/third_party/parse5/test/data/parser-feedback/ |
D | entities01.test | 4 "description": "FOO>BAR", 5 "input": "FOO>BAR", 9 "FOO>BAR" 14 "description": "FOO>BAR", 15 "input": "FOO>BAR", 19 "FOO>BAR" 24 "description": "FOO> BAR", 25 "input": "FOO> BAR", 29 "FOO> BAR" 34 "description": "FOO>;;BAR", [all …]
D | scriptdata01.test | 4 "description": "FOO<script>'Hello'</script>BAR", 5 "input": "FOO<script>'Hello'</script>BAR", 9 "FOO" 31 "description": "FOO<script></script>BAR", 32 "input": "FOO<script></script>BAR", 36 "FOO" 54 "description": "FOO<script></script >BAR", 55 "input": "FOO<script></script >BAR", 59 "FOO" 77 "description": "FOO<script></script/>BAR", [all …]
D | comments01.test | 4 "description": "FOO<!-- BAR -->BAZ", 5 "input": "FOO<!-- BAR -->BAZ", 9 "FOO" 22 "description": "FOO<!-- BAR --!>BAZ", 23 "input": "FOO<!-- BAR --!>BAZ", 27 "FOO" 40 "description": "FOO<!-- BAR -- >BAZ", 41 "input": "FOO<!-- BAR -- >BAZ", 45 "FOO" 54 "description": "FOO<!-- BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX -->BAZ", [all …]
/third_party/typescript/tests/baselines/reference/ |
D | declarationEmitConstantNoWidening.types | 2 export const FOO = 'FOO'; 3 >FOO : "FOO" 4 >'FOO' : "FOO" 9 readonly type = FOO; // Should be widening literal "FOO" - so either `typeof "FOO"` or = "FOO" 10 >type : "FOO" 11 >FOO : "FOO"
D | declarationEmitConstantNoWidening.symbols | 2 export const FOO = 'FOO'; 3 >FOO : Symbol(FOO, Decl(declarationEmitConstantNoWidening.ts, 0, 12)) 8 readonly type = FOO; // Should be widening literal "FOO" - so either `typeof "FOO"` or = "FOO" 10 >FOO : Symbol(FOO, Decl(declarationEmitConstantNoWidening.ts, 0, 12))
D | declarationEmitConstantNoWidening.js | 2 export const FOO = 'FOO'; constant 4 readonly type = FOO; // Should be widening literal "FOO" - so either `typeof "FOO"` or = "FOO" 10 exports.Bar = exports.FOO = void 0; 11 exports.FOO = 'FOO'; 14 … this.type = exports.FOO; // Should be widening literal "FOO" - so either `typeof "FOO"` or = "FOO" 22 export declare const FOO = "FOO";
D | enumAssignmentCompat4.types | 30 FOO 31 >FOO : MyEnum.FOO 36 >{ foo: MyEnum.FOO } : { foo: MyEnum; } 38 foo: MyEnum.FOO 40 >MyEnum.FOO : MyEnum 42 >FOO : MyEnum
D | enumAssignmentCompat4.symbols | 29 FOO 30 >FOO : Symbol(MyEnum.FOO, Decl(enumAssignmentCompat4.ts, 10, 24)) 36 foo: MyEnum.FOO 38 >MyEnum.FOO : Symbol(MyEnum.FOO, Decl(enumAssignmentCompat4.ts, 10, 24)) 40 >FOO : Symbol(MyEnum.FOO, Decl(enumAssignmentCompat4.ts, 10, 24))
D | jsdocImportTypeReferenceToStringLiteral.symbols | 2 export const FOO = "foo"; 3 >FOO : Symbol(FOO, Decl(b.js, 0, 12)) 6 /** @type {import('./b').FOO} */
D | jsdocImportTypeReferenceToStringLiteral.types | 2 export const FOO = "foo"; 3 >FOO : "foo" 7 /** @type {import('./b').FOO} */
D | enumAssignmentCompat4.js | 13 FOO 16 foo: MyEnum.FOO 45 foo: MyEnum.FOO
/third_party/libxml2/result/schemas/ |
D | anyAttr-processContents-err1_0_0.err | 1 …ement elem.lax: Schemas validity error : Element '{http://FOO}elem.lax', attribute '{http://FOO}ba… 2 … elem.strict: Schemas validity error : Element '{http://FOO}elem.strict', attribute '{http://FOO}b…
D | derivation-ok-restriction-2-1-1_0_0.err | 1 …the corresponding 'required' attribute use of the base complex type definition '{http://FOO}typeA'. 2 …ribute use, nor a matching wildcard exists in the base complex type definition '{http://FOO}typeA'. 3 …ribute use, nor a matching wildcard exists in the base complex type definition '{http://FOO}typeA'. 4 …ribute use, nor a matching wildcard exists in the base complex type definition '{http://FOO}typeA'. 5 …ribute use, nor a matching wildcard exists in the base complex type definition '{http://FOO}typeA'. 6 …equired' attribute use 'barB_3' of the base complex type definition '{http://FOO}typeA' is missing.
D | cos-st-restricts-1-2-err_0_0.err | 1 …ts-1-2-err_0.xml:3: element foo: Schemas validity error : Element '{http://FOO}foo': [facet 'lengt… 2 … Schemas validity error : Element '{http://FOO}foo': '1 2' is not a valid value of the list type '…
D | derivation-ok-restriction-4-1-err_0_0.err | 1 …n has an attribute wildcard, but the base complex type definition '{http://FOO}base.type.A' does n… 2 …s not a valid subset of the wildcard in the base complex type definition '{http://FOO}base.type.B'. 3 …bute wildcard is weaker than the one in the base complex type definition '{http://FOO}base.type.C'.
/third_party/node/test/parallel/ |
D | test-process-env-windows-error-reset.js | 9 process.env.FOO = ''; 11 const foo = process.env.FOO; 17 process.env.FOO = '';
/third_party/boost/tools/build/example/try_compile/ |
D | Jamroot.jam | 17 : [ check-target-builds foo : <define>FOO=1 : <define>FOO=0 ] 23 # the produced executable will show that FOO is set to 1. 26 # the produced executable should show that FOO is now set to 0.
/third_party/typescript/tests/cases/compiler/ |
D | declarationEmitConstantNoWidening.ts | 2 export const FOO = 'FOO'; constant 4 readonly type = FOO; // Should be widening literal "FOO" - so either `typeof "FOO"` or = "FOO"
D | enumAssignmentCompat4.ts | 12 FOO 15 foo: MyEnum.FOO
/third_party/boost/libs/wave/test/testwave/testfiles/ |
D | t_8_006.cpp | 16 #define __VA_OPT__(FOO, BAR) FOO BAR argument
D | t_8_011.cpp | 15 #define FOO(BAR, ...) BAR __VA_OPT__(,) __VA_ARGS__ macro 19 FOO(something, other)
D | t_2_030.cpp | 16 #define FOO BAR macro 17 #if __has_include(FOO)
/third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/util/ |
D | json_util_test.cc | 53 using proto3::FOO; 201 orig.add_repeated_enum_value(proto3::FOO); in TEST_F() 216 EXPECT_EQ(proto3::FOO, parsed.repeated_enum_value(0)); in TEST_F() 223 orig.set_enum_value2(proto3::FOO); in TEST_F() 238 EXPECT_EQ(proto3::FOO, parsed.enum_value1()); in TEST_F() 239 EXPECT_EQ(proto3::FOO, parsed.enum_value2()); in TEST_F() 464 m.set_enum_value(proto3::FOO); in TEST_F() 467 ASSERT_EQ(proto3::FOO, m.enum_value()); in TEST_F() 476 m.set_enum_value(proto3::FOO); in TEST_F() 478 ASSERT_EQ(proto3::FOO, m.enum_value()); // Keep previous value in TEST_F() [all …]
/third_party/uboot/u-boot-2020.01/arch/arm/dts/ |
D | bcm2837-rpi-cm3-io3.dts | 17 * "FOO" = GPIO line named "FOO" on the schematic 18 * "FOO_N" = GPIO line named "FOO" on schematic, active low
D | bcm2835-rpi-cm1-io1.dts | 17 * "FOO" = GPIO line named "FOO" on the schematic 18 * "FOO_N" = GPIO line named "FOO" on schematic, active low