_simpleRequest('/math.Math/Div', $argument, ['\Math\DivReply', 'decode'], $metadata, $options); } /** * DivMany accepts an arbitrary number of division args from the client stream * and sends back the results in the reply stream. The stream continues until * the client closes its end; the server does the same after sending all the * replies. The stream ends immediately if either end aborts. * @param array $metadata metadata * @param array $options call options * @return \Grpc\BidiStreamingCall */ public function DivMany($metadata = [], $options = []) { return $this->_bidiRequest('/math.Math/DivMany', ['\Math\DivReply','decode'], $metadata, $options); } /** * Fib generates numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. If FibArgs.limit > 0, Fib * generates up to limit numbers; otherwise it continues until the call is * canceled. Unlike Fib above, Fib has no final FibReply. * @param \Math\FibArgs $argument input argument * @param array $metadata metadata * @param array $options call options * @return \Grpc\ServerStreamingCall */ public function Fib(\Math\FibArgs $argument, $metadata = [], $options = []) { return $this->_serverStreamRequest('/math.Math/Fib', $argument, ['\Math\Num', 'decode'], $metadata, $options); } /** * Sum sums a stream of numbers, returning the final result once the stream * is closed. * @param array $metadata metadata * @param array $options call options * @return \Grpc\ClientStreamingCall */ public function Sum($metadata = [], $options = []) { return $this->_clientStreamRequest('/math.Math/Sum', ['\Math\Num','decode'], $metadata, $options); } }