import fs = require("fs"); import path = require("path"); import childProcess = require("child_process"); interface Author { displayNames: string[]; preferredName?: string; emails: string[]; } interface AuthorMap { [s: string]: Author } interface Command { (...arg: string[]): void; description?: string; } const mailMapPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../.mailmap"); const authorsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../"); function getKnownAuthors(): Author[] { const segmentRegExp = /\s?([^<]+)\s+<([^>]+)>/g; const preferredNameRegeExp = /\s?#\s?([^#]+)$/; const knownAuthors: Author[] = []; if (!fs.existsSync(mailMapPath)) { throw new Error(`Could not load known users form .mailmap file at: ${mailMapPath}`); } const mailMap = fs.readFileSync(mailMapPath).toString(); for (const line of mailMap.split("\r\n")) { const author: Author = { displayNames: [], emails: [] }; let match: RegExpMatchArray | null; while (match = segmentRegExp.exec(line)) { author.displayNames.push(match[1]); author.emails.push(match[2]); } if (match = preferredNameRegeExp.exec(line)) { author.preferredName = match[1]; } if (!author.emails) continue; knownAuthors.push(author); if (line.indexOf("#") > 0 && !author.preferredName) { throw new Error("Could not match preferred name for: " + line); } // console.log("===> line: " + line); // console.log(JSON.stringify(author, undefined, 2)); } return knownAuthors; } function getAuthorName(author: Author) { return author.preferredName || author.displayNames[0]; } function getKnownAuthorMaps() { const knownAuthors = getKnownAuthors(); const authorsByName: AuthorMap = {}; const authorsByEmail: AuthorMap = {}; knownAuthors.forEach(author => { author.displayNames.forEach(n => authorsByName[n] = author); author.emails.forEach(e => authorsByEmail[e.toLocaleLowerCase()] = author); }); return { knownAuthors, authorsByName, authorsByEmail }; } function deduplicate<T>(array: T[]): T[] { const result: T[] = []; if (array) { for (const item of array) { if (result.indexOf(item) < 0) { result.push(item); } } } return result; } function log(s: string) { console.log(` ${s}`); } function sortAuthors(a: string, b: string) { if (a.charAt(0) === "@") a = a.substr(1); if (b.charAt(0) === "@") b = b.substr(1); if (a.toLocaleLowerCase() < b.toLocaleLowerCase()) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } namespace Commands { export const writeAuthors: Command = () => { const output = deduplicate(getKnownAuthors().map(getAuthorName).filter(a => !!a)).sort(sortAuthors).join("\r\n* "); fs.writeFileSync(authorsPath, "TypeScript is authored by:\r\n* " + output); }; writeAuthors.description = "Write known authors to file."; export const listKnownAuthors: Command = () => { deduplicate(getKnownAuthors().map(getAuthorName)).filter(a => !!a).sort(sortAuthors).forEach(log); }; listKnownAuthors.description = "List known authors as listed in .mailmap file."; export const listAuthors: Command = (...specs: string[]) => { const cmd = "git shortlog -se " + specs.join(" "); console.log(cmd); const outputRegExp = /\d+\s+([^<]+)<([^>]+)>/; const authors: { name: string, email: string, knownAuthor?: Author }[] = []; const {output: [error, stdout, stderr]} = childProcess.spawnSync(`git`, ["shortlog", "-se", ...specs], { cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, "../") }); if (error) { console.log(stderr.toString()); } else { const output = stdout.toString(); const lines = output.split("\n"); lines.forEach(line => { if (line) { let match: RegExpExecArray | null; if (match = outputRegExp.exec(line)) { authors.push({ name: match[1], email: match[2] }); } else { throw new Error("Could not parse output: " + line); } } }); const maps = getKnownAuthorMaps(); const lookupAuthor = ({name, email}: { name: string, email: string }) => { return maps.authorsByEmail[email.toLocaleLowerCase()] || maps.authorsByName[name]; }; const knownAuthors = authors .map(lookupAuthor) .filter(a => !!a) .map(getAuthorName); const unknownAuthors = authors .filter(a => !lookupAuthor(a)) .map(a => `${} <${}>`); if (knownAuthors.length) { console.log("\r\n"); console.log("Found known authors: "); console.log("====================="); deduplicate(knownAuthors).sort(sortAuthors).forEach(log); } if (unknownAuthors.length) { console.log("\r\n"); console.log("Found unknown authors: "); console.log("====================="); deduplicate(unknownAuthors).sort(sortAuthors).forEach(log); } const allAuthors = deduplicate([...knownAuthors, ...unknownAuthors].map(a => a.split("<")[0].trim())).sort(sortAuthors); if (allAuthors.length) { console.log("\r\n"); console.log("Revised "); console.log("====================="); allAuthors.forEach(name => console.log(" - " + name)); } } }; listAuthors.description = "List known and unknown authors for a given spec, e.g. 'node authors.js listAuthors origin/release-2.6..origin/release-2.7'"; } const args = process.argv.slice(2); if (args.length < 1) { console.log("Usage: node authors.js [command]"); console.log("List of commands: "); Object.keys(Commands).forEach(k => console.log(` ${k}: ${(Commands as any)[k].description}`)); } else { const cmd: Function = (Commands as any)[args[0]]; if (cmd === undefined) { console.log("Unknown command " + args[1]); } else { cmd.apply(undefined, args.slice(1)); } }