// Copyright David Abrahams 2002. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #include <boost/python/module.hpp> #include <boost/python/def.hpp> #include <boost/python/class.hpp> #include <boost/ref.hpp> #include <boost/python/ptr.hpp> #include <boost/python/return_value_policy.hpp> #include <boost/python/reference_existing_object.hpp> #include <boost/python/call.hpp> #include <boost/python/object.hpp> #define BOOST_ENABLE_ASSERT_HANDLER #include <boost/assert.hpp> using namespace boost::python; BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(converter::is_object_manager<handle<> >::value); int apply_int_int(PyObject* f, int x) { return call<int>(f, x); } void apply_void_int(PyObject* f, int x) { call<void>(f, x); } struct X { explicit X(int x) : x(x), magic(7654321) { ++counter; } X(X const& rhs) : x(rhs.x), magic(7654321) { ++counter; } ~X() { BOOST_ASSERT(magic == 7654321); magic = 6666666; x = 9999; --counter; } void set(int _x) { BOOST_ASSERT(magic == 7654321); this->x = _x; } int value() const { BOOST_ASSERT(magic == 7654321); return x; } static int count() { return counter; } private: void operator=(X const&); private: int x; long magic; static int counter; }; X apply_X_X(PyObject* f, X x) { return call<X>(f, x); } void apply_void_X_ref(PyObject* f, X& x) { call<void>(f, boost::ref(x)); } X& apply_X_ref_handle(PyObject* f, handle<> obj) { return call<X&>(f, obj); } X* apply_X_ptr_handle_cref(PyObject* f, handle<> const& obj) { return call<X*>(f, obj); } void apply_void_X_cref(PyObject* f, X const& x) { call<void>(f, boost::cref(x)); } void apply_void_X_ptr(PyObject* f, X* x) { call<void>(f, ptr(x)); } void apply_void_X_deep_ptr(PyObject* f, X* x) { call<void>(f, x); } char const* apply_cstring_cstring(PyObject* f, char const* s) { return call<char const*>(f, s); } char const* apply_cstring_pyobject(PyObject* f, PyObject* s) { return call<char const*>(f, borrowed(s)); } char apply_char_char(PyObject* f, char c) { return call<char>(f, c); } char const* apply_to_string_literal(PyObject* f) { return call<char const*>(f, "hello, world"); } handle<> apply_to_own_type(handle<> x) { // Tests that we can return handle<> from a callback and that we // can pass arbitrary handle<T>. return call<handle<> >(x.get(), type_handle(borrowed(x->ob_type))); } object apply_object_object(PyObject* f, object x) { return call<object>(f, x); } int X::counter; BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(callbacks_ext) { def("apply_object_object", apply_object_object); def("apply_to_own_type", apply_to_own_type); def("apply_int_int", apply_int_int); def("apply_void_int", apply_void_int); def("apply_X_X", apply_X_X); def("apply_void_X_ref", apply_void_X_ref); def("apply_void_X_cref", apply_void_X_cref); def("apply_void_X_ptr", apply_void_X_ptr); def("apply_void_X_deep_ptr", apply_void_X_deep_ptr); def("apply_X_ptr_handle_cref", apply_X_ptr_handle_cref , return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>()); def("apply_X_ref_handle", apply_X_ref_handle , return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>()); def("apply_cstring_cstring", apply_cstring_cstring); def("apply_cstring_pyobject", apply_cstring_pyobject); def("apply_char_char", apply_char_char); def("apply_to_string_literal", apply_to_string_literal); class_<X>("X", init<int>()) .def(init<X const&>()) .def("value", &X::value) .def("set", &X::set) ; def("x_count", &X::count); } #include "module_tail.cpp"