Want *WantParseUri(const char *uri)
Converts a specified character string into a Want object.
const char *WantToUri(Want want)
Converts a specified Want object into a character string.
void SetWantElement(Want *want, ElementName element);
Sets the element variable for a specified Want object.
void SetWantData(Want *want, const void *data, uint16_t dataLength)
Sets data to carry in a specified Want object for starting a particular ability.
bool SetWantSvcIdentity(Want *want, SvcIdentity sid)
Sets the sid member variable for a specified Want object.
void ClearWant(Want *want)
Clears the memory of a specified Want object.
void SetMainRoute(const std::string &entry)
Sets the main route for the ability.
void SetUIContent(RootView *rootView)
Sets the UI layout for the ability.
void OnStart(const Want& intent)
Called when the ability is started. This callback is invoked to handle transitions between ability lifecycle states.
void OnStop()
Called when the ability is being destroyed. This callback is invoked to handle transitions between ability lifecycle states.
void OnActive(const Want& intent)
Called when the ability is visible to users. This callback is invoked to handle transitions between ability lifecycle states.
void OnInactive()
Called when the ability is invisible to users. This callback is invoked to handle transitions between ability lifecycle states.
void OnBackground()
Called when the ability is moved to the background. This callback is invoked to handle transitions between ability lifecycle states.
const SvcIdentity *OnConnect(const Want &want)
Called when the Service ability is connected for the first time.
void OnDisconnect(const Want &want);
Called when all abilities connected to the Service ability are disconnected.
void MsgHandle(uint32_t funcId, IpcIo *request, IpcIo *reply);
Handles a message sent by the client to the Service ability.
void Dump(const std::string &extra)
Prints ability information to the console.
void Present(AbilitySlice *abilitySlice, const Want &want)
Presents another ability slice.
void Terminate()
Destroys the ability slice.
void SetUIContent(RootView *rootView)
Sets the UI layout for the host ability of the ability slice.
void OnStart(const Want& want)
Called when the ability slice is started. This callback is invoked to handle transitions between ability slice lifecycle states.
void OnStop()
Called when the ability slice is being destroyed. This callback is invoked to handle transitions between ability slice lifecycle states.
void OnActive(const Want& want)
Called when the ability slice is visible to users. This callback is invoked to handle transitions between ability slice lifecycle states.
void OnInactive()
Called when the ability slice is invisible to users. This callback is invoked to handle transitions between ability slice lifecycle states.
void OnBackground()
Called when the ability slice is moved to the background. This callback is invoked to handle transitions between ability slice lifecycle states.
int StartAbility(const Want &want)
Starts an ability based on the specified Want information.
int StopAbility(const Want &want)
Stops a Service ability based on the specified Want information.
int TerminateAbility()
Destroys the ability.
int ConnectAbility(const Want &want, const IAbilityConnection &conn, void *data);
Connects to a Service ability based on the specified Want information.
int DisconnectAbility(const IAbilityConnection &conn)
Disconnects from a Service ability.
const char *GetBundleName()
Obtains the bundle name of the application to which the ability belongs.
const char *GetSrcPath()
Obtains the source code path of the ability.
const char *GetDataPath()
Obtains the data path of the ability.
int StartAbility(const Want *want)
Starts an Ability. This function does not need to be used in applications developed based on Ability.
int ConnectAbility(const Want *want, const IAbilityConnection *conn, void *data);
Connects to a Service ability based on the specified Want information. This function does not need to be used in applications developed based on Ability.
int DisconnectAbility(const IAbilityConnection *conn);
Disconnects from a Service ability. This function does not need to be used in applications developed based on Ability.
int StopAbility(const Want *want)
Stops a Service ability based on the specified Want information. This function does not need to be used in applications developed based on Ability.
void (*OnAbilityConnectDone)(ElementName *elementName, SvcIdentity *serviceSid, int resultCode, void *data)
Called when a client is connected to a Service ability.
void (*OnAbilityDisconnectDone)(ElementName *elementName, int resultCode, void *data)
Called after all connections to a Service ability are disconnected.
void PostTask(const Task& task)
Posts a task to an asynchronous thread.
void PostQuit()
Quits the event loop of the current thread.
static AbilityEventHandler* GetCurrentHandler()
Obtains the event handler of the current thread.
void Run()
Starts running the event loop of the current thread.
#define REGISTER_AA(className)
Registers the class name of an Ability child class.
#define REGISTER_AS(className)
Registers the class name of an AbilitySlice child class.