# Shell Command Programming Example
## Example Description
This section describes how to add a shell command **test** using static registration and dynamic registration.
## Static Registration
Development process:
1. Define the **cmd\_test** function to be called to add a command.
2. Use the **SHELLCMD\_ENTRY** function to add the new command.
3. Add a parameter to the **liteos\_tables\_ldflags.mk** link options for linking to the new command.
4. Recompile the code and run it.
## Static Registration Programming Example
1. Define the **cmd\_test** function to be called to add a command.
#include "shell.h"
#include "shcmd.h"
int cmd_test(void)
printf("hello everybody!\n");
return 0;
2. Add the new command.
SHELLCMD_ENTRY(test_shellcmd, CMD_TYPE_EX, "test", 0, (CMD_CBK_FUNC)cmd_test);
3. Add a parameter to the link options for linking to the new command.
Add **-utest\_shellcmd** to the **LITEOS\_TABLES\_LDFLAGS** option in the **liteos\_tables\_ldflags.mk** file.
4. Recompile the code.
make clean;make
5. Run the **help** command to view all the commands registered in the system.
The command output contains the **test** command \(the following command output is for reference only.\)
OHOS # help
*******************shell commands:*************************
arp cat cd chgrp chmod chown cp cpup
date dhclient dmesg dns format free help hwi
ifconfig ipdebug kill log ls lsfd memcheck mkdir
mount netstat oom partinfo partition ping ping6 pwd
reset rm rmdir sem statfs su swtmr sync
tftp touch umount uname test systeminfo task telnet
watch writeproc
## Dynamic Registration
Development process:
1. Use the **osCmdReg** function to add a new command.
2. Recompile the code and run it.
## Dynamic Registration Programming Example
1. Call the **osCmdReg** function from the **app\_init** function to dynamically register the command.
#include "shell.h"
#include "shcmd.h"
int cmd_test(void)
printf("hello everybody!\n");
return 0;
void app_init(void)
osCmdReg(CMD_TYPE_EX, "test", 0,(CMD_CBK_FUNC)cmd_test);
2. Recompile the code.
make clean;make
3. Run the **help** command to view all the commands registered in the system.
The command output contains the **test** command.
OHOS # help
*******************shell commands:*************************
arp cat cd chgrp chmod chown cp cpup
date dhclient dmesg dns format free help hwi
ifconfig ipdebug kill log ls lsfd memcheck mkdir
mount netstat oom partinfo partition ping ping6 pwd
reset rm rmdir sem statfs su swtmr sync
tftp touch umount uname test systeminfo task telnet
watch writeproc