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Makefile | D | 12-May-2024 | 3.2 KiB | 111 | 79 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 2.4 KiB | 85 | 58 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 2.8 KiB | 94 | 48 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 2.4 KiB | 77 | 40 |
1# gRPC C++ Message Compression Tutorial 2 3### Prerequisite 4Make sure you have run the [hello world example](../helloworld) or understood the basics of gRPC. We will not dive into the details that have been discussed in the hello world example. 5 6### Get the tutorial source code 7 8The example code for this and our other examples lives in the `examples` directory. Clone this repository at the [latest stable release tag]( to your local machine by running the following command: 9 10 11```sh 12$ git clone -b RELEASE_TAG_HERE 13``` 14 15Change your current directory to examples/cpp/compression 16 17```sh 18$ cd examples/cpp/compression/ 19``` 20 21### Generating gRPC code 22 23To generate the client and server side interfaces: 24 25```sh 26$ make 27``` 28Which internally invokes the proto-compiler as: 29 30```sh 31$ protoc -I ../../protos/ --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=grpc_cpp_plugin ../../protos/helloworld.proto 32$ protoc -I ../../protos/ --cpp_out=. ../../protos/helloworld.proto 33``` 34 35### Writing a client and a server 36 37The client and the server can be based on the hello world example. 38 39Additionally, we can configure the compression settings. 40 41In the client, set the default compression algorithm of the channel via the channel arg. 42 43```cpp 44 ChannelArguments args; 45 // Set the default compression algorithm for the channel. 46 args.SetCompressionAlgorithm(GRPC_COMPRESS_GZIP); 47 GreeterClient greeter(grpc::CreateCustomChannel( 48 "localhost:50051", grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials(), args)); 49``` 50 51Each call's compression configuration can be overwritten by client context. 52 53```cpp 54 // Overwrite the call's compression algorithm to DEFLATE. 55 context.set_compression_algorithm(GRPC_COMPRESS_DEFLATE); 56``` 57 58In the server, set the default compression algorithm via the server builder. 59 60```cpp 61 ServerBuilder builder; 62 // Set the default compression algorithm for the server. 63 builder.SetDefaultCompressionAlgorithm(GRPC_COMPRESS_GZIP); 64``` 65 66Each call's compression configuration can be overwritten by server context. 67 68```cpp 69 // Overwrite the call's compression algorithm to DEFLATE. 70 context->set_compression_algorithm(GRPC_COMPRESS_DEFLATE); 71``` 72 73For a working example, refer to []( and []( 74 75Build and run the (compressing) client and the server by the following commands. 76 77```sh 78make 79./greeter_server 80``` 81 82```sh 83./greeter_client 84``` 85