# Common Library Subsystem Changelog ## cl.commonlibrary.1 Error Code and Information Change The error codes and information returned by APIs of the **ArrayList**, **List**, **LinkedList**, **Stack**, **Queue**, **Deque**, **PlainArray**, **LightWeightMap**, **LightWeightSet**, **HashMap**, **HashSet**, **TreeMap**, and **TreeSet** classes are changed. For details about the changed error codes, see [Utils Error Codes](../../../application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-utils.md). No adaptation is required for applications developed using these APIs. **Key API/Component Changes** Error code information is redefined for APIs in these classes and marked using **'@throws'** in the *.d.ts file of the corresponding module. The sample code is as follows: **ArrayList** class before the change: constructor(); **ArrayList** class after the change: @throws { BusinessError } 10200012 - The ArrayList's constructor cannot be directly invoked. constructor(); **Change Impact** No impact.