# Getting Started with ArkTS in Stage Model > **NOTE** > > To use ArkTS, your DevEco Studio must be V3.0.0.900 Beta3 or later. > > For best possible results, use [DevEco Studio 3.1 Beta2](https://developer.harmonyos.com/cn/develop/deveco-studio) for your development. ## Creating an ArkTS Project 1. If you are opening DevEco Studio for the first time, click **Create Project**. If a project is already open, choose **File** > **New** > **Create Project** from the menu bar. On the **Choose Your Ability Template** page, select **Application** (or **Atomic Service**, depending on your project), select **Empty Ability** as the template, and click Next. ![createProject](figures/createProject.png) 2. On the project configuration page, set **Compile SDK** to **9**, **Model** to **Stage**, and retain the default values for other parameters. ![chooseStageModel](figures/chooseStageModel.png) > **NOTE** > > You can use the low-code development mode apart from the traditional coding approach. > > On the low-code development pages, you can design your application UI in an efficient, intuitive manner, with a wide array of UI editing features. > > To use the low-code development mode, turn on **Enable Super Visual** on the page shown above. 3. Click **Finish**. DevEco Studio will automatically generate the sample code and resources that match your project type. Wait until the project is created. 4. After the project is created, in the **entry** > **build-profile.json5** file, change **runtimeOS** under **targets** to **OpenHarmony**, and click **Sync Now** in the upper right corner to start development. ## ArkTS Project Directory Structure (Stage Model) ![en-us_image_0000001364054489](figures/en-us_image_0000001364054489.png) - **AppScope** > **app.json5**: global configuration of your application. - **entry**: OpenHarmony project module, which can be built into an OpenHarmony Ability Package ([HAP](../../glossary.md#hap)). - **oh_modules**: third-party library dependency information. For details about how to adapt a historical npm project to ohpm, see [Manually Migrating Historical Projects](https://developer.harmonyos.com/cn/docs/documentation/doc-guides-V3/project_overview-0000001053822398-V3#section108143331212). - **src > main > ets**: a collection of ArkTS source code. - **src > main > ets > entryability**: entry to your application/service. - **src > main > ets > pages**: pages included in your application/service. - **src > main > resources**: a collection of resource files used by your application/service, such as graphics, multimedia, character strings, and layout files. For details about resource files, see [Resource Categories and Access](resource-categories-and-access.md#resource-categories). - **src > main > module.json5**: module configuration file. This file describes the global configuration information of the application/service, the device-specific configuration information, and the configuration information of the HAP file. For details, see [module.json5 Configuration File](module-configuration-file.md). - **build-profile.json5**: current module information and build configuration options, including **buildOption** and **targets**. Under **targets**, you can set **runtimeOS** to **HarmonyOS** (default) or **OpenHarmony**, depending on the OS of your application. - **hvigorfile.ts**: module-level build script. You can customize related tasks and code implementation. - **build-profile.json5**: application-level configuration information, including the signature and product configuration. - **hvigorfile.ts**: application-level build script. ## Building the First Page 1. Use the **\** component. After the project synchronization is complete, choose **entry** > **src** > **main** > **ets** > **pages** in the **Project** window and open the **Index.ets** file. You can see that the file contains a **\** component. The sample code in the **Index.ets** file is shown below: ```ts // Index.ets @Entry @Component struct Index { @State message: string = 'Hello World' build() { Row() { Column() { Text(this.message) .fontSize(50) .fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold) } .width('100%') } .height('100%') } } ``` 2. Add a **\