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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6  *
7  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
16 #include "common_utils.h"
17 #include <map>
18 #include "accesstoken_kit.h"
19 #include "if_system_ability_manager.h"
20 #include "ipc_skeleton.h"
21 #include "ipc_types.h"
22 #include "iservice_registry.h"
23 #include "parameters.h"
24 #include "system_ability_definition.h"
26 namespace OHOS {
27 namespace Location {
28 static std::shared_ptr<std::map<int, sptr<IRemoteObject>>> g_proxyMap =
29     std::make_shared<std::map<int, sptr<IRemoteObject>>>();
30 std::mutex g_proxyMutex;
CheckSystemCalling(pid_t uid)32 bool CommonUtils::CheckSystemCalling(pid_t uid)
33 {
34     return true;
35 }
CheckLocationPermission()37 bool CommonUtils::CheckLocationPermission()
38 {
39     return CheckPermission(ACCESS_LOCATION);
40 }
CheckPermission(const std::string & permission)42 bool CommonUtils::CheckPermission(const std::string &permission)
43 {
44     auto callerToken = IPCSkeleton::GetCallingTokenID();
45     auto tokenFirstCaller = IPCSkeleton::GetFirstTokenID();
46     auto tokenType = Security::AccessToken::AccessTokenKit::GetTokenTypeFlag(callerToken);
47     int result = Security::AccessToken::PERMISSION_DENIED;
48     if (tokenFirstCaller == 0) {
49         if (tokenType == Security::AccessToken::ATokenTypeEnum::TOKEN_NATIVE) {
50             result = Security::AccessToken::AccessTokenKit::VerifyNativeToken(callerToken, permission);
51         } else if (tokenType == Security::AccessToken::ATokenTypeEnum::TOKEN_HAP) {
52             result = Security::AccessToken::AccessTokenKit::VerifyAccessToken(callerToken, permission);
53         } else {
54             LBSLOGE(COMMON_UTILS, "invalid callerToken");
55         }
56     } else {
57         result = Security::AccessToken::AccessTokenKit::VerifyAccessToken(callerToken, tokenFirstCaller, permission);
58     }
59     if (result == Security::AccessToken::PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
60         return true;
61     } else {
62         LBSLOGD(COMMON_UTILS, "has no permission.permission name=%{public}s", permission.c_str());
63         return false;
64     }
65 }
CheckBackgroundPermission()67 bool CommonUtils::CheckBackgroundPermission()
68 {
69     return CheckPermission(ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION);
70 }
CheckSecureSettings()72 bool CommonUtils::CheckSecureSettings()
73 {
74     return CheckPermission(MANAGE_SECURE_SETTINGS);
75 }
AbilityConvertToId(const std::string ability)77 int CommonUtils::AbilityConvertToId(const std::string ability)
78 {
79     if (GNSS_ABILITY.compare(ability) == 0) {
80         return LOCATION_GNSS_SA_ID;
81     }
82     if (NETWORK_ABILITY.compare(ability) == 0) {
84     }
85     if (PASSIVE_ABILITY.compare(ability) == 0) {
87     }
88     if (GEO_ABILITY.compare(ability) == 0) {
89         return LOCATION_GEO_CONVERT_SA_ID;
90     }
91     return -1;
92 }
GetCapabilityToString(std::string ability,uint32_t capability)94 std::u16string CommonUtils::GetCapabilityToString(std::string ability, uint32_t capability)
95 {
96     std::string value = "{\"Capabilities\":{\"" + ability + "\":" + std::to_string(capability) + "}}";
97     return Str8ToStr16(value);
98 }
GetCapability(std::string ability)100 std::u16string CommonUtils::GetCapability(std::string ability)
101 {
102     uint32_t capability = 0x102;
103     return GetCapabilityToString(ability, capability);
104 }
GetLabel(std::string name)106 OHOS::HiviewDFX::HiLogLabel CommonUtils::GetLabel(std::string name)
107 {
108     if (GNSS_ABILITY.compare(name) == 0) {
109         return GNSS;
110     }
111     if (NETWORK_ABILITY.compare(name) == 0) {
112         return NETWORK;
113     }
114     if (PASSIVE_ABILITY.compare(name) == 0) {
115         return PASSIVE;
116     }
117     if (GEO_ABILITY.compare(name) == 0) {
118         return GEO_CONVERT;
119     }
120     OHOS::HiviewDFX::HiLogLabel label = { LOG_CORE, LOCATOR_LOG_ID, "unknown" };
121     return label;
122 }
GetRemoteObject(int abilityId)124 sptr<IRemoteObject> CommonUtils::GetRemoteObject(int abilityId)
125 {
126     return GetRemoteObject(abilityId, InitDeviceId());
127 }
GetRemoteObject(int abilityId,std::string deviceId)129 sptr<IRemoteObject> CommonUtils::GetRemoteObject(int abilityId, std::string deviceId)
130 {
131     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_proxyMutex);
132     auto objectGnss = g_proxyMap->find(abilityId);
133     if (objectGnss == g_proxyMap->end()) {
134         auto manager = SystemAbilityManagerClient::GetInstance().GetSystemAbilityManager();
135         if (manager == nullptr) {
136             LBSLOGE(COMMON_UTILS, "GetSystemAbilityManager is null.");
137             return nullptr;
138         }
139         sptr<IRemoteObject> object = manager->GetSystemAbility(abilityId, deviceId);
140         if (object == nullptr) {
141             LBSLOGE(COMMON_UTILS, "GetSystemAbility is null.");
142             return nullptr;
143         }
144         g_proxyMap->insert(std::make_pair(abilityId, object));
145         return object;
146     } else {
147         sptr<IRemoteObject> remoteObject = objectGnss->second;
148         return remoteObject;
149     }
150 }
InitDeviceId()152 std::string CommonUtils::InitDeviceId()
153 {
154     std::string deviceId;
155     return deviceId;
156 }
Wait(int time)158 void CountDownLatch::Wait(int time)
159 {
160     LBSLOGD(LOCATOR_STANDARD, "enter wait, time = %{public}d", time);
161     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
162     if (count_ == 0) {
163         LBSLOGE(LOCATOR_STANDARD, "count_ = 0");
164         return;
165     }
166     condition_.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::seconds(time / SEC_TO_MILLI_SEC), [&]() {return count_ == 0;});
167 }
CountDown()169 void CountDownLatch::CountDown()
170 {
171     LBSLOGD(LOCATOR_STANDARD, "enter CountDown");
172     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
173     int old_c = count_.load();
174     while (old_c > 0) {
175         if (count_.compare_exchange_strong(old_c, old_c - 1)) {
176             if (old_c == 1) {
177                 LBSLOGD(LOCATOR_STANDARD, "notify_all");
178                 condition_.notify_all();
179             }
180             break;
181         }
182         old_c = count_.load();
183     }
184 }
GetCount()186 int CountDownLatch::GetCount()
187 {
188     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
189     return count_;
190 }
SetCount(int count)192 void CountDownLatch::SetCount(int count)
193 {
194     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
195     count_ = count;
196 }
Str16ToStr8(std::u16string str)198 std::string CommonUtils::Str16ToStr8(std::u16string str)
199 {
200     if (str == DEFAULT_USTRING) {
201         return DEFAULT_STRING;
202     }
203     std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<char16_t>, char16_t> convert(DEFAULT_STRING);
204     std::string result = convert.to_bytes(str);
205     return result == DEFAULT_STRING ? "" : result;
206 }
DoubleEqual(double a,double b)208 bool CommonUtils::DoubleEqual(double a, double b)
209 {
210     if (fabs(a - b) < 1e-6) {
211         return true;
212     } else {
213         return false;
214     }
215 }
216 } // namespace Location
217 } // namespace OHOS