// Copyright David Abrahams 2002. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #include <boost/python/module.hpp> #include <boost/python/def.hpp> #include <boost/python/object.hpp> #include <boost/python/class.hpp> using namespace boost::python; class NotCopyable { } not_copyable; object ref_to_noncopyable() { return object(boost::ref(not_copyable)); } object call_object_3(object f) { return f(3); } object message() { return object("hello, world!"); } object number() { return object(42); } object obj_getattr(object x, char const* name) { return x.attr(name); } object obj_objgetattr(object x, object const& name) { return x.attr(name); } object obj_const_getattr(object const& x, char const* name) { return x.attr(name); } object obj_const_objgetattr(object const& x, object const& name) { return x.attr(name); } void obj_setattr(object x, char const* name, object value) { x.attr(name) = value; } void obj_objsetattr(object x, object const& name, object value) { x.attr(name) = value; } void obj_setattr42(object x, char const* name) { x.attr(name) = 42; } void obj_objsetattr42(object x, object const& name) { x.attr(name) = 42; } void obj_moveattr(object& x, char const* src, char const* dst) { x.attr(dst) = x.attr(src); } void obj_objmoveattr(object& x, object const& src, object const& dst) { x.attr(dst) = x.attr(src); } void obj_delattr(object x, char const* name) { x.attr(name).del(); } void obj_objdelattr(object x, object const& name) { x.attr(name).del(); } object obj_getitem(object x, object key) { return x[key]; } object obj_getitem3(object x) { return x[3]; } object obj_const_getitem(object const& x, object key) { return x[key]; } void obj_setitem(object x, object key, object value) { x[key] = value; } void obj_setitem42(object x, object key) { x[key] = 42; } void obj_moveitem(object& x, object src, object dst) { x[dst] = x[src]; } void obj_moveitem2(object const& x_src, object k_src, object& x_dst, object k_dst) { x_dst[k_dst] = x_src[k_src]; } bool test(object y) { return y; } bool test_not(object y) { return !y; } bool test_attr(object y, char* name) { return y.attr(name); } bool test_objattr(object y, object& name) { return y.attr(name); } bool test_not_attr(object y, char* name) { return !y.attr(name); } bool test_not_objattr(object y, object& name) { return !y.attr(name); } bool test_item(object y, object key) { return y[key]; } bool test_not_item(object y, object key) { return !y[key]; } bool check_string_slice() { object s("hello, world"); if (s.slice(_,-3) != "hello, wo") return false; if (s.slice(-3,_) != "rld") return false; if (s.slice(_,_) != s) return false; if (", " != s.slice(5,7)) return false; return s.slice(2,-1).slice(1,-1) == "lo, wor"; } object test_call(object c, object args, object kwds) { return c(*args, **kwds); } bool check_binary_operators() { int y; object x(3); #define TEST_BINARY(op) \ for (y = 1; y < 6; ++y) \ { \ if ((x op y) != (3 op y)) \ return false; \ } \ for (y = 1; y < 6; ++y) \ { \ if ((y op x) != (y op 3)) \ return false; \ } \ for (y = 1; y < 6; ++y) \ { \ object oy(y); \ if ((oy op x) != (oy op 3)) \ return false; \ } TEST_BINARY(>) TEST_BINARY(>=) TEST_BINARY(<) TEST_BINARY(<=) TEST_BINARY(==) TEST_BINARY(!=) TEST_BINARY(+) TEST_BINARY(-) TEST_BINARY(*) TEST_BINARY(/) TEST_BINARY(%) TEST_BINARY(<<) TEST_BINARY(>>) TEST_BINARY(&) TEST_BINARY(^) TEST_BINARY(|) return true; } bool check_inplace(object l, object o) { int y; #define TEST_INPLACE(op) \ for (y = 1; y < 6; ++y) \ { \ object x(666); \ x op##= y; \ if (x != (666 op y)) \ return false; \ } \ for (y = 1; y < 6; ++y) \ { \ object x(666); \ x op##= object(y); \ if (!(x == (666 op y))) \ return false; \ } TEST_INPLACE(+) TEST_INPLACE(-) TEST_INPLACE(*) TEST_INPLACE(/) TEST_INPLACE(%) TEST_INPLACE(<<) TEST_INPLACE(>>) TEST_INPLACE(&) TEST_INPLACE(^) TEST_INPLACE(|) l += l; for (y = 0; y < 6; ++y) { if (l[y] != y % 3) return false; } #define TEST_ITEM_INPLACE(index, op, n, r1, r2) \ l[index] op##= n; \ if (l[index] != r1) \ return false; \ l[index] op##= object(n); \ if (!(l[index] == r2)) \ return false; TEST_ITEM_INPLACE(0,+,7,7,14) TEST_ITEM_INPLACE(1,-,2,-1,-3) TEST_ITEM_INPLACE(2,*,3,6,18) TEST_ITEM_INPLACE(2,/,2,9,4) TEST_ITEM_INPLACE(0,%,4,2,2) l[0] += 1; TEST_ITEM_INPLACE(0,<<,2,12,48) TEST_ITEM_INPLACE(0,>>,1,24,12) l[4] = 15; TEST_ITEM_INPLACE(4,&,(16+4+1),5,5) TEST_ITEM_INPLACE(0,^,1,13,12) TEST_ITEM_INPLACE(0,|,1,13,13) o.attr("x0") = 0; o.attr("x1") = 1; o.attr("x2") = 2; o.attr("x3") = 0; o.attr("x4") = 1; #define TEST_ATTR_INPLACE(index, op, n, r1, r2) \ o.attr("x" #index) op##= n; \ if (o.attr("x" #index) != r1) \ return false; \ o.attr("x" #index) op##= object(n); \ if (o.attr("x" #index) != r2) \ return false; TEST_ATTR_INPLACE(0,+,7,7,14) TEST_ATTR_INPLACE(1,-,2,-1,-3) TEST_ATTR_INPLACE(2,*,3,6,18) TEST_ATTR_INPLACE(2,/,2,9,4) TEST_ATTR_INPLACE(0,%,4,2,2) o.attr("x0") += 1; TEST_ATTR_INPLACE(0,<<,2,12,48) TEST_ATTR_INPLACE(0,>>,1,24,12) o.attr("x4") = 15; TEST_ATTR_INPLACE(4,&,(16+4+1),5,5) TEST_ATTR_INPLACE(0,^,1,13,12) TEST_ATTR_INPLACE(0,|,1,13,13) if (l[0] != o.attr("x0")) return false; if (l[1] != o.attr("x1")) return false; if (l[2] != o.attr("x2")) return false; if (l[3] != o.attr("x3")) return false; if (l[4] != o.attr("x4")) return false; // set item 5 to be a list, by calling l.__class__ l[5] = l.attr("__class__")(); // append an element l[5].attr("append")(2); // Check its value if (l[5][0] != 2) return false; return true; } BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(object_ext) { class_<NotCopyable, boost::noncopyable>("NotCopyable", no_init); def("ref_to_noncopyable", ref_to_noncopyable); def("call_object_3", call_object_3); def("message", message); def("number", number); def("obj_getattr", obj_getattr); def("obj_objgetattr", obj_objgetattr); def("obj_const_getattr", obj_const_getattr); def("obj_const_objgetattr", obj_const_objgetattr); def("obj_setattr", obj_setattr); def("obj_objsetattr", obj_objsetattr); def("obj_setattr42", obj_setattr42); def("obj_objsetattr42", obj_objsetattr42); def("obj_moveattr", obj_moveattr); def("obj_objmoveattr", obj_objmoveattr); def("obj_delattr", obj_delattr); def("obj_objdelattr", obj_objdelattr); def("obj_getitem", obj_getitem); def("obj_getitem3", obj_getitem); def("obj_const_getitem", obj_const_getitem); def("obj_setitem", obj_setitem); def("obj_setitem42", obj_setitem42); def("obj_moveitem", obj_moveitem); def("obj_moveitem2", obj_moveitem2); def("test", test); def("test_not", test_not); def("test_attr", test_attr); def("test_objattr", test_objattr); def("test_not_attr", test_not_attr); def("test_not_objattr", test_not_objattr); def("test_item", test_item); def("test_not_item", test_not_item); def("test_call", test_call); def("check_binary_operators", check_binary_operators); def("check_inplace", check_inplace); def("check_string_slice", check_string_slice); ; } #include "module_tail.cpp"