# Drawing
## Overview
Provides functions such as 2D graphics rendering, text drawing, and image display.
Provides the 2D drawing capability.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
## Summary
### Files
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| [drawing_bitmap.h](drawing__bitmap_8h.md) | Declares functions related to the **bitmap** object in the drawing module.
File to Include: |
| [drawing_brush.h](drawing__brush_8h.md) | Declares functions related to the **brush** object in the drawing module.
File to Include: |
| [drawing_canvas.h](drawing__canvas_8h.md) | Declares functions related to the **canvas** object in the drawing module.
File to Include: |
| [drawing_color.h](drawing__color_8h.md) | Declares functions related to the **color** object in the drawing module.
File to Include: |
| [drawing_font_collection.h](drawing__font__collection_8h.md) | Declares functions related to **FontCollection** in the drawing module.
File to Include: |
| [drawing_path.h](drawing__path_8h.md) | Declares functions related to the **path** object in the drawing module.
File to Include: |
| [drawing_pen.h](drawing__pen_8h.md) | Declares functions related to the **pen** object in the drawing module.
File to Include: |
| [drawing_text_declaration.h](drawing__text__declaration_8h.md) | Declares the data structure related to text in 2D drawing.
File to Include: |
| [drawing_text_typography.h](drawing__text__typography_8h.md) | Declares functions related to **typography** in the drawing module.
File to Include: |
| [drawing_types.h](drawing__types_8h.md) | Declares the data types for drawing 2D graphics, including the canvas, brush, pen, bitmap, and path.
File to Include: |
### Structs
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_Drawing_BitmapFormat](_o_h___drawing___bitmap_format.md) | Defines the pixel format of a bitmap, including the color type and alpha type. |
### Types
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_Drawing_FontCollection](#oh_drawing_fontcollection) | Defines an **OH_Drawing_FontCollection**, which is used to load fonts. |
| [OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) | Defines an **OH_Drawing_Typography**, which is used to manage the typography layout and display. |
| [OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) | Defines an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle**, which is used to manage text colors and decorations. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) | Defines an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle**, which is used to manage the typography style, such as the text direction. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) | Defines an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate**, which is used to create an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) | Defines a rectangular canvas on which various shapes, images, and texts can be drawn by using the brush and pen. |
| [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) | Defines a pen, which is used to describe the style and color to outline a shape. |
| [OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) | Defines as a brush, which is used to describe the style and color to fill in a shape. |
| [OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) | Defines a path, which is used to customize various shapes. |
| [OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) | Defines a bitmap, which is a memory that contains the pixel data of a shape. |
### Enums
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle](#oh_drawing_penlinecapstyle) { LINE_FLAT_CAP, LINE_SQUARE_CAP, LINE_ROUND_CAP } | Enumerates line cap styles of a pen. The line cap style defines the style of both ends of a line segment drawn by the pen. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle](#oh_drawing_penlinejoinstyle) { LINE_MITER_JOIN, LINE_ROUND_JOIN, LINE_BEVEL_JOIN } | Enumerates pen line join styles. The line join style defines the shape of the joints of a polyline segment drawn by the pen. |
| [OH_Drawing_TextDirection](#oh_drawing_textdirection) { TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL, TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR } | Enumerates text directions. |
| [OH_Drawing_TextAlign](#oh_drawing_textalign) {
} | Enumerates text alignment modes. |
| [OH_Drawing_FontWeight](#oh_drawing_fontweight) {
} | Enumerates font weights. |
| [OH_Drawing_TextBaseline](#oh_drawing_textbaseline) { TEXT_BASELINE_ALPHABETIC, TEXT_BASELINE_IDEOGRAPHIC } | Enumerates text baselines. |
| [OH_Drawing_TextDecoration](#oh_drawing_textdecoration) { TEXT_DECORATION_NONE = 0x0, TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE = 0x1, TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE = 0x2, TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH = 0x4 } | Enumerates text decorations. |
| [OH_Drawing_FontStyle](#oh_drawing_fontstyle) { FONT_STYLE_NORMAL, FONT_STYLE_ITALIC } | Enumerates font styles. |
| [OH_Drawing_ColorFormat](#oh_drawing_colorformat) {
} | Enumerates storage formats of bitmap pixels. |
| [OH_Drawing_AlphaFormat](#oh_drawing_alphaformat) { ALPHA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, ALPHA_FORMAT_OPAQUE, ALPHA_FORMAT_PREMUL, ALPHA_FORMAT_UNPREMUL } | Enumerates alpha formats of bitmap pixels. |
### Functions
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_Drawing_BitmapCreate](#oh_drawing_bitmapcreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_BitmapDestroy](#oh_drawing_bitmapdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object. |
| [OH_Drawing_BitmapBuild](#oh_drawing_bitmapbuild) ([OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*, const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height, const [OH_Drawing_BitmapFormat](_o_h___drawing___bitmap_format.md) \*) | Initializes the width and height of an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object and sets the pixel format for the bitmap. |
| [OH_Drawing_BitmapGetWidth](#oh_drawing_bitmapgetwidth) ([OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*) | Obtains the width of a bitmap. |
| [OH_Drawing_BitmapGetHeight](#oh_drawing_bitmapgetheight) ([OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*) | Obtains the height of a bitmap. |
| [OH_Drawing_BitmapGetPixels](#oh_drawing_bitmapgetpixels) ([OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*) | Obtains the pixel address of a bitmap. You can use this address to obtain the pixel data of the bitmap. |
| [OH_Drawing_BrushCreate](#oh_drawing_brushcreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_BrushDestroy](#oh_drawing_brushdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object. |
| [OH_Drawing_BrushIsAntiAlias](#oh_drawing_brushisantialias) (const [OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*) | Checks whether anti-aliasing is enabled for a brush. If anti-aliasing is enabled, edges will be drawn with partial transparency. |
| [OH_Drawing_BrushSetAntiAlias](#oh_drawing_brushsetantialias) ([OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*, bool) | Enables or disables anti-aliasing for a brush. If anti-aliasing is enabled, edges will be drawn with partial transparency. |
| [OH_Drawing_BrushGetColor](#oh_drawing_brushgetcolor) (const [OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*) | Obtains the color of a brush. The color is used by the brush to fill in a shape. |
| [OH_Drawing_BrushSetColor](#oh_drawing_brushsetcolor) ([OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*, uint32_t color) | Sets the color for a brush. The color will be used by the brush to fill in a shape. |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasCreate](#oh_drawing_canvascreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasDestroy](#oh_drawing_canvasdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object. |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasBind](#oh_drawing_canvasbind) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, [OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*) | Binds a bitmap to a canvas so that the content drawn on the canvas is output to the bitmap (this process is called CPU rendering). |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachPen](#oh_drawing_canvasattachpen) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Attaches a pen to a canvas so that the canvas will use the style and color of the pen to outline a shape. |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasDetachPen](#oh_drawing_canvasdetachpen) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*) | Detaches the pen from a canvas so that the canvas will not use the style and color of the pen to outline a shape. |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachBrush](#oh_drawing_canvasattachbrush) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*) | Attaches a brush to a canvas so that the canvas will use the style and color of the brush to fill in a shape. |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasDetachBrush](#oh_drawing_canvasdetachbrush) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*) | Detaches the brush from a canvas so that the canvas will not use the style and color of the brush to fill in a shape. |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasSave](#oh_drawing_canvassave) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*) | Saves the current canvas status (canvas matrix) to the top of the stack. |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasRestore](#oh_drawing_canvasrestore) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*) | Restores the canvas status (canvas matrix) saved on the top of the stack. |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawLine](#oh_drawing_canvasdrawline) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) | Draws a line segment. |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawPath](#oh_drawing_canvasdrawpath) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*) | Draws a path. |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasClear](#oh_drawing_canvasclear) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, uint32_t color) | Clears a canvas by using a specified color. |
| [OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb](#oh_drawing_colorsetargb) (uint32_t alpha, uint32_t red, uint32_t green, uint32_t blue) | Converts four variables (alpha, red, green, and blue) into a 32-bit (ARGB) variable that describes a color. |
| [OH_Drawing_CreateFontCollection](#oh_drawing_createfontcollection) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_FontCollection** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_DestroyFontCollection](#oh_drawing_destroyfontcollection) ([OH_Drawing_FontCollection](#oh_drawing_fontcollection) \*) | Releases the memory occupied by an **OH_Drawing_FontCollection** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_PathCreate](#oh_drawing_pathcreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Path** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_PathDestroy](#oh_drawing_pathdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Path** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object. |
| [OH_Drawing_PathMoveTo](#oh_drawing_pathmoveto) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*, float x, float y) | Sets the start point of a path. |
| [OH_Drawing_PathLineTo](#oh_drawing_pathlineto) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*, float x, float y) | Draws a line segment from the last point of a path to the target point. |
| [OH_Drawing_PathArcTo](#oh_drawing_patharcto) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float startDeg, float sweepDeg) | Draws an arc to a path. This is done by using angle arc mode. In this mode, a rectangle that encloses an ellipse is specified first, and then a start angle and a sweep angle are specified. The arc is a portion of the ellipse defined by the start angle and the sweep angle. By default, a line segment from the last point of the path to the start point of the arc is also added. |
| [OH_Drawing_PathQuadTo](#oh_drawing_pathquadto) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*, float ctrlX, float ctrlY, float endX, float endY) | Draws a quadratic Bezier curve from the last point of a path to the target point. |
| [OH_Drawing_PathCubicTo](#oh_drawing_pathcubicto) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*, float ctrlX1, float ctrlY1, float ctrlX2, float ctrlY2, float endX, float endY) | Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the last point of a path to the target point. |
| [OH_Drawing_PathClose](#oh_drawing_pathclose) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*) | Closes a path. A line segment from the start point to the last point of the path is added. |
| [OH_Drawing_PathReset](#oh_drawing_pathreset) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*) | Resets path data. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenCreate](#oh_drawing_pencreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenDestroy](#oh_drawing_pendestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenIsAntiAlias](#oh_drawing_penisantialias) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Checks whether anti-aliasing is enabled for a pen. If anti-aliasing is enabled, edges will be drawn with partial transparency. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenSetAntiAlias](#oh_drawing_pensetantialias) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, bool) | Enables or disables anti-aliasing for a pen. If anti-aliasing is enabled, edges will be drawn with partial transparency. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenGetColor](#oh_drawing_pengetcolor) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Obtains the color of a pen. The color is used by the pen to outline a shape. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenSetColor](#oh_drawing_pensetcolor) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, uint32_t color) | Sets the color for a pen. The color is used by the pen to outline a shape. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenGetWidth](#oh_drawing_pengetwidth) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Obtains the thickness of a pen. This thickness determines the width of the outline of a shape. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenSetWidth](#oh_drawing_pensetwidth) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, float width) | Sets the thickness for a pen. This thickness determines the width of the outline of a shape. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenGetMiterLimit](#oh_drawing_pengetmiterlimit) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Obtains the stroke miter limit of a polyline drawn by a pen. When the corner type is bevel, a beveled corner is displayed if the miter limit is exceeded, and a mitered corner is displayed if the miter limit is not exceeded. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenSetMiterLimit](#oh_drawing_pensetmiterlimit) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, float miter) | Sets the stroke miter limit for a polyline drawn by a pen. When the corner type is bevel, a beveled corner is displayed if the miter limit is exceeded, and a mitered corner is displayed if the miter limit is not exceeded. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenGetCap](#oh_drawing_pengetcap) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Obtains the line cap style of a pen. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenSetCap](#oh_drawing_pensetcap) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, [OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle](#oh_drawing_penlinecapstyle)) | Sets the line cap style for a pen. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenGetJoin](#oh_drawing_pengetjoin) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Obtains the line join style of a pen. |
| [OH_Drawing_PenSetJoin](#oh_drawing_pensetjoin) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, [OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle](#oh_drawing_penlinejoinstyle)) | Sets the line join style for a pen. |
| [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_createtypographystyle) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_DestroyTypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_destroytypographystyle) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*) | Releases the memory occupied by an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextDirection](#oh_drawing_settypographytextdirection) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*, int) | Sets the text direction. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextAlign](#oh_drawing_settypographytextalign) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*, int) | Sets the text alignment mode. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextMaxLines](#oh_drawing_settypographytextmaxlines) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*, int) | Sets the maximum number of lines in a text file. |
| [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_DestroyTextStyle](#oh_drawing_destroytextstyle) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*) | Releases the memory occupied by an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleColor](#oh_drawing_settextstylecolor) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, uint32_t) | Sets the text color. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontSize](#oh_drawing_settextstylefontsize) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, double) | Sets the font size. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontWeight](#oh_drawing_settextstylefontweight) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, int) | Sets the font weight. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleBaseLine](#oh_drawing_settextstylebaseline) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, int) | Sets the text baseline. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecoration](#oh_drawing_settextstyledecoration) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, int) | Sets the text decoration. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecorationColor](#oh_drawing_settextstyledecorationcolor) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, uint32_t) | Sets the color for the text decoration. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontHeight](#oh_drawing_settextstylefontheight) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, double) | Sets the font height. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontFamilies](#oh_drawing_settextstylefontfamilies) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, int, const char \*fontFamilies[]) | Sets the font families. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontStyle](#oh_drawing_settextstylefontstyle) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, int) | Sets the font style. |
| [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleLocale](#oh_drawing_settextstylelocale) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, const char \*) | Sets the locale. |
| [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler](#oh_drawing_createtypographyhandler) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*, [OH_Drawing_FontCollection](#oh_drawing_fontcollection) \*) | Creates a pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_DestroyTypographyHandler](#oh_drawing_destroytypographyhandler) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) \*) | Releases the memory occupied by an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPushTextStyle](#oh_drawing_typographyhandlerpushtextstyle) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) \*, [OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*) | Sets the text style. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerAddText](#oh_drawing_typographyhandleraddtext) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) \*, const char \*) | Sets the text content. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPopTextStyle](#oh_drawing_typographyhandlerpoptextstyle) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) \*) | Removes the topmost style in the stack, leaving the remaining styles in effect. |
| [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) \*) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_DestroyTypography](#oh_drawing_destroytypography) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Releases the memory occupied by an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyLayout](#oh_drawing_typographylayout) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*, double) | Lays out the typography. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyPaint](#oh_drawing_typographypaint) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*, [OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, double, double) | Paints text on the canvas. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMaxWidth](#oh_drawing_typographygetmaxwidth) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the maximum width. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetHeight](#oh_drawing_typographygetheight) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the height. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLongestLine](#oh_drawing_typographygetlongestline) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the longest line. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMinIntrinsicWidth](#oh_drawing_typographygetminintrinsicwidth) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the minimum intrinsic width. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMaxIntrinsicWidth](#oh_drawing_typographygetmaxintrinsicwidth) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the maximum intrinsic width. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetAlphabeticBaseline](#oh_drawing_typographygetalphabeticbaseline) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the alphabetic baseline. |
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetIdeographicBaseline](#oh_drawing_typographygetideographicbaseline) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the ideographic baseline. |
## Type Description
### OH_Drawing_Bitmap
typedef struct OH_Drawing_BitmapOH_Drawing_Bitmap
Defines a bitmap, which is a memory that contains the pixel data of a shape.
### OH_Drawing_Brush
typedef struct OH_Drawing_BrushOH_Drawing_Brush
Defines as a brush, which is used to describe the style and color to fill in a shape.
### OH_Drawing_Canvas
typedef struct OH_Drawing_CanvasOH_Drawing_Canvas
Defines a rectangular canvas on which various shapes, images, and texts can be drawn by using the brush and pen.
### OH_Drawing_FontCollection
typedef struct OH_Drawing_FontCollectionOH_Drawing_FontCollection
Defines an **OH_Drawing_FontCollection**, which is used to load fonts.
### OH_Drawing_Path
typedef struct OH_Drawing_PathOH_Drawing_Path
Defines a path, which is used to customize various shapes.
### OH_Drawing_Pen
typedef struct OH_Drawing_PenOH_Drawing_Pen
Defines a pen, which is used to describe the style and color to outline a shape.
### OH_Drawing_TextStyle
typedef struct OH_Drawing_TextStyleOH_Drawing_TextStyle
Defines an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle**, which is used to manage text colors and decorations.
### OH_Drawing_Typography
typedef struct OH_Drawing_TypographyOH_Drawing_Typography
Defines an **OH_Drawing_Typography**, which is used to manage the typography layout and display.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate
typedef struct OH_Drawing_TypographyCreateOH_Drawing_TypographyCreate
Defines an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate**, which is used to create an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle
typedef struct OH_Drawing_TypographyStyleOH_Drawing_TypographyStyle
Defines an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle**, which is used to manage the typography style, such as the text direction.
## Enum Description
### OH_Drawing_AlphaFormat
enum OH_Drawing_AlphaFormat
Enumerates alpha formats of bitmap pixels.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| ALPHA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN | Unknown format. |
| ALPHA_FORMAT_OPAQUE | The bitmap does not have the alpha component. |
| ALPHA_FORMAT_PREMUL | The color component of each pixel is premultiplied by the alpha component. |
| ALPHA_FORMAT_UNPREMUL | The color component of each pixel is not premultiplied by the alpha component. |
### OH_Drawing_ColorFormat
enum OH_Drawing_ColorFormat
Enumerates storage formats of bitmap pixels.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| COLOR_FORMAT_UNKNOWN | Unknown format. |
| COLOR_FORMAT_ALPHA_8 | Each pixel is represented by 8 bits, which together indicate alpha. |
| COLOR_FORMAT_RGB_565 | Each pixel is represented by 16 bits. From the most significant bit to the least significant bit, the first 5 bits indicate red, the subsequent 6 bits indicate green, and the last 5 bits indicate blue. |
| COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB_4444 | Each pixel is represented by 16 bits. From the most significant bit to the least significant bit, every 4 bits indicate alpha, red, green, and blue, respectively. |
| COLOR_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 | Each pixel is represented by 32 bits. From the most significant bit to the least significant bit, every 8 bits indicate alpha, red, green, and blue, respectively. |
| COLOR_FORMAT_BGRA_8888 | Each pixel is represented by 32 bits. From the most significant bit to the least significant bit, every 8 bits indicate blue, green, red, and alpha, respectively. |
### OH_Drawing_FontStyle
enum OH_Drawing_FontStyle
Enumerates font styles.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| FONT_STYLE_NORMAL | Normal style |
| FONT_STYLE_ITALIC | Italic style |
### OH_Drawing_FontWeight
enum OH_Drawing_FontWeight
Enumerates font weights.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| FONT_WEIGHT_100 | Thin |
| FONT_WEIGHT_200 | Extra-light |
| FONT_WEIGHT_300 | Light |
| FONT_WEIGHT_400 | Normal/Regular |
| FONT_WEIGHT_500 | Medium |
| FONT_WEIGHT_600 | Semi-bold |
| FONT_WEIGHT_700 | Bold |
| FONT_WEIGHT_800 | Extra-bold |
| FONT_WEIGHT_900 | Black |
### OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle
enum OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle
Enumerates line cap styles of a pen. The line cap style defines the style of both ends of a line segment drawn by the pen.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| LINE_FLAT_CAP | There is no cap style. Both ends of the line segment are cut off square. |
| LINE_SQUARE_CAP | Square cap style. Both ends have a square, the height of which is half of the width of the line segment, with the same width. |
| LINE_ROUND_CAP | Round cap style. Both ends have a semicircle centered, the diameter of which is the same as the width of the line segment. |
### OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle
enum OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle
Enumerates pen line join styles. The line join style defines the shape of the joints of a polyline segment drawn by the pen.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| LINE_MITER_JOIN | Mitered corner. If the angle of a polyline is small, its miter length may be inappropriate. In this case, you need to use the miter limit to limit the miter length. |
| LINE_ROUND_JOIN | Round corner. |
| LINE_BEVEL_JOIN | Beveled corner. |
### OH_Drawing_TextAlign
enum OH_Drawing_TextAlign
Enumerates text alignment modes.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT | Left-aligned |
| TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT | Right-aligned |
| TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER | Center-aligned |
| TEXT_ALIGN_JUSTIFY | Justified, which means that each line (except the last line) is stretched so that every line has equal width, and the left and right margins are straight. |
| TEXT_ALIGN_START | **TEXT_ALIGN_START** achieves the same effect as **TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT** when **OH_Drawing_TextDirection** is **TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR**; it achieves the same effect as **TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT** when **OH_Drawing_TextDirection** is **TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL**. |
| TEXT_ALIGN_END | **TEXT_ALIGN_END** achieves the same effect as **TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT** when **OH_Drawing_TextDirection** is **TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR**; it achieves the same effect as **TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT** when **OH_Drawing_TextDirection** is **TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL**. |
### OH_Drawing_TextBaseline
enum OH_Drawing_TextBaseline
Enumerates text baselines.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| TEXT_BASELINE_ALPHABETIC | Alphabetic, where the letters in alphabets like English sit on. |
| TEXT_BASELINE_IDEOGRAPHIC | Ideographic. The baseline is at the bottom of the text area. |
### OH_Drawing_TextDecoration
enum OH_Drawing_TextDecoration
Enumerates text decorations.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| TEXT_DECORATION_NONE | No decoration. |
| TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE | A underline is used for decoration. |
| TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE | An overline is used for decoration. |
| TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH | A strikethrough is used for decoration. |
### OH_Drawing_TextDirection
enum OH_Drawing_TextDirection
Enumerates text directions.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL | Right to left (RTL) |
| TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR | Left to right (LTR) |
## Function Description
### OH_Drawing_BitmapBuild()
void OH_Drawing_BitmapBuild (OH_Drawing_Bitmap * , const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height, const OH_Drawing_BitmapFormat * )
Initializes the width and height of an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object and sets the pixel format for the bitmap.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object. |
| width | Indicates the width of the bitmap to be initialized. |
| height | Indicates the height of the bitmap to be initialized. |
| [OH_Drawing_BitmapFormat](_o_h___drawing___bitmap_format.md) | Indicates the pixel format of the bitmap to be initialized, including the pixel color type and alpha type. |
### OH_Drawing_BitmapCreate()
OH_Drawing_Bitmap* OH_Drawing_BitmapCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object created.
### OH_Drawing_BitmapDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_BitmapDestroy (OH_Drawing_Bitmap * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object. |
### OH_Drawing_BitmapGetHeight()
uint32_t OH_Drawing_BitmapGetHeight (OH_Drawing_Bitmap * )
Obtains the height of a bitmap.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object. |
Returns the height.
### OH_Drawing_BitmapGetPixels()
void* OH_Drawing_BitmapGetPixels (OH_Drawing_Bitmap * )
Obtains the pixel address of a bitmap. You can use this address to obtain the pixel data of the bitmap.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object. |
Returns the pixel address.
### OH_Drawing_BitmapGetWidth()
uint32_t OH_Drawing_BitmapGetWidth (OH_Drawing_Bitmap * )
Obtains the width of a bitmap.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object. |
Returns the width.
### OH_Drawing_BrushCreate()
OH_Drawing_Brush* OH_Drawing_BrushCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Brush** object created.
### OH_Drawing_BrushDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_BrushDestroy (OH_Drawing_Brush * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object. |
### OH_Drawing_BrushGetColor()
uint32_t OH_Drawing_BrushGetColor (const OH_Drawing_Brush * )
Obtains the color of a brush. The color is used by the brush to fill in a shape.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object. |
Returns a 32-bit (ARGB) variable that describes the color.
### OH_Drawing_BrushIsAntiAlias()
bool OH_Drawing_BrushIsAntiAlias (const OH_Drawing_Brush * )
Checks whether anti-aliasing is enabled for a brush. If anti-aliasing is enabled, edges will be drawn with partial transparency.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object. |
Returns **true** if anti-aliasing is enabled; returns **false** otherwise.
### OH_Drawing_BrushSetAntiAlias()
void OH_Drawing_BrushSetAntiAlias (OH_Drawing_Brush * , bool )
Enables or disables anti-aliasing for a brush. If anti-aliasing is enabled, edges will be drawn with partial transparency.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object. |
| bool | Specifies whether to enable anti-aliasing. The value **true** means to enable anti-aliasing, and **false** means the opposite. |
### OH_Drawing_BrushSetColor()
void OH_Drawing_BrushSetColor (OH_Drawing_Brush * , uint32_t color )
Sets the color for a brush. The color will be used by the brush to fill in a shape.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object. |
| color | Indicates the color to set, which is a 32-bit (ARGB) variable. |
### OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachBrush()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachBrush (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Brush * )
Attaches a brush to a canvas so that the canvas will use the style and color of the brush to fill in a shape.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object. |
### OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachPen()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachPen (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Attaches a pen to a canvas so that the canvas will use the style and color of the pen to outline a shape.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
### OH_Drawing_CanvasBind()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasBind (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , OH_Drawing_Bitmap * )
Binds a bitmap to a canvas so that the content drawn on the canvas is output to the bitmap (this process is called CPU rendering).
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object. |
### OH_Drawing_CanvasClear()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasClear (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , uint32_t color )
Clears a canvas by using a specified color.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
| color | Indicates the color, which is a 32-bit (ARGB) variable. |
### OH_Drawing_CanvasCreate()
OH_Drawing_Canvas* OH_Drawing_CanvasCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object created.
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDestroy (OH_Drawing_Canvas * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDetachBrush()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDetachBrush (OH_Drawing_Canvas * )
Detaches the brush from a canvas so that the canvas will not use the style and color of the brush to fill in a shape.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDetachPen()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDetachPen (OH_Drawing_Canvas * )
Detaches the pen from a canvas so that the canvas will not use the style and color of the pen to outline a shape.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawLine()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawLine (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 )
Draws a line segment.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
| x1 | Indicates the x coordinate of the start point of the line segment. |
| y1 | Indicates the y coordinate of the start point of the line segment. |
| x2 | Indicates the x coordinate of the end point of the line segment. |
| y2 | Indicates the y coordinate of the end point of the line segment. |
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawPath()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawPath (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Path * )
Draws a path.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object. |
### OH_Drawing_CanvasRestore()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasRestore (OH_Drawing_Canvas * )
Restores the canvas status (canvas matrix) saved on the top of the stack.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
### OH_Drawing_CanvasSave()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasSave (OH_Drawing_Canvas * )
Saves the current canvas status (canvas matrix) to the top of the stack.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
### OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb()
uint32_t OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb (uint32_t alpha, uint32_t red, uint32_t green, uint32_t blue )
Converts four variables (alpha, red, green, and blue) into a 32-bit (ARGB) variable that describes a color.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| alpha | Indicates a variable that describes alpha. The value ranges from 0x00 to 0xFF. |
| red | Indicates a variable that describes red. The value ranges from 0x00 to 0xFF. |
| green | Indicates a variable that describes green. The value ranges from 0x00 to 0xFF. |
| blue | Indicates a variable that describes blue. The value ranges from 0x00 to 0xFF. |
Returns a 32-bit (ARGB) variable that describes the color.
### OH_Drawing_CreateFontCollection()
OH_Drawing_FontCollection* OH_Drawing_CreateFontCollection (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_FontCollection** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_FontCollection** object created.
### OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle()
OH_Drawing_TextStyle* OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object created.
### OH_Drawing_CreateTypography()
OH_Drawing_Typography* OH_Drawing_CreateTypography (OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate * )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. |
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Typography** object created.
### OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler()
OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate* OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * , OH_Drawing_FontCollection * )
Creates a pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object. |
| OH_Drawing_FontCollection | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_FontCollection** object. |
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object created.
### OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle()
OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle* OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object created.
### OH_Drawing_DestroyFontCollection()
void OH_Drawing_DestroyFontCollection (OH_Drawing_FontCollection * )
Releases the memory occupied by an **OH_Drawing_FontCollection** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_FontCollection | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_FontCollection** object. |
### OH_Drawing_DestroyTextStyle()
void OH_Drawing_DestroyTextStyle (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * )
Releases the memory occupied by an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
### OH_Drawing_DestroyTypography()
void OH_Drawing_DestroyTypography (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Releases the memory occupied by an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
### OH_Drawing_DestroyTypographyHandler()
void OH_Drawing_DestroyTypographyHandler (OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate * )
Releases the memory occupied by an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. |
### OH_Drawing_DestroyTypographyStyle()
void OH_Drawing_DestroyTypographyStyle (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * )
Releases the memory occupied by an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object. |
### OH_Drawing_PathArcTo()
void OH_Drawing_PathArcTo (OH_Drawing_Path * , float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float startDeg, float sweepDeg )
Draws an arc to a path. This is done by using angle arc mode. In this mode, a rectangle that encloses an ellipse is specified first, and then a start angle and a sweep angle are specified. The arc is a portion of the ellipse defined by the start angle and the sweep angle. By default, a line segment from the last point of the path to the start point of the arc is also added.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object. |
| x1 | Indicates the x coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle. |
| y1 | Indicates the y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle. |
| x2 | Indicates the x coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle. |
| y2 | Indicates the y coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle. |
| startDeg | Indicates the start angle, in degrees. |
| sweepDeg | Indicates the angle to sweep, in degrees. |
### OH_Drawing_PathClose()
void OH_Drawing_PathClose (OH_Drawing_Path * )
Closes a path. A line segment from the start point to the last point of the path is added.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object. |
### OH_Drawing_PathCreate()
OH_Drawing_Path* OH_Drawing_PathCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Path** object created.
### OH_Drawing_PathCubicTo()
void OH_Drawing_PathCubicTo (OH_Drawing_Path * , float ctrlX1, float ctrlY1, float ctrlX2, float ctrlY2, float endX, float endY )
Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the last point of a path to the target point.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object. |
| ctrlX1 | Indicates the x coordinate of the first control point. |
| ctrlY1 | Indicates the y coordinate of the first control point. |
| ctrlX2 | Indicates the x coordinate of the second control point. |
| ctrlY2 | Indicates the y coordinate of the second control point. |
| endX | Indicates the x coordinate of the target point. |
| endY | Indicates the y coordinate of the target point. |
### OH_Drawing_PathDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_PathDestroy (OH_Drawing_Path * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Path** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object. |
### OH_Drawing_PathLineTo()
void OH_Drawing_PathLineTo (OH_Drawing_Path * , float x, float y )
Draws a line segment from the last point of a path to the target point.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object. |
| x | Indicates the x coordinate of the target point. |
| y | Indicates the y coordinate of the target point. |
### OH_Drawing_PathMoveTo()
void OH_Drawing_PathMoveTo (OH_Drawing_Path * , float x, float y )
Sets the start point of a path.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object. |
| x | Indicates the x coordinate of the start point. |
| y | Indicates the y coordinate of the start point. |
### OH_Drawing_PathQuadTo()
void OH_Drawing_PathQuadTo (OH_Drawing_Path * , float ctrlX, float ctrlY, float endX, float endY )
Draws a quadratic Bezier curve from the last point of a path to the target point.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object. |
| ctrlX | Indicates the x coordinate of the control point. |
| ctrlY | Indicates the y coordinate of the control point. |
| endX | Indicates the x coordinate of the target point. |
| endY | Indicates the y coordinate of the target point. |
### OH_Drawing_PathReset()
void OH_Drawing_PathReset (OH_Drawing_Path * )
Resets path data.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object. |
### OH_Drawing_PenCreate()
OH_Drawing_Pen* OH_Drawing_PenCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Pen** object created.
### OH_Drawing_PenDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_PenDestroy (OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
### OH_Drawing_PenGetCap()
OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle OH_Drawing_PenGetCap (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Obtains the line cap style of a pen.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
Returns the line cap style.
### OH_Drawing_PenGetColor()
uint32_t OH_Drawing_PenGetColor (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Obtains the color of a pen. The color is used by the pen to outline a shape.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
Returns a 32-bit (ARGB) variable that describes the color.
### OH_Drawing_PenGetJoin()
OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle OH_Drawing_PenGetJoin (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Obtains the line join style of a pen.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
Returns the line join style.
### OH_Drawing_PenGetMiterLimit()
float OH_Drawing_PenGetMiterLimit (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Obtains the stroke miter limit of a polyline drawn by a pen. When the corner type is bevel, a beveled corner is displayed if the miter limit is exceeded, and a mitered corner is displayed if the miter limit is not exceeded.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
Returns the miter limit.
### OH_Drawing_PenGetWidth()
float OH_Drawing_PenGetWidth (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Obtains the thickness of a pen. This thickness determines the width of the outline of a shape.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
Returns the thickness.
### OH_Drawing_PenIsAntiAlias()
bool OH_Drawing_PenIsAntiAlias (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Checks whether anti-aliasing is enabled for a pen. If anti-aliasing is enabled, edges will be drawn with partial transparency.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
Returns **true** if anti-aliasing is enabled; returns **false** otherwise.
### OH_Drawing_PenSetAntiAlias()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetAntiAlias (OH_Drawing_Pen * , bool )
Enables or disables anti-aliasing for a pen. If anti-aliasing is enabled, edges will be drawn with partial transparency.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
| bool | Specifies whether to enable anti-aliasing. The value **true** means to enable anti-aliasing, and **false** means the opposite. |
### OH_Drawing_PenSetCap()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetCap (OH_Drawing_Pen * , OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle )
Sets the line cap style for a pen.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
| OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle | Indicates a variable that describes the line cap style. |
### OH_Drawing_PenSetColor()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetColor (OH_Drawing_Pen * , uint32_t color )
Sets the color for a pen. The color is used by the pen to outline a shape.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
| color | Indicates the color to set, which is a 32-bit (ARGB) variable. |
### OH_Drawing_PenSetJoin()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetJoin (OH_Drawing_Pen * , OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle )
Sets the line join style for a pen.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
| OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle | Indicates a variable that describes the line join style. |
### OH_Drawing_PenSetMiterLimit()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetMiterLimit (OH_Drawing_Pen * , float miter )
Sets the stroke miter limit for a polyline drawn by a pen. When the corner type is bevel, a beveled corner is displayed if the miter limit is exceeded, and a mitered corner is displayed if the miter limit is not exceeded.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
| miter | Indicates a variable that describes the miter limit. |
### OH_Drawing_PenSetWidth()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetWidth (OH_Drawing_Pen * , float width )
Sets the thickness for a pen. This thickness determines the width of the outline of a shape.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object. |
| width | Indicates the thickness to set, which is a variable. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleBaseLine()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleBaseLine (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , int )
Sets the text baseline.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
| int | Indicates the text baseline to set. For details, see the enum **OH_Drawing_TextBaseline**. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleColor()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleColor (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , uint32_t )
Sets the text color.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
| uint32_t | Indicates the color to set. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecoration()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecoration (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , int )
Sets the text decoration.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
| int | Indicates the text decoration to set. For details, see the enum **OH_Drawing_TextDecoration**. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecorationColor()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecorationColor (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , uint32_t )
Sets the color for the text decoration.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
| uint32_t | Indicates the color to set. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontFamilies()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontFamilies (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , int , const char * fontFamilies[] )
Sets the font families.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
| int | Indicates the number of font families to set. |
| char | Indicates the pointer to the font families to set. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontHeight()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontHeight (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , double )
Sets the font height.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
| double | Indicates the font height to set. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontSize()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontSize (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , double )
Sets the font size.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
| double | Indicates the font size to set. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontStyle()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontStyle (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , int )
Sets the font style.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
| int | Indicates the font style to set. For details, see the enum **OH_Drawing_FontStyle**. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontWeight()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontWeight (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , int )
Sets the font weight.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
| int | Indicates the font weight to set. For details, see the enum **OH_Drawing_FontWeight**. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleLocale()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleLocale (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , const char * )
Sets the locale.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
| char | Indicates the pointer to the locale to set. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextAlign()
void OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextAlign (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * , int )
Sets the text alignment mode.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object. |
| int | Indicates the text alignment mode to set. For details, see the enum **OH_Drawing_TextAlign**. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextDirection()
void OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextDirection (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * , int )
Sets the text direction.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object. |
| int | Indicates the text direction to set. For details, see the enum **OH_Drawing_TextDirection**. |
### OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextMaxLines()
void OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextMaxLines (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * , int )
Sets the maximum number of lines in a text file.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object. |
| int | Indicates the maximum number of lines to set. |
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetAlphabeticBaseline()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetAlphabeticBaseline (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the alphabetic baseline.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
Returns the alphabetic baseline.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetHeight()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetHeight (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the height.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
Returns the height.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetIdeographicBaseline()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetIdeographicBaseline (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the ideographic baseline.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
Returns the ideographic baseline.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLongestLine()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLongestLine (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the longest line.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
Returns the longest line.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMaxIntrinsicWidth()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMaxIntrinsicWidth (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the maximum intrinsic width.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
Returns the maximum intrinsic width.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMaxWidth()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMaxWidth (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the maximum width.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
Returns the maximum width.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMinIntrinsicWidth()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMinIntrinsicWidth (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the minimum intrinsic width.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
Returns the minimum intrinsic width.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerAddText()
void OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerAddText (OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate * , const char * )
Sets the text content.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. |
| char | Indicates the pointer to the text content to set. |
### OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPopTextStyle()
void OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPopTextStyle (OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate * )
Removes the topmost style in the stack, leaving the remaining styles in effect.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. |
### OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPushTextStyle()
void OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPushTextStyle (OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate * , OH_Drawing_TextStyle * )
Sets the text style.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object. |
### OH_Drawing_TypographyLayout()
void OH_Drawing_TypographyLayout (OH_Drawing_Typography * , double )
Lays out the typography.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
| double | Indicates the maximum text width to set. |
### OH_Drawing_TypographyPaint()
void OH_Drawing_TypographyPaint (OH_Drawing_Typography * , OH_Drawing_Canvas * , double , double )
Paints text on the canvas.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object. |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object. |
| double | Indicates the x coordinate. |
| double | Indicates the y coordinate. |