Name |
Date |
Size |
#Lines |
.. | - | - | ||||
test/ | 12-May-2024 | - | 361 | 329 | ||
.travis.yml | D | 12-May-2024 | 72 | 8 | 7 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 3.8 KiB | 130 | 61 | |
LICENSE | D | 12-May-2024 | 717 | 14 | 11 | |
PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE | D | 12-May-2024 | 183 | 8 | 0 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 9.3 KiB | 259 | 184 | |
appveyor.yml | D | 12-May-2024 | 334 | 23 | 17 | |
index.js | D | 12-May-2024 | 5.2 KiB | 202 | 186 | |
package.json | D | 12-May-2024 | 2 KiB | 68 | 67 |
1# libnpmaccess []( []( []( []( []( 2 3[`libnpmaccess`]( is a Node.js 4library that provides programmatic access to the guts of the npm CLI's `npm 5access` command and its various subcommands. This includes managing account 2FA, 6listing packages and permissions, looking at package collaborators, and defining 7package permissions for users, orgs, and teams. 8 9## Example 10 11```javascript 12const access = require('libnpmaccess') 13 14// List all packages @zkat has access to on the npm registry. 15console.log(Object.keys(await access.lsPackages('zkat'))) 16``` 17 18## Table of Contents 19 20* [Installing](#install) 21* [Example](#example) 22* [Contributing](#contributing) 23* [API](#api) 24 * [access opts](#opts) 25 * [`public()`](#public) 26 * [`restricted()`](#restricted) 27 * [`grant()`](#grant) 28 * [`revoke()`](#revoke) 29 * [`tfaRequired()`](#tfa-required) 30 * [`tfaNotRequired()`](#tfa-not-required) 31 * [`lsPackages()`](#ls-packages) 32 * [``](#ls-packages-stream) 33 * [`lsCollaborators()`](#ls-collaborators) 34 * [``](#ls-collaborators-stream) 35 36### Install 37 38`$ npm install libnpmaccess` 39 40### Contributing 41 42The npm team enthusiastically welcomes contributions and project participation! 43There's a bunch of things you can do if you want to contribute! The [Contributor 44Guide]( has all the information you need for everything from 45reporting bugs to contributing entire new features. Please don't hesitate to 46jump in if you'd like to, or even ask us questions if something isn't clear. 47 48All participants and maintainers in this project are expected to follow [Code of 49Conduct](, and just generally be excellent to each other. 50 51Please refer to the [Changelog]( for project history details, too. 52 53Happy hacking! 54 55### API 56 57#### <a name="opts"></a> `opts` for `libnpmaccess` commands 58 59`libnpmaccess` uses [`npm-registry-fetch`]( 60All options are passed through directly to that library, so please refer to [its 61own `opts` 62documentation]( 63for options that can be passed in. 64 65A couple of options of note for those in a hurry: 66 67* `opts.token` - can be passed in and will be used as the authentication token for the registry. For other ways to pass in auth details, see the n-r-f docs. 68* `opts.otp` - certain operations will require an OTP token to be passed in. If a `libnpmaccess` command fails with `err.code === EOTP`, please retry the request with `{otp: <2fa token>}` 69* `opts.Promise` - If you pass this in, the Promises returned by `libnpmaccess` commands will use this Promise class instead. For example: `{Promise: require('bluebird')}` 70 71#### <a name="public"></a> `> access.public(spec, [opts]) -> Promise` 72 73`spec` must be an [`npm-package-arg`]( 74registry spec. 75 76Makes package described by `spec` public. 77 78##### Example 79 80```javascript 81await access.public('@foo/bar', {token: 'myregistrytoken'}) 82// `@foo/bar` is now public 83``` 84 85#### <a name="restricted"></a> `> access.restricted(spec, [opts]) -> Promise` 86 87`spec` must be an [`npm-package-arg`]( 88registry spec. 89 90Makes package described by `spec` private/restricted. 91 92##### Example 93 94```javascript 95await access.restricted('@foo/bar', {token: 'myregistrytoken'}) 96// `@foo/bar` is now private 97``` 98 99#### <a name="grant"></a> `> access.grant(spec, team, permissions, [opts]) -> Promise` 100 101`spec` must be an [`npm-package-arg`]( 102registry spec. `team` must be a fully-qualified team name, in the `scope:team` 103format, with or without the `@` prefix, and the team must be a valid team within 104that scope. `permissions` must be one of `'read-only'` or `'read-write'`. 105 106Grants `read-only` or `read-write` permissions for a certain package to a team. 107 108##### Example 109 110```javascript 111await access.grant('@foo/bar', '@foo:myteam', 'read-write', { 112 token: 'myregistrytoken' 113}) 114// `@foo/bar` is now read/write enabled for the @foo:myteam team. 115``` 116 117#### <a name="revoke"></a> `> access.revoke(spec, team, [opts]) -> Promise` 118 119`spec` must be an [`npm-package-arg`]( 120registry spec. `team` must be a fully-qualified team name, in the `scope:team` 121format, with or without the `@` prefix, and the team must be a valid team within 122that scope. `permissions` must be one of `'read-only'` or `'read-write'`. 123 124Removes access to a package from a certain team. 125 126##### Example 127 128```javascript 129await access.revoke('@foo/bar', '@foo:myteam', { 130 token: 'myregistrytoken' 131}) 132// @foo:myteam can no longer access `@foo/bar` 133``` 134 135#### <a name="tfa-required"></a> `> access.tfaRequired(spec, [opts]) -> Promise` 136 137`spec` must be an [`npm-package-arg`]( 138registry spec. 139 140Makes it so publishing or managing a package requires using 2FA tokens to 141complete operations. 142 143##### Example 144 145```javascript 146await access.tfaRequires('lodash', {token: 'myregistrytoken'}) 147// Publishing or changing dist-tags on `lodash` now require OTP to be enabled. 148``` 149 150#### <a name="tfa-not-required"></a> `> access.tfaNotRequired(spec, [opts]) -> Promise` 151 152`spec` must be an [`npm-package-arg`]( 153registry spec. 154 155Disabled the package-level 2FA requirement for `spec`. Note that you will need 156to pass in an `otp` token in `opts` in order to complete this operation. 157 158##### Example 159 160```javascript 161await access.tfaNotRequired('lodash', {otp: '123654', token: 'myregistrytoken'}) 162// Publishing or editing dist-tags on `lodash` no longer requires OTP to be 163// enabled. 164``` 165 166#### <a name="ls-packages"></a> `> access.lsPackages(entity, [opts]) -> Promise` 167 168`entity` must be either a valid org or user name, or a fully-qualified team name 169in the `scope:team` format, with or without the `@` prefix. 170 171Lists out packages a user, org, or team has access to, with corresponding 172permissions. Packages that the access token does not have access to won't be 173listed. 174 175In order to disambiguate between users and orgs, two requests may end up being 176made when listing orgs or users. 177 178For a streamed version of these results, see 179[``](#ls-package-stream). 180 181##### Example 182 183```javascript 184await access.lsPackages('zkat', { 185 token: 'myregistrytoken' 186}) 187// Lists all packages `@zkat` has access to on the registry, and the 188// corresponding permissions. 189``` 190 191#### <a name="ls-packages-stream"></a> `>, [team], [opts]) -> Stream` 192 193`entity` must be either a valid org or user name, or a fully-qualified team name 194in the `scope:team` format, with or without the `@` prefix. 195 196Streams out packages a user, org, or team has access to, with corresponding 197permissions, with each stream entry being formatted like `[packageName, 198permissions]`. Packages that the access token does not have access to won't be 199listed. 200 201In order to disambiguate between users and orgs, two requests may end up being 202made when listing orgs or users. 203 204The returned stream is a valid `asyncIterator`. 205 206##### Example 207 208```javascript 209for await (let [pkg, perm] of'zkat')) { 210 console.log('zkat has', perm, 'access to', pkg) 211} 212// zkat has read-write access to eggplant 213// zkat has read-only access to @npmcorp/secret 214``` 215 216#### <a name="ls-collaborators"></a> `> access.lsCollaborators(spec, [user], [opts]) -> Promise` 217 218`spec` must be an [`npm-package-arg`]( 219registry spec. `user` must be a valid user name, with or without the `@` 220prefix. 221 222Lists out access privileges for a certain package. Will only show permissions 223for packages to which you have at least read access. If `user` is passed in, the 224list is filtered only to teams _that_ user happens to belong to. 225 226For a streamed version of these results, see [``](#ls-collaborators-stream). 227 228##### Example 229 230```javascript 231await access.lsCollaborators('@npm/foo', 'zkat', { 232 token: 'myregistrytoken' 233}) 234// Lists all teams with access to @npm/foo that @zkat belongs to. 235``` 236 237#### <a name="ls-collaborators-stream"></a> `>, [user], [opts]) -> Stream` 238 239`spec` must be an [`npm-package-arg`]( 240registry spec. `user` must be a valid user name, with or without the `@` 241prefix. 242 243Stream out access privileges for a certain package, with each entry in `[user, 244permissions]` format. Will only show permissions for packages to which you have 245at least read access. If `user` is passed in, the list is filtered only to teams 246_that_ user happens to belong to. 247 248The returned stream is a valid `asyncIterator`. 249 250##### Example 251 252```javascript 253for await (let [usr, perm] of'npm')) { 254 console.log(usr, 'has', perm, 'access to npm') 255} 256// zkat has read-write access to npm 257// iarna has read-write access to npm 258``` 259