/* * Copyright 2021 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "fuzz/Fuzz.h" #include "fuzz/FuzzCommon.h" #include "include/core/SkCanvas.h" #include "include/core/SkDeferredDisplayList.h" #include "include/core/SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder.h" #include "include/core/SkExecutor.h" #include "include/core/SkPromiseImageTexture.h" #include "include/core/SkSize.h" #include "include/core/SkSurface.h" #include "include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h" #include "include/private/SkDeque.h" #include "include/private/SkMutex.h" #include "include/private/SkNoncopyable.h" #include "include/private/SkTemplates.h" #include "include/private/SkThreadID.h" #include "src/core/SkTaskGroup.h" #include "src/image/SkImage_Gpu.h" #include "tools/gpu/GrContextFactory.h" #include <atomic> #include <memory> #include <queue> using ContextType = sk_gpu_test::GrContextFactory::ContextType; // be careful: `foo(make_fuzz_t<T>(f), make_fuzz_t<U>(f))` is undefined. // In fact, all make_fuzz_foo() functions have this potential problem. // Use sequence points! template <typename T> inline T make_fuzz_t(Fuzz* fuzz) { T t; fuzz->next(&t); return t; } class DDLFuzzer; // This class stores the state of a given promise image owned by the fuzzer. It acts as the // context for the callback procs of the promise image. class PromiseImageInfo : public SkNVRefCnt<PromiseImageInfo>, SkNoncopyable { public: enum class State : int { kInitial, kTriedToFulfill, kDone }; ~PromiseImageInfo() { // If we hit this, then the image or the texture will outlive this object which is bad. SkASSERT_RELEASE(fImage->unique()); SkASSERT_RELEASE(!fTexture || fTexture->unique()); fImage.reset(); fTexture.reset(); State s = fState; SkASSERT_RELEASE(s == State::kDone); } DDLFuzzer* fFuzzer = nullptr; sk_sp<SkImage> fImage; // At the moment, the atomicity of this isn't used because all our promise image callbacks // happen on the same thread. See the TODO below about them unreffing them off the GPU thread. std::atomic<State> fState{State::kInitial}; sk_sp<SkPromiseImageTexture> fTexture; }; static constexpr int kPromiseImageCount = 8; static constexpr SkISize kPromiseImageSize{16, 16}; static constexpr int kPromiseImagesPerDDL = 4; static constexpr int kRecordingThreadCount = 4; static constexpr int kIterationCount = 10000; // A one-shot runner object for fuzzing our DDL threading. It creates an array of promise images, // and concurrently records DDLs that reference them, playing each DDL back on the GPU thread. // The backing textures for promise images may be recycled into a pool, or not, for each case // as determined by the fuzzing data. class DDLFuzzer : SkNoncopyable { public: DDLFuzzer(Fuzz*, ContextType); void run(); sk_sp<SkPromiseImageTexture> fulfillPromiseImage(PromiseImageInfo&); void releasePromiseImage(PromiseImageInfo&); private: void initPromiseImage(int index); void recordAndPlayDDL(); bool isOnGPUThread() const { return SkGetThreadID() == fGpuThread; } bool isOnMainThread() const { return SkGetThreadID() == fMainThread; } Fuzz* fFuzz = nullptr; GrDirectContext* fContext = nullptr; SkAutoTArray<PromiseImageInfo> fPromiseImages{kPromiseImageCount}; sk_sp<SkSurface> fSurface; SkSurfaceCharacterization fSurfaceCharacterization; std::unique_ptr<SkExecutor> fGpuExecutor = SkExecutor::MakeFIFOThreadPool(1, false); std::unique_ptr<SkExecutor> fRecordingExecutor = SkExecutor::MakeFIFOThreadPool(kRecordingThreadCount, false); SkTaskGroup fGpuTaskGroup{*fGpuExecutor}; SkTaskGroup fRecordingTaskGroup{*fRecordingExecutor}; SkThreadID fGpuThread = kIllegalThreadID; SkThreadID fMainThread = SkGetThreadID(); std::queue<sk_sp<SkPromiseImageTexture>> fReusableTextures; sk_gpu_test::GrContextFactory fContextFactory; }; DDLFuzzer::DDLFuzzer(Fuzz* fuzz, ContextType contextType) : fFuzz(fuzz) { sk_gpu_test::ContextInfo ctxInfo = fContextFactory.getContextInfo(contextType); sk_gpu_test::TestContext* testCtx = ctxInfo.testContext(); fContext = ctxInfo.directContext(); if (!fContext) { return; } SkISize canvasSize = kPromiseImageSize; canvasSize.fWidth *= kPromiseImagesPerDDL; SkImageInfo ii = SkImageInfo::Make(canvasSize, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType); fSurface = SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget(fContext, SkBudgeted::kNo, ii); if (!fSurface || !fSurface->characterize(&fSurfaceCharacterization)) { return; } testCtx->makeNotCurrent(); fGpuTaskGroup.add([&]{ testCtx->makeCurrent(); fGpuThread = SkGetThreadID(); }); fGpuTaskGroup.wait(); for (int i = 0; i < kPromiseImageCount; ++i) { this->initPromiseImage(i); } } sk_sp<SkPromiseImageTexture> DDLFuzzer::fulfillPromiseImage(PromiseImageInfo& promiseImage) { using State = PromiseImageInfo::State; if (!this->isOnGPUThread()) { fFuzz->signalBug(); } bool success = make_fuzz_t<bool>(fFuzz); State prior = promiseImage.fState.exchange(State::kTriedToFulfill, std::memory_order_relaxed); if (prior != State::kInitial || promiseImage.fTexture != nullptr) { fFuzz->signalBug(); } if (!success) { return nullptr; } // Try reusing an existing texture if we can and if the fuzzer wills it. if (!fReusableTextures.empty() && make_fuzz_t<bool>(fFuzz)) { promiseImage.fTexture = std::move(fReusableTextures.front()); fReusableTextures.pop(); return promiseImage.fTexture; } bool finishedBECreate = false; auto markFinished = [](void* context) { *(bool*)context = true; }; GrBackendTexture backendTex = fContext->createBackendTexture(kPromiseImageSize.width(), kPromiseImageSize.height(), kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, SkColors::kRed, GrMipMapped::kNo, GrRenderable::kYes, GrProtected::kNo, markFinished, &finishedBECreate); SkASSERT_RELEASE(backendTex.isValid()); while (!finishedBECreate) { fContext->checkAsyncWorkCompletion(); } promiseImage.fTexture = SkPromiseImageTexture::Make(backendTex); return promiseImage.fTexture; } void DDLFuzzer::releasePromiseImage(PromiseImageInfo& promiseImage) { using State = PromiseImageInfo::State; // TODO: This requirement will go away when we unref promise images off the GPU thread. if (!this->isOnGPUThread()) { fFuzz->signalBug(); } State old = promiseImage.fState.exchange(State::kInitial, std::memory_order_relaxed); if (old != State::kTriedToFulfill) { fFuzz->signalBug(); } // If we failed to fulfill, then nothing to be done. if (!promiseImage.fTexture) { return; } bool reuse = make_fuzz_t<bool>(fFuzz); if (reuse) { fReusableTextures.push(std::move(promiseImage.fTexture)); } else { fContext->deleteBackendTexture(promiseImage.fTexture->backendTexture()); } promiseImage.fTexture = nullptr; } static sk_sp<SkPromiseImageTexture> fuzz_promise_image_fulfill(void* ctxIn) { PromiseImageInfo& fuzzPromiseImage = *(PromiseImageInfo*)ctxIn; return fuzzPromiseImage.fFuzzer->fulfillPromiseImage(fuzzPromiseImage); } static void fuzz_promise_image_release(void* ctxIn) { PromiseImageInfo& fuzzPromiseImage = *(PromiseImageInfo*)ctxIn; fuzzPromiseImage.fFuzzer->releasePromiseImage(fuzzPromiseImage); } void DDLFuzzer::initPromiseImage(int index) { PromiseImageInfo& promiseImage = fPromiseImages[index]; promiseImage.fFuzzer = this; GrBackendFormat backendFmt = fContext->defaultBackendFormat(kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, GrRenderable::kYes); promiseImage.fImage = SkImage::MakePromiseTexture(fContext->threadSafeProxy(), backendFmt, kPromiseImageSize, GrMipMapped::kNo, kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, kUnpremul_SkAlphaType, SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB(), &fuzz_promise_image_fulfill, &fuzz_promise_image_release, &promiseImage); } void DDLFuzzer::recordAndPlayDDL() { SkASSERT(!this->isOnGPUThread() && !this->isOnMainThread()); SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder recorder(fSurfaceCharacterization); SkCanvas* canvas = recorder.getCanvas(); // Draw promise images in a strip for (int i = 0; i < kPromiseImagesPerDDL; i++) { int xOffset = i * kPromiseImageSize.width(); int j; // Pick random promise images to draw. fFuzz->nextRange(&j, 0, kPromiseImageCount - 1); canvas->drawImage(fPromiseImages[j].fImage, xOffset, 0); } sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl = recorder.detach(); fGpuTaskGroup.add([=, ddl{std::move(ddl)}]{ bool success = fSurface->draw(std::move(ddl)); if (!success) { fFuzz->signalBug(); } }); } void DDLFuzzer::run() { if (!fSurface) { return; } fRecordingTaskGroup.batch(kIterationCount, [=](int i) { this->recordAndPlayDDL(); }); fRecordingTaskGroup.wait(); fGpuTaskGroup.add([=] { while (!fReusableTextures.empty()) { sk_sp<SkPromiseImageTexture> gpuTexture = std::move(fReusableTextures.front()); fContext->deleteBackendTexture(gpuTexture->backendTexture()); fReusableTextures.pop(); } fContextFactory.destroyContexts(); // TODO: Release promise images not on the GPU thread. fPromiseImages.reset(0); }); fGpuTaskGroup.wait(); } DEF_FUZZ(DDLThreadingGL, fuzz) { DDLFuzzer(fuzz, ContextType::kGL_ContextType).run(); }