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1 #include <math.h>
2 #include <errno.h>
5 #define IBMPC 1
6 #define ANSIPROT 1
7 #define MINUSZERO 1
8 #define INFINITIES 1
9 #define NANS 1
10 #define DENORMAL 1
11 #define VOLATILE
12 #define mtherr(fname, code)
13 #define XPD 0,
14 #ifdef __x86_64__
15 #define XPD_SHORT 0, 0,
16 #define XPD_LONG 0,
17 #else
18 #define XPD_SHORT
19 #define XPD_LONG
20 #endif
22 #if UNK
23 typedef union uLD { long double ld; unsigned short sh[8]; long lo[4]; } uLD;
24 typedef union uD { double d; unsigned short sh[4]; } uD;
25 #elif IBMPC
26 typedef union uLD { unsigned short sh[8]; long double ld; long lo[4]; } uLD;
27 typedef union uD { unsigned short sh[4]; double d; } uD;
28 #elif MIEEE
29 typedef union uLD { long lo[4]; long double ld; unsigned short sh[8]; } uLD;
30 typedef union uD { unsigned short sh[4]; double d; } uD;
31 #else
32 #error Unknown uLD/uD type definition
33 #endif
35 #define _CEPHES_USE_ERRNO
38 #define _SET_ERRNO(x) errno = (x)
39 #else
40 #define _SET_ERRNO(x)
41 #endif
43 /* constants used by cephes functions */
45 /* double */
46 #define MAXNUM	1.7976931348623158E308
47 #define MAXLOG	7.09782712893383996843E2
48 #define MINLOG	-7.08396418532264106224E2
49 #define LOGE2	6.93147180559945309417E-1
50 #define LOG2E	1.44269504088896340736
51 #define PI	3.14159265358979323846
52 #define PIO2	1.57079632679489661923
53 #define PIO4	7.85398163397448309616E-1
55 #define NEGZERO (-0.0)
56 #undef NAN
57 #undef INFINITY
58 #if (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 2))
59 #define INFINITY __builtin_huge_val()
60 #define NAN __builtin_nan("")
61 #else
62 extern double __INF;
63 #define INFINITY (__INF)
64 extern double __QNAN;
65 #define NAN (__QNAN)
66 #endif
68 /*long double*/
69 #if defined(__arm__) || defined(_ARM_) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(_ARM64_)
70 #define MAXNUML	1.7976931348623158E308
71 #define MAXLOGL	7.09782712893383996843E2
72 #define MINLOGL	-7.08396418532264106224E2
73 #define LOGE2L	6.93147180559945309417E-1
74 #define LOG2EL	1.44269504088896340736
75 #define PIL	3.14159265358979323846
76 #define PIO2L	1.57079632679489661923
77 #define PIO4L	7.85398163397448309616E-1
78 #else
79 #define MAXNUML 1.189731495357231765021263853E4932L
80 #define MAXLOGL	1.1356523406294143949492E4L
81 #define MINLOGL	-1.13994985314888605586758E4L
82 #define LOGE2L	6.9314718055994530941723E-1L
83 #define LOG2EL	1.4426950408889634073599E0L
84 #define PIL	3.1415926535897932384626L
85 #define PIO2L	1.5707963267948966192313L
86 #define PIO4L	7.8539816339744830961566E-1L
87 #endif /* defined(__arm__) || defined(_ARM_) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(_ARM64_) */
89 #define isfinitel isfinite
90 #define isinfl isinf
91 #define isnanl isnan
92 #define signbitl signbit
94 #define NEGZEROL (-0.0L)
96 #undef NANL
97 #undef INFINITYL
98 #if (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 2))
99 #define INFINITYL __builtin_huge_vall()
100 #define NANL __builtin_nanl("")
101 #else
102 extern long double __INFL;
103 #define INFINITYL (__INFL)
104 extern long double __QNANL;
105 #define NANL (__QNANL)
106 #endif
108 /* float */
110 #define MAXNUMF	3.4028234663852885981170418348451692544e38F
111 #define MAXLOGF	88.72283905206835F
112 #define MINLOGF	-103.278929903431851103F /* log(2^-149) */
113 #define LOG2EF	1.44269504088896341F
114 #define LOGE2F	0.693147180559945309F
115 #define PIF	3.141592653589793238F
116 #define PIO2F	1.5707963267948966192F
117 #define PIO4F	0.7853981633974483096F
119 #define isfinitef isfinite
120 #define isinff isinf
121 #define isnanf isnan
122 #define signbitf signbit
124 #define NEGZEROF (-0.0F)
126 #undef NANF
127 #undef INFINITYF
128 #if (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 2))
129 #define INFINITYF __builtin_huge_valf()
130 #define NANF __builtin_nanf("")
131 #else
132 extern float __INFF;
133 #define INFINITYF (__INFF)
134 extern float __QNANF;
135 #define NANF (__QNANF)
136 #endif
139 /* double */
141 /*
142 Cephes Math Library Release 2.2:  July, 1992
143 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1988, 1992 by Stephen L. Moshier
144 Direct inquiries to 30 Frost Street, Cambridge, MA 02140
145 */
148 /*							polevl.c
149  *							p1evl.c
150  *
151  *	Evaluate polynomial
152  *
153  *
154  *
155  * SYNOPSIS:
156  *
157  * int N;
158  * double x, y, coef[N+1], polevl[];
159  *
160  * y = polevl( x, coef, N );
161  *
162  *
163  *
165  *
166  * Evaluates polynomial of degree N:
167  *
168  *                     2          N
169  * y  =  C  + C x + C x  +...+ C x
170  *        0    1     2          N
171  *
172  * Coefficients are stored in reverse order:
173  *
174  * coef[0] = C  , ..., coef[N] = C  .
175  *            N                   0
176  *
177  *  The function p1evl() assumes that coef[N] = 1.0 and is
178  * omitted from the array.  Its calling arguments are
179  * otherwise the same as polevl().
180  *
181  *
182  * SPEED:
183  *
184  * In the interest of speed, there are no checks for out
185  * of bounds arithmetic.  This routine is used by most of
186  * the functions in the library.  Depending on available
187  * equipment features, the user may wish to rewrite the
188  * program in microcode or assembly language.
189  *
190  */
192 /* Polynomial evaluator:
193  *  P[0] x^n  +  P[1] x^(n-1)  +  ...  +  P[n]
194  */
polevl(double x,const uD * p,int n)195 static __inline__ double polevl(double x, const uD *p, int n)
196 {
197 	register double y;
199 	y = p->d;
200 	p++;
201 	do
202 	{
203 		y = y * x + p->d;
204 		p++;
205 	}
206 	while (--n);
207 	return (y);
208 }
211 /* Polynomial evaluator:
212  *  x^n  +  P[0] x^(n-1)  +  P[1] x^(n-2)  +  ...  +  P[n]
213  */
p1evl(double x,const uD * p,int n)214 static __inline__  double p1evl(double x, const uD *p, int n)
215 {
216 	register double y;
218 	n -= 1;
219 	y = x + p->d; p++;
220 	do
221 	{
222 		y = y * x + p->d; p++;
223 	}
224 	while (--n);
225 	return (y);
226 }
229 /* long double */
230 /*
231 Cephes Math Library Release 2.2:  July, 1992
232 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1988, 1992 by Stephen L. Moshier
233 Direct inquiries to 30 Frost Street, Cambridge, MA 02140
234 */
237 /*							polevll.c
238  *							p1evll.c
239  *
240  *	Evaluate polynomial
241  *
242  *
243  *
244  * SYNOPSIS:
245  *
246  * int N;
247  * long double x, y, coef[N+1], polevl[];
248  *
249  * y = polevll( x, coef, N );
250  *
251  *
252  *
254  *
255  * Evaluates polynomial of degree N:
256  *
257  *                     2          N
258  * y  =  C  + C x + C x  +...+ C x
259  *        0    1     2          N
260  *
261  * Coefficients are stored in reverse order:
262  *
263  * coef[0] = C  , ..., coef[N] = C  .
264  *            N                   0
265  *
266  *  The function p1evll() assumes that coef[N] = 1.0 and is
267  * omitted from the array.  Its calling arguments are
268  * otherwise the same as polevll().
269  *
270  *
271  * SPEED:
272  *
273  * In the interest of speed, there are no checks for out
274  * of bounds arithmetic.  This routine is used by most of
275  * the functions in the library.  Depending on available
276  * equipment features, the user may wish to rewrite the
277  * program in microcode or assembly language.
278  *
279  */
281 /* Polynomial evaluator:
282  *  P[0] x^n  +  P[1] x^(n-1)  +  ...  +  P[n]
283  */
polevll(long double x,const uLD * p,int n)284 static __inline__ long double polevll(long double x, const uLD *p, int n)
285 {
286 	register long double y;
288 	y = p->ld;
289 	p++;
290 	do
291 	{
292 		y = y * x + p->ld;
293 		p++;
294 	}
295 	while (--n);
296 	return y;
297 }
301 /* Polynomial evaluator:
302  *  x^n  +  P[0] x^(n-1)  +  P[1] x^(n-2)  +  ...  +  P[n]
303  */
p1evll(long double x,const uLD * p,int n)304 static __inline__ long double p1evll(long double x, const uLD *p, int n)
305 {
306 	register long double y;
308 	n -= 1;
309 	y = x + p->ld;
310 	p++;
312 	do
313 	{
314 		y = y * x + p->ld;
315 		p++;
316 	}
317 	while (--n);
318 	return (y);
319 }
321 /* Float version */
323 /*							polevlf.c
324  *							p1evlf.c
325  *
326  *	Evaluate polynomial
327  *
328  *
329  *
330  * SYNOPSIS:
331  *
332  * int N;
333  * float x, y, coef[N+1], polevlf[];
334  *
335  * y = polevlf( x, coef, N );
336  *
337  *
338  *
340  *
341  * Evaluates polynomial of degree N:
342  *
343  *                     2          N
344  * y  =  C  + C x + C x  +...+ C x
345  *        0    1     2          N
346  *
347  * Coefficients are stored in reverse order:
348  *
349  * coef[0] = C  , ..., coef[N] = C  .
350  *            N                   0
351  *
352  *  The function p1evl() assumes that coef[N] = 1.0 and is
353  * omitted from the array.  Its calling arguments are
354  * otherwise the same as polevl().
355  *
356  *
357  * SPEED:
358  *
359  * In the interest of speed, there are no checks for out
360  * of bounds arithmetic.  This routine is used by most of
361  * the functions in the library.  Depending on available
362  * equipment features, the user may wish to rewrite the
363  * program in microcode or assembly language.
364  *
365  */
367 /*
368 Cephes Math Library Release 2.1:  December, 1988
369 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1988 by Stephen L. Moshier
370 Direct inquiries to 30 Frost Street, Cambridge, MA 02140
371 */
polevlf(float x,const float * coef,int N)373 static __inline__ float polevlf(float x, const float* coef, int N)
374 {
375 	float ans;
376 	float *p;
377 	int i;
379 	p = (float*)coef;
380 	ans = *p++;
382 	/*
383 	for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
384 		ans = ans * x  +  *p++;
385 	*/
387 	i = N;
388 	do
389 		ans = ans * x  +  *p++;
390 	while (--i);
392 	return (ans);
393 }
395 /*							p1evl()	*/
396 /*                                          N
397  * Evaluate polynomial when coefficient of x  is 1.0.
398  * Otherwise same as polevl.
399  */
p1evlf(float x,const float * coef,int N)401 static __inline__ float p1evlf(float x, const float *coef, int N)
402 {
403 	float ans;
404 	float *p;
405 	int i;
407 	p = (float*)coef;
408 	ans = x + *p++;
409 	i = N - 1;
411 	do
412 		ans = ans * x  + *p++;
413 	while (--i);
415 	return (ans);
416 }