strDest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null character) * Parameter: strSrc - source address * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t strcpy_s(char *strDest, size_t destMax, const char *strSrc); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_STRNCPY /* * Description: The strncpy_s function copies not more than n successive characters (not including * the terminating null character) from the array pointed to by strSrc to the array pointed to by strDest. * Parameter: strDest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null character) * Parameter: strSrc - source address * Parameter: count - copies count characters from the src * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t strncpy_s(char *strDest, size_t destMax, const char *strSrc, size_t count); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_STRCAT /* * Description: The strcat_s function appends a copy of the string pointed to by strSrc (including * the terminating null character) to the end of the string pointed to by strDest. * Parameter: strDest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null wide character) * Parameter: strSrc - source address * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t strcat_s(char *strDest, size_t destMax, const char *strSrc); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_STRNCAT /* * Description: The strncat_s function appends not more than n successive characters (not including * the terminating null character) * from the array pointed to by strSrc to the end of the string pointed to by strDest. * Parameter: strDest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null character) * Parameter: strSrc - source address * Parameter: count - copies count characters from the src * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t strncat_s(char *strDest, size_t destMax, const char *strSrc, size_t count); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_VSPRINTF /* * Description: The vsprintf_s function is equivalent to the vsprintf function except for the parameter destMax * and the explicit runtime-constraints violation * Parameter: strDest - produce output according to a format ,write to the character string strDest. * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null wide characte) * Parameter: format - fromat string * Parameter: argList - instead of a variable number of arguments * Return: the number of characters printed(not including the terminating null byte '\0'), * If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int vsprintf_s(char *strDest, size_t destMax, const char *format, va_list argList) SECUREC_ATTRIBUTE(3, 0); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_SPRINTF /* * Description: The sprintf_s function is equivalent to the sprintf function except for the parameter destMax * and the explicit runtime-constraints violation * Parameter: strDest - produce output according to a format ,write to the character string strDest. * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null byte '\0') * Parameter: format - fromat string * Return: the number of characters printed(not including the terminating null byte '\0'), * If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int sprintf_s(char *strDest, size_t destMax, const char *format, ...) SECUREC_ATTRIBUTE(3, 4); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_VSNPRINTF /* * Description: The vsnprintf_s function is equivalent to the vsnprintf function except for * the parameter destMax/count and the explicit runtime-constraints violation * Parameter: strDest - produce output according to a format ,write to the character string strDest. * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null byte '\0') * Parameter: count - do not write more than count bytes to strDest(not including the terminating null byte '\0') * Parameter: format - fromat string * Parameter: argList - instead of a variable number of arguments * Return: the number of characters printed(not including the terminating null byte '\0'), * If an error occurred Return: -1.Pay special attention to returning -1 when truncation occurs */ SECUREC_API int vsnprintf_s(char *strDest, size_t destMax, size_t count, const char *format, va_list argList) SECUREC_ATTRIBUTE(4, 0); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_SNPRINTF /* * Description: The snprintf_s function is equivalent to the snprintf function except for * the parameter destMax/count and the explicit runtime-constraints violation * Parameter: strDest - produce output according to a format ,write to the character string strDest. * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null byte '\0') * Parameter: count - do not write more than count bytes to strDest(not including the terminating null byte '\0') * Parameter: format - fromat string * Return: the number of characters printed(not including the terminating null byte '\0'), * If an error occurred Return: -1.Pay special attention to returning -1 when truncation occurs */ SECUREC_API int snprintf_s(char *strDest, size_t destMax, size_t count, const char *format, ...) SECUREC_ATTRIBUTE(4, 5); #endif #if SECUREC_SNPRINTF_TRUNCATED /* * Description: The vsnprintf_truncated_s function is equivalent to the vsnprintf_s function except * no count parameter and return value * Parameter: strDest - produce output according to a format ,write to the character string strDest * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null byte '\0') * Parameter: format - fromat string * Parameter: argList - instead of a variable number of arguments * Return: the number of characters printed(not including the terminating null byte '\0'), * If an error occurred Return: -1.Pay special attention to returning destMax - 1 when truncation occurs */ SECUREC_API int vsnprintf_truncated_s(char *strDest, size_t destMax, const char *format, va_list argList) SECUREC_ATTRIBUTE(3, 0); /* * Description: The snprintf_truncated_s function is equivalent to the snprintf_2 function except * no count parameter and return value * Parameter: strDest - produce output according to a format ,write to the character string strDest. * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null byte '\0') * Parameter: format - fromat string * Return: the number of characters printed(not including the terminating null byte '\0'), * If an error occurred Return: -1.Pay special attention to returning destMax - 1 when truncation occurs */ SECUREC_API int snprintf_truncated_s(char *strDest, size_t destMax, const char *format, ...) SECUREC_ATTRIBUTE(3, 4); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_SCANF /* * Description: The scanf_s function is equivalent to fscanf_s with the argument stdin * interposed before the arguments to scanf_s * Parameter: format - fromat string * Return: the number of input items assigned, If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int scanf_s(const char *format, ...); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_VSCANF /* * Description: The vscanf_s function is equivalent to scanf_s, with the variable argument list replaced by argList * Parameter: format - fromat string * Parameter: argList - instead of a variable number of arguments * Return: the number of input items assigned, If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int vscanf_s(const char *format, va_list argList); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_SSCANF /* * Description: The sscanf_s function is equivalent to fscanf_s, except that input is obtained from a * string (specified by the argument buffer) rather than from a stream * Parameter: buffer - read character from buffer * Parameter: format - fromat string * Return: the number of input items assigned, If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int sscanf_s(const char *buffer, const char *format, ...); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_VSSCANF /* * Description: The vsscanf_s function is equivalent to sscanf_s, with the variable argument list * replaced by argList * Parameter: buffer - read character from buffer * Parameter: format - fromat string * Parameter: argList - instead of a variable number of arguments * Return: the number of input items assigned, If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int vsscanf_s(const char *buffer, const char *format, va_list argList); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_FSCANF /* * Description: The fscanf_s function is equivalent to fscanf except that the c, s, and [ conversion specifiers * apply to a pair of arguments (unless assignment suppression is indicated by a*) * Parameter: stream - stdio file stream * Parameter: format - fromat string * Return: the number of input items assigned, If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int fscanf_s(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_VFSCANF /* * Description: The vfscanf_s function is equivalent to fscanf_s, with the variable argument list * replaced by argList * Parameter: stream - stdio file stream * Parameter: format - fromat string * Parameter: argList - instead of a variable number of arguments * Return: the number of input items assigned, If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int vfscanf_s(FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list argList); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_STRTOK /* * Description: The strtok_s function parses a string into a sequence of strToken, * replace all characters in strToken string that match to strDelimit set with 0. * On the first call to strtok_s the string to be parsed should be specified in strToken. * In each subsequent call that should parse the same string, strToken should be NULL * Parameter: strToken - the string to be delimited * Parameter: strDelimit - specifies a set of characters that delimit the tokens in the parsed string * Parameter: context - is a pointer to a char * variable that is used internally by strtok_s function * Return: On the first call returns the address of the first non \0 character, otherwise NULL is returned. * In subsequent calls, the strtoken is set to NULL, and the context set is the same as the previous call, * return NULL if the *context string length is equal 0, otherwise return *context. */ SECUREC_API char *strtok_s(char *strToken, const char *strDelimit, char **context); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_GETS && !SECUREC_IN_KERNEL /* * Description: The gets_s function reads at most one less than the number of characters specified * by destMax from the stream pointed to by stdin, into the array pointed to by buffer * Parameter: buffer - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null character) * Return: buffer if there was no runtime-constraint violation,If an error occurred Return: NULL. */ SECUREC_API char *gets_s(char *buffer, size_t destMax); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_WCHAR_FUNC #if SECUREC_ENABLE_MEMCPY /* * Description: The wmemcpy_s function copies n successive wide characters from the object pointed to * by src into the object pointed to by dest. * Parameter: dest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer * Parameter: src - source address * Parameter: count - copies count wide characters from the src * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t wmemcpy_s(wchar_t *dest, size_t destMax, const wchar_t *src, size_t count); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_MEMMOVE /* * Description: The wmemmove_s function copies n successive wide characters from the object * pointed to by src into the object pointed to by dest. * Parameter: dest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer * Parameter: src - source address * Parameter: count - copies count wide characters from the src * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t wmemmove_s(wchar_t *dest, size_t destMax, const wchar_t *src, size_t count); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_STRCPY /* * Description: The wcscpy_s function copies the wide string pointed to by strSrc (including theterminating * null wide character) into the array pointed to by strDest * Parameter: strDest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer * Parameter: strSrc - source address * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t wcscpy_s(wchar_t *strDest, size_t destMax, const wchar_t *strSrc); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_STRNCPY /* * Description: The wcsncpy_s function copies not more than n successive wide characters (not including the * terminating null wide character) from the array pointed to by strSrc to the array pointed to by strDest * Parameter: strDest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating wide character) * Parameter: strSrc - source address * Parameter: count - copies count wide characters from the src * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t wcsncpy_s(wchar_t *strDest, size_t destMax, const wchar_t *strSrc, size_t count); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_STRCAT /* * Description: The wcscat_s function appends a copy of the wide string pointed to by strSrc (including the * terminating null wide character) to the end of the wide string pointed to by strDest * Parameter: strDest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating wide character) * Parameter: strSrc - source address * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t wcscat_s(wchar_t *strDest, size_t destMax, const wchar_t *strSrc); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_STRNCAT /* * Description: The wcsncat_s function appends not more than n successive wide characters (not including the * terminating null wide character) from the array pointed to by strSrc to the end of the wide string pointed to * by strDest. * Parameter: strDest - destination address * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating wide character) * Parameter: strSrc - source address * Parameter: count - copies count wide characters from the src * Return: EOK if there was no runtime-constraint violation */ SECUREC_API errno_t wcsncat_s(wchar_t *strDest, size_t destMax, const wchar_t *strSrc, size_t count); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_STRTOK /* * Description: The wcstok_s function is the wide-character equivalent of the strtok_s function * Parameter: strToken - the string to be delimited * Parameter: strDelimit - specifies a set of characters that delimit the tokens in the parsed string * Parameter: context - is a pointer to a char * variable that is used internally by strtok_s function * Return: a pointer to the first character of a token, or a null pointer if there is no token * or there is a runtime-constraint violation. */ SECUREC_API wchar_t *wcstok_s(wchar_t *strToken, const wchar_t *strDelimit, wchar_t **context); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_VSPRINTF /* * Description: The vswprintf_s function is the wide-character equivalent of the vsprintf_s function * Parameter: strDest - produce output according to a format ,write to the character string strDest * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null ) * Parameter: format - fromat string * Parameter: argList - instead of a variable number of arguments * Return: the number of characters printed(not including the terminating null wide characte), * If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int vswprintf_s(wchar_t *strDest, size_t destMax, const wchar_t *format, va_list argList); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_SPRINTF /* * Description: The swprintf_s function is the wide-character equivalent of the sprintf_s function * Parameter: strDest - produce output according to a format ,write to the character string strDest * Parameter: destMax - The maximum length of destination buffer(including the terminating null ) * Parameter: format - fromat string * Return: the number of characters printed(not including the terminating null wide characte), * If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int swprintf_s(wchar_t *strDest, size_t destMax, const wchar_t *format, ...); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_FSCANF /* * Description: The fwscanf_s function is the wide-character equivalent of the fscanf_s function * Parameter: stream - stdio file stream * Parameter: format - fromat string * Return: the number of input items assigned, If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int fwscanf_s(FILE *stream, const wchar_t *format, ...); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_VFSCANF /* * Description: The vfwscanf_s function is the wide-character equivalent of the vfscanf_s function * Parameter: stream - stdio file stream * Parameter: format - fromat string * Parameter: argList - instead of a variable number of arguments * Return: the number of input items assigned, If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int vfwscanf_s(FILE *stream, const wchar_t *format, va_list argList); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_SCANF /* * Description: The wscanf_s function is the wide-character equivalent of the scanf_s function * Parameter: format - fromat string * Return: the number of input items assigned, If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int wscanf_s(const wchar_t *format, ...); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_VSCANF /* * Description: The vwscanf_s function is the wide-character equivalent of the vscanf_s function * Parameter: format - fromat string * Parameter: argList - instead of a variable number of arguments * Return: the number of input items assigned, If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int vwscanf_s(const wchar_t *format, va_list argList); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_SSCANF /* * Description: The swscanf_s function is the wide-character equivalent of the sscanf_s function * Parameter: buffer - read character from buffer * Parameter: format - fromat string * Return: the number of input items assigned, If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int swscanf_s(const wchar_t *buffer, const wchar_t *format, ...); #endif #if SECUREC_ENABLE_VSSCANF /* * Description: The vswscanf_s function is the wide-character equivalent of the vsscanf_s function * Parameter: buffer - read character from buffer * Parameter: format - fromat string * Parameter: argList - instead of a variable number of arguments * Return: the number of input items assigned, If an error occurred Return: -1. */ SECUREC_API int vswscanf_s(const wchar_t *buffer, const wchar_t *format, va_list argList); #endif #endif /* SECUREC_ENABLE_WCHAR_FUNC */ #endif /* Those functions are used by macro ,must declare hare , also for without function declaration warning */ extern errno_t strncpy_error(char *strDest, size_t destMax, const char *strSrc, size_t count); extern errno_t strcpy_error(char *strDest, size_t destMax, const char *strSrc); #if SECUREC_WITH_PERFORMANCE_ADDONS /* Those functions are used by macro */ extern errno_t memset_sOptAsm(void *dest, size_t destMax, int c, size_t count); extern errno_t memset_sOptTc(void *dest, size_t destMax, int c, size_t count); extern errno_t memcpy_sOptAsm(void *dest, size_t destMax, const void *src, size_t count); extern errno_t memcpy_sOptTc(void *dest, size_t destMax, const void *src, size_t count); /* The strcpy_sp is a macro, not a function in performance optimization mode. */ #define strcpy_sp(dest, destMax, src) ((__builtin_constant_p((destMax)) && \ __builtin_constant_p((src))) ? \ SECUREC_STRCPY_SM((dest), (destMax), (src)) : \ strcpy_s((dest), (destMax), (src))) /* The strncpy_sp is a macro, not a function in performance optimization mode. */ #define strncpy_sp(dest, destMax, src, count) ((__builtin_constant_p((count)) && \ __builtin_constant_p((destMax)) && \ __builtin_constant_p((src))) ? \ SECUREC_STRNCPY_SM((dest), (destMax), (src), (count)) : \ strncpy_s((dest), (destMax), (src), (count))) /* The strcat_sp is a macro, not a function in performance optimization mode. */ #define strcat_sp(dest, destMax, src) ((__builtin_constant_p((destMax)) && \ __builtin_constant_p((src))) ? \ SECUREC_STRCAT_SM((dest), (destMax), (src)) : \ strcat_s((dest), (destMax), (src))) /* The strncat_sp is a macro, not a function in performance optimization mode. */ #define strncat_sp(dest, destMax, src, count) ((__builtin_constant_p((count)) && \ __builtin_constant_p((destMax)) && \ __builtin_constant_p((src))) ? \ SECUREC_STRNCAT_SM((dest), (destMax), (src), (count)) : \ strncat_s((dest), (destMax), (src), (count))) /* The memcpy_sp is a macro, not a function in performance optimization mode. */ #define memcpy_sp(dest, destMax, src, count) (__builtin_constant_p((count)) ? \ (SECUREC_MEMCPY_SM((dest), (destMax), (src), (count))) : \ (__builtin_constant_p((destMax)) ? \ (((size_t)(destMax) > 0 && \ (((unsigned long long)(destMax) & (unsigned long long)(-2)) < SECUREC_MEM_MAX_LEN)) ? \ memcpy_sOptTc((dest), (destMax), (src), (count)) : ERANGE) : \ memcpy_sOptAsm((dest), (destMax), (src), (count)))) /* The memset_sp is a macro, not a function in performance optimization mode. */ #define memset_sp(dest, destMax, c, count) (__builtin_constant_p((count)) ? \ (SECUREC_MEMSET_SM((dest), (destMax), (c), (count))) : \ (__builtin_constant_p((destMax)) ? \ (((((unsigned long long)(destMax) & (unsigned long long)(-2)) < SECUREC_MEM_MAX_LEN)) ? \ memset_sOptTc((dest), (destMax), (c), (count)) : ERANGE) : \ memset_sOptAsm((dest), (destMax), (c), (count)))) #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif