# OpenHarmony v1.1.2 LTS ## Overview This is an updated long-term support \(LTS\) version of OpenHarmony. It supports more functions and fixes some bugs in OpenHarmony 1.1.1. ## Version Mapping **Table 1** Version mapping of software and tools | Software | Version | Remarks | | ------------------------------------ | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | OpenHarmony | 1.1.2 LTS | N/A | | (Optional) HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool | Deveco DeviceTool 2.2 Beta1 | Recommended for developing OpenHarmony smart devices | ## Source Code Acquisition ### Acquiring Source Code from Mirrors **Table 2** Mirrors for acquiring source code | Source Code | Version Information | Mirror | SHA-256 Checksum | | ------------------------ | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Full code base | 1.1.2 | [Download](https://repo.huaweicloud.com/harmonyos/os/1.1.2/code-v1.1.2-LTS.tar.gz) | [Download](https://repo.huaweicloud.com/harmonyos/os/1.1.2/code-v1.1.2-LTS.tar.gz.sha256) | | Hi3861 solution (binary) | 1.1.2 | [Download](https://repo.huaweicloud.com/harmonyos/os/1.1.2/wifiiot-1.1.2.tar.gz) | [Download](https://repo.huaweicloud.com/harmonyos/os/1.1.2/wifiiot-1.1.2.tar.gz.sha256) | | Hi3518 solution (binary) | 1.1.2 | [Download](https://repo.huaweicloud.com/harmonyos/os/1.1.2/ipcamera_hi3518ev300-1.1.2.tar.gz) | [Download](https://repo.huaweicloud.com/harmonyos/os/1.1.2/ipcamera_hi3518ev300-1.1.2.tar.gz.sha256) | | Hi3516 solution (binary) | 1.1.2 | [Download](https://repo.huaweicloud.com/harmonyos/os/1.1.2/ipcamera_hi3516dv300-1.1.2.tar.gz) | [Download](https://repo.huaweicloud.com/harmonyos/os/1.1.2/ipcamera_hi3516dv300-1.1.2.tar.gz.sha256) | | Release Notes | 1.1.2 | [Download](https://repo.huaweicloud.com/harmonyos/os/1.1.2/OpenHarmony-Release-Notes-1.1.2-LTS.zip) | N/A | ### Acquiring Source Code Using the repo Tool Method 1 \(recommended\): Use the **repo** tool to download the source code over SSH. \(You must have registered an SSH public key for access to Gitee.\) ```shell repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v1.1.2-LTS --no-repo-verify repo sync -c repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' ``` Method 2: Use the **repo** tool to download the source code over HTTPS. ```shell repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest.git -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v1.1.2-LTS --no-repo-verify repo sync -c repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' ``` ## What's New This version inherits all features of OpenHarmony 1.1.1, and adds and optimizes features for different modules based on OpenHarmony 1.1.1. The following table lists the feature updates. **Table 3** Feature updates | Subsystem | New Feature | Modified Feature | Deleted Feature | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------- | --------------- | | Graphics | Added settings for the slider style. | None | None | | Update | Added the 3072-bit RSA signature algorithm for update packages. | None | None | | Driver | Added certain internal OSAL APIs. | Optimized the sensor model. | None | | Globalization | - Added data functions such as the digital switch and weekday.
- Added the **Get12HourTimeWithoutAmpm** API. | None | None | ## Resolved Issues The following table lists the issues known in OpenHarmony 1.1.1 that have been resolved in this version. **Table 4** Resolved issues | Subsystem | PR No. | Description | | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Application Framework | aafwk_aafwk_lite/pulls/35 | There is a low probability that the Linux system cannot be shut down. | | AI | [ai_engine/pulls/50](https://gitee.com/openharmony/ai_engine/pulls/50) | The test case for the client is not released. | | AI | [ai_engine/pulls/46](https://gitee.com/openharmony/ai_engine/pulls/46) | Class members are not initialized. | | IoT Hardware | [applications_sample_wifi_iot/pulls/12](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_sample_wifi_iot/pulls/12) | A build fails. | | Compilation and Building | [build_lite/pulls/151](https://gitee.com/openharmony/build_lite/pulls/151) | The test case is not available in the build process. | | Chip Platform | [third_party_ffmpeg/pulls/9](https://gitee.com/openharmony/device_hisilicon_third_party_ffmpeg/pulls/9) | The CVE-2020-22025 vulnerability is detected. | | Chip Platform | [third_party_ffmpeg/pulls/6](https://gitee.com/openharmony/device_hisilicon_third_party_ffmpeg/pulls/6) | A build fails due to the dependency on valgrind in some environments. | | Chip Platform | [vendor_hisilicon/pulls/39](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/pulls/39) | Building the release fails. | | Distributed Scheduler | distributedschedule_dms_fwk_lite/pulls/23 | The test case name is inappropriate. | | Distributed Scheduler | distributedschedule_samgr_lite/pulls/25 | The CVE-2021-22478 vulnerability is detected. | | Globalization | [global_i18n_lite/pulls/24](https://gitee.com/openharmony/global_i18n_lite/pulls/24) | Resource loading of **i18n.dat** is defective. | | Globalization | [third_party_jerryscript/pulls/22](https://gitee.com/openharmony/third_party_jerryscript/pulls/22) | There is a possibility that the breakpoint cannot be stopped during debugging of the macOS version. | | Graphics | [graphic_ui/pulls/220](https://gitee.com/openharmony/graphic_ui/pulls/220) | The Remove function is provided, but the Add function is not. After the modification, the child nodes are not cleared when the **UIViewGroup** is destructed. | | Graphics | [graphic_ui/pulls/199](https://gitee.com/openharmony/graphic_ui/pulls/199) | The image is not updated after the image path is updated. | | Lite Kernel | [kernel_liteos_a/pulls/385](https://gitee.com/openharmony/kernel_liteos_a/pulls/385) | The CVE-2021-22479 vulnerability is detected. | | Lite Kernel | [kernel_liteos_a/pulls/299](https://gitee.com/openharmony/kernel_liteos_a/pulls/299) | There are unnecessary maintenance and test logs of the PRINTK function. | | Lite Kernel | [third_party_musl/pulls/44](https://gitee.com/openharmony/third_party_musl/pulls/44) | The implementation of the srand function for setting random number seeds is inappropriate. | | Startup | [startup_syspara_lite/pulls/31](https://gitee.com/openharmony/startup_syspara_lite/pulls/31) | The date of the security patch is incorrect. | | Driver | [drivers_adapter_khdf_linux/pulls/28](https://gitee.com/openharmony/drivers_adapter_khdf_linux/pulls/28) | The CVE-2021-22441 vulnerability is detected. | | Driver | [drivers_adapter/pulls/50](https://gitee.com/openharmony/drivers_adapter/pulls/50) | The CVE-2021-22480 vulnerability is detected. | | Testing | [xts_acts/pulls/294](https://gitee.com/openharmony/xts_acts/pulls/294) | Certain test cases of the fs_posix module are unstable. | | Testing | [xts_acts/pulls/287](https://gitee.com/openharmony/xts_acts/pulls/287) | The acts test fails. | | Testing | [xts_acts/pulls/283](https://gitee.com/openharmony/xts_acts/pulls/283) | Certain CMSIS test cases fail occasionally. | | Testing | [xts_acts/pulls/270](https://gitee.com/openharmony/xts_acts/pulls/270) | The ShmTest.testShmatSHM_REMAP function in the ShmTest.cpp test case of the shared_memory module does not run as expected. | | Testing | [xts_acts/pulls/314](https://gitee.com/openharmony/xts_acts/pulls/314) | The test of the net_posix module fails. |