    Copyright (c) 2002 2004 2006 Joel de Guzman
    Copyright (c) 2004 Eric Niebler

    Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
    License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include "files.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm/transform.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm/upper_bound.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include "for.hpp"

namespace quickbook
        boost::unordered_map<fs::path, file_ptr> files;

    // Read the first few bytes in a file to see it starts with a byte order
    // mark. If it doesn't, then write the characters we've already read in.
    // Although, given how UTF-8 works, if we've read anything in, the files
    // probably broken.

    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
    bool check_bom(
        InputIterator& begin,
        InputIterator end,
        OutputIterator out,
        char const* chars,
        int length)
        char const* ptr = chars;

        while (begin != end && *begin == *ptr) {
            if (length == 0) return true;

        // Failed to match, so write the skipped characters to storage:
        while (chars != ptr)
            *out++ = *chars++;

        return false;

    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
    std::string read_bom(
        InputIterator& begin, InputIterator end, OutputIterator out)
        if (begin == end) return "";

        const char* utf8 = "\xef\xbb\xbf";
        const char* utf32be = "\0\0\xfe\xff";
        const char* utf32le = "\xff\xfe\0\0";

        unsigned char c = *begin;
        switch (c) {
        case 0xEF: { // UTF-8
            return check_bom(begin, end, out, utf8, 3) ? "UTF-8" : "";
        case 0xFF: // UTF-16/UTF-32 little endian
            return !check_bom(begin, end, out, utf32le, 2)
                       ? ""
                       : check_bom(begin, end, out, utf32le + 2, 2) ? "UTF-32"
                                                                    : "UTF-16";
        case 0: // UTF-32 big endian
            return check_bom(begin, end, out, utf32be, 4) ? "UTF-32" : "";
        case 0xFE: // UTF-16 big endian
            return check_bom(begin, end, out, utf32be + 2, 2) ? "UTF-16" : "";
            return "";

    // Copy a string, converting mac and windows style newlines to unix
    // newlines.

    template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
    void normalize(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, OutputIterator out)
        std::string encoding = read_bom(begin, end, out);

        if (encoding != "UTF-8" && encoding != "")
            throw load_error(encoding + " is not supported. Please use UTF-8.");

        while (begin != end) {
            if (*begin == '\r') {
                *out++ = '\n';
                if (begin != end && *begin == '\n') ++begin;
            else {
                *out++ = *begin++;

    file_ptr load(fs::path const& filename, unsigned qbk_version)
        boost::unordered_map<fs::path, file_ptr>::iterator pos =

        if (pos == files.end()) {
            fs::ifstream in(filename, std::ios_base::in);

            if (!in) throw load_error("Could not open input file.");

            // Turn off white space skipping on the stream

            std::string source;
                std::istream_iterator<char>(in), std::istream_iterator<char>(),

            if (in.bad()) throw load_error("Error reading input file.");

            bool inserted;

            boost::tie(pos, inserted) = files.emplace(
                filename, new file(filename, source, qbk_version));


        return pos->second;

    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, file_position const& x)
        return out << "line: " << x.line << ", column: " << x.column;

    file_position relative_position(
        string_iterator begin, string_iterator iterator)
        file_position pos;
        string_iterator line_begin = begin;

        while (begin != iterator) {
            if (*begin == '\r') {
                line_begin = begin;
            else if (*begin == '\n') {
                line_begin = begin;
                if (begin == iterator) break;
                if (*begin == '\r') {
                    line_begin = begin;
            else {

        pos.column = iterator - line_begin + 1;
        return pos;

    file_position file::position_of(string_iterator iterator) const
        return relative_position(source().begin(), iterator);

    // Mapped files.

    struct mapped_file_section
        enum section_types

        std::string::size_type original_pos;
        std::string::size_type our_pos;
        section_types section_type;

        explicit mapped_file_section(
            std::string::size_type original_pos_,
            std::string::size_type our_pos_,
            section_types section_type_ = normal)
            : original_pos(original_pos_)
            , our_pos(our_pos_)
            , section_type(section_type_)

    struct mapped_section_original_cmp
        bool operator()(
            mapped_file_section const& x, mapped_file_section const& y)
            return x.original_pos < y.original_pos;

        bool operator()(
            mapped_file_section const& x, std::string::size_type const& y)
            return x.original_pos < y;

        bool operator()(
            std::string::size_type const& x, mapped_file_section const& y)
            return x < y.original_pos;

    struct mapped_section_pos_cmp
        bool operator()(
            mapped_file_section const& x, mapped_file_section const& y)
            return x.our_pos < y.our_pos;

        bool operator()(
            mapped_file_section const& x, std::string::size_type const& y)
            return x.our_pos < y;

        bool operator()(
            std::string::size_type const& x, mapped_file_section const& y)
            return x < y.our_pos;

    struct mapped_file : file
        explicit mapped_file(file_ptr original_)
            : file(*original_, std::string())
            , original(original_)
            , mapped_sections()

        file_ptr original;
        std::vector<mapped_file_section> mapped_sections;

        void add_empty_mapped_file_section(string_iterator pos)
            std::string::size_type original_pos =
                pos - original->source().begin();

            if (mapped_sections.empty() ||
                mapped_sections.back().section_type !=
                    mapped_file_section::empty ||
                mapped_sections.back().original_pos != original_pos) {
                    original_pos, source().size(), mapped_file_section::empty));

        void add_mapped_file_section(string_iterator pos)
                pos - original->source().begin(), source().size()));

        void add_indented_mapped_file_section(string_iterator pos)
                pos - original->source().begin(), source().size(),

        std::string::size_type to_original_pos(
            std::vector<mapped_file_section>::const_iterator section,
            std::string::size_type pos) const
            switch (section->section_type) {
            case mapped_file_section::normal:
                return pos - section->our_pos + section->original_pos;

            case mapped_file_section::empty:
                return section->original_pos;

            case mapped_file_section::indented: {
                // Will contain the start of the current line.
                quickbook::string_view::size_type our_line = section->our_pos;

                // Will contain the number of lines in the block before
                // the current line.
                unsigned newline_count = 0;

                for (quickbook::string_view::size_type i = section->our_pos;
                     i != pos; ++i) {
                    if (source()[i] == '\n') {
                        our_line = i + 1;

                // The start of the line in the original source.
                quickbook::string_view::size_type original_line =

                while (newline_count > 0) {
                    if (original->source()[original_line] == '\n')

                // The start of line content (i.e. after indentation).
                our_line = skip_indentation(source(), our_line);

                // The position is in the middle of indentation, so
                // just return the start of the whitespace, which should
                // be good enough.
                if (our_line > pos) return original_line;

                original_line =
                    skip_indentation(original->source(), original_line);

                // Confirm that we are actually in the same position.
                assert(original->source()[original_line] == source()[our_line]);

                // Calculate the position
                return original_line + (pos - our_line);
                return section->original_pos;

        std::vector<mapped_file_section>::const_iterator find_section(
            string_iterator pos) const
            std::vector<mapped_file_section>::const_iterator section =
                    std::string::size_type(pos - source().begin()),
            assert(section != mapped_sections.begin());

            return section;

        virtual file_position position_of(string_iterator) const;

        static std::string::size_type skip_indentation(
            quickbook::string_view src, std::string::size_type i)
            while (i != src.size() && (src[i] == ' ' || src[i] == '\t'))
            return i;

        std::list<mapped_file> mapped_files;

    struct mapped_file_builder_data
        mapped_file_builder_data() { reset(); }
        void reset() { new_file.reset(); }

        boost::intrusive_ptr<mapped_file> new_file;

    mapped_file_builder::mapped_file_builder() : data(0) {}
    mapped_file_builder::~mapped_file_builder() { delete data; }

    void mapped_file_builder::start(file_ptr f)
        if (!data) {
            data = new mapped_file_builder_data;

        data->new_file = new mapped_file(f);

    file_ptr mapped_file_builder::release()
        file_ptr r = data->new_file;
        return r;

    void mapped_file_builder::clear() { data->reset(); }

    bool mapped_file_builder::empty() const
        return data->new_file->source().empty();

    mapped_file_builder::pos_type mapped_file_builder::get_pos() const
        return data->new_file->source().size();

    void mapped_file_builder::add_at_pos(quickbook::string_view x, iterator pos)
        data->new_file->source_.append(x.begin(), x.end());

    void mapped_file_builder::add(quickbook::string_view x)
        data->new_file->source_.append(x.begin(), x.end());

    void mapped_file_builder::add(mapped_file_builder const& x)
        add(x, 0, x.data->new_file->source_.size());

    void mapped_file_builder::add(
        mapped_file_builder const& x, pos_type begin, pos_type end)
        assert(data->new_file->original == x.data->new_file->original);
        assert(begin <= x.data->new_file->source_.size());
        assert(end <= x.data->new_file->source_.size());

        if (begin != end) {
            std::vector<mapped_file_section>::const_iterator i =
                    x.data->new_file->source().begin() + begin);

            std::string::size_type size = data->new_file->source_.size();

                x.data->new_file->to_original_pos(i, begin), size,

            for (++i; i != x.data->new_file->mapped_sections.end() &&
                      i->our_pos < end;
                 ++i) {
                    i->original_pos, i->our_pos - begin + size,

                x.data->new_file->source_.begin() + begin,
                x.data->new_file->source_.begin() + end);

    quickbook::string_view::size_type indentation_count(
        quickbook::string_view x)
        unsigned count = 0;

        QUICKBOOK_FOR (auto c, x) {
            switch (c) {
            case ' ':
            case '\t':
                // hardcoded tab to 4 for now
                count = count - (count % 4) + 4;

        return count;

    void mapped_file_builder::unindent_and_add(quickbook::string_view x)
        // I wanted to do everything using a string_ref, but unfortunately
        // they don't have all the overloads used in here. So...
        std::string const program(x.begin(), x.end());

        // Erase leading blank lines and newlines:
        std::string::size_type text_start =
            program.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n");
        if (text_start == std::string::npos) return;

        text_start = program.find_last_of("\r\n", text_start);
        text_start = text_start == std::string::npos ? 0 : text_start + 1;

        assert(text_start < program.size());

        // Get the first line indentation
        std::string::size_type indent =
            program.find_first_not_of(" \t", text_start) - text_start;
        quickbook::string_view::size_type full_indent = indentation_count(
            quickbook::string_view(&program[text_start], indent));

        std::string::size_type pos = text_start;

        // Calculate the minimum indent from the rest of the lines
        // Detecting a mix of spaces and tabs.
        while (std::string::npos !=
               (pos = program.find_first_of("\r\n", pos))) {
            pos = program.find_first_not_of("\r\n", pos);
            if (std::string::npos == pos) break;

            std::string::size_type n = program.find_first_not_of(" \t", pos);
            if (n == std::string::npos) break;

            char ch = program[n];
            if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') continue; // ignore empty lines

            indent = (std::min)(indent, n - pos);
            full_indent = (std::min)(
                full_indent, indentation_count(quickbook::string_view(
                                 &program[pos], n - pos)));

        // Detect if indentation is mixed.
        bool mixed_indentation = false;
        quickbook::string_view first_indent(&program[text_start], indent);
        pos = text_start;

        while (std::string::npos !=
               (pos = program.find_first_of("\r\n", pos))) {
            pos = program.find_first_not_of("\r\n", pos);
            if (std::string::npos == pos) break;

            std::string::size_type n = program.find_first_not_of(" \t", pos);
            if (n == std::string::npos || n - pos < indent) continue;

            if (quickbook::string_view(&program[pos], indent) != first_indent) {
                mixed_indentation = true;

        // Trim white spaces from column 0..indent
        std::string unindented_program;
        std::string::size_type copy_start = text_start;
        pos = text_start;

        do {
            if (std::string::npos ==
                (pos = program.find_first_not_of("\r\n", pos)))

                program.begin() + copy_start, program.begin() + pos);
            copy_start = pos;

            // Find the end of the indentation.
            std::string::size_type next = program.find_first_not_of(" \t", pos);
            if (next == std::string::npos) next = program.size();

            if (mixed_indentation) {
                string_view::size_type length = indentation_count(
                    quickbook::string_view(&program[pos], next - pos));

                if (length > full_indent) {
                    std::string new_indentation(length - full_indent, ' ');

                copy_start = next;
            else {
                copy_start = (std::min)(pos + indent, next);

            pos = next;
        } while (std::string::npos !=
                 (pos = program.find_first_of("\r\n", pos)));

        unindented_program.append(program.begin() + copy_start, program.end());


    file_position mapped_file::position_of(string_iterator pos) const
        return original->position_of(
            original->source().begin() +
            to_original_pos(find_section(pos), pos - source().begin()));