namespace vfs { /** * Posix-style path to the TypeScript compiler build outputs (including tsc.js, lib.d.ts, etc.) */ export const builtFolder = "/.ts"; /** * Posix-style path to additional mountable folders (./tests/projects in this repo) */ export const projectsFolder = "/.projects"; /** * Posix-style path to additional test libraries */ export const testLibFolder = "/.lib"; /** * Posix-style path to sources under test */ export const srcFolder = "/.src"; // file type const S_IFMT = 0o170000; // file type const S_IFSOCK = 0o140000; // socket const S_IFLNK = 0o120000; // symbolic link const S_IFREG = 0o100000; // regular file const S_IFBLK = 0o060000; // block device const S_IFDIR = 0o040000; // directory const S_IFCHR = 0o020000; // character device const S_IFIFO = 0o010000; // FIFO let devCount = 0; // A monotonically increasing count of device ids let inoCount = 0; // A monotonically increasing count of inodes export interface DiffOptions { includeChangedFileWithSameContent?: boolean; baseIsNotShadowRoot?: boolean; } /** * Represents a virtual POSIX-like file system. */ export class FileSystem { /** Indicates whether the file system is case-sensitive (`false`) or case-insensitive (`true`). */ public readonly ignoreCase: boolean; /** Gets the comparison function used to compare two paths. */ public readonly stringComparer: (a: string, b: string) => number; // lazy-initialized state that should be mutable even if the FileSystem is frozen. private _lazy: { links?: collections.SortedMap; shadows?: Map; meta?: collections.Metadata; } = {}; private _cwd: string; // current working directory private _time: number | Date | (() => number | Date); private _shadowRoot: FileSystem | undefined; private _dirStack: string[] | undefined; constructor(ignoreCase: boolean, options: FileSystemOptions = {}) { const { time = -1, files, meta } = options; this.ignoreCase = ignoreCase; this.stringComparer = this.ignoreCase ? vpath.compareCaseInsensitive : vpath.compareCaseSensitive; this._time = time; if (meta) { for (const key of Object.keys(meta)) { this.meta.set(key, meta[key]); } } if (files) { this._applyFiles(files, /*dirname*/ ""); } let cwd = options.cwd; if ((!cwd || !vpath.isRoot(cwd)) && this._lazy.links) { const iterator = collections.getIterator(this._lazy.links.keys()); try { for (let i = collections.nextResult(iterator); i; i = collections.nextResult(iterator)) { const name = i.value; cwd = cwd ? vpath.resolve(name, cwd) : name; break; } } finally { collections.closeIterator(iterator); } } if (cwd) { vpath.validate(cwd, vpath.ValidationFlags.Absolute); this.mkdirpSync(cwd); } this._cwd = cwd || ""; } /** * Gets metadata for this `FileSystem`. */ public get meta(): collections.Metadata { if (!this._lazy.meta) { this._lazy.meta = new collections.Metadata(this._shadowRoot ? this._shadowRoot.meta : undefined); } return this._lazy.meta; } /** * Gets a value indicating whether the file system is read-only. */ public get isReadonly() { return Object.isFrozen(this); } /** * Makes the file system read-only. */ public makeReadonly() { Object.freeze(this); return this; } /** * Gets the file system shadowed by this file system. */ public get shadowRoot() { return this._shadowRoot; } /** * Snapshots the current file system, effectively shadowing itself. This is useful for * generating file system patches using `.diff()` from one snapshot to the next. Performs * no action if this file system is read-only. */ public snapshot() { if (this.isReadonly) return; const fs = new FileSystem(this.ignoreCase, { time: this._time }); fs._lazy = this._lazy; fs._cwd = this._cwd; fs._time = this._time; fs._shadowRoot = this._shadowRoot; fs._dirStack = this._dirStack; fs.makeReadonly(); this._lazy = {}; this._shadowRoot = fs; } /** * Gets a shadow copy of this file system. Changes to the shadow copy do not affect the * original, allowing multiple copies of the same core file system without multiple copies * of the same data. */ public shadow(ignoreCase = this.ignoreCase) { if (!this.isReadonly) throw new Error("Cannot shadow a mutable file system."); if (ignoreCase && !this.ignoreCase) throw new Error("Cannot create a case-insensitive file system from a case-sensitive one."); const fs = new FileSystem(ignoreCase, { time: this._time }); fs._shadowRoot = this; fs._cwd = this._cwd; return fs; } /** * Gets or sets the timestamp (in milliseconds) used for file status, returning the previous timestamp. * * @link */ public time(value?: number | Date | (() => number | Date)): number { if (value !== undefined && this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EPERM"); let result = this._time; if (typeof result === "function") result = result(); if (typeof result === "object") result = result.getTime(); if (result === -1) result =; if (value !== undefined) { this._time = value; } return result; } /** * Gets the metadata object for a path. * @param path */ public filemeta(path: string): collections.Metadata { const { node } = this._walk(this._resolve(path)); if (!node) throw createIOError("ENOENT"); return this._filemeta(node); } private _filemeta(node: Inode): collections.Metadata { if (!node.meta) { const parentMeta = node.shadowRoot && this._shadowRoot && this._shadowRoot._filemeta(node.shadowRoot); node.meta = new collections.Metadata(parentMeta); } return node.meta; } /** * Get the pathname of the current working directory. * * @link - */ public cwd() { if (!this._cwd) throw new Error("The current working directory has not been set."); const { node } = this._walk(this._cwd); if (!node) throw createIOError("ENOENT"); if (!isDirectory(node)) throw createIOError("ENOTDIR"); return this._cwd; } /** * Changes the current working directory. * * @link */ public chdir(path: string) { if (this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EPERM"); path = this._resolve(path); const { node } = this._walk(path); if (!node) throw createIOError("ENOENT"); if (!isDirectory(node)) throw createIOError("ENOTDIR"); this._cwd = path; } /** * Pushes the current directory onto the directory stack and changes the current working directory to the supplied path. */ public pushd(path?: string) { if (this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EPERM"); if (path) path = this._resolve(path); if (this._cwd) { if (!this._dirStack) this._dirStack = []; this._dirStack.push(this._cwd); } if (path && path !== this._cwd) { this.chdir(path); } } /** * Pops the previous directory from the location stack and changes the current directory to that directory. */ public popd() { if (this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EPERM"); const path = this._dirStack && this._dirStack.pop(); if (path) { this.chdir(path); } } /** * Update the file system with a set of files. */ public apply(files: FileSet) { this._applyFiles(files, this._cwd); } /** * Scan file system entries along a path. If `path` is a symbolic link, it is dereferenced. * @param path The path at which to start the scan. * @param axis The axis along which to traverse. * @param traversal The traversal scheme to use. */ public scanSync(path: string, axis: Axis, traversal: Traversal) { path = this._resolve(path); const results: string[] = []; this._scan(path, this._stat(this._walk(path)), axis, traversal, /*noFollow*/ false, results); return results; } /** * Scan file system entries along a path. * @param path The path at which to start the scan. * @param axis The axis along which to traverse. * @param traversal The traversal scheme to use. */ public lscanSync(path: string, axis: Axis, traversal: Traversal) { path = this._resolve(path); const results: string[] = []; this._scan(path, this._stat(this._walk(path, /*noFollow*/ true)), axis, traversal, /*noFollow*/ true, results); return results; } private _scan(path: string, stats: Stats, axis: Axis, traversal: Traversal, noFollow: boolean, results: string[]) { if (axis === "ancestors-or-self" || axis === "self" || axis === "descendants-or-self") { if (!traversal.accept || traversal.accept(path, stats)) { results.push(path); } } if (axis === "ancestors-or-self" || axis === "ancestors") { const dirname = vpath.dirname(path); if (dirname !== path) { try { const stats = this._stat(this._walk(dirname, noFollow)); if (!traversal.traverse || traversal.traverse(dirname, stats)) { this._scan(dirname, stats, "ancestors-or-self", traversal, noFollow, results); } } catch { /*ignored*/ } } } if (axis === "descendants-or-self" || axis === "descendants") { if (stats.isDirectory() && (!traversal.traverse || traversal.traverse(path, stats))) { for (const file of this.readdirSync(path)) { try { const childpath = vpath.combine(path, file); const stats = this._stat(this._walk(childpath, noFollow)); this._scan(childpath, stats, "descendants-or-self", traversal, noFollow, results); } catch { /*ignored*/ } } } } } /** * Mounts a physical or virtual file system at a location in this virtual file system. * * @param source The path in the physical (or other virtual) file system. * @param target The path in this virtual file system. * @param resolver An object used to resolve files in `source`. */ public mountSync(source: string, target: string, resolver: FileSystemResolver) { if (this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EROFS"); source = vpath.validate(source, vpath.ValidationFlags.Absolute); const { parent, links, node: existingNode, basename } = this._walk(this._resolve(target), /*noFollow*/ true); if (existingNode) throw createIOError("EEXIST"); const time = this.time(); const node = this._mknod(parent ? : ++devCount, S_IFDIR, /*mode*/ 0o777, time); node.source = source; node.resolver = resolver; this._addLink(parent, links, basename, node, time); } /** * Recursively remove all files and directories underneath the provided path. */ public rimrafSync(path: string) { try { const stats = this.lstatSync(path); if (stats.isFile() || stats.isSymbolicLink()) { this.unlinkSync(path); } else if (stats.isDirectory()) { for (const file of this.readdirSync(path)) { this.rimrafSync(vpath.combine(path, file)); } this.rmdirSync(path); } } catch (e) { if (e.code === "ENOENT") return; throw e; } } /** * Make a directory and all of its parent paths (if they don't exist). */ public mkdirpSync(path: string) { path = this._resolve(path); const result = this._walk(path, /*noFollow*/ true, (error, result) => { if (error.code === "ENOENT") { this._mkdir(result); return "retry"; } return "throw"; }); if (!result.node) this._mkdir(result); } public getFileListing(): string { let result = ""; const printLinks = (dirname: string | undefined, links: collections.SortedMap) => { const iterator = collections.getIterator(links); try { for (let i = collections.nextResult(iterator); i; i = collections.nextResult(iterator)) { const [name, node] = i.value; const path = dirname ? vpath.combine(dirname, name) : name; const marker =, path, this.ignoreCase) === 0 ? "*" : " "; if (result) result += "\n"; result += marker; if (isDirectory(node)) { result += vpath.addTrailingSeparator(path); printLinks(path, this._getLinks(node)); } else if (isFile(node)) { result += path; } else if (isSymlink(node)) { result += path + " -> " + node.symlink; } } } finally { collections.closeIterator(iterator); } }; printLinks(/*dirname*/ undefined, this._getRootLinks()); return result; } /** * Print diagnostic information about the structure of the file system to the console. */ public debugPrint(): void { console.log(this.getFileListing()); } // POSIX API (aligns with NodeJS "fs" module API) /** * Determines whether a path exists. */ public existsSync(path: string) { const result = this._walk(this._resolve(path), /*noFollow*/ true, () => "stop"); return result !== undefined && result.node !== undefined; } /** * Get file status. If `path` is a symbolic link, it is dereferenced. * * @link * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public statSync(path: string) { return this._stat(this._walk(this._resolve(path))); } /** * Change file access times * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public utimesSync(path: string, atime: Date, mtime: Date) { if (this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EROFS"); if (!isFinite(+atime) || !isFinite(+mtime)) throw createIOError("EINVAL"); const entry = this._walk(this._resolve(path)); if (!entry || !entry.node) { throw createIOError("ENOENT"); } entry.node.atimeMs = +atime; entry.node.mtimeMs = +mtime; entry.node.ctimeMs = this.time(); } /** * Get file status. If `path` is a symbolic link, it is dereferenced. * * @link * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public lstatSync(path: string) { return this._stat(this._walk(this._resolve(path), /*noFollow*/ true)); } private _stat(entry: WalkResult) { const node = entry.node; if (!node) throw createIOError(`ENOENT`, entry.realpath); return new Stats(, node.ino, node.mode, node.nlink, /*rdev*/ 0, /*size*/ isFile(node) ? this._getSize(node) : isSymlink(node) ? node.symlink.length : 0, /*blksize*/ 4096, /*blocks*/ 0, node.atimeMs, node.mtimeMs, node.ctimeMs, node.birthtimeMs, ); } /** * Read a directory. If `path` is a symbolic link, it is dereferenced. * * @link * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public readdirSync(path: string) { const { node } = this._walk(this._resolve(path)); if (!node) throw createIOError("ENOENT"); if (!isDirectory(node)) throw createIOError("ENOTDIR"); return Array.from(this._getLinks(node).keys()); } /** * Make a directory. * * @link * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public mkdirSync(path: string) { if (this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EROFS"); this._mkdir(this._walk(this._resolve(path), /*noFollow*/ true)); } private _mkdir({ parent, links, node: existingNode, basename }: WalkResult) { if (existingNode) throw createIOError("EEXIST"); const time = this.time(); const node = this._mknod(parent ? : ++devCount, S_IFDIR, /*mode*/ 0o777, time); this._addLink(parent, links, basename, node, time); } /** * Remove a directory. * * @link * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public rmdirSync(path: string) { if (this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EROFS"); path = this._resolve(path); const { parent, links, node, basename } = this._walk(path, /*noFollow*/ true); if (!parent) throw createIOError("EPERM"); if (!isDirectory(node)) throw createIOError("ENOTDIR"); if (this._getLinks(node).size !== 0) throw createIOError("ENOTEMPTY"); this._removeLink(parent, links, basename, node); } /** * Link one file to another file (also known as a "hard link"). * * @link * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public linkSync(oldpath: string, newpath: string) { if (this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EROFS"); const { node } = this._walk(this._resolve(oldpath)); if (!node) throw createIOError("ENOENT"); if (isDirectory(node)) throw createIOError("EPERM"); const { parent, links, basename, node: existingNode } = this._walk(this._resolve(newpath), /*noFollow*/ true); if (!parent) throw createIOError("EPERM"); if (existingNode) throw createIOError("EEXIST"); this._addLink(parent, links, basename, node); } /** * Remove a directory entry. * * @link * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public unlinkSync(path: string) { if (this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EROFS"); const { parent, links, node, basename } = this._walk(this._resolve(path), /*noFollow*/ true); if (!parent) throw createIOError("EPERM"); if (!node) throw createIOError("ENOENT"); if (isDirectory(node)) throw createIOError("EISDIR"); this._removeLink(parent, links, basename, node); } /** * Rename a file. * * @link * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public renameSync(oldpath: string, newpath: string) { if (this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EROFS"); const { parent: oldParent, links: oldParentLinks, node, basename: oldBasename } = this._walk(this._resolve(oldpath), /*noFollow*/ true); if (!oldParent) throw createIOError("EPERM"); if (!node) throw createIOError("ENOENT"); const { parent: newParent, links: newParentLinks, node: existingNode, basename: newBasename } = this._walk(this._resolve(newpath), /*noFollow*/ true); if (!newParent) throw createIOError("EPERM"); const time = this.time(); if (existingNode) { if (isDirectory(node)) { if (!isDirectory(existingNode)) throw createIOError("ENOTDIR"); // if both old and new arguments point to the same directory, just pass. So we could rename /src/a/1 to /src/A/1 in Win. // if not and the directory pointed by the new path is not empty, throw an error. if (this.stringComparer(oldpath, newpath) !== 0 && this._getLinks(existingNode).size > 0) throw createIOError("ENOTEMPTY"); } else { if (isDirectory(existingNode)) throw createIOError("EISDIR"); } this._removeLink(newParent, newParentLinks, newBasename, existingNode, time); } this._replaceLink(oldParent, oldParentLinks, oldBasename, newParent, newParentLinks, newBasename, node, time); } /** * Make a symbolic link. * * @link * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public symlinkSync(target: string, linkpath: string) { if (this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EROFS"); const { parent, links, node: existingNode, basename } = this._walk(this._resolve(linkpath), /*noFollow*/ true); if (!parent) throw createIOError("EPERM"); if (existingNode) throw createIOError("EEXIST"); const time = this.time(); const node = this._mknod(, S_IFLNK, /*mode*/ 0o666, time); node.symlink = vpath.validate(target, vpath.ValidationFlags.RelativeOrAbsolute); this._addLink(parent, links, basename, node, time); } /** * Resolve a pathname. * * @link * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public realpathSync(path: string) { const { realpath } = this._walk(this._resolve(path)); return realpath; } /** * Read from a file. * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public readFileSync(path: string, encoding?: null): Buffer; /** * Read from a file. * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public readFileSync(path: string, encoding: BufferEncoding): string; /** * Read from a file. * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ public readFileSync(path: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding | null): string | Buffer; public readFileSync(path: string, encoding: BufferEncoding | null = null) { // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null const { node } = this._walk(this._resolve(path)); if (!node) throw createIOError("ENOENT"); if (isDirectory(node)) throw createIOError("EISDIR"); if (!isFile(node)) throw createIOError("EBADF"); const buffer = this._getBuffer(node).slice(); return encoding ? buffer.toString(encoding) : buffer; } /** * Write to a file. * * NOTE: do not rename this method as it is intended to align with the same named export of the "fs" module. */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null public writeFileSync(path: string, data: string | Buffer, encoding: string | null = null) { if (this.isReadonly) throw createIOError("EROFS"); const { parent, links, node: existingNode, basename } = this._walk(this._resolve(path), /*noFollow*/ false); if (!parent) throw createIOError("EPERM"); const time = this.time(); let node = existingNode; if (!node) { node = this._mknod(, S_IFREG, 0o666, time); this._addLink(parent, links, basename, node, time); } if (isDirectory(node)) throw createIOError("EISDIR"); if (!isFile(node)) throw createIOError("EBADF"); node.buffer = Buffer.isBuffer(data) ? data.slice() : ts.sys.bufferFrom!("" + data, encoding || "utf8") as Buffer; node.size = node.buffer.byteLength; node.mtimeMs = time; node.ctimeMs = time; } /** * Generates a `FileSet` patch containing all the entries in this `FileSystem` that are not in `base`. * @param base The base file system. If not provided, this file system's `shadowRoot` is used (if present). */ public diff(base?: FileSystem | undefined, options: DiffOptions = {}) { if (!base && !options.baseIsNotShadowRoot) base = this.shadowRoot; const differences: FileSet = {}; const hasDifferences = base ? FileSystem.rootDiff(differences, this, base, options) : FileSystem.trackCreatedInodes(differences, this, this._getRootLinks()); return hasDifferences ? differences : undefined; } /** * Generates a `FileSet` patch containing all the entries in `changed` that are not in `base`. */ public static diff(changed: FileSystem, base: FileSystem, options: DiffOptions = {}) { const differences: FileSet = {}; return FileSystem.rootDiff(differences, changed, base, options) ? differences : undefined; } private static diffWorker(container: FileSet, changed: FileSystem, changedLinks: ReadonlyMap | undefined, base: FileSystem, baseLinks: ReadonlyMap | undefined, options: DiffOptions) { if (changedLinks && !baseLinks) return FileSystem.trackCreatedInodes(container, changed, changedLinks); if (baseLinks && !changedLinks) return FileSystem.trackDeletedInodes(container, baseLinks); if (changedLinks && baseLinks) { let hasChanges = false; // track base items missing in changed baseLinks.forEach((node, basename) => { if (!changedLinks.has(basename)) { container[basename] = isDirectory(node) ? new Rmdir() : new Unlink(); hasChanges = true; } }); // track changed items missing or differing in base changedLinks.forEach((changedNode, basename) => { const baseNode = baseLinks.get(basename); if (baseNode) { if (isDirectory(changedNode) && isDirectory(baseNode)) { return hasChanges = FileSystem.directoryDiff(container, basename, changed, changedNode, base, baseNode, options) || hasChanges; } if (isFile(changedNode) && isFile(baseNode)) { return hasChanges = FileSystem.fileDiff(container, basename, changed, changedNode, base, baseNode, options) || hasChanges; } if (isSymlink(changedNode) && isSymlink(baseNode)) { return hasChanges = FileSystem.symlinkDiff(container, basename, changedNode, baseNode) || hasChanges; } } return hasChanges = FileSystem.trackCreatedInode(container, basename, changed, changedNode) || hasChanges; }); return hasChanges; } return false; } private static rootDiff(container: FileSet, changed: FileSystem, base: FileSystem, options: DiffOptions) { while (!changed._lazy.links && changed._shadowRoot) changed = changed._shadowRoot; while (!base._lazy.links && base._shadowRoot) base = base._shadowRoot; // no difference if the file systems are the same reference if (changed === base) return false; // no difference if the root links are empty and unshadowed if (!changed._lazy.links && !changed._shadowRoot && !base._lazy.links && !base._shadowRoot) return false; return FileSystem.diffWorker(container, changed, changed._getRootLinks(), base, base._getRootLinks(), options); } private static directoryDiff(container: FileSet, basename: string, changed: FileSystem, changedNode: DirectoryInode, base: FileSystem, baseNode: DirectoryInode, options: DiffOptions) { while (!changedNode.links && changedNode.shadowRoot) changedNode = changedNode.shadowRoot; while (!baseNode.links && baseNode.shadowRoot) baseNode = baseNode.shadowRoot; // no difference if the nodes are the same reference if (changedNode === baseNode) return false; // no difference if both nodes are non shadowed and have no entries if (isEmptyNonShadowedDirectory(changedNode) && isEmptyNonShadowedDirectory(baseNode)) return false; // no difference if both nodes are unpopulated and point to the same mounted file system if (!changedNode.links && !baseNode.links && changedNode.resolver && changedNode.source !== undefined && baseNode.resolver === changedNode.resolver && baseNode.source === changedNode.source) return false; // no difference if both nodes have identical children const children: FileSet = {}; if (!FileSystem.diffWorker(children, changed, changed._getLinks(changedNode), base, base._getLinks(baseNode), options)) { return false; } container[basename] = new Directory(children); return true; } private static fileDiff(container: FileSet, basename: string, changed: FileSystem, changedNode: FileInode, base: FileSystem, baseNode: FileInode, options: DiffOptions) { while (!changedNode.buffer && changedNode.shadowRoot) changedNode = changedNode.shadowRoot; while (!baseNode.buffer && baseNode.shadowRoot) baseNode = baseNode.shadowRoot; // no difference if the nodes are the same reference if (changedNode === baseNode) return false; // no difference if both nodes are non shadowed and have no entries if (isEmptyNonShadowedFile(changedNode) && isEmptyNonShadowedFile(baseNode)) return false; // no difference if both nodes are unpopulated and point to the same mounted file system if (!changedNode.buffer && !baseNode.buffer && changedNode.resolver && changedNode.source !== undefined && baseNode.resolver === changedNode.resolver && baseNode.source === changedNode.source) return false; const changedBuffer = changed._getBuffer(changedNode); const baseBuffer = base._getBuffer(baseNode); // no difference if both buffers are the same reference if (changedBuffer === baseBuffer) return false; // no difference if both buffers are identical if (, baseBuffer) === 0) { if (!options.includeChangedFileWithSameContent) return false; container[basename] = new SameFileContentFile(changedBuffer); return true; } container[basename] = new File(changedBuffer); return true; } private static symlinkDiff(container: FileSet, basename: string, changedNode: SymlinkInode, baseNode: SymlinkInode) { // no difference if the nodes are the same reference if (changedNode.symlink === baseNode.symlink) return false; container[basename] = new Symlink(changedNode.symlink); return true; } private static trackCreatedInode(container: FileSet, basename: string, changed: FileSystem, node: Inode) { if (isDirectory(node)) { const children: FileSet = {}; FileSystem.trackCreatedInodes(children, changed, changed._getLinks(node)); container[basename] = new Directory(children); } else if (isSymlink(node)) { container[basename] = new Symlink(node.symlink); } else { container[basename] = new File(node.buffer || ""); } return true; } private static trackCreatedInodes(container: FileSet, changed: FileSystem, changedLinks: ReadonlyMap) { // no difference if links are empty if (!changedLinks.size) return false; changedLinks.forEach((node, basename) => { FileSystem.trackCreatedInode(container, basename, changed, node); }); return true; } private static trackDeletedInodes(container: FileSet, baseLinks: ReadonlyMap) { // no difference if links are empty if (!baseLinks.size) return false; baseLinks.forEach((node, basename) => { container[basename] = isDirectory(node) ? new Rmdir() : new Unlink(); }); return true; } private _mknod(dev: number, type: typeof S_IFREG, mode: number, time?: number): FileInode; private _mknod(dev: number, type: typeof S_IFDIR, mode: number, time?: number): DirectoryInode; private _mknod(dev: number, type: typeof S_IFLNK, mode: number, time?: number): SymlinkInode; private _mknod(dev: number, type: number, mode: number, time = this.time()) { return { dev, ino: ++inoCount, mode: (mode & ~S_IFMT & ~0o022 & 0o7777) | (type & S_IFMT), atimeMs: time, mtimeMs: time, ctimeMs: time, birthtimeMs: time, nlink: 0 }; } private _addLink(parent: DirectoryInode | undefined, links: collections.SortedMap, name: string, node: Inode, time = this.time()) { links.set(name, node); node.nlink++; node.ctimeMs = time; if (parent) parent.mtimeMs = time; if (!parent && !this._cwd) this._cwd = name; } private _removeLink(parent: DirectoryInode | undefined, links: collections.SortedMap, name: string, node: Inode, time = this.time()) { links.delete(name); node.nlink--; node.ctimeMs = time; if (parent) parent.mtimeMs = time; } private _replaceLink(oldParent: DirectoryInode, oldLinks: collections.SortedMap, oldName: string, newParent: DirectoryInode, newLinks: collections.SortedMap, newName: string, node: Inode, time: number) { if (oldParent !== newParent) { this._removeLink(oldParent, oldLinks, oldName, node, time); this._addLink(newParent, newLinks, newName, node, time); } else { oldLinks.delete(oldName); oldLinks.set(newName, node); oldParent.mtimeMs = time; newParent.mtimeMs = time; } } private _getRootLinks() { if (!this._lazy.links) { this._lazy.links = new collections.SortedMap(this.stringComparer); if (this._shadowRoot) { this._copyShadowLinks(this._shadowRoot._getRootLinks(), this._lazy.links); } this._lazy.links = this._lazy.links; } return this._lazy.links; } private _getLinks(node: DirectoryInode) { if (!node.links) { const links = new collections.SortedMap(this.stringComparer); const { source, resolver } = node; if (source && resolver) { node.source = undefined; node.resolver = undefined; for (const name of resolver.readdirSync(source)) { const path = vpath.combine(source, name); const stats = resolver.statSync(path); switch (stats.mode & S_IFMT) { case S_IFDIR: const dir = this._mknod(, S_IFDIR, 0o777); dir.source = vpath.combine(source, name); dir.resolver = resolver; this._addLink(node, links, name, dir); break; case S_IFREG: const file = this._mknod(, S_IFREG, 0o666); file.source = vpath.combine(source, name); file.resolver = resolver; file.size = stats.size; this._addLink(node, links, name, file); break; } } } else if (this._shadowRoot && node.shadowRoot) { this._copyShadowLinks(this._shadowRoot._getLinks(node.shadowRoot), links); } node.links = links; } return node.links; } private _getShadow(root: DirectoryInode): DirectoryInode; private _getShadow(root: Inode): Inode; private _getShadow(root: Inode) { const shadows = this._lazy.shadows || (this._lazy.shadows = new Map()); let shadow = shadows.get(root.ino); if (!shadow) { shadow = { dev:, ino: root.ino, mode: root.mode, atimeMs: root.atimeMs, mtimeMs: root.mtimeMs, ctimeMs: root.ctimeMs, birthtimeMs: root.birthtimeMs, nlink: root.nlink, shadowRoot: root }; if (isSymlink(root)) (shadow).symlink = root.symlink; shadows.set(shadow.ino, shadow); } return shadow; } private _copyShadowLinks(source: ReadonlyMap, target: collections.SortedMap) { const iterator = collections.getIterator(source); try { for (let i = collections.nextResult(iterator); i; i = collections.nextResult(iterator)) { const [name, root] = i.value; target.set(name, this._getShadow(root)); } } finally { collections.closeIterator(iterator); } } private _getSize(node: FileInode): number { if (node.buffer) return node.buffer.byteLength; if (node.size !== undefined) return node.size; if (node.source && node.resolver) return node.size = node.resolver.statSync(node.source).size; if (this._shadowRoot && node.shadowRoot) return node.size = this._shadowRoot._getSize(node.shadowRoot); return 0; } private _getBuffer(node: FileInode): Buffer { if (!node.buffer) { const { source, resolver } = node; if (source && resolver) { node.source = undefined; node.resolver = undefined; node.size = undefined; node.buffer = resolver.readFileSync(source); } else if (this._shadowRoot && node.shadowRoot) { node.buffer = this._shadowRoot._getBuffer(node.shadowRoot); } else { node.buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0); } } return node.buffer; } /** * Walk a path to its end. * * @param path The path to follow. * @param noFollow A value indicating whether to *not* dereference a symbolic link at the * end of a path. * * @link */ private _walk(path: string, noFollow?: boolean, onError?: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException, fragment: WalkResult) => "retry" | "throw"): WalkResult; private _walk(path: string, noFollow?: boolean, onError?: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException, fragment: WalkResult) => "stop" | "retry" | "throw"): WalkResult | undefined; private _walk(path: string, noFollow?: boolean, onError?: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException, fragment: WalkResult) => "stop" | "retry" | "throw"): WalkResult | undefined { let links = this._getRootLinks(); let parent: DirectoryInode | undefined; let components = vpath.parse(path); let step = 0; let depth = 0; let retry = false; while (true) { if (depth >= 40) throw createIOError("ELOOP"); const lastStep = step === components.length - 1; let basename = components[step]; const linkEntry = links.getEntry(basename); if (linkEntry) { components[step] = basename = linkEntry[0]; } const node = linkEntry?.[1]; if (lastStep && (noFollow || !isSymlink(node))) { return { realpath: vpath.format(components), basename, parent, links, node }; } if (node === undefined) { if (trapError(createIOError("ENOENT"), node)) continue; return undefined; } if (isSymlink(node)) { const dirname = vpath.format(components.slice(0, step)); const symlink = vpath.resolve(dirname, node.symlink); links = this._getRootLinks(); parent = undefined; components = vpath.parse(symlink).concat(components.slice(step + 1)); step = 0; depth++; retry = false; continue; } if (isDirectory(node)) { links = this._getLinks(node); parent = node; step++; retry = false; continue; } if (trapError(createIOError("ENOTDIR"), node)) continue; return undefined; } function trapError(error: NodeJS.ErrnoException, node?: Inode) { const realpath = vpath.format(components.slice(0, step + 1)); const basename = components[step]; const result = !retry && onError ? onError(error, { realpath, basename, parent, links, node }) : "throw"; if (result === "stop") return false; if (result === "retry") { retry = true; return true; } throw error; } } /** * Resolve a path relative to the current working directory. */ private _resolve(path: string) { return this._cwd ? vpath.resolve(this._cwd, vpath.validate(path, vpath.ValidationFlags.RelativeOrAbsolute | vpath.ValidationFlags.AllowWildcard)) : vpath.validate(path, vpath.ValidationFlags.Absolute | vpath.ValidationFlags.AllowWildcard); } private _applyFiles(files: FileSet, dirname: string) { const deferred: [Symlink | Link | Mount, string][] = []; this._applyFilesWorker(files, dirname, deferred); for (const [entry, path] of deferred) { this.mkdirpSync(vpath.dirname(path)); this.pushd(vpath.dirname(path)); if (entry instanceof Symlink) { if (this.stringComparer(vpath.dirname(path), path) === 0) { throw new TypeError("Roots cannot be symbolic links."); } this.symlinkSync(vpath.resolve(dirname, entry.symlink), path); this._applyFileExtendedOptions(path, entry); } else if (entry instanceof Link) { if (this.stringComparer(vpath.dirname(path), path) === 0) { throw new TypeError("Roots cannot be hard links."); } this.linkSync(entry.path, path); } else { this.mountSync(entry.source, path, entry.resolver); this._applyFileExtendedOptions(path, entry); } this.popd(); } } private _applyFileExtendedOptions(path: string, entry: Directory | File | Symlink | Mount) { const { meta } = entry; if (meta !== undefined) { const filemeta = this.filemeta(path); for (const key of Object.keys(meta)) { filemeta.set(key, meta[key]); } } } private _applyFilesWorker(files: FileSet, dirname: string, deferred: [Symlink | Link | Mount, string][]) { for (const key of Object.keys(files)) { const value = normalizeFileSetEntry(files[key]); const path = dirname ? vpath.resolve(dirname, key) : key; vpath.validate(path, vpath.ValidationFlags.Absolute); // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null if (value === null || value === undefined || value instanceof Rmdir || value instanceof Unlink) { if (this.stringComparer(vpath.dirname(path), path) === 0) { throw new TypeError("Roots cannot be deleted."); } this.rimrafSync(path); } else if (value instanceof File) { if (this.stringComparer(vpath.dirname(path), path) === 0) { throw new TypeError("Roots cannot be files."); } this.mkdirpSync(vpath.dirname(path)); this.writeFileSync(path,, value.encoding); this._applyFileExtendedOptions(path, value); } else if (value instanceof Directory) { this.mkdirpSync(path); this._applyFileExtendedOptions(path, value); this._applyFilesWorker(value.files, path, deferred); } else { deferred.push([value, path]); } } } } export interface FileSystemOptions { // Sets the initial timestamp for new files and directories, or the function used // to calculate timestamps. time?: number | Date | (() => number | Date); // A set of file system entries to initially add to the file system. files?: FileSet; // Sets the initial working directory for the file system. cwd?: string; // Sets initial metadata attached to the file system. meta?: Record; } export interface FileSystemCreateOptions extends FileSystemOptions { // Sets the documents to add to the file system. documents?: readonly documents.TextDocument[]; } export type Axis = "ancestors" | "ancestors-or-self" | "self" | "descendants-or-self" | "descendants"; export interface Traversal { /** A function called to choose whether to continue to traverse to either ancestors or descendants. */ traverse?(path: string, stats: Stats): boolean; /** A function called to choose whether to accept a path as part of the result. */ accept?(path: string, stats: Stats): boolean; } export interface FileSystemResolver { statSync(path: string): { mode: number; size: number; }; readdirSync(path: string): string[]; readFileSync(path: string): Buffer; } export interface FileSystemResolverHost { useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean; getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(path: string): ts.FileSystemEntries; directoryExists(path: string): boolean; fileExists(path: string): boolean; getFileSize(path: string): number; readFile(path: string): string | undefined; getWorkspaceRoot(): string; } export function createResolver(host: FileSystemResolverHost): FileSystemResolver { return { readdirSync(path: string): string[] { const { files, directories } = host.getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(path); return directories.concat(files); }, statSync(path: string): { mode: number; size: number; } { if (host.directoryExists(path)) { return { mode: S_IFDIR | 0o777, size: 0 }; } else if (host.fileExists(path)) { return { mode: S_IFREG | 0o666, size: host.getFileSize(path) }; } else { throw new Error("ENOENT: path does not exist"); } }, readFileSync(path: string): Buffer { return ts.sys.bufferFrom!(host.readFile(path)!, "utf8") as Buffer; // TODO: GH#18217 } }; } /** * Create a virtual file system from a physical file system using the following path mappings: * * - `/.ts` is a directory mapped to `${workspaceRoot}/built/local` * - `/.lib` is a directory mapped to `${workspaceRoot}/tests/lib` * - `/.src` is a virtual directory to be used for tests. * * Unless overridden, `/.src` will be the current working directory for the virtual file system. */ export function createFromFileSystem(host: FileSystemResolverHost, ignoreCase: boolean, { documents, files, cwd, time, meta }: FileSystemCreateOptions = {}) { const fs = getBuiltLocal(host, ignoreCase).shadow(); if (meta) { for (const key of Object.keys(meta)) { fs.meta.set(key, meta[key]); } } if (time) { fs.time(time); } if (cwd) { fs.mkdirpSync(cwd); fs.chdir(cwd); } if (documents) { for (const document of documents) { fs.mkdirpSync(vpath.dirname(document.file)); fs.writeFileSync(document.file, document.text, "utf8"); fs.filemeta(document.file).set("document", document); // Add symlinks const symlink = document.meta.get("symlink"); if (symlink) { for (const link of symlink.split(",").map(link => link.trim())) { fs.mkdirpSync(vpath.dirname(link)); fs.symlinkSync(vpath.resolve(fs.cwd(), document.file), link); } } } } if (files) { fs.apply(files); } return fs; } export class Stats { public dev: number; public ino: number; public mode: number; public nlink: number; public uid: number; public gid: number; public rdev: number; public size: number; public blksize: number; public blocks: number; public atimeMs: number; public mtimeMs: number; public ctimeMs: number; public birthtimeMs: number; public atime: Date; public mtime: Date; public ctime: Date; public birthtime: Date; constructor(); constructor(dev: number, ino: number, mode: number, nlink: number, rdev: number, size: number, blksize: number, blocks: number, atimeMs: number, mtimeMs: number, ctimeMs: number, birthtimeMs: number); constructor(dev = 0, ino = 0, mode = 0, nlink = 0, rdev = 0, size = 0, blksize = 0, blocks = 0, atimeMs = 0, mtimeMs = 0, ctimeMs = 0, birthtimeMs = 0) { = dev; this.ino = ino; this.mode = mode; this.nlink = nlink; this.uid = 0; this.gid = 0; this.rdev = rdev; this.size = size; this.blksize = blksize; this.blocks = blocks; this.atimeMs = atimeMs; this.mtimeMs = mtimeMs; this.ctimeMs = ctimeMs; this.birthtimeMs = birthtimeMs; this.atime = new Date(this.atimeMs); this.mtime = new Date(this.mtimeMs); this.ctime = new Date(this.ctimeMs); this.birthtime = new Date(this.birthtimeMs); } public isFile() { return (this.mode & S_IFMT) === S_IFREG; } public isDirectory() { return (this.mode & S_IFMT) === S_IFDIR; } public isSymbolicLink() { return (this.mode & S_IFMT) === S_IFLNK; } public isBlockDevice() { return (this.mode & S_IFMT) === S_IFBLK; } public isCharacterDevice() { return (this.mode & S_IFMT) === S_IFCHR; } public isFIFO() { return (this.mode & S_IFMT) === S_IFIFO; } public isSocket() { return (this.mode & S_IFMT) === S_IFSOCK; } } export const IOErrorMessages = Object.freeze({ EACCES: "access denied", EIO: "an I/O error occurred", ENOENT: "no such file or directory", EEXIST: "file already exists", ELOOP: "too many symbolic links encountered", ENOTDIR: "no such directory", EISDIR: "path is a directory", EBADF: "invalid file descriptor", EINVAL: "invalid value", ENOTEMPTY: "directory not empty", EPERM: "operation not permitted", EROFS: "file system is read-only" }); export function createIOError(code: keyof typeof IOErrorMessages, details = "") { const err: NodeJS.ErrnoException = new Error(`${code}: ${IOErrorMessages[code]} ${details}`); err.code = code; if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(err, createIOError); return err; } /** * A template used to populate files, directories, links, etc. in a virtual file system. */ export interface FileSet { [name: string]: DirectoryLike | FileLike | Link | Symlink | Mount | Rmdir | Unlink | null | undefined; } export type DirectoryLike = FileSet | Directory; export type FileLike = File | Buffer | string; /** Extended options for a directory in a `FileSet` */ export class Directory { public readonly files: FileSet; public readonly meta: Record | undefined; constructor(files: FileSet, { meta }: { meta?: Record } = {}) { this.files = files; this.meta = meta; } } /** Extended options for a file in a `FileSet` */ export class File { public readonly data: Buffer | string; public readonly encoding: string | undefined; public readonly meta: Record | undefined; constructor(data: Buffer | string, { meta, encoding }: { encoding?: string, meta?: Record } = {}) { = data; this.encoding = encoding; this.meta = meta; } } export class SameFileContentFile extends File { constructor(data: Buffer | string, metaAndEncoding?: { encoding?: string, meta?: Record }) { super(data, metaAndEncoding); } } /** Extended options for a hard link in a `FileSet` */ export class Link { public readonly path: string; constructor(path: string) { this.path = path; } } /** Removes a directory in a `FileSet` */ export class Rmdir { public _rmdirBrand?: never; // brand necessary for proper type guards } /** Unlinks a file in a `FileSet` */ export class Unlink { public _unlinkBrand?: never; // brand necessary for proper type guards } /** Extended options for a symbolic link in a `FileSet` */ export class Symlink { public readonly symlink: string; public readonly meta: Record | undefined; constructor(symlink: string, { meta }: { meta?: Record } = {}) { this.symlink = symlink; this.meta = meta; } } /** Extended options for mounting a virtual copy of an external file system via a `FileSet` */ export class Mount { public readonly source: string; public readonly resolver: FileSystemResolver; public readonly meta: Record | undefined; constructor(source: string, resolver: FileSystemResolver, { meta }: { meta?: Record } = {}) { this.source = source; this.resolver = resolver; this.meta = meta; } } // a generic POSIX inode type Inode = FileInode | DirectoryInode | SymlinkInode; interface FileInode { dev: number; // device id ino: number; // inode id mode: number; // file mode atimeMs: number; // access time mtimeMs: number; // modified time ctimeMs: number; // status change time birthtimeMs: number; // creation time nlink: number; // number of hard links size?: number; buffer?: Buffer; source?: string; resolver?: FileSystemResolver; shadowRoot?: FileInode; meta?: collections.Metadata; } interface DirectoryInode { dev: number; // device id ino: number; // inode id mode: number; // file mode atimeMs: number; // access time mtimeMs: number; // modified time ctimeMs: number; // status change time birthtimeMs: number; // creation time nlink: number; // number of hard links links?: collections.SortedMap; source?: string; resolver?: FileSystemResolver; shadowRoot?: DirectoryInode; meta?: collections.Metadata; } interface SymlinkInode { dev: number; // device id ino: number; // inode id mode: number; // file mode atimeMs: number; // access time mtimeMs: number; // modified time ctimeMs: number; // status change time birthtimeMs: number; // creation time nlink: number; // number of hard links symlink: string; shadowRoot?: SymlinkInode; meta?: collections.Metadata; } function isEmptyNonShadowedDirectory(node: DirectoryInode) { return !node.links && !node.shadowRoot && !node.resolver && !node.source; } function isEmptyNonShadowedFile(node: FileInode) { return !node.buffer && !node.shadowRoot && !node.resolver && !node.source; } function isFile(node: Inode | undefined): node is FileInode { return node !== undefined && (node.mode & S_IFMT) === S_IFREG; } function isDirectory(node: Inode | undefined): node is DirectoryInode { return node !== undefined && (node.mode & S_IFMT) === S_IFDIR; } function isSymlink(node: Inode | undefined): node is SymlinkInode { return node !== undefined && (node.mode & S_IFMT) === S_IFLNK; } interface WalkResult { realpath: string; basename: string; parent: DirectoryInode | undefined; links: collections.SortedMap; node: Inode | undefined; } let builtLocalHost: FileSystemResolverHost | undefined; let builtLocalCI: FileSystem | undefined; let builtLocalCS: FileSystem | undefined; function getBuiltLocal(host: FileSystemResolverHost, ignoreCase: boolean): FileSystem { if (builtLocalHost !== host) { builtLocalCI = undefined; builtLocalCS = undefined; builtLocalHost = host; } if (!builtLocalCI) { const resolver = createResolver(host); builtLocalCI = new FileSystem(/*ignoreCase*/ true, { files: { [builtFolder]: new Mount(vpath.resolve(host.getWorkspaceRoot(), "built/local"), resolver), [testLibFolder]: new Mount(vpath.resolve(host.getWorkspaceRoot(), "tests/lib"), resolver), [projectsFolder]: new Mount(vpath.resolve(host.getWorkspaceRoot(), "tests/projects"), resolver), [srcFolder]: {} }, cwd: srcFolder, meta: { defaultLibLocation: builtFolder } }); builtLocalCI.makeReadonly(); } if (ignoreCase) return builtLocalCI; if (!builtLocalCS) { builtLocalCS = builtLocalCI.shadow(/*ignoreCase*/ false); builtLocalCS.makeReadonly(); } return builtLocalCS; } /* eslint-disable no-null/no-null */ function normalizeFileSetEntry(value: FileSet[string]) { if (value === undefined || value === null || value instanceof Directory || value instanceof File || value instanceof Link || value instanceof Symlink || value instanceof Mount || value instanceof Rmdir || value instanceof Unlink) { return value; } return typeof value === "string" || Buffer.isBuffer(value) ? new File(value) : new Directory(value); } export function formatPatch(patch: FileSet): string; export function formatPatch(patch: FileSet | undefined): string | null; export function formatPatch(patch: FileSet | undefined) { return patch ? formatPatchWorker("", patch) : null; } /* eslint-enable no-null/no-null */ function formatPatchWorker(dirname: string, container: FileSet): string { let text = ""; for (const name of Object.keys(container)) { const entry = normalizeFileSetEntry(container[name]); const file = dirname ? vpath.combine(dirname, name) : name; // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null if (entry === null || entry === undefined || entry instanceof Unlink || entry instanceof Rmdir) { text += `//// [${file}] unlink\r\n`; } else if (entry instanceof Rmdir) { text += `//// [${vpath.addTrailingSeparator(file)}] rmdir\r\n`; } else if (entry instanceof Directory) { text += formatPatchWorker(file, entry.files); } else if (entry instanceof SameFileContentFile) { text += `//// [${file}] file written with same contents\r\n`; } else if (entry instanceof File) { const content = typeof === "string" ? :"utf8"); text += `//// [${file}]\r\n${content}\r\n\r\n`; } else if (entry instanceof Link) { text += `//// [${file}] link(${entry.path})\r\n`; } else if (entry instanceof Symlink) { text += `//// [${file}] symlink(${entry.symlink})\r\n`; } else if (entry instanceof Mount) { text += `//// [${file}] mount(${entry.source})\r\n`; } } return text; } export function iteratePatch(patch: FileSet | undefined): IterableIterator<[string, string]> | null { // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null return patch ? Harness.Compiler.iterateOutputs(iteratePatchWorker("", patch)) : null; } function* iteratePatchWorker(dirname: string, container: FileSet): IterableIterator { for (const name of Object.keys(container)) { const entry = normalizeFileSetEntry(container[name]); const file = dirname ? vpath.combine(dirname, name) : name; if (entry instanceof Directory) { yield* ts.arrayFrom(iteratePatchWorker(file, entry.files)); } else if (entry instanceof File) { const content = typeof === "string" ? :"utf8"); yield new documents.TextDocument(file, content); } } } }