# System Common Events This document provides indexes for system common events defined in OpenHarmony. For details about the definition of a system common event, see [Support in @ohos.commonEventManager (Common Event)](./js-apis-commonEventManager.md#support). **System capability**: SystemCapability.Notification.CommonEvent ## COMMON_EVENT_BOOT_COMPLETED Indicates that the user has finished booting and the system has been loaded. - Value: **usual.event.BOOT_COMPLETED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.RECEIVER_STARTUP_COMPLETED ## COMMON_EVENT_LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED (Deprecated) Indicates that the user has finished booting and the system has been loaded but the screen is still locked. - Value: **usual.event.LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.RECEIVER_STARTUP_COMPLETED ## COMMON_EVENT_SHUTDOWN Indicates that the device is being shut down and the final shutdown will proceed. - Value: **usual.event.SHUTDOWN** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BATTERY_CHANGED Indicates that the charging state, level, and other information about the battery have changed. - Value: **usual.event.BATTERY_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BATTERY_LOW Indicates that the battery level is low. - Value: **usual.event.BATTERY_LOW** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BATTERY_OKAY Indicates that the battery level is normal. - Value: **usual.event.BATTERY_OKAY** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_POWER_CONNECTED Indicates that the device is connected to an external power supply. - Value: **usual.event.POWER_CONNECTED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_POWER_DISCONNECTED Indicates that the device is disconnected from the external power supply. - Value: **usual.event.POWER_DISCONNECTED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_SCREEN_OFF Indicates that the device screen is off and the device is in sleep mode. - Value: **usual.event.SCREEN_OFF** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_SCREEN_ON Indicates that the device screen is on and the device is in interactive state. - Value: **usual.event.SCREEN_ON** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_THERMAL_LEVEL_CHANGED Indicates that the device's thermal level has changed. - Value: **usual.event.THERMAL_LEVEL_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USER_PRESENT (Deprecated) Indicates that the user unlocks the device. - Value: **usual.event.USER_PRESENT** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_TIME_TICK Indicates that the system time has changed as time ticks by. - Value: **usual.event.TIME_TICK** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_TIME_CHANGED Indicates that the system time is set. - Value: **usual.event.TIME_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_DATE_CHANGED (Deprecated) Indicates that the system date has changed. - Value: **usual.event.DATE_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_TIMEZONE_CHANGED Indicates that the system time zone has changed. - Value: **usual.event.TIMEZONE_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS (Deprecated) Indicates that the user closes a temporary system dialog box. - Value: **usual.event.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_ADDED Indicates that a new application package has been installed on the device. - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGE_ADDED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_REPLACED (Deprecated) Indicates that a later version of an installed application package has replaced the previous one on the device. - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGE_REPLACED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED (Deprecated) Indicates that a later version of your application package has replaced the previous one. - Value: **usual.event.MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_REMOVED Indicates that an installed application has been uninstalled from the device with the application data retained. - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGE_REMOVED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BUNDLE_REMOVED (Deprecated) Indicates that an installed bundle has been uninstalled from the device with the application data retained. - Value: **usual.event.BUNDLE_REMOVED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_FULLY_REMOVED (Deprecated) Indicates that an installed application, including both the application data and code, has been completely uninstalled from the device. - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGE_FULLY_REMOVED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_CHANGED Indicates that an application package has been changed (for example, an ability in the package has been enabled or disabled). - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGE_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_RESTARTED Indicates that the user closed all processes of the application and restarted the application. - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGE_RESTARTED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED Indicates that the user cleared the application package data. - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_CACHE_CLEARED9+ Indicates that the user cleared the application package cache. - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGE_CACHE_CLEARED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGES_SUSPENDED (Deprecated) Indicates that application HAP files are suspended. - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGES_SUSPENDED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGES_UNSUSPENDED (Deprecated) Indicates that application HAP files are not suspended (restored from the suspended state). - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGES_UNSUSPENDED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_MY_PACKAGE_SUSPENDED (Deprecated) Indicates that an application HAP file is suspended. - Value: **usual.event.MY_PACKAGE_SUSPENDED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_MY_PACKAGE_UNSUSPENDED (Deprecated) Indicates that an application HAP file is not suspended. - Value: **usual.event.MY_PACKAGE_UNSUSPENDED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_UID_REMOVED (Deprecated) Indicates that a user ID has been removed from the system. - Value: **usual.event.UID_REMOVED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH (Deprecated) Indicates that an installed application is started for the first time. - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION (Deprecated) Indicates that an application requires system verification. - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_VERIFIED (Deprecated) Indicates that an application has been verified by the system. - Value: **usual.event.PACKAGE_VERIFIED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE (Deprecated) Indicates that applications installed on the external storage are available for the system. - Value: **usual.event.EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE (Deprecated) Indicates that applications installed on the external storage are not available for the system. - Value: **usual.event.EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED (Deprecated) Indicates that the device state (for example, orientation and locale) has changed. - Value: **usual.event.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_LOCALE_CHANGED (Deprecated) Indicates that the device locale has changed. - Value: **usual.event.LOCALE_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_MANAGE_PACKAGE_STORAGE (Deprecated) Indicates that the device storage is insufficient. - Value: **usual.event.MANAGE_PACKAGE_STORAGE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_DRIVE_MODE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the system is in driving mode. - Value: **common.event.DRIVE_MODE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_HOME_MODE (Deprecated) Indicates that the system is in home mode. - Value: **common.event.HOME_MODE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_OFFICE_MODE (Deprecated) Indicates that the system is in office mode. - Value: **common.event.OFFICE_MODE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USER_STARTED (Deprecated) Indicates that the user has been started. - Value: **usual.event.USER_STARTED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USER_BACKGROUND (Deprecated) Indicates that the user has been brought to the background. - Value: **usual.event.USER_BACKGROUND** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USER_FOREGROUND (Deprecated) Indicates that the user has been brought to the foreground. - Value: **usual.event.USER_FOREGROUND** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USER_SWITCHED Indicates that user switching is in progress. - Value: **usual.event.USER_SWITCHED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS ## COMMON_EVENT_USER_STARTING (Deprecated) Indicates that the user is being started. - Value: **usual.event.USER_STARTING** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS ## COMMON_EVENT_USER_UNLOCKED (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the credential-encrypted storage has been unlocked for the current user after the device is restarted. - Value: **usual.event.USER_UNLOCKED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USER_STOPPING (Deprecated) Indicates that the user is going to be stopped. - Value: **usual.event.USER_STOPPING** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS ## COMMON_EVENT_USER_STOPPED (Deprecated) Indicates that the user has been stopped. - Value: **usual.event.USER_STOPPED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_DISTRIBUTED_ACCOUNT_LOGIN (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates a successful login to a distributed account. - Value: **usual.event.DISTRIBUTED_ACCOUNT_LOGIN** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_DISTRIBUTED_ACCOUNT_LOGOUT (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates a successful logout of a distributed account. - Value: **usual.event.DISTRIBUTED_ACCOUNT_LOGOUT** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_DISTRIBUTED_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_INVALID (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the token of a distributed account is invalid. - Value: **usual.event.DISTRIBUTED_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_INVALID** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_DISTRIBUTED_ACCOUNT_LOGOFF (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that a distributed account is deregistered. - Value: **usual.event.DISTRIBUTED_ACCOUNT_LOGOFF** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_POWER_STATE Indicates that the Wi-Fi state has changed, for example, enabled or disabled. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.POWER_STATE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_SCAN_FINISHED Indicates that the Wi-Fi access point has been detected and proven to be available. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.SCAN_FINISHED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.LOCATION ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_RSSI_VALUE Indicates that the Wi-Fi signal strength (RSSI) has changed. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.RSSI_VALUE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_CONN_STATE Indicates that the Wi-Fi connection state has changed. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.CONN_STATE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_HOTSPOT_STATE Indicates that the Wi-Fi hotspot state has changed, for example, enabled or disabled. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.HOTSPOT_STATE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STA_JOIN Indicates that a client has joined the Wi-Fi hotspot of the current device. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.WIFI_HS_STA_JOIN** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STA_LEAVE Indicates that a client has disconnected from the Wi-Fi hotspot of the current device. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.WIFI_HS_STA_LEAVE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_MPLINK_STATE_CHANGE Indicates that the state of MPLINK (an enhanced Wi-Fi feature) has changed. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.mplink.STATE_CHANGE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.MPLINK_CHANGE_STATE ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_CONN_STATE Indicates that the Wi-Fi P2P connection state has changed. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.p2p.CONN_STATE_CHANGE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_STATE_CHANGED Indicates that the Wi-Fi P2P state has changed, for example, enabled or disabled. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.p2p.STATE_CHANGE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_PEERS_STATE_CHANGED Indicates that the state of the Wi-Fi P2P peer device has changed. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.p2p.DEVICES_CHANGE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_PEERS_DISCOVERY_STATE_CHANGED Indicates that the Wi-Fi P2P discovery state has changed. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.p2p.PEER_DISCOVERY_STATE_CHANGE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_CURRENT_DEVICE_STATE_CHANGED Indicates that the state of the Wi-Fi P2P local device has changed. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.p2p.CURRENT_DEVICE_CHANGE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO ## COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_GROUP_STATE_CHANGED Indicates that the Wi-Fi P2P group information has changed. - Value: **usual.event.wifi.p2p.GROUP_STATE_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREE_AG_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the connection state of Bluetooth handsfree communication. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.handsfree.ag.CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREE_AG_CURRENT_DEVICE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the device connected through Bluetooth handsfree is active. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.handsfree.ag.CURRENT_DEVICE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREE_AG_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the connection state of Bluetooth A2DP has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.handsfree.ag.AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the connection state of Bluetooth A2DP. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_CURRENT_DEVICE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the device connected using Bluetooth A2DP is active. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.CURRENT_DEVICE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_PLAYING_STATE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the playing state of Bluetooth A2DP has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.PLAYING_STATE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_AVRCP_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the AVRCP connection state of Bluetooth A2DP has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.AVRCP_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_CODEC_VALUE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the audio codec state of Bluetooth A2DP has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.CODEC_VALUE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_DISCOVERED (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that a remote Bluetooth device is discovered. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.DISCOVERED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_CLASS_VALUE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the Bluetooth class of a remote Bluetooth device has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.CLASS_VALUE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_ACL_CONNECTED (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that a low-ACL connection with a remote Bluetooth device has been established. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.ACL_CONNECTED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_ACL_DISCONNECTED (Deprecated) Indicates that the low-ACL connection with a remote Bluetooth device has been terminated. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.ACL_DISCONNECTED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_NAME_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the friendly name of a remote Bluetooth device is retrieved for the first time or has changed since the last retrieval. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.NAME_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_PAIR_STATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the connection state with a remote Bluetooth device has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.PAIR_STATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_BATTERY_VALUE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the battery level of a remote Bluetooth device is retrieved for the first time or has changed since the last retrieval. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.BATTERY_VALUE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_SDP_RESULT (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the SDP state of a remote Bluetooth device. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.SDP_RESULT** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_UUID_VALUE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the UUID connection state with a remote Bluetooth device. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.UUID_VALUE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_PAIRING_REQ (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the pairing request from a remote Bluetooth device. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.PAIRING_REQ** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_PAIRING_CANCEL (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that Bluetooth pairing has been canceled. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.PAIRING_CANCEL** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_CONNECT_REQ (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the connection request from a remote Bluetooth device. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.CONNECT_REQ** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_CONNECT_REPLY (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the response to the connection request from a remote Bluetooth device. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.CONNECT_REPLY** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_CONNECT_CANCEL (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the connection to a remote Bluetooth device has been canceled. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.CONNECT_CANCEL** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREEUNIT_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the connection state with a Bluetooth handsfree has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.handsfreeunit.CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREEUNIT_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the audio state of a Bluetooth handsfree has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.handsfreeunit.AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREEUNIT_AG_COMMON_EVENT (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the audio gateway state of a Bluetooth handsfree has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.handsfreeunit.AG_COMMON_EVENT** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREEUNIT_AG_CALL_STATE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the calling state of a Bluetooth handsfree has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.handsfreeunit.AG_CALL_STATE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_STATE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the state of a Bluetooth adapter has changed, for example, Bluetooth has been enabled or disabled. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.host.STATE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_REQ_DISCOVERABLE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the request for the user to allow Bluetooth device scanning. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.host.REQ_DISCOVERABLE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_REQ_ENABLE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the request for the user to enable Bluetooth. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.host.REQ_ENABLE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_REQ_DISABLE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the request for the user to disable Bluetooth. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.host.REQ_DISABLE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_SCAN_MODE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the Bluetooth scanning mode of the device has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.host.SCAN_MODE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_DISCOVERY_STARTED (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that Bluetooth scanning has been started on the device. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.host.DISCOVERY_STARTED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_DISCOVERY_FINISHED (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that Bluetooth scanning is finished on the device. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.host.DISCOVERY_FINISHED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_NAME_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the Bluetooth adapter name of the device has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.host.NAME_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSINK_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the connection state of Bluetooth A2DP Sink has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsink.CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSINK_PLAYING_STATE_UPDATE (Deprecated) Indicates that the playing state of Bluetooth A2DP Sink has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsink.PLAYING_STATE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSINK_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE (Deprecated) Indicates that the audio state of Bluetooth A2DP Sink has changed. - Value: **usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsink.AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH ## COMMON_EVENT_NFC_ACTION_ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED Indicates that the state of the device NFC adapter has changed. - Value: **usual.event.nfc.action.ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_NFC_ACTION_RF_FIELD_ON_DETECTED (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the NFC RF field is detected to be in the enabled state. - Value: **usual.event.nfc.action.RF_FIELD_ON_DETECTED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_SECURE_SETTINGS ## COMMON_EVENT_NFC_ACTION_RF_FIELD_OFF_DETECTED (Deprecated) Indicates that the NFC RF field is detected to be in the disabled state. - Value: **usual.event.nfc.action.RF_FIELD_OFF_DETECTED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_SECURE_SETTINGS ## COMMON_EVENT_DISCHARGING Indicates that the system stops charging the battery. - Value: **usual.event.DISCHARGING** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_CHARGING Indicates that the system starts charging the battery. - Value: **usual.event.CHARGING** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED (Deprecated) Indicates that the system idle mode has changed. - Value: **usual.event.DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_POWER_SAVE_MODE_CHANGED Indicates that the system power saving mode has changed. - Value: **usual.event.POWER_SAVE_MODE_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USER_ADDED Indicates that a user has been added to the system. - Value: **usual.event.USER_ADDED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS ## COMMON_EVENT_USER_REMOVED Indicates that a user has been removed from the system. - Value: **usual.event.USER_REMOVED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS ## COMMON_EVENT_ABILITY_ADDED (Deprecated) Indicates that an ability has been added. - Value: **usual.event.ABILITY_ADDED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.LISTEN_BUNDLE_CHANGE ## COMMON_EVENT_ABILITY_REMOVED (Deprecated) Indicates that an ability has been removed. - Value: **usual.event.ABILITY_REMOVED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.LISTEN_BUNDLE_CHANGE ## COMMON_EVENT_ABILITY_UPDATED (Deprecated) Indicates that an ability has been updated. - Value: **usual.event.ABILITY_UPDATED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.LISTEN_BUNDLE_CHANGE ## COMMON_EVENT_LOCATION_MODE_STATE_CHANGED (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the location mode of the system has changed. - Value: **usual.event.location.MODE_STATE_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_IVI_SLEEP (Deprecated) Indicates that the in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) system is in sleep mode. - Value: **common.event.IVI_SLEEP** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_IVI_PAUSE (Deprecated) Indicates that the IVI system as entered sleep mode and instructs the playing application to stop playback. - Value: **common.event.IVI_PAUSE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_IVI_STANDBY (Deprecated) Requests a third-party application in the IVI system to pause the current work. - Value: **common.event.IVI_STANDBY** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_IVI_LASTMODE_SAVE (Deprecated) Requests a third-party application in the IVI system to save its last mode. - Value: **common.event.IVI_LASTMODE_SAVE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_IVI_VOLTAGE_ABNORMAL (Deprecated) Indicates that the voltage of the vehicle's power system is abnormal. - Value: **common.event.IVI_VOLTAGE_ABNORMAL** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_IVI_HIGH_TEMPERATURE (Deprecated) Indicates that the temperature of the IVI system is high. - Value: **common.event.IVI_HIGH_TEMPERATURE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_IVI_EXTREME_TEMPERATURE (Deprecated) Indicates that the temperature of the IVI system is extremely high. - Value: **common.event.IVI_EXTREME_TEMPERATURE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_IVI_TEMPERATURE_ABNORMAL (Deprecated) Indicates that the IVI system is at an extreme temperature. - Value: **common.event.IVI_TEMPERATURE_ABNORMAL** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_IVI_VOLTAGE_RECOVERY (Deprecated) Indicates that the voltage of the vehicle's power system is restored to normal. - Value: **common.event.IVI_VOLTAGE_RECOVERY** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_IVI_TEMPERATURE_RECOVERY (Deprecated) Indicates that the temperature of the IVI system is restored to normal. - Value: **common.event.IVI_TEMPERATURE_RECOVERY** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_IVI_ACTIVE (Deprecated) Indicates that the battery service of the IVI system is active. - Value: **common.event.IVI_ACTIVE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USB_STATE9+ Indicates that the USB device state has changed. - Value: **usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_STATE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USB_PORT_CHANGED9+ Indicates that the USB port state of the device has changed. - Value: **usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_PORT_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Indicates that a USB device has been attached to the device functioning as a USB host. - Value: **usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED Indicates that a USB device has been detached from the device functioning as a USB host. - Value: **usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_DETACHED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USB_ACCESSORY_ATTACHED (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that a USB accessory was attached. - Value: **usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_ACCESSORY_ATTACHED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USB_ACCESSORY_DETACHED (Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that a USB accessory was detached. - Value: **usual.event.data.DISK_MOUNTED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_DISK_REMOVED (Deprecated) Indicates that an external storage device was removed. - Value: **usual.event.data.DISK_BAD_REMOVAL** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER ## COMMON_EVENT_DISK_UNMOUNTED (Deprecated) Indicates that an external storage device was unmounted. - Value: **usual.event.data.DISK_UNMOUNTABLE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER ## COMMON_EVENT_DISK_MOUNTED (Deprecated) Indicates that an external storage device was mounted. - Value: **usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_ACCESSORY_DETACHED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER ## COMMON_EVENT_DISK_BAD_REMOVAL (Deprecated) Indicates that an external storage device was removed without being unmounted. - Value: usual.event.data.DISK_REMOVED - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER ## COMMON_EVENT_DISK_UNMOUNTABLE (Deprecated) Indicates that an external storage device is unmountable when the card is inserted. - Value: **usual.event.data.DISK_UNMOUNTED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER ## COMMON_EVENT_DISK_EJECT (Deprecated) Indicates that an external storage device was ejected (at the software level). - Value: **usual.event.data.DISK_EJECT** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER ## COMMON_EVENT_VOLUME_REMOVED9+ Indicates that an external storage device was removed. - Value: **usual.event.data.VOLUME_REMOVED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER ## COMMON_EVENT_VOLUME_UNMOUNTED9+ Indicates that an external storage device was unmounted. - Value: **usual.event.data.VOLUME_UNMOUNTED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER ## COMMON_EVENT_VOLUME_MOUNTED9+ Indicates that an external storage device was mounted. - Value: **usual.event.data.VOLUME_MOUNTED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER ## COMMON_EVENT_VOLUME_BAD_REMOVAL9+ Indicates that an external storage device was removed without being unmounted. - Value: **usual.event.data.VOLUME_BAD_REMOVAL** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER ## COMMON_EVENT_VOLUME_EJECT9+ Indicates that an external storage device was ejected (at the software level). - Value: usual.event.data.VOLUME_EJECT - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER ## COMMON_EVENT_VISIBLE_ACCOUNTS_UPDATED (Deprecated) Indicates that the account visibility changed. - Value: **usual.event.data.VISIBLE_ACCOUNTS_UPDATED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.GET_APP_ACCOUNTS ## COMMON_EVENT_ACCOUNT_DELETED (Deprecated) Indicates that an account was deleted. - Value: **usual.event.data.ACCOUNT_DELETED** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS ## COMMON_EVENT_FOUNDATION_READY (Deprecated) Indicates that the foundation is ready. - Value: **usual.event.data.FOUNDATION_READY** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.RECEIVER_STARTUP_COMPLETED ## COMMON_EVENT_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED Indicates that the airplane mode of the device has changed. - Value: **usual.event.AIRPLANE_MODE** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_SPLIT_SCREEN Indicates that the screen has been split. - Value: **usual.event.SPLIT_SCREEN** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.RECEIVER_SPLIT_SCREEN ## COMMON_EVENT_SLOT_CHANGE9+ Indicates that the notification slot has been updated. - Value: **usual.event.SLOT_CHANGE** - Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER ## COMMON_EVENT_SPN_INFO_CHANGED9+ Indicates that the SPN displayed has been updated. - Value: **usual.event.SPN_INFO_CHANGED** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_QUICK_FIX_APPLY_RESULT9+ Indicates the result of applying a quick fix to the application. - Value: **usual.event.QUICK_FIX_APPLY_RESULT** - Required subscriber permissions: none ## COMMON_EVENT_USER_INFO_UPDATED9+ Indicates that the HTTP proxy configuration has changed. - Value: **usual.event.USER_INFO_UPDATED** - Required subscriber permissions: none