/*@internal*/ namespace ts.server { const lineCollectionCapacity = 4; interface LineCollection { charCount(): number; lineCount(): number; isLeaf(): this is LineLeaf; walk(rangeStart: number, rangeLength: number, walkFns: LineIndexWalker): void; } export interface AbsolutePositionAndLineText { absolutePosition: number; lineText: string | undefined; } const enum CharRangeSection { PreStart, Start, Entire, Mid, End, PostEnd } interface LineIndexWalker { goSubtree: boolean; done: boolean; leaf(relativeStart: number, relativeLength: number, lineCollection: LineLeaf): void; pre?(relativeStart: number, relativeLength: number, lineCollection: LineCollection, parent: LineNode, nodeType: CharRangeSection): void; post?(relativeStart: number, relativeLength: number, lineCollection: LineCollection, parent: LineNode, nodeType: CharRangeSection): void; } class EditWalker implements LineIndexWalker { goSubtree = true; get done() { return false; } readonly lineIndex = new LineIndex(); // path to start of range private readonly startPath: LineCollection[]; private readonly endBranch: LineCollection[] = []; private branchNode: LineNode | undefined; // path to current node private readonly stack: LineNode[]; private state = CharRangeSection.Entire; private lineCollectionAtBranch: LineCollection | undefined; private initialText = ""; private trailingText = ""; constructor() { this.lineIndex.root = new LineNode(); this.startPath = [this.lineIndex.root]; this.stack = [this.lineIndex.root]; } insertLines(insertedText: string | undefined, suppressTrailingText: boolean) { if (suppressTrailingText) { this.trailingText = ""; } if (insertedText) { insertedText = this.initialText + insertedText + this.trailingText; } else { insertedText = this.initialText + this.trailingText; } const lm = LineIndex.linesFromText(insertedText); const lines = lm.lines; if (lines.length > 1) { if (lines[lines.length - 1] === "") { lines.pop(); } } let branchParent: LineNode | undefined; let lastZeroCount: LineCollection | undefined; for (let k = this.endBranch.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { (<LineNode>this.endBranch[k]).updateCounts(); if (this.endBranch[k].charCount() === 0) { lastZeroCount = this.endBranch[k]; if (k > 0) { branchParent = <LineNode>this.endBranch[k - 1]; } else { branchParent = this.branchNode; } } } if (lastZeroCount) { branchParent!.remove(lastZeroCount); } // path at least length two (root and leaf) const leafNode = <LineLeaf>this.startPath[this.startPath.length - 1]; if (lines.length > 0) { leafNode.text = lines[0]; if (lines.length > 1) { let insertedNodes = <LineCollection[]>new Array(lines.length - 1); let startNode = <LineCollection>leafNode; for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) { insertedNodes[i - 1] = new LineLeaf(lines[i]); } let pathIndex = this.startPath.length - 2; while (pathIndex >= 0) { const insertionNode = <LineNode>this.startPath[pathIndex]; insertedNodes = insertionNode.insertAt(startNode, insertedNodes); pathIndex--; startNode = insertionNode; } let insertedNodesLen = insertedNodes.length; while (insertedNodesLen > 0) { const newRoot = new LineNode(); newRoot.add(this.lineIndex.root); insertedNodes = newRoot.insertAt(this.lineIndex.root, insertedNodes); insertedNodesLen = insertedNodes.length; this.lineIndex.root = newRoot; } this.lineIndex.root.updateCounts(); } else { for (let j = this.startPath.length - 2; j >= 0; j--) { (<LineNode>this.startPath[j]).updateCounts(); } } } else { const insertionNode = <LineNode>this.startPath[this.startPath.length - 2]; // no content for leaf node, so delete it insertionNode.remove(leafNode); for (let j = this.startPath.length - 2; j >= 0; j--) { (<LineNode>this.startPath[j]).updateCounts(); } } return this.lineIndex; } post(_relativeStart: number, _relativeLength: number, lineCollection: LineCollection): void { // have visited the path for start of range, now looking for end // if range is on single line, we will never make this state transition if (lineCollection === this.lineCollectionAtBranch) { this.state = CharRangeSection.End; } // always pop stack because post only called when child has been visited this.stack.pop(); } pre(_relativeStart: number, _relativeLength: number, lineCollection: LineCollection, _parent: LineCollection, nodeType: CharRangeSection): void { // currentNode corresponds to parent, but in the new tree const currentNode = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; if ((this.state === CharRangeSection.Entire) && (nodeType === CharRangeSection.Start)) { // if range is on single line, we will never make this state transition this.state = CharRangeSection.Start; this.branchNode = currentNode; this.lineCollectionAtBranch = lineCollection; } let child: LineCollection | undefined; function fresh(node: LineCollection): LineCollection { if (node.isLeaf()) { return new LineLeaf(""); } else return new LineNode(); } switch (nodeType) { case CharRangeSection.PreStart: this.goSubtree = false; if (this.state !== CharRangeSection.End) { currentNode.add(lineCollection); } break; case CharRangeSection.Start: if (this.state === CharRangeSection.End) { this.goSubtree = false; } else { child = fresh(lineCollection); currentNode.add(child); this.startPath.push(child); } break; case CharRangeSection.Entire: if (this.state !== CharRangeSection.End) { child = fresh(lineCollection); currentNode.add(child); this.startPath.push(child); } else { if (!lineCollection.isLeaf()) { child = fresh(lineCollection); currentNode.add(child); this.endBranch.push(child); } } break; case CharRangeSection.Mid: this.goSubtree = false; break; case CharRangeSection.End: if (this.state !== CharRangeSection.End) { this.goSubtree = false; } else { if (!lineCollection.isLeaf()) { child = fresh(lineCollection); currentNode.add(child); this.endBranch.push(child); } } break; case CharRangeSection.PostEnd: this.goSubtree = false; if (this.state !== CharRangeSection.Start) { currentNode.add(lineCollection); } break; } if (this.goSubtree) { this.stack.push(<LineNode>child); } } // just gather text from the leaves leaf(relativeStart: number, relativeLength: number, ll: LineLeaf) { if (this.state === CharRangeSection.Start) { this.initialText = ll.text.substring(0, relativeStart); } else if (this.state === CharRangeSection.Entire) { this.initialText = ll.text.substring(0, relativeStart); this.trailingText = ll.text.substring(relativeStart + relativeLength); } else { // state is CharRangeSection.End this.trailingText = ll.text.substring(relativeStart + relativeLength); } } } // text change information class TextChange { constructor(public pos: number, public deleteLen: number, public insertedText?: string) { } getTextChangeRange() { return createTextChangeRange(createTextSpan(this.pos, this.deleteLen), this.insertedText ? this.insertedText.length : 0); } } export class ScriptVersionCache { private changes: TextChange[] = []; private readonly versions: LineIndexSnapshot[] = new Array<LineIndexSnapshot>(ScriptVersionCache.maxVersions); private minVersion = 0; // no versions earlier than min version will maintain change history private currentVersion = 0; private static readonly changeNumberThreshold = 8; private static readonly changeLengthThreshold = 256; private static readonly maxVersions = 8; private versionToIndex(version: number) { if (version < this.minVersion || version > this.currentVersion) { return undefined; } return version % ScriptVersionCache.maxVersions; } private currentVersionToIndex() { return this.currentVersion % ScriptVersionCache.maxVersions; } // REVIEW: can optimize by coalescing simple edits edit(pos: number, deleteLen: number, insertedText?: string) { this.changes.push(new TextChange(pos, deleteLen, insertedText)); if (this.changes.length > ScriptVersionCache.changeNumberThreshold || deleteLen > ScriptVersionCache.changeLengthThreshold || insertedText && insertedText.length > ScriptVersionCache.changeLengthThreshold) { this.getSnapshot(); } } getSnapshot(): IScriptSnapshot { return this._getSnapshot(); } private _getSnapshot(): LineIndexSnapshot { let snap = this.versions[this.currentVersionToIndex()]; if (this.changes.length > 0) { let snapIndex = snap.index; for (const change of this.changes) { snapIndex = snapIndex.edit(change.pos, change.deleteLen, change.insertedText); } snap = new LineIndexSnapshot(this.currentVersion + 1, this, snapIndex, this.changes); this.currentVersion = snap.version; this.versions[this.currentVersionToIndex()] = snap; this.changes = []; if ((this.currentVersion - this.minVersion) >= ScriptVersionCache.maxVersions) { this.minVersion = (this.currentVersion - ScriptVersionCache.maxVersions) + 1; } } return snap; } getSnapshotVersion(): number { return this._getSnapshot().version; } getAbsolutePositionAndLineText(oneBasedLine: number): AbsolutePositionAndLineText { return this._getSnapshot().index.lineNumberToInfo(oneBasedLine); } lineOffsetToPosition(line: number, column: number): number { return this._getSnapshot().index.absolutePositionOfStartOfLine(line) + (column - 1); } positionToLineOffset(position: number): protocol.Location { return this._getSnapshot().index.positionToLineOffset(position); } lineToTextSpan(line: number): TextSpan { const index = this._getSnapshot().index; const { lineText, absolutePosition } = index.lineNumberToInfo(line + 1); const len = lineText !== undefined ? lineText.length : index.absolutePositionOfStartOfLine(line + 2) - absolutePosition; return createTextSpan(absolutePosition, len); } getTextChangesBetweenVersions(oldVersion: number, newVersion: number) { if (oldVersion < newVersion) { if (oldVersion >= this.minVersion) { const textChangeRanges: TextChangeRange[] = []; for (let i = oldVersion + 1; i <= newVersion; i++) { const snap = this.versions[this.versionToIndex(i)!]; // TODO: GH#18217 for (const textChange of snap.changesSincePreviousVersion) { textChangeRanges.push(textChange.getTextChangeRange()); } } return collapseTextChangeRangesAcrossMultipleVersions(textChangeRanges); } else { return undefined; } } else { return unchangedTextChangeRange; } } getLineCount() { return this._getSnapshot().index.getLineCount(); } static fromString(script: string) { const svc = new ScriptVersionCache(); const snap = new LineIndexSnapshot(0, svc, new LineIndex()); svc.versions[svc.currentVersion] = snap; const lm = LineIndex.linesFromText(script); snap.index.load(lm.lines); return svc; } } class LineIndexSnapshot implements IScriptSnapshot { constructor(readonly version: number, readonly cache: ScriptVersionCache, readonly index: LineIndex, readonly changesSincePreviousVersion: readonly TextChange[] = emptyArray) { } getText(rangeStart: number, rangeEnd: number) { return this.index.getText(rangeStart, rangeEnd - rangeStart); } getLength() { return this.index.getLength(); } getChangeRange(oldSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot): TextChangeRange | undefined { if (oldSnapshot instanceof LineIndexSnapshot && this.cache === oldSnapshot.cache) { if (this.version <= oldSnapshot.version) { return unchangedTextChangeRange; } else { return this.cache.getTextChangesBetweenVersions(oldSnapshot.version, this.version); } } } } export class LineIndex { root!: LineNode; // set this to true to check each edit for accuracy checkEdits = false; absolutePositionOfStartOfLine(oneBasedLine: number): number { return this.lineNumberToInfo(oneBasedLine).absolutePosition; } positionToLineOffset(position: number): protocol.Location { const { oneBasedLine, zeroBasedColumn } = this.root.charOffsetToLineInfo(1, position); return { line: oneBasedLine, offset: zeroBasedColumn + 1 }; } private positionToColumnAndLineText(position: number): { zeroBasedColumn: number, lineText: string | undefined } { return this.root.charOffsetToLineInfo(1, position); } getLineCount() { return this.root.lineCount(); } lineNumberToInfo(oneBasedLine: number): AbsolutePositionAndLineText { const lineCount = this.getLineCount(); if (oneBasedLine <= lineCount) { const { position, leaf } = this.root.lineNumberToInfo(oneBasedLine, 0); return { absolutePosition: position, lineText: leaf && leaf.text }; } else { return { absolutePosition: this.root.charCount(), lineText: undefined }; } } load(lines: string[]) { if (lines.length > 0) { const leaves: LineLeaf[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { leaves[i] = new LineLeaf(lines[i]); } this.root = LineIndex.buildTreeFromBottom(leaves); } else { this.root = new LineNode(); } } walk(rangeStart: number, rangeLength: number, walkFns: LineIndexWalker) { this.root.walk(rangeStart, rangeLength, walkFns); } getText(rangeStart: number, rangeLength: number) { let accum = ""; if ((rangeLength > 0) && (rangeStart < this.root.charCount())) { this.walk(rangeStart, rangeLength, { goSubtree: true, done: false, leaf: (relativeStart: number, relativeLength: number, ll: LineLeaf) => { accum = accum.concat(ll.text.substring(relativeStart, relativeStart + relativeLength)); } }); } return accum; } getLength(): number { return this.root.charCount(); } every(f: (ll: LineLeaf, s: number, len: number) => boolean, rangeStart: number, rangeEnd?: number) { if (!rangeEnd) { rangeEnd = this.root.charCount(); } const walkFns = { goSubtree: true, done: false, leaf(this: LineIndexWalker, relativeStart: number, relativeLength: number, ll: LineLeaf) { if (!f(ll, relativeStart, relativeLength)) { this.done = true; } } }; this.walk(rangeStart, rangeEnd - rangeStart, walkFns); return !walkFns.done; } edit(pos: number, deleteLength: number, newText?: string): LineIndex { if (this.root.charCount() === 0) { Debug.assert(deleteLength === 0); // Can't delete from empty document if (newText !== undefined) { this.load(LineIndex.linesFromText(newText).lines); return this; } return undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217 } else { let checkText: string | undefined; if (this.checkEdits) { const source = this.getText(0, this.root.charCount()); checkText = source.slice(0, pos) + newText + source.slice(pos + deleteLength); } const walker = new EditWalker(); let suppressTrailingText = false; if (pos >= this.root.charCount()) { // insert at end pos = this.root.charCount() - 1; const endString = this.getText(pos, 1); if (newText) { newText = endString + newText; } else { newText = endString; } deleteLength = 0; suppressTrailingText = true; } else if (deleteLength > 0) { // check whether last characters deleted are line break const e = pos + deleteLength; const { zeroBasedColumn, lineText } = this.positionToColumnAndLineText(e); if (zeroBasedColumn === 0) { // move range end just past line that will merge with previous line deleteLength += lineText!.length; // TODO: GH#18217 // store text by appending to end of insertedText newText = newText ? newText + lineText : lineText; } } this.root.walk(pos, deleteLength, walker); walker.insertLines(newText, suppressTrailingText); if (this.checkEdits) { const updatedText = walker.lineIndex.getText(0, walker.lineIndex.getLength()); Debug.assert(checkText === updatedText, "buffer edit mismatch"); } return walker.lineIndex; } } private static buildTreeFromBottom(nodes: LineCollection[]): LineNode { if (nodes.length < lineCollectionCapacity) { return new LineNode(nodes); } const interiorNodes = new Array<LineNode>(Math.ceil(nodes.length / lineCollectionCapacity)); let nodeIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < interiorNodes.length; i++) { const end = Math.min(nodeIndex + lineCollectionCapacity, nodes.length); interiorNodes[i] = new LineNode(nodes.slice(nodeIndex, end)); nodeIndex = end; } return this.buildTreeFromBottom(interiorNodes); } static linesFromText(text: string) { const lineMap = computeLineStarts(text); if (lineMap.length === 0) { return { lines: <string[]>[], lineMap }; } const lines = <string[]>new Array(lineMap.length); const lc = lineMap.length - 1; for (let lmi = 0; lmi < lc; lmi++) { lines[lmi] = text.substring(lineMap[lmi], lineMap[lmi + 1]); } const endText = text.substring(lineMap[lc]); if (endText.length > 0) { lines[lc] = endText; } else { lines.pop(); } return { lines, lineMap }; } } class LineNode implements LineCollection { totalChars = 0; totalLines = 0; constructor(private readonly children: LineCollection[] = []) { if (children.length) this.updateCounts(); } isLeaf() { return false; } updateCounts() { this.totalChars = 0; this.totalLines = 0; for (const child of this.children) { this.totalChars += child.charCount(); this.totalLines += child.lineCount(); } } private execWalk(rangeStart: number, rangeLength: number, walkFns: LineIndexWalker, childIndex: number, nodeType: CharRangeSection) { if (walkFns.pre) { walkFns.pre(rangeStart, rangeLength, this.children[childIndex], this, nodeType); } if (walkFns.goSubtree) { this.children[childIndex].walk(rangeStart, rangeLength, walkFns); if (walkFns.post) { walkFns.post(rangeStart, rangeLength, this.children[childIndex], this, nodeType); } } else { walkFns.goSubtree = true; } return walkFns.done; } private skipChild(relativeStart: number, relativeLength: number, childIndex: number, walkFns: LineIndexWalker, nodeType: CharRangeSection) { if (walkFns.pre && (!walkFns.done)) { walkFns.pre(relativeStart, relativeLength, this.children[childIndex], this, nodeType); walkFns.goSubtree = true; } } walk(rangeStart: number, rangeLength: number, walkFns: LineIndexWalker) { // assume (rangeStart < this.totalChars) && (rangeLength <= this.totalChars) let childIndex = 0; let childCharCount = this.children[childIndex].charCount(); // find sub-tree containing start let adjustedStart = rangeStart; while (adjustedStart >= childCharCount) { this.skipChild(adjustedStart, rangeLength, childIndex, walkFns, CharRangeSection.PreStart); adjustedStart -= childCharCount; childIndex++; childCharCount = this.children[childIndex].charCount(); } // Case I: both start and end of range in same subtree if ((adjustedStart + rangeLength) <= childCharCount) { if (this.execWalk(adjustedStart, rangeLength, walkFns, childIndex, CharRangeSection.Entire)) { return; } } else { // Case II: start and end of range in different subtrees (possibly with subtrees in the middle) if (this.execWalk(adjustedStart, childCharCount - adjustedStart, walkFns, childIndex, CharRangeSection.Start)) { return; } let adjustedLength = rangeLength - (childCharCount - adjustedStart); childIndex++; const child = this.children[childIndex]; childCharCount = child.charCount(); while (adjustedLength > childCharCount) { if (this.execWalk(0, childCharCount, walkFns, childIndex, CharRangeSection.Mid)) { return; } adjustedLength -= childCharCount; childIndex++; childCharCount = this.children[childIndex].charCount(); } if (adjustedLength > 0) { if (this.execWalk(0, adjustedLength, walkFns, childIndex, CharRangeSection.End)) { return; } } } // Process any subtrees after the one containing range end if (walkFns.pre) { const clen = this.children.length; if (childIndex < (clen - 1)) { for (let ej = childIndex + 1; ej < clen; ej++) { this.skipChild(0, 0, ej, walkFns, CharRangeSection.PostEnd); } } } } // Input position is relative to the start of this node. // Output line number is absolute. charOffsetToLineInfo(lineNumberAccumulator: number, relativePosition: number): { oneBasedLine: number, zeroBasedColumn: number, lineText: string | undefined } { if (this.children.length === 0) { // Root node might have no children if this is an empty document. return { oneBasedLine: lineNumberAccumulator, zeroBasedColumn: relativePosition, lineText: undefined }; } for (const child of this.children) { if (child.charCount() > relativePosition) { if (child.isLeaf()) { return { oneBasedLine: lineNumberAccumulator, zeroBasedColumn: relativePosition, lineText: child.text }; } else { return (<LineNode>child).charOffsetToLineInfo(lineNumberAccumulator, relativePosition); } } else { relativePosition -= child.charCount(); lineNumberAccumulator += child.lineCount(); } } // Skipped all children const { leaf } = this.lineNumberToInfo(this.lineCount(), 0); return { oneBasedLine: this.lineCount(), zeroBasedColumn: leaf ? leaf.charCount() : 0, lineText: undefined }; } /** * Input line number is relative to the start of this node. * Output line number is relative to the child. * positionAccumulator will be an absolute position once relativeLineNumber reaches 0. */ lineNumberToInfo(relativeOneBasedLine: number, positionAccumulator: number): { position: number, leaf: LineLeaf | undefined } { for (const child of this.children) { const childLineCount = child.lineCount(); if (childLineCount >= relativeOneBasedLine) { return child.isLeaf() ? { position: positionAccumulator, leaf: child } : (<LineNode>child).lineNumberToInfo(relativeOneBasedLine, positionAccumulator); } else { relativeOneBasedLine -= childLineCount; positionAccumulator += child.charCount(); } } return { position: positionAccumulator, leaf: undefined }; } private splitAfter(childIndex: number) { let splitNode: LineNode | undefined; const clen = this.children.length; childIndex++; const endLength = childIndex; if (childIndex < clen) { splitNode = new LineNode(); while (childIndex < clen) { splitNode.add(this.children[childIndex]); childIndex++; } splitNode.updateCounts(); } this.children.length = endLength; return splitNode; } remove(child: LineCollection) { const childIndex = this.findChildIndex(child); const clen = this.children.length; if (childIndex < (clen - 1)) { for (let i = childIndex; i < (clen - 1); i++) { this.children[i] = this.children[i + 1]; } } this.children.pop(); } private findChildIndex(child: LineCollection) { const childIndex = this.children.indexOf(child); Debug.assert(childIndex !== -1); return childIndex; } insertAt(child: LineCollection, nodes: LineCollection[]) { let childIndex = this.findChildIndex(child); const clen = this.children.length; const nodeCount = nodes.length; // if child is last and there is more room and only one node to place, place it if ((clen < lineCollectionCapacity) && (childIndex === (clen - 1)) && (nodeCount === 1)) { this.add(nodes[0]); this.updateCounts(); return []; } else { const shiftNode = this.splitAfter(childIndex); let nodeIndex = 0; childIndex++; while ((childIndex < lineCollectionCapacity) && (nodeIndex < nodeCount)) { this.children[childIndex] = nodes[nodeIndex]; childIndex++; nodeIndex++; } let splitNodes: LineNode[] = []; let splitNodeCount = 0; if (nodeIndex < nodeCount) { splitNodeCount = Math.ceil((nodeCount - nodeIndex) / lineCollectionCapacity); splitNodes = <LineNode[]>new Array(splitNodeCount); let splitNodeIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < splitNodeCount; i++) { splitNodes[i] = new LineNode(); } let splitNode = splitNodes[0]; while (nodeIndex < nodeCount) { splitNode.add(nodes[nodeIndex]); nodeIndex++; if (splitNode.children.length === lineCollectionCapacity) { splitNodeIndex++; splitNode = splitNodes[splitNodeIndex]; } } for (let i = splitNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (splitNodes[i].children.length === 0) { splitNodes.pop(); } } } if (shiftNode) { splitNodes.push(shiftNode); } this.updateCounts(); for (let i = 0; i < splitNodeCount; i++) { splitNodes[i].updateCounts(); } return splitNodes; } } // assume there is room for the item; return true if more room add(collection: LineCollection): void { this.children.push(collection); Debug.assert(this.children.length <= lineCollectionCapacity); } charCount() { return this.totalChars; } lineCount() { return this.totalLines; } } class LineLeaf implements LineCollection { constructor(public text: string) { } isLeaf() { return true; } walk(rangeStart: number, rangeLength: number, walkFns: LineIndexWalker) { walkFns.leaf(rangeStart, rangeLength, this); } charCount() { return this.text.length; } lineCount() { return 1; } } }