Name |
Date |
Size |
#Lines |
.. | - | - | ||||
frameworks/ | 12-May-2024 | - | 7,397 | 6,504 | ||
interfaces/ | 12-May-2024 | - | 8,891 | 6,478 | ||
services/ | 12-May-2024 | - | 14,419 | 10,205 | ||
tools/ | 12-May-2024 | - | 335 | 207 | || | D | 12-May-2024 | 2.5 KiB | 61 | 56 | |
LICENSE | D | 12-May-2024 | 10.1 KiB | 177 | 150 | |
OAT.xml | D | 12-May-2024 | 5.7 KiB | 84 | 34 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 5.7 KiB | 75 | 58 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 5.8 KiB | 80 | 64 | |
access_token.gni | D | 12-May-2024 | 765 | 20 | 18 | |
bundle.json | D | 12-May-2024 | 2.5 KiB | 87 | 86 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 1.7 KiB | 51 | 50 |
1# Access Control<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001101239136"></a> 2 3 4## Introduction<a name="section11660541593"></a> 5 6AccessTokenManager (ATM) provides unified app permission management based on access tokens on OpenHarmony. 7 8The access token information of an app includes the app identifier (**APPID**), user ID, app twin index, app Ability Privilege Level (APL), and permission information. The access token of each app is identified by a 32-bit token identity (**TokenID**) in the device. 9 10The ATM module provides the following functions: 11- Verifying app permissions based on the token ID before an app accesses sensitive data or calls an API. 12- Obtaining access token information (for example, APL) based on the token ID. 13 14## Directory Structure<a name="section161941989596"></a> 15 16``` 17/base/security/access_token 18├── frameworks # Stores code of basic functionalities. 19│ ├── accesstoken # Stores code of the ATM framework. 20│ ├── tokensync # Stores code of the access token synchronization framework. 21│ └── common # Stores framework common code. 22├── interfaces # Stores the APIs. 23│ ├── innerkits # Stores internal APIs. 24│ ├── accesstoken # Stores code of access token internal APIs. 25│ ├── nativetoken # Stores code of native token APIs. 26│ └── tokensync # Stores code of the internal APIs for access token synchronization. 27└── services # Services 28 ├── accesstokenmanager # Stores ATM service code. 29 └── tokensyncmanager # Stores code of the access token synchronization service. 30``` 31 32## Usage<a name="section137768191623"></a> 33### Available APIs<a name="section1551164914237"></a> 34 35| **API**| **Description**| 36| --- | --- | 37| AccessTokenIDEx AllocHapToken(const HapInfoParams& info, const HapPolicyParams& policy); | Allocates a token ID to an app.| 38| AccessTokenID AllocLocalTokenID(const std::string& remoteDeviceID, AccessTokenID remoteTokenID); | Allocates a local token ID to the app of a remote device.| 39| int UpdateHapToken(AccessTokenID tokenID, const std::string& appIDDesc, const HapPolicyParams& policy); | Updates token information.| 40| int DeleteToken(AccessTokenID tokenID); | Deletes the app's token ID and information.| 41| int GetTokenType(AccessTokenID tokenID); | Obtains the type of an access token.| 42| int CheckNativeDCap(AccessTokenID tokenID, const std::string& dcap); | Checks whether the native process corresponding to the given token ID has the specified distributed capability.| 43| AccessTokenID GetHapTokenID(int userID, const std::string& bundleName, int instIndex); | Obtains the token ID of an app.| 44| int GetHapTokenInfo(AccessTokenID tokenID, HapTokenInfo& hapTokenInfoRes); | Obtains the token information about a HAP.| 45| int GetNativeTokenInfo(AccessTokenID tokenID, NativeTokenInfo& nativeTokenInfoRes); | Obtains information about a native token.| 46| int VerifyAccessToken(AccessTokenID tokenID, const std::string& permissionName); | Checks whether an access token has the specified permission.| 47| int GetDefPermission(const std::string& permissionName, PermissionDef& permissionDefResult); | Obtains definition information about the specified permission.| 48| int GetDefPermissions(AccessTokenID tokenID, std::vector<PermissionDef>& permList); | Obtains the permission definition set of a HAP.| 49| int GetReqPermissions(AccessTokenID tokenID, std::vector<PermissionStateFull>& reqPermList, bool isSystemGrant); | Obtains the status set of the permission requested by a HAP.| 50| int GetPermissionFlag(AccessTokenID tokenID, const std::string& permissionName); | Obtains the permissions of the app with the specified token ID.| 51| int GrantPermission(AccessTokenID tokenID, const std::string& permissionName, int flag); | Grants the specified permission to the app with the specified token ID.| 52| int RevokePermission(AccessTokenID tokenID, const std::string& permissionName, int flag); | Revokes the specified permission from the app with the specified token ID.| 53| int ClearUserGrantedPermissionState(AccessTokenID tokenID); | Clears the user_grant permission status of the app with the specified token ID.| 54| uint64_t GetAccessTokenId(const char *processname, const char **dcap, int32_t dacpNum, const char *aplStr); | Obtains the token ID of a native process.| 55 56### Usage Guidelines<a name="section129654513264"></a> 57ATM provides unified access control for apps and allows apps or service abilities to obtain and verify app permissions and APL. The ATM APIs can be called by a service ability started by a native process or an app HAP. 58 59#### Native Process 60- Before a native process starts, it calls **GetAccessTokenId** to obtain a token ID, and then calls **SetSelfTokenID** to set the token ID to the kernel. 61- During the running of a native process, it calls **GetNativeTokenInfo** or **CheckNativeDCap** to obtain the token information, including the distributed capability and APL. 62 63#### App HAP 64- When an app is installed, **AllocHapToken** is called to obtain the token ID of the app. 65- When an authentication is required during app running, **VerifyAccessToken** or **GetReqPermissions** is called to obtain and verify the app permissions and APL. 66- When an app is uninstalled, **DeleteToken** is called to delete the related access token information. 67 68## Repositories Involved<a name="section1371113476307"></a> 69 70[startup\_init\_lite]( 71 72[security\_deviceauth]( 73 74[security\_access\_token]( 75
1# 访问控制<a name="ZH-CN_TOPIC_0000001101239136"></a> 2 3- [简介](#section11660541593) 4- [目录](#section119744591305) 5- [使用](#section137768191623) 6 - [接口说明](#section1551164914237) 7 - [使用说明](#section129654513264) 8- [相关仓](#section1371113476307) 9 10## 简介<a name="section11660541593"></a> 11 12ATM(AccessTokenManager)是OpenHarmony上基于AccessToken构建的统一的应用权限管理能力。 13 14应用的Accesstoken信息主要包括应用身份标识APPID、用户ID,应用分身索引、应用APL(Ability Privilege Level)等级、应用权限信息等。每个应用的Accestoken信息由一个32bits的设备内唯一标识符TokenID(Token identity)来标识。 15 16ATM模块主要提供如下功能: 17- 提供基于TokenID的应用权限校验机制,应用访问敏感数据或者API时可以检查是否有对应的权限。 18- 提供基于TokenID的Accestoken信息查询,应用可以根据TokenID查询自身的APL等级等信息。 19 20## 目录<a name="section161941989596"></a> 21 22``` 23/base/security/access_token 24├── frameworks # 框架层,基础功能代码存放目录 25│ ├── accesstoken # Accesstoken管理框架代码存放目录 26│ ├── tokensync # Accesstoken信息同步框架代码存放目录 27│ └── common # 框架公共代码存放目录 28├── interfaces # 接口层 29│ └── innerkits # 内部接口层 30│ ├── accesstoken # Accesstoken内部接口代码存放目录 31│ ├── nativetoken # nativetoken内部接口代码存放目录 32│ └── tokensync # Accesstoken信息同步内部接口代码存放目录 33└── services # 服务层 34 ├── accesstokenmanager # Accesstoken管理服务代码存放目录 35 └── tokensyncmanager # Accesstoken信息同步服务代码存放目录 36``` 37 38## 使用<a name="section137768191623"></a> 39### 接口说明<a name="section1551164914237"></a> 40 41| **接口申明** | **接口描述** | 42| --- | --- | 43| AccessTokenIDEx AllocHapToken(const HapInfoParams& info, const HapPolicyParams& policy); | 为应用进程分配一个tokenID | 44| AccessTokenID AllocLocalTokenID(const std::string& remoteDeviceID, AccessTokenID remoteTokenID); | 为远端设备的应用进程分配一个本地tokenID | 45| int UpdateHapToken(AccessTokenID tokenID, const std::string& appIDDesc, const HapPolicyParams& policy); | 更新tokenId对应的tokenInfo信息 | 46| int DeleteToken(AccessTokenID tokenID); | 删除应用tokenID及其对应的tokenInfo信息 | 47| int GetTokenType(AccessTokenID tokenID); | 查询指定tokenID的类型 | 48| int CheckNativeDCap(AccessTokenID tokenID, const std::string& dcap); | 检测指定tokenID对应的native进程是否具有指定的分布式能力 | 49| AccessTokenID GetHapTokenID(int userID, const std::string& bundleName, int instIndex); | 查询指定应用的tokenId | 50| int GetHapTokenInfo(AccessTokenID tokenID, HapTokenInfo& hapTokenInfoRes); | 查询指定tokenID对应的hap包的tokenInfo信息 | 51| int GetNativeTokenInfo(AccessTokenID tokenID, NativeTokenInfo& nativeTokenInfoRes); | 查询指定tokenID对应的native的tokenInfo信息 | 52| int VerifyAccessToken(AccessTokenID tokenID, const std::string& permissionName); | 检查指定tokenID是否具有指定权限 | 53| int GetDefPermission(const std::string& permissionName, PermissionDef& permissionDefResult); | 查询指定权限的权限定义信息 | 54| int GetDefPermissions(AccessTokenID tokenID, std::vector<PermissionDef>& permList); | 查询指定tokenID对应的hap包的权限定义集合 | 55| int GetReqPermissions(AccessTokenID tokenID, std::vector<PermissionStateFull>& reqPermList, bool isSystemGrant); | 查询指定tokenID对应的hap包申请的权限状态集合 | 56| int GetPermissionFlag(AccessTokenID tokenID, const std::string& permissionName); | 查询指定tokenID的应用的指定权限 | 57| int GrantPermission(AccessTokenID tokenID, const std::string& permissionName, int flag); | 授予指定tokenID的应用的指定权限 | 58| int RevokePermission(AccessTokenID tokenID, const std::string& permissionName, int flag); | 撤销指定tokenID的应用的指定权限 | 59| int ClearUserGrantedPermissionState(AccessTokenID tokenID); | 清空指定tokenID的应用的user_grant权限状态 | 60| uint64_t GetAccessTokenId(const char *processname, const char **dcap, int32_t dacpNum, const char *aplStr); | 创建获取native进程的tokenId | 61 62### 使用说明<a name="section129654513264"></a> 63ATM提供了统一的应用权限访问控制功能,支持应用程序或者SA查询校验应用权限、APL等信息。从使用者角度,可以分为基于native进程启动的SA和应用Hap两类使用者。 64 65#### native进程 66- 在native进程拉起前,需要调用GetAccessTokenId函数,获取该native进程的TokenID;再调用SetSelfTokenID将进程TokenID设置到内核中。 67- 在native进程运行过程中,可以通过调用GetNativeTokenInfo、CheckNativeDCap来查验对应进程所具备的token信息,包括分布式能力、APL等级等信息。 68 69#### 应用hap 70- 在应用安装时,需要调用AllocHapToken创建获取该应用的TokenID。 71- 在应用运行过程中,需要进行鉴权等操作时,可调用VerifyAccessToken、GetReqPermissions等函数查询校验应用权限、APL等信息。 72- 在应用卸载时,需要调用DeleteToken函数删除系统中管理的对应Accesstoken信息。 73 74## 相关仓<a name="section1371113476307"></a> 75 76[startup\_init\_lite]( 77 78[security\_deviceauth]( 79 80**[security\_access\_token](**