# Upload and Download Error Codes > **NOTE** > > This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, see [Universal Error Codes](errorcode-universal.md). ## 13400001 File Operation Error **Error Message** File operation error. **Description** This error code is reported when a file operation error occurs in invoking the **uploadFile** or **downloadFile** API. **Possible Causes** The file permission is insufficient. **Solution** Make sure you have the required permission on the target files. ## 13400002 File Path Error **Error Message** Bad file path. **Description** This error code is reported when a file path error occurs in invoking the **uploadFile** or **downloadFile** API. **Possible Causes** The file path is incorrect or the file aready exists in the path. **Solution** Verify the file path. ## 13400003 Service Error **Error Message** Task manager service error. **Description** This error code is reported when a task manager service error occurs in invoking the **downloadFile** API. **Possible Causes** The task fails to be created. **Solution** Verify the task settings.