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1namespace ts {
2    export interface Node {
3        getSourceFile(): SourceFile;
4        getChildCount(sourceFile?: SourceFile): number;
5        getChildAt(index: number, sourceFile?: SourceFile): Node;
6        getChildren(sourceFile?: SourceFile): Node[];
7        /* @internal */
8        getChildren(sourceFile?: SourceFileLike): Node[]; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
9        getStart(sourceFile?: SourceFile, includeJsDocComment?: boolean): number;
10        /* @internal */
11        getStart(sourceFile?: SourceFileLike, includeJsDocComment?: boolean): number; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
12        getFullStart(): number;
13        getEnd(): number;
14        getWidth(sourceFile?: SourceFileLike): number;
15        getFullWidth(): number;
16        getLeadingTriviaWidth(sourceFile?: SourceFile): number;
17        getFullText(sourceFile?: SourceFile): string;
18        getText(sourceFile?: SourceFile): string;
19        getFirstToken(sourceFile?: SourceFile): Node | undefined;
20        /* @internal */
21        getFirstToken(sourceFile?: SourceFileLike): Node | undefined; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
22        getLastToken(sourceFile?: SourceFile): Node | undefined;
23        /* @internal */
24        getLastToken(sourceFile?: SourceFileLike): Node | undefined; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
25        // See ts.forEachChild for documentation.
26        forEachChild<T>(cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodeArray?: (nodes: NodeArray<Node>) => T | undefined): T | undefined;
27    }
29    export interface Identifier {
30        readonly text: string;
31    }
33    export interface PrivateIdentifier {
34        readonly text: string;
35    }
37    export interface Symbol {
38        readonly name: string;
39        getFlags(): SymbolFlags;
40        getEscapedName(): __String;
41        getName(): string;
42        getDeclarations(): Declaration[] | undefined;
43        getDocumentationComment(typeChecker: TypeChecker | undefined): SymbolDisplayPart[];
44        /* @internal */
45        getContextualDocumentationComment(context: Node | undefined, checker: TypeChecker | undefined): SymbolDisplayPart[]
46        getJsDocTags(): JSDocTagInfo[];
47    }
49    export interface Type {
50        getFlags(): TypeFlags;
51        getSymbol(): Symbol | undefined;
52        getProperties(): Symbol[];
53        getProperty(propertyName: string): Symbol | undefined;
54        getApparentProperties(): Symbol[];
55        getCallSignatures(): readonly Signature[];
56        getConstructSignatures(): readonly Signature[];
57        getStringIndexType(): Type | undefined;
58        getNumberIndexType(): Type | undefined;
59        getBaseTypes(): BaseType[] | undefined;
60        getNonNullableType(): Type;
61        /*@internal*/ getNonOptionalType(): Type;
62        /*@internal*/ isNullableType(): boolean;
63        getConstraint(): Type | undefined;
64        getDefault(): Type | undefined;
66        isUnion(): this is UnionType;
67        isIntersection(): this is IntersectionType;
68        isUnionOrIntersection(): this is UnionOrIntersectionType;
69        isLiteral(): this is LiteralType;
70        isStringLiteral(): this is StringLiteralType;
71        isNumberLiteral(): this is NumberLiteralType;
72        isTypeParameter(): this is TypeParameter;
73        isClassOrInterface(): this is InterfaceType;
74        isClass(): this is InterfaceType;
75    }
77    export interface TypeReference {
78        typeArguments?: readonly Type[];
79    }
81    export interface Signature {
82        getDeclaration(): SignatureDeclaration;
83        getTypeParameters(): TypeParameter[] | undefined;
84        getParameters(): Symbol[];
85        getReturnType(): Type;
86        getDocumentationComment(typeChecker: TypeChecker | undefined): SymbolDisplayPart[];
87        getJsDocTags(): JSDocTagInfo[];
88    }
90    export interface SourceFile {
91        /* @internal */ version: string;
92        /* @internal */ scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot | undefined;
93        /* @internal */ nameTable: UnderscoreEscapedMap<number> | undefined;
95        /* @internal */ getNamedDeclarations(): ESMap<string, readonly Declaration[]>;
97        getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(pos: number): LineAndCharacter;
98        getLineEndOfPosition(pos: number): number;
99        getLineStarts(): readonly number[];
100        getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(line: number, character: number): number;
101        update(newText: string, textChangeRange: TextChangeRange): SourceFile;
103        /* @internal */ sourceMapper?: DocumentPositionMapper;
104    }
106    export interface SourceFileLike {
107        getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(pos: number): LineAndCharacter;
108    }
110    export interface SourceMapSource {
111        getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(pos: number): LineAndCharacter;
112    }
114    /**
115     * Represents an immutable snapshot of a script at a specified time.Once acquired, the
116     * snapshot is observably immutable. i.e. the same calls with the same parameters will return
117     * the same values.
118     */
119    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
120    export interface IScriptSnapshot {
121        /** Gets a portion of the script snapshot specified by [start, end). */
122        getText(start: number, end: number): string;
124        /** Gets the length of this script snapshot. */
125        getLength(): number;
127        /**
128         * Gets the TextChangeRange that describe how the text changed between this text and
129         * an older version.  This information is used by the incremental parser to determine
130         * what sections of the script need to be re-parsed.  'undefined' can be returned if the
131         * change range cannot be determined.  However, in that case, incremental parsing will
132         * not happen and the entire document will be re - parsed.
133         */
134        getChangeRange(oldSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot): TextChangeRange | undefined;
136        /** Releases all resources held by this script snapshot */
137        dispose?(): void;
138    }
140    export namespace ScriptSnapshot {
141        class StringScriptSnapshot implements IScriptSnapshot {
143            constructor(private text: string) {
144            }
146            public getText(start: number, end: number): string {
147                return start === 0 && end === this.text.length
148                    ? this.text
149                    : this.text.substring(start, end);
150            }
152            public getLength(): number {
153                return this.text.length;
154            }
156            public getChangeRange(): TextChangeRange | undefined {
157                // Text-based snapshots do not support incremental parsing. Return undefined
158                // to signal that to the caller.
159                return undefined;
160            }
161        }
163        export function fromString(text: string): IScriptSnapshot {
164            return new StringScriptSnapshot(text);
165        }
166    }
168    export interface PreProcessedFileInfo {
169        referencedFiles: FileReference[];
170        typeReferenceDirectives: FileReference[];
171        libReferenceDirectives: FileReference[];
172        importedFiles: FileReference[];
173        ambientExternalModules?: string[];
174        isLibFile: boolean;
175    }
177    export interface HostCancellationToken {
178        isCancellationRequested(): boolean;
179    }
181    export interface InstallPackageOptions {
182        fileName: Path;
183        packageName: string;
184    }
186    /* @internal */
187    export const enum PackageJsonDependencyGroup {
188        Dependencies         = 1 << 0,
189        DevDependencies      = 1 << 1,
190        PeerDependencies     = 1 << 2,
191        OptionalDependencies = 1 << 3,
192        All = Dependencies | DevDependencies | PeerDependencies | OptionalDependencies,
193    }
195    /* @internal */
196    export interface PackageJsonInfo {
197        fileName: string;
198        parseable: boolean;
199        dependencies?: ESMap<string, string>;
200        devDependencies?: ESMap<string, string>;
201        peerDependencies?: ESMap<string, string>;
202        optionalDependencies?: ESMap<string, string>;
203        get(dependencyName: string, inGroups?: PackageJsonDependencyGroup): string | undefined;
204        has(dependencyName: string, inGroups?: PackageJsonDependencyGroup): boolean;
205    }
207    /* @internal */
208    export interface FormattingHost {
209        getNewLine?(): string;
210    }
212    /* @internal */
213    export const enum PackageJsonAutoImportPreference {
214        Off,
215        On,
216        Auto,
217    }
219    export interface PerformanceEvent {
220        kind: "UpdateGraph" | "CreatePackageJsonAutoImportProvider";
221        durationMs: number;
222    }
224    export enum LanguageServiceMode {
225        Semantic,
226        PartialSemantic,
227        Syntactic,
228    }
230    //
231    // Public interface of the host of a language service instance.
232    //
233    export interface LanguageServiceHost extends GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost {
234        getCompilationSettings(): CompilerOptions;
235        getNewLine?(): string;
236        getProjectVersion?(): string;
237        getScriptFileNames(): string[];
238        getScriptKind?(fileName: string): ScriptKind;
239        getScriptVersion(fileName: string): string;
240        getScriptSnapshot(fileName: string): IScriptSnapshot | undefined;
241        getProjectReferences?(): readonly ProjectReference[] | undefined;
242        getLocalizedDiagnosticMessages?(): any;
243        getCancellationToken?(): HostCancellationToken;
244        getCurrentDirectory(): string;
245        getDefaultLibFileName(options: CompilerOptions): string;
246        log?(s: string): void;
247        trace?(s: string): void;
248        error?(s: string): void;
249        useCaseSensitiveFileNames?(): boolean;
251        /*
252         * LS host can optionally implement these methods to support completions for module specifiers.
253         * Without these methods, only completions for ambient modules will be provided.
254         */
255        readDirectory?(path: string, extensions?: readonly string[], exclude?: readonly string[], include?: readonly string[], depth?: number): string[];
256        readFile?(path: string, encoding?: string): string | undefined;
257        realpath?(path: string): string;
258        fileExists?(path: string): boolean;
260        /*
261         * LS host can optionally implement these methods to support automatic updating when new type libraries are installed
262         */
263        getTypeRootsVersion?(): number;
265        /*
266         * LS host can optionally implement this method if it wants to be completely in charge of module name resolution.
267         * if implementation is omitted then language service will use built-in module resolution logic and get answers to
268         * host specific questions using 'getScriptSnapshot'.
269         *
270         * If this is implemented, `getResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocationsFromCache` should be too.
271         */
272        resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames: string[] | undefined, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions): (ResolvedModule | undefined)[];
273        getResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocationsFromCache?(modulename: string, containingFile: string): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations | undefined;
274        resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeDirectiveNames: string[], containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions): (ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined)[];
275        /* @internal */ hasInvalidatedResolution?: HasInvalidatedResolution;
276        /* @internal */ hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames?: HasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames;
277        /* @internal */
278        getGlobalTypingsCacheLocation?(): string | undefined;
279        /* @internal */
280        getSymlinkCache?(files?: readonly SourceFile[]): SymlinkCache;
282        /*
283         * Required for full import and type reference completions.
284         * These should be unprefixed names. E.g. `getDirectories("/foo/bar")` should return `["a", "b"]`, not `["/foo/bar/a", "/foo/bar/b"]`.
285         */
286        getDirectories?(directoryName: string): string[];
288        /**
289         * Gets a set of custom transformers to use during emit.
290         */
291        getCustomTransformers?(): CustomTransformers | undefined;
293        isKnownTypesPackageName?(name: string): boolean;
294        installPackage?(options: InstallPackageOptions): Promise<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult>;
295        writeFile?(fileName: string, content: string): void;
297        /* @internal */
298        getDocumentPositionMapper?(generatedFileName: string, sourceFileName?: string): DocumentPositionMapper | undefined;
299        /* @internal */
300        getSourceFileLike?(fileName: string): SourceFileLike | undefined;
301        /* @internal */
302        getPackageJsonsVisibleToFile?(fileName: string, rootDir?: string): readonly PackageJsonInfo[];
303        /* @internal */
304        getNearestAncestorDirectoryWithPackageJson?(fileName: string): string | undefined;
305        /* @internal */
306        getPackageJsonsForAutoImport?(rootDir?: string): readonly PackageJsonInfo[];
307        /* @internal */
308        getImportSuggestionsCache?(): Completions.ImportSuggestionsForFileCache;
309        /* @internal */
310        setCompilerHost?(host: CompilerHost): void;
311        /* @internal */
312        useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect?(): boolean;
313        /* @internal */
314        getPackageJsonAutoImportProvider?(): Program | undefined;
315        /* @internal */
316        sendPerformanceEvent?(kind: PerformanceEvent["kind"], durationMs: number): void;
317        getTagNameNeededCheckByFile?(filePath: string): TagCheckParam;
318        getExpressionCheckedResultsByFile?(filePath: string, jsDocs: JSDoc[]): ConditionCheckResult;
319    }
321    /* @internal */
322    export const emptyOptions = {};
324    export type WithMetadata<T> = T & { metadata?: unknown; };
326    export const enum SemanticClassificationFormat {
327        Original = "original",
328        TwentyTwenty = "2020"
329    }
331    //
332    // Public services of a language service instance associated
333    // with a language service host instance
334    //
335    export interface LanguageService {
336        /** This is used as a part of restarting the language service. */
337        cleanupSemanticCache(): void;
339        /**
340         * Gets errors indicating invalid syntax in a file.
341         *
342         * In English, "this cdeo have, erorrs" is syntactically invalid because it has typos,
343         * grammatical errors, and misplaced punctuation. Likewise, examples of syntax
344         * errors in TypeScript are missing parentheses in an `if` statement, mismatched
345         * curly braces, and using a reserved keyword as a variable name.
346         *
347         * These diagnostics are inexpensive to compute and don't require knowledge of
348         * other files. Note that a non-empty result increases the likelihood of false positives
349         * from `getSemanticDiagnostics`.
350         *
351         * While these represent the majority of syntax-related diagnostics, there are some
352         * that require the type system, which will be present in `getSemanticDiagnostics`.
353         *
354         * @param fileName A path to the file you want syntactic diagnostics for
355         */
356        getSyntacticDiagnostics(fileName: string): DiagnosticWithLocation[];
358        /**
359         * Gets warnings or errors indicating type system issues in a given file.
360         * Requesting semantic diagnostics may start up the type system and
361         * run deferred work, so the first call may take longer than subsequent calls.
362         *
363         * Unlike the other get*Diagnostics functions, these diagnostics can potentially not
364         * include a reference to a source file. Specifically, the first time this is called,
365         * it will return global diagnostics with no associated location.
366         *
367         * To contrast the differences between semantic and syntactic diagnostics, consider the
368         * sentence: "The sun is green." is syntactically correct; those are real English words with
369         * correct sentence structure. However, it is semantically invalid, because it is not true.
370         *
371         * @param fileName A path to the file you want semantic diagnostics for
372         */
373        getSemanticDiagnostics(fileName: string): Diagnostic[];
375        /**
376         * Gets suggestion diagnostics for a specific file. These diagnostics tend to
377         * proactively suggest refactors, as opposed to diagnostics that indicate
378         * potentially incorrect runtime behavior.
379         *
380         * @param fileName A path to the file you want semantic diagnostics for
381         */
382        getSuggestionDiagnostics(fileName: string): DiagnosticWithLocation[];
384        // TODO: Rename this to getProgramDiagnostics to better indicate that these are any
385        // diagnostics present for the program level, and not just 'options' diagnostics.
387        /**
388         * Gets global diagnostics related to the program configuration and compiler options.
389         */
390        getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics(): Diagnostic[];
392        /** @deprecated Use getEncodedSyntacticClassifications instead. */
393        getSyntacticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan): ClassifiedSpan[];
394        getSyntacticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan, format: SemanticClassificationFormat): ClassifiedSpan[] | ClassifiedSpan2020[];
396        /** @deprecated Use getEncodedSemanticClassifications instead. */
397        getSemanticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan): ClassifiedSpan[];
398        getSemanticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan, format: SemanticClassificationFormat): ClassifiedSpan[] | ClassifiedSpan2020[];
400        /** Encoded as triples of [start, length, ClassificationType]. */
401        getEncodedSyntacticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan): Classifications;
403        /**
404         * Gets semantic highlights information for a particular file. Has two formats, an older
405         * version used by VS and a format used by VS Code.
406         *
407         * @param fileName The path to the file
408         * @param position A text span to return results within
409         * @param format Which format to use, defaults to "original"
410         * @returns a number array encoded as triples of [start, length, ClassificationType, ...].
411         */
412        getEncodedSemanticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan, format?: SemanticClassificationFormat): Classifications;
414        /**
415         * Gets completion entries at a particular position in a file.
416         *
417         * @param fileName The path to the file
418         * @param position A zero-based index of the character where you want the entries
419         * @param options An object describing how the request was triggered and what kinds
420         * of code actions can be returned with the completions.
421         */
422        getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number, options: GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions | undefined): WithMetadata<CompletionInfo> | undefined;
424        /**
425         * Gets the extended details for a completion entry retrieved from `getCompletionsAtPosition`.
426         *
427         * @param fileName The path to the file
428         * @param position A zero based index of the character where you want the entries
429         * @param entryName The name from an existing completion which came from `getCompletionsAtPosition`
430         * @param formatOptions How should code samples in the completions be formatted, can be undefined for backwards compatibility
431         * @param source Source code for the current file, can be undefined for backwards compatibility
432         * @param preferences User settings, can be undefined for backwards compatibility
433         */
434        getCompletionEntryDetails(
435            fileName: string,
436            position: number,
437            entryName: string,
438            formatOptions: FormatCodeOptions | FormatCodeSettings | undefined,
439            source: string | undefined,
440            preferences: UserPreferences | undefined,
441        ): CompletionEntryDetails | undefined;
443        getCompletionEntrySymbol(fileName: string, position: number, name: string, source: string | undefined): Symbol | undefined;
445        /**
446         * Gets semantic information about the identifier at a particular position in a
447         * file. Quick info is what you typically see when you hover in an editor.
448         *
449         * @param fileName The path to the file
450         * @param position A zero-based index of the character where you want the quick info
451         */
452        getQuickInfoAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): QuickInfo | undefined;
454        getNameOrDottedNameSpan(fileName: string, startPos: number, endPos: number): TextSpan | undefined;
456        getBreakpointStatementAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): TextSpan | undefined;
458        getSignatureHelpItems(fileName: string, position: number, options: SignatureHelpItemsOptions | undefined): SignatureHelpItems | undefined;
460        getRenameInfo(fileName: string, position: number, options?: RenameInfoOptions): RenameInfo;
461        findRenameLocations(fileName: string, position: number, findInStrings: boolean, findInComments: boolean, providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename?: boolean): readonly RenameLocation[] | undefined;
463        getSmartSelectionRange(fileName: string, position: number): SelectionRange;
465        getDefinitionAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): readonly DefinitionInfo[] | undefined;
466        getDefinitionAndBoundSpan(fileName: string, position: number): DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan | undefined;
467        getTypeDefinitionAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): readonly DefinitionInfo[] | undefined;
468        getImplementationAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): readonly ImplementationLocation[] | undefined;
470        getReferencesAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): ReferenceEntry[] | undefined;
471        findReferences(fileName: string, position: number): ReferencedSymbol[] | undefined;
472        getDocumentHighlights(fileName: string, position: number, filesToSearch: string[]): DocumentHighlights[] | undefined;
473        getFileReferences(fileName: string): ReferenceEntry[];
475        /** @deprecated */
476        getOccurrencesAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): readonly ReferenceEntry[] | undefined;
478        getNavigateToItems(searchValue: string, maxResultCount?: number, fileName?: string, excludeDtsFiles?: boolean): NavigateToItem[];
479        getNavigationBarItems(fileName: string): NavigationBarItem[];
480        getNavigationTree(fileName: string): NavigationTree;
482        prepareCallHierarchy(fileName: string, position: number): CallHierarchyItem | CallHierarchyItem[] | undefined;
483        provideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls(fileName: string, position: number): CallHierarchyIncomingCall[];
484        provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls(fileName: string, position: number): CallHierarchyOutgoingCall[];
486        getOutliningSpans(fileName: string): OutliningSpan[];
487        getTodoComments(fileName: string, descriptors: TodoCommentDescriptor[]): TodoComment[];
488        getBraceMatchingAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): TextSpan[];
489        getIndentationAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number, options: EditorOptions | EditorSettings): number;
491        getFormattingEditsForRange(fileName: string, start: number, end: number, options: FormatCodeOptions | FormatCodeSettings): TextChange[];
492        getFormattingEditsForDocument(fileName: string, options: FormatCodeOptions | FormatCodeSettings): TextChange[];
493        getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke(fileName: string, position: number, key: string, options: FormatCodeOptions | FormatCodeSettings): TextChange[];
495        getDocCommentTemplateAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number, options?: DocCommentTemplateOptions): TextInsertion | undefined;
497        isValidBraceCompletionAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number, openingBrace: number): boolean;
498        /**
499         * This will return a defined result if the position is after the `>` of the opening tag, or somewhere in the text, of a JSXElement with no closing tag.
500         * Editors should call this after `>` is typed.
501         */
502        getJsxClosingTagAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): JsxClosingTagInfo | undefined;
504        getSpanOfEnclosingComment(fileName: string, position: number, onlyMultiLine: boolean): TextSpan | undefined;
506        toLineColumnOffset?(fileName: string, position: number): LineAndCharacter;
507        /** @internal */
508        getSourceMapper(): SourceMapper;
509        /** @internal */
510        clearSourceMapperCache(): void;
512        getCodeFixesAtPosition(fileName: string, start: number, end: number, errorCodes: readonly number[], formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, preferences: UserPreferences): readonly CodeFixAction[];
513        getCombinedCodeFix(scope: CombinedCodeFixScope, fixId: {}, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, preferences: UserPreferences): CombinedCodeActions;
515        applyCodeActionCommand(action: CodeActionCommand, formatSettings?: FormatCodeSettings): Promise<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult>;
516        applyCodeActionCommand(action: CodeActionCommand[], formatSettings?: FormatCodeSettings): Promise<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult[]>;
517        applyCodeActionCommand(action: CodeActionCommand | CodeActionCommand[], formatSettings?: FormatCodeSettings): Promise<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult | ApplyCodeActionCommandResult[]>;
518        /** @deprecated `fileName` will be ignored */
519        applyCodeActionCommand(fileName: string, action: CodeActionCommand): Promise<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult>;
520        /** @deprecated `fileName` will be ignored */
521        applyCodeActionCommand(fileName: string, action: CodeActionCommand[]): Promise<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult[]>;
522        /** @deprecated `fileName` will be ignored */
523        applyCodeActionCommand(fileName: string, action: CodeActionCommand | CodeActionCommand[]): Promise<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult | ApplyCodeActionCommandResult[]>;
525        getApplicableRefactors(fileName: string, positionOrRange: number | TextRange, preferences: UserPreferences | undefined, triggerReason?: RefactorTriggerReason, kind?: string): ApplicableRefactorInfo[];
526        getEditsForRefactor(fileName: string, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, positionOrRange: number | TextRange, refactorName: string, actionName: string, preferences: UserPreferences | undefined): RefactorEditInfo | undefined;
527        organizeImports(scope: OrganizeImportsScope, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, preferences: UserPreferences | undefined): readonly FileTextChanges[];
528        getEditsForFileRename(oldFilePath: string, newFilePath: string, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, preferences: UserPreferences | undefined): readonly FileTextChanges[];
530        getEmitOutput(fileName: string, emitOnlyDtsFiles?: boolean, forceDtsEmit?: boolean): EmitOutput;
532        getProgram(): Program | undefined;
534        /* @internal */ getNonBoundSourceFile(fileName: string): SourceFile;
535        /* @internal */ getAutoImportProvider(): Program | undefined;
537        toggleLineComment(fileName: string, textRange: TextRange): TextChange[];
538        toggleMultilineComment(fileName: string, textRange: TextRange): TextChange[];
539        commentSelection(fileName: string, textRange: TextRange): TextChange[];
540        uncommentSelection(fileName: string, textRange: TextRange): TextChange[];
542        dispose(): void;
543    }
545    export interface JsxClosingTagInfo {
546        readonly newText: string;
547    }
549    export interface CombinedCodeFixScope { type: "file"; fileName: string; }
551    export type OrganizeImportsScope = CombinedCodeFixScope;
553    export type CompletionsTriggerCharacter = "." | '"' | "'" | "`" | "/" | "@" | "<" | "#";
555    export interface GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions extends UserPreferences {
556        /**
557         * If the editor is asking for completions because a certain character was typed
558         * (as opposed to when the user explicitly requested them) this should be set.
559         */
560        triggerCharacter?: CompletionsTriggerCharacter;
561        /** @deprecated Use includeCompletionsForModuleExports */
562        includeExternalModuleExports?: boolean;
563        /** @deprecated Use includeCompletionsWithInsertText */
564        includeInsertTextCompletions?: boolean;
565    }
567    export type SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter = "," | "(" | "<";
568    export type SignatureHelpRetriggerCharacter = SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter | ")";
570    export interface SignatureHelpItemsOptions {
571        triggerReason?: SignatureHelpTriggerReason;
572    }
574    export type SignatureHelpTriggerReason =
575        | SignatureHelpInvokedReason
576        | SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason
577        | SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason;
579    /**
580     * Signals that the user manually requested signature help.
581     * The language service will unconditionally attempt to provide a result.
582     */
583    export interface SignatureHelpInvokedReason {
584        kind: "invoked";
585        triggerCharacter?: undefined;
586    }
588    /**
589     * Signals that the signature help request came from a user typing a character.
590     * Depending on the character and the syntactic context, the request may or may not be served a result.
591     */
592    export interface SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason {
593        kind: "characterTyped";
594        /**
595         * Character that was responsible for triggering signature help.
596         */
597        triggerCharacter: SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter;
598    }
600    /**
601     * Signals that this signature help request came from typing a character or moving the cursor.
602     * This should only occur if a signature help session was already active and the editor needs to see if it should adjust.
603     * The language service will unconditionally attempt to provide a result.
604     * `triggerCharacter` can be `undefined` for a retrigger caused by a cursor move.
605     */
606    export interface SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason {
607        kind: "retrigger";
608        /**
609         * Character that was responsible for triggering signature help.
610         */
611        triggerCharacter?: SignatureHelpRetriggerCharacter;
612    }
614    export interface ApplyCodeActionCommandResult {
615        successMessage: string;
616    }
618    export interface Classifications {
619        spans: number[];
620        endOfLineState: EndOfLineState;
621    }
623    export interface ClassifiedSpan {
624        textSpan: TextSpan;
625        classificationType: ClassificationTypeNames;
626    }
628    export interface ClassifiedSpan2020 {
629        textSpan: TextSpan;
630        classificationType: number;
631    }
633    /**
634     * Navigation bar interface designed for visual studio's dual-column layout.
635     * This does not form a proper tree.
636     * The navbar is returned as a list of top-level items, each of which has a list of child items.
637     * Child items always have an empty array for their `childItems`.
638     */
639    export interface NavigationBarItem {
640        text: string;
641        kind: ScriptElementKind;
642        kindModifiers: string;
643        spans: TextSpan[];
644        childItems: NavigationBarItem[];
645        indent: number;
646        bolded: boolean;
647        grayed: boolean;
648    }
650    /**
651     * Node in a tree of nested declarations in a file.
652     * The top node is always a script or module node.
653     */
654    export interface NavigationTree {
655        /** Name of the declaration, or a short description, e.g. "<class>". */
656        text: string;
657        kind: ScriptElementKind;
658        /** ScriptElementKindModifier separated by commas, e.g. "public,abstract" */
659        kindModifiers: string;
660        /**
661         * Spans of the nodes that generated this declaration.
662         * There will be more than one if this is the result of merging.
663         */
664        spans: TextSpan[];
665        nameSpan: TextSpan | undefined;
666        /** Present if non-empty */
667        childItems?: NavigationTree[];
668    }
670    export interface CallHierarchyItem {
671        name: string;
672        kind: ScriptElementKind;
673        kindModifiers?: string;
674        file: string;
675        span: TextSpan;
676        selectionSpan: TextSpan;
677        containerName?: string;
678    }
680    export interface CallHierarchyIncomingCall {
681        from: CallHierarchyItem;
682        fromSpans: TextSpan[];
683    }
685    export interface CallHierarchyOutgoingCall {
686        to: CallHierarchyItem;
687        fromSpans: TextSpan[];
688    }
690    export interface TodoCommentDescriptor {
691        text: string;
692        priority: number;
693    }
695    export interface TodoComment {
696        descriptor: TodoCommentDescriptor;
697        message: string;
698        position: number;
699    }
701    export interface TextChange {
702        span: TextSpan;
703        newText: string;
704    }
706    export interface FileTextChanges {
707        fileName: string;
708        textChanges: readonly TextChange[];
709        isNewFile?: boolean;
710    }
712    export interface CodeAction {
713        /** Description of the code action to display in the UI of the editor */
714        description: string;
715        /** Text changes to apply to each file as part of the code action */
716        changes: FileTextChanges[];
717        /**
718         * If the user accepts the code fix, the editor should send the action back in a `applyAction` request.
719         * This allows the language service to have side effects (e.g. installing dependencies) upon a code fix.
720         */
721        commands?: CodeActionCommand[];
722    }
724    export interface CodeFixAction extends CodeAction {
725        /** Short name to identify the fix, for use by telemetry. */
726        fixName: string;
727        /**
728         * If present, one may call 'getCombinedCodeFix' with this fixId.
729         * This may be omitted to indicate that the code fix can't be applied in a group.
730         */
731        fixId?: {};
732        fixAllDescription?: string;
733    }
735    export interface CombinedCodeActions {
736        changes: readonly FileTextChanges[];
737        commands?: readonly CodeActionCommand[];
738    }
740    // Publicly, this type is just `{}`. Internally it is a union of all the actions we use.
741    // See `commands?: {}[]` in protocol.ts
742    export type CodeActionCommand = InstallPackageAction;
744    export interface InstallPackageAction {
745        /* @internal */ readonly type: "install package";
746        /* @internal */ readonly file: string;
747        /* @internal */ readonly packageName: string;
748    }
750    /**
751     * A set of one or more available refactoring actions, grouped under a parent refactoring.
752     */
753    export interface ApplicableRefactorInfo {
754        /**
755         * The programmatic name of the refactoring
756         */
757        name: string;
758        /**
759         * A description of this refactoring category to show to the user.
760         * If the refactoring gets inlined (see below), this text will not be visible.
761         */
762        description: string;
763        /**
764         * Inlineable refactorings can have their actions hoisted out to the top level
765         * of a context menu. Non-inlineanable refactorings should always be shown inside
766         * their parent grouping.
767         *
768         * If not specified, this value is assumed to be 'true'
769         */
770        inlineable?: boolean;
772        actions: RefactorActionInfo[];
773    }
775    /**
776     * Represents a single refactoring action - for example, the "Extract Method..." refactor might
777     * offer several actions, each corresponding to a surround class or closure to extract into.
778     */
779    export interface RefactorActionInfo {
780        /**
781         * The programmatic name of the refactoring action
782         */
783        name: string;
785        /**
786         * A description of this refactoring action to show to the user.
787         * If the parent refactoring is inlined away, this will be the only text shown,
788         * so this description should make sense by itself if the parent is inlineable=true
789         */
790        description: string;
792        /**
793         * A message to show to the user if the refactoring cannot be applied in
794         * the current context.
795         */
796        notApplicableReason?: string;
798        /**
799         * The hierarchical dotted name of the refactor action.
800         */
801        kind?: string;
802    }
804    /**
805     * A set of edits to make in response to a refactor action, plus an optional
806     * location where renaming should be invoked from
807     */
808    export interface RefactorEditInfo {
809        edits: FileTextChanges[];
810        renameFilename?: string ;
811        renameLocation?: number;
812        commands?: CodeActionCommand[];
813    }
815    export type RefactorTriggerReason = "implicit" | "invoked";
817    export interface TextInsertion {
818        newText: string;
819        /** The position in newText the caret should point to after the insertion. */
820        caretOffset: number;
821    }
823    export interface DocumentSpan {
824        textSpan: TextSpan;
825        fileName: string;
827        /**
828         * If the span represents a location that was remapped (e.g. via a .d.ts.map file),
829         * then the original filename and span will be specified here
830         */
831        originalTextSpan?: TextSpan;
832        originalFileName?: string;
834        /**
835         * If DocumentSpan.textSpan is the span for name of the declaration,
836         * then this is the span for relevant declaration
837         */
838        contextSpan?: TextSpan;
839        originalContextSpan?: TextSpan;
840    }
842    export interface RenameLocation extends DocumentSpan {
843        readonly prefixText?: string;
844        readonly suffixText?: string;
845    }
847    export interface ReferenceEntry extends DocumentSpan {
848        isWriteAccess: boolean;
849        isDefinition: boolean;
850        isInString?: true;
851    }
853    export interface ImplementationLocation extends DocumentSpan {
854        kind: ScriptElementKind;
855        displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
856    }
858    export const enum HighlightSpanKind {
859        none = "none",
860        definition = "definition",
861        reference = "reference",
862        writtenReference = "writtenReference",
863    }
865    export interface HighlightSpan {
866        fileName?: string;
867        isInString?: true;
868        textSpan: TextSpan;
869        contextSpan?: TextSpan;
870        kind: HighlightSpanKind;
871    }
873    export interface NavigateToItem {
874        name: string;
875        kind: ScriptElementKind;
876        kindModifiers: string;
877        matchKind: "exact" | "prefix" | "substring" | "camelCase";
878        isCaseSensitive: boolean;
879        fileName: string;
880        textSpan: TextSpan;
881        containerName: string;
882        containerKind: ScriptElementKind;
883    }
885    export enum IndentStyle {
886        None = 0,
887        Block = 1,
888        Smart = 2,
889    }
891    export enum SemicolonPreference {
892        Ignore = "ignore",
893        Insert = "insert",
894        Remove = "remove",
895    }
897    /* @deprecated - consider using EditorSettings instead */
898    export interface EditorOptions {
899        BaseIndentSize?: number;
900        IndentSize: number;
901        TabSize: number;
902        NewLineCharacter: string;
903        ConvertTabsToSpaces: boolean;
904        IndentStyle: IndentStyle;
905    }
907    // TODO: GH#18217 These are frequently asserted as defined
908    export interface EditorSettings {
909        baseIndentSize?: number;
910        indentSize?: number;
911        tabSize?: number;
912        newLineCharacter?: string;
913        convertTabsToSpaces?: boolean;
914        indentStyle?: IndentStyle;
915        trimTrailingWhitespace?: boolean;
916    }
918    /* @deprecated - consider using FormatCodeSettings instead */
919    export interface FormatCodeOptions extends EditorOptions {
920        InsertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: boolean;
921        InsertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: boolean;
922        InsertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: boolean;
923        InsertSpaceAfterConstructor?: boolean;
924        InsertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: boolean;
925        InsertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: boolean;
926        InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: boolean;
927        InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets: boolean;
928        InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces?: boolean;
929        InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces: boolean;
930        InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces?: boolean;
931        InsertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion?: boolean;
932        InsertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis?: boolean;
933        PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: boolean;
934        PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: boolean;
935        insertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation?: boolean;
936    }
938    export interface FormatCodeSettings extends EditorSettings {
939        readonly insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter?: boolean;
940        readonly insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements?: boolean;
941        readonly insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators?: boolean;
942        readonly insertSpaceAfterConstructor?: boolean;
943        readonly insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements?: boolean;
944        readonly insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions?: boolean;
945        readonly insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis?: boolean;
946        readonly insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets?: boolean;
947        readonly insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces?: boolean;
948        readonly insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces?: boolean;
949        readonly insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces?: boolean;
950        readonly insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces?: boolean;
951        readonly insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion?: boolean;
952        readonly insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis?: boolean;
953        readonly placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions?: boolean;
954        readonly placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks?: boolean;
955        readonly insertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation?: boolean;
956        readonly indentMultiLineObjectLiteralBeginningOnBlankLine?: boolean;
957        readonly semicolons?: SemicolonPreference;
958    }
960    export function getDefaultFormatCodeSettings(newLineCharacter?: string): FormatCodeSettings {
961        return {
962            indentSize: 4,
963            tabSize: 4,
964            newLineCharacter: newLineCharacter || "\n",
965            convertTabsToSpaces: true,
966            indentStyle: IndentStyle.Smart,
967            insertSpaceAfterConstructor: false,
968            insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: true,
969            insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: true,
970            insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: true,
971            insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: true,
972            insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: false,
973            insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: false,
974            insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets: false,
975            insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces: true,
976            insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces: false,
977            insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces: false,
978            insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis: false,
979            placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: false,
980            placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: false,
981            semicolons: SemicolonPreference.Ignore,
982            trimTrailingWhitespace: true
983        };
984    }
986    /* @internal */
987    export const testFormatSettings = getDefaultFormatCodeSettings("\n");
989    export interface DefinitionInfo extends DocumentSpan {
990        kind: ScriptElementKind;
991        name: string;
992        containerKind: ScriptElementKind;
993        containerName: string;
994        /* @internal */ isLocal?: boolean;
995    }
997    export interface DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan {
998        definitions?: readonly DefinitionInfo[];
999        textSpan: TextSpan;
1000    }
1002    export interface ReferencedSymbolDefinitionInfo extends DefinitionInfo {
1003        displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1004    }
1006    export interface ReferencedSymbol {
1007        definition: ReferencedSymbolDefinitionInfo;
1008        references: ReferenceEntry[];
1009    }
1011    export enum SymbolDisplayPartKind {
1012        aliasName,
1013        className,
1014        enumName,
1015        fieldName,
1016        interfaceName,
1017        keyword,
1018        lineBreak,
1019        numericLiteral,
1020        stringLiteral,
1021        localName,
1022        methodName,
1023        moduleName,
1024        operator,
1025        parameterName,
1026        propertyName,
1027        punctuation,
1028        space,
1029        text,
1030        typeParameterName,
1031        enumMemberName,
1032        functionName,
1033        regularExpressionLiteral,
1034    }
1036    export interface SymbolDisplayPart {
1037        text: string;
1038        kind: string;
1039    }
1041    export interface JSDocTagInfo {
1042        name: string;
1043        text?: string;
1044    }
1046    export interface QuickInfo {
1047        kind: ScriptElementKind;
1048        kindModifiers: string;
1049        textSpan: TextSpan;
1050        displayParts?: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1051        documentation?: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1052        tags?: JSDocTagInfo[];
1053    }
1055    export type RenameInfo = RenameInfoSuccess | RenameInfoFailure;
1056    export interface RenameInfoSuccess {
1057        canRename: true;
1058        /**
1059         * File or directory to rename.
1060         * If set, `getEditsForFileRename` should be called instead of `findRenameLocations`.
1061         */
1062        fileToRename?: string;
1063        displayName: string;
1064        fullDisplayName: string;
1065        kind: ScriptElementKind;
1066        kindModifiers: string;
1067        triggerSpan: TextSpan;
1068    }
1069    export interface RenameInfoFailure {
1070        canRename: false;
1071        localizedErrorMessage: string;
1072    }
1074    export interface RenameInfoOptions {
1075        readonly allowRenameOfImportPath?: boolean;
1076    }
1078    export interface DocCommentTemplateOptions {
1079        readonly generateReturnInDocTemplate?: boolean;
1080    }
1082    export interface SignatureHelpParameter {
1083        name: string;
1084        documentation: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1085        displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1086        isOptional: boolean;
1087        isRest?: boolean;
1088    }
1090    export interface SelectionRange {
1091        textSpan: TextSpan;
1092        parent?: SelectionRange;
1093    }
1095    /**
1096     * Represents a single signature to show in signature help.
1097     * The id is used for subsequent calls into the language service to ask questions about the
1098     * signature help item in the context of any documents that have been updated.  i.e. after
1099     * an edit has happened, while signature help is still active, the host can ask important
1100     * questions like 'what parameter is the user currently contained within?'.
1101     */
1102    export interface SignatureHelpItem {
1103        isVariadic: boolean;
1104        prefixDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1105        suffixDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1106        separatorDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1107        parameters: SignatureHelpParameter[];
1108        documentation: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1109        tags: JSDocTagInfo[];
1110    }
1112    /**
1113     * Represents a set of signature help items, and the preferred item that should be selected.
1114     */
1115    export interface SignatureHelpItems {
1116        items: SignatureHelpItem[];
1117        applicableSpan: TextSpan;
1118        selectedItemIndex: number;
1119        argumentIndex: number;
1120        argumentCount: number;
1121    }
1123    export interface CompletionInfo {
1124        /** Not true for all global completions. This will be true if the enclosing scope matches a few syntax kinds. See `isSnippetScope`. */
1125        isGlobalCompletion: boolean;
1126        isMemberCompletion: boolean;
1127        /**
1128         * In the absence of `CompletionEntry["replacementSpan"], the editor may choose whether to use
1129         * this span or its default one. If `CompletionEntry["replacementSpan"]` is defined, that span
1130         * must be used to commit that completion entry.
1131         */
1132        optionalReplacementSpan?: TextSpan;
1134        /**
1135         * true when the current location also allows for a new identifier
1136         */
1137        isNewIdentifierLocation: boolean;
1138        entries: CompletionEntry[];
1139    }
1141    // see comments in protocol.ts
1142    export interface CompletionEntry {
1143        name: string;
1144        kind: ScriptElementKind;
1145        kindModifiers?: string; // see ScriptElementKindModifier, comma separated
1146        sortText: string;
1147        insertText?: string;
1148        /**
1149         * An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item.
1150         * If present, this span should be used instead of the default one.
1151         * It will be set if the required span differs from the one generated by the default replacement behavior.
1152         */
1153        replacementSpan?: TextSpan;
1154        hasAction?: true;
1155        source?: string;
1156        isRecommended?: true;
1157        isFromUncheckedFile?: true;
1158        isPackageJsonImport?: true;
1159        jsDoc?: JSDocTagInfo[];
1160        displayParts?: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1161    }
1163    export interface CompletionEntryDetails {
1164        name: string;
1165        kind: ScriptElementKind;
1166        kindModifiers: string;   // see ScriptElementKindModifier, comma separated
1167        displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1168        documentation?: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1169        tags?: JSDocTagInfo[];
1170        codeActions?: CodeAction[];
1171        source?: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1172    }
1174    export interface OutliningSpan {
1175        /** The span of the document to actually collapse. */
1176        textSpan: TextSpan;
1178        /** The span of the document to display when the user hovers over the collapsed span. */
1179        hintSpan: TextSpan;
1181        /** The text to display in the editor for the collapsed region. */
1182        bannerText: string;
1184        /**
1185         * Whether or not this region should be automatically collapsed when
1186         * the 'Collapse to Definitions' command is invoked.
1187         */
1188        autoCollapse: boolean;
1190        /**
1191         * Classification of the contents of the span
1192         */
1193        kind: OutliningSpanKind;
1194    }
1196    export const enum OutliningSpanKind {
1197        /** Single or multi-line comments */
1198        Comment = "comment",
1200        /** Sections marked by '// #region' and '// #endregion' comments */
1201        Region = "region",
1203        /** Declarations and expressions */
1204        Code = "code",
1206        /** Contiguous blocks of import declarations */
1207        Imports = "imports"
1208    }
1210    export const enum OutputFileType {
1211        JavaScript,
1212        SourceMap,
1213        Declaration
1214    }
1216    export const enum EndOfLineState {
1217        None,
1218        InMultiLineCommentTrivia,
1219        InSingleQuoteStringLiteral,
1220        InDoubleQuoteStringLiteral,
1221        InTemplateHeadOrNoSubstitutionTemplate,
1222        InTemplateMiddleOrTail,
1223        InTemplateSubstitutionPosition,
1224    }
1226    export enum TokenClass {
1227        Punctuation,
1228        Keyword,
1229        Operator,
1230        Comment,
1231        Whitespace,
1232        Identifier,
1233        NumberLiteral,
1234        BigIntLiteral,
1235        StringLiteral,
1236        RegExpLiteral,
1237    }
1239    export interface ClassificationResult {
1240        finalLexState: EndOfLineState;
1241        entries: ClassificationInfo[];
1242    }
1244    export interface ClassificationInfo {
1245        length: number;
1246        classification: TokenClass;
1247    }
1249    export interface Classifier {
1250        /**
1251         * Gives lexical classifications of tokens on a line without any syntactic context.
1252         * For instance, a token consisting of the text 'string' can be either an identifier
1253         * named 'string' or the keyword 'string', however, because this classifier is not aware,
1254         * it relies on certain heuristics to give acceptable results. For classifications where
1255         * speed trumps accuracy, this function is preferable; however, for true accuracy, the
1256         * syntactic classifier is ideal. In fact, in certain editing scenarios, combining the
1257         * lexical, syntactic, and semantic classifiers may issue the best user experience.
1258         *
1259         * @param text                      The text of a line to classify.
1260         * @param lexState                  The state of the lexical classifier at the end of the previous line.
1261         * @param syntacticClassifierAbsent Whether the client is *not* using a syntactic classifier.
1262         *                                  If there is no syntactic classifier (syntacticClassifierAbsent=true),
1263         *                                  certain heuristics may be used in its place; however, if there is a
1264         *                                  syntactic classifier (syntacticClassifierAbsent=false), certain
1265         *                                  classifications which may be incorrectly categorized will be given
1266         *                                  back as Identifiers in order to allow the syntactic classifier to
1267         *                                  subsume the classification.
1268         * @deprecated Use getLexicalClassifications instead.
1269         */
1270        getClassificationsForLine(text: string, lexState: EndOfLineState, syntacticClassifierAbsent: boolean): ClassificationResult;
1271        getEncodedLexicalClassifications(text: string, endOfLineState: EndOfLineState, syntacticClassifierAbsent: boolean): Classifications;
1272    }
1274    export const enum ScriptElementKind {
1275        unknown = "",
1276        warning = "warning",
1278        /** predefined type (void) or keyword (class) */
1279        keyword = "keyword",
1281        /** top level script node */
1282        scriptElement = "script",
1284        /** module foo {} */
1285        moduleElement = "module",
1287        /** class X {} */
1288        classElement = "class",
1290        /** var x = class X {} */
1291        localClassElement = "local class",
1293        /** struct X {} */
1294        structElement = "struct",
1296        /** interface Y {} */
1297        interfaceElement = "interface",
1299        /** type T = ... */
1300        typeElement = "type",
1302        /** enum E */
1303        enumElement = "enum",
1304        enumMemberElement = "enum member",
1306        /**
1307         * Inside module and script only
1308         * const v = ..
1309         */
1310        variableElement = "var",
1312        /** Inside function */
1313        localVariableElement = "local var",
1315        /**
1316         * Inside module and script only
1317         * function f() { }
1318         */
1319        functionElement = "function",
1321        /** Inside function */
1322        localFunctionElement = "local function",
1324        /** class X { [public|private]* foo() {} } */
1325        memberFunctionElement = "method",
1327        /** class X { [public|private]* [get|set] foo:number; } */
1328        memberGetAccessorElement = "getter",
1329        memberSetAccessorElement = "setter",
1331        /**
1332         * class X { [public|private]* foo:number; }
1333         * interface Y { foo:number; }
1334         */
1335        memberVariableElement = "property",
1337        /** class X { constructor() { } } */
1338        constructorImplementationElement = "constructor",
1340        /** interface Y { ():number; } */
1341        callSignatureElement = "call",
1343        /** interface Y { []:number; } */
1344        indexSignatureElement = "index",
1346        /** interface Y { new():Y; } */
1347        constructSignatureElement = "construct",
1349        /** function foo(*Y*: string) */
1350        parameterElement = "parameter",
1352        typeParameterElement = "type parameter",
1354        primitiveType = "primitive type",
1356        label = "label",
1358        alias = "alias",
1360        constElement = "const",
1362        letElement = "let",
1364        directory = "directory",
1366        externalModuleName = "external module name",
1368        /**
1369         * <JsxTagName attribute1 attribute2={0} />
1370         */
1371        jsxAttribute = "JSX attribute",
1373        /** String literal */
1374        string = "string",
1375    }
1377    export const enum ScriptElementKindModifier {
1378        none = "",
1379        publicMemberModifier = "public",
1380        privateMemberModifier = "private",
1381        protectedMemberModifier = "protected",
1382        exportedModifier = "export",
1383        ambientModifier = "declare",
1384        staticModifier = "static",
1385        abstractModifier = "abstract",
1386        optionalModifier = "optional",
1388        deprecatedModifier = "deprecated",
1390        dtsModifier = ".d.ts",
1391        tsModifier = ".ts",
1392        tsxModifier = ".tsx",
1393        jsModifier = ".js",
1394        jsxModifier = ".jsx",
1395        jsonModifier = ".json",
1396        etsModifier = ".ets",
1397    }
1399    export const enum ClassificationTypeNames {
1400        comment = "comment",
1401        identifier = "identifier",
1402        keyword = "keyword",
1403        numericLiteral = "number",
1404        bigintLiteral = "bigint",
1405        operator = "operator",
1406        stringLiteral = "string",
1407        whiteSpace = "whitespace",
1408        text = "text",
1410        punctuation = "punctuation",
1412        className = "class name",
1413        enumName = "enum name",
1414        interfaceName = "interface name",
1415        moduleName = "module name",
1416        typeParameterName = "type parameter name",
1417        typeAliasName = "type alias name",
1418        parameterName = "parameter name",
1419        docCommentTagName = "doc comment tag name",
1420        jsxOpenTagName = "jsx open tag name",
1421        jsxCloseTagName = "jsx close tag name",
1422        jsxSelfClosingTagName = "jsx self closing tag name",
1423        jsxAttribute = "jsx attribute",
1424        jsxText = "jsx text",
1425        jsxAttributeStringLiteralValue = "jsx attribute string literal value",
1426    }
1428    export const enum ClassificationType {
1429        comment = 1,
1430        identifier = 2,
1431        keyword = 3,
1432        numericLiteral = 4,
1433        operator = 5,
1434        stringLiteral = 6,
1435        regularExpressionLiteral = 7,
1436        whiteSpace = 8,
1437        text = 9,
1438        punctuation = 10,
1439        className = 11,
1440        enumName = 12,
1441        interfaceName = 13,
1442        moduleName = 14,
1443        typeParameterName = 15,
1444        typeAliasName = 16,
1445        parameterName = 17,
1446        docCommentTagName = 18,
1447        jsxOpenTagName = 19,
1448        jsxCloseTagName = 20,
1449        jsxSelfClosingTagName = 21,
1450        jsxAttribute = 22,
1451        jsxText = 23,
1452        jsxAttributeStringLiteralValue = 24,
1453        bigintLiteral = 25,
1454    }
1456    /** @internal */
1457    export interface CodeFixRegistration {
1458        errorCodes: readonly number[];
1459        getCodeActions(context: CodeFixContext): CodeFixAction[] | undefined;
1460        fixIds?: readonly string[];
1461        getAllCodeActions?(context: CodeFixAllContext): CombinedCodeActions;
1462    }
1464    /** @internal */
1465    export interface CodeFixContextBase extends textChanges.TextChangesContext {
1466        sourceFile: SourceFile;
1467        program: Program;
1468        cancellationToken: CancellationToken;
1469        preferences: UserPreferences;
1470    }
1472    /** @internal */
1473    export interface CodeFixAllContext extends CodeFixContextBase {
1474        fixId: {};
1475    }
1477    /** @internal */
1478    export interface CodeFixContext extends CodeFixContextBase {
1479        errorCode: number;
1480        span: TextSpan;
1481    }
1483    /** @internal */
1484    export interface Refactor {
1485        /** List of action kinds a refactor can provide.
1486         * Used to skip unnecessary calculation when specific refactors are requested. */
1487        kinds?: string[];
1489        /** Compute the associated code actions */
1490        getEditsForAction(context: RefactorContext, actionName: string): RefactorEditInfo | undefined;
1492        /** Compute (quickly) which actions are available here */
1493        getAvailableActions(context: RefactorContext): readonly ApplicableRefactorInfo[];
1494    }
1496    /** @internal */
1497    export interface RefactorContext extends textChanges.TextChangesContext {
1498        file: SourceFile;
1499        startPosition: number;
1500        endPosition?: number;
1501        program: Program;
1502        cancellationToken?: CancellationToken;
1503        preferences: UserPreferences;
1504        triggerReason?: RefactorTriggerReason;
1505        kind?: string;
1506    }