# AI业务子系统 - [简介](#section187321516154516) - [目录](#section571610913453) - [约束](#section5748426453) - [使用](#section7981135212144) - [相关仓](#section10492183517430) - [AI引擎开发导航](#section6808423133718) ## 简介 AI业务子系统是OpenHarmony提供原生的分布式AI能力的子系统。本次开源范围是提供了统一的AI引擎框架,实现算法能力快速插件化集成。框架中主要包含插件管理、模块管理和通信管理等模块,对AI算法能力进行生命周期管理和按需部署。后续,会逐步定义统一的AI能力接口,便于AI能力的分布式调用。同时,提供适配不同推理框架层级的统一推理接口。 **图 1** AI引擎框架 ![](figures/AI引擎框架.png "AI引擎框架") ## 目录 ``` /foundation/ai/engine # AI子系统主目录 ├── interfaces │ └── kits # AI子系统对外接口 └── services │ ├── client # AI子系统Client模块 │ │ ├── client_executor # Client模块执行主体 │ │ └── communication_adapter # Client模块通信适配层,支持拓展 │ ├── common # AI子系统公共工具、协议模块 │ │ ├── platform │ │ ├── protocol │ │ └── utils │ └── server # AI子系统服务端模块 │ │ ├── communication_adapter # Server模块通信适配层,支持拓展 │ │ ├── plugin │ │ ├── asr │ │ └── keyword_spotting # ASR算法插件参考:唤醒词识别 │ │ └── cv │ │ └── image_classification # CV算法插件参考:图片分类 │ │ ├── plugin_manager │ │ └── server_executor # Server模块执行主体 ``` ## 约束 * **语言限制**:C/C++语言 * **操作系统限制**:OpenHarmony操作系统 * **AI服务启动的约束与限制**:SAMGR(System Ability Manager)启动且运行正常 ## 使用 1. **AI业务子系统编译** 轻量级AI引擎框架模块,代码所在路径://foundation/ai/engine/services 编译指令如下: 1. **设置编译路径** ``` hb set -root dir(项目代码根目录) ``` 2. **设置编译产品**(执行后用方向键和回车进行选择): ``` hb set -p ``` 3. **执行编译**: ``` hb build -f(编译全仓) 或者 hb build ai_engine(只编译ai_engine组件) ``` >**注意**:hb相关配置请参考编译构建子系统**build\_lite** 2. **插件开发**(以唤醒词识别为例) 位置://foundation/ai/engine/services/server/plugin/asr/keyword\_spotting >**注意**:插件需要实现server提供的IPlugin接口和IPluginCallback接口 ``` #include "plugin/i_plugin.h class KWSPlugin : public IPlugin { // Keywords Spotting Plugin(KWSPlugin)继承IPlugin算法插件基类public: KWSPlugin(); ~KWSPlugin(); const long long GetVersion() const override; const char* GetName() const override; const char* GetInferMode() const override; int32_t Prepare(long long transactionId, const DataInfo &amp;inputInfo, DataInfo &amp;outputInfo) override; int32_t SetOption(int optionType, const DataInfo &amp;inputInfo) override; int32_t GetOption(int optionType, const DataInfo &amp;inputInfo, DataInfo &amp;outputInfo) override; int32_t SyncProcess(IRequest *request, IResponse *&amp;response) override; int32_t AsyncProcess(IRequest *request, IPluginCallback*callback) override; int32_t Release(bool isFullUnload, long long transactionId, const DataInfo &amp;inputInfo) override; . . . }; ``` >**注意**:SyncProcess和AsyncProcess接口只需要根据算法实际情况实现一个接口即可,另一个用空方法占位(这里KWS插件为同步算法,故异步接口为空实现)。 ``` #include "aie_log.h" #include "aie_retcode_inner.h" . . . const long long KWSPlugin::GetVersion() const { return ALGOTYPE_VERSION_KWS; } const char *KWSPlugin::GetName() const { return ALGORITHM_NAME_KWS.c_str(); } const char *KWSPlugin::GetInferMode() const { return DEFAULT_INFER_MODE.c_str(); } . . . int32_t KWSPlugin::AsyncProcess(IRequest *request, IPluginCallback *callback) { return RETCODE_SUCCESS; } ``` 3. **插件SDK开发**(以唤醒词识别kws\_sdk为例) 位置://foundation/ai/engine/services/client/algorithm\_sdk/asr/keyword\_spotting 唤醒词识别SDK: ``` class KWSSdk { public: KWSSdk(); virtual ~KWSSdk(); /** * @brief Create a new session with KWS Plugin * * @return Returns KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS(0) if the operation is successful, * returns a non-zero value otherwise. */ int32_t Create(); /** * @brief Synchronously execute keyword spotting once * * @param audioInput pcm data. * @return Returns KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS(0) if the operation is successful, * returns a non-zero value otherwise. */ int32_t SyncExecute(const Array &audioInput); /** * @brief Asynchronously execute keyword spotting once * * @param audioInput pcm data. * @return Returns KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS(0) if the operation is successful, * returns a non-zero value otherwise. */ int32_t AsyncExecute(const Array &audioInput); /** * @brief Set callback * * @param callback Callback function that will be called during the process. * @return Returns KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS(0) if the operation is successful, * returns a non-zero value otherwise. */ int32_t SetCallback(const std::shared_ptr &callback); /** * @brief Destroy the created session with KWS Plugin * * @return Returns KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS(0) if the operation is successful, * returns a non-zero value otherwise. */ int32_t Destroy(); ``` >**注意**:SDK调用AI引擎客户端接口顺序应遵循AieClientInit-\>AieClientPrepare-\>AieClientSyncProcess/AieClientAsyncProcess-\>AieClientRelease-\>AieClientDestroy,否则调用接口会返回错误码;同时应保证各个接口都有调用到,要不然会引起内存泄漏。 ``` int32_t KWSSdk::KWSSdkImpl::Create() { if (kwsHandle_ != INVALID_KWS_HANDLE) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]The SDK has been created"); return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE; } if (InitComponents() != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]Fail to init sdk components"); return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE; } int32_t retCode = AieClientInit(configInfo_, clientInfo_, algorithmInfo_, nullptr); if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]AieClientInit failed. Error code[%d]", retCode); return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE; } if (clientInfo_.clientId == INVALID_CLIENT_ID) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]Fail to allocate client id"); return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE; } DataInfo inputInfo = { .data = nullptr, .length = 0, }; DataInfo outputInfo = { .data = nullptr, .length = 0, }; retCode = AieClientPrepare(clientInfo_, algorithmInfo_, inputInfo, outputInfo, nullptr); if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]AieclientPrepare failed. Error code[%d]", retCode); return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE; } if (outputInfo.data == nullptr || outputInfo.length <= 0) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]The data or length of output info is invalid"); return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE; } MallocPointerGuard pointerGuard(outputInfo.data); retCode = PluginHelper::UnSerializeHandle(outputInfo, kwsHandle_); if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]Get handle from inputInfo failed"); return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE; } return KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t KWSSdk::KWSSdkImpl::SyncExecute(const Array &audioInput) { intptr_t newHandle = 0; Array kwsResult = { .data = nullptr, .size = 0 }; DataInfo inputInfo = { .data = nullptr, .length = 0 }; DataInfo outputInfo = { .data = nullptr, .length = 0 }; int32_t retCode = PluginHelper::SerializeInputData(kwsHandle_, audioInput, inputInfo); if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]Fail to serialize input data"); callback_->OnError(KWS_RETCODE_SERIALIZATION_ERROR); return RETCODE_FAILURE; } retCode = AieClientSyncProcess(clientInfo_, algorithmInfo_, inputInfo, outputInfo); if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]AieClientSyncProcess failed. Error code[%d]", retCode); callback_->OnError(KWS_RETCODE_PLUGIN_EXECUTION_ERROR); return RETCODE_FAILURE; } if (outputInfo.data == nullptr || outputInfo.length <= 0) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl] The data or length of outputInfo is invalid. Error code[%d]", retCode); callback_->OnError(KWS_RETCODE_NULL_PARAM); return RETCODE_FAILURE; } MallocPointerGuard pointerGuard(outputInfo.data); retCode = PluginHelper::UnSerializeOutputData(outputInfo, newHandle, kwsResult); if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]UnSerializeOutputData failed. Error code[%d]", retCode); callback_->OnError(KWS_RETCODE_UNSERIALIZATION_ERROR); return retCode; } if (kwsHandle_ != newHandle) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]The handle[%lld] of output data is not equal to the current handle[%lld]", (long long)newHandle, (long long)kwsHandle_); callback_->OnError(KWS_RETCODE_PLUGIN_SESSION_ERROR); return RETCODE_FAILURE; } callback_->OnResult(kwsResult); return RETCODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t KWSSdk::KWSSdkImpl::Destroy() { if (kwsHandle_ == INVALID_KWS_HANDLE) { return KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS; } DataInfo inputInfo = { .data = nullptr, .length = 0 }; int32_t retCode = PluginHelper::SerializeHandle(kwsHandle_, inputInfo); if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]SerializeHandle failed. Error code[%d]", retCode); return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE; } retCode = AieClientRelease(clientInfo_, algorithmInfo_, inputInfo); if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]AieClientRelease failed. Error code[%d]", retCode); return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE; } retCode = AieClientDestroy(clientInfo_); if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]AieClientDestroy failed. Error code[%d]", retCode); return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE; } mfccProcessor_ = nullptr; pcmIterator_ = nullptr; callback_ = nullptr; kwsHandle_ = INVALID_KWS_HANDLE; return KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS; } ``` 4. **sample开发** [(参考唤醒词识别demo)](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_sample_camera/tree/master/ai) 位置://applications/sample/camera/ai/asr/keyword\_spotting **调用Create** ``` bool KwsManager::PreparedInference() { if (capturer_ == nullptr) { printf("[KwsManager] only load plugin after AudioCapturer ready\n"); return false; } if (plugin_ != nullptr) { printf("[KwsManager] stop created InferencePlugin at first\n"); StopInference(); } plugin_ = std::make_shared(); if (plugin_ == nullptr) { printf("[KwsManager] fail to create inferencePlugin\n"); return false; } if (plugin_->Create() != SUCCESS) { printf("[KwsManager] KWSSdk fail to create.\n"); return false; } std::shared_ptr callback = std::make_shared(); if (callback == nullptr) { printf("[KwsManager] new Callback failed.\n"); return false; } plugin_->SetCallback(callback); return true; } ``` **调用SyncExecute** ``` void KwsManager::ConsumeSamples() { uintptr_t sampleAddr = 0; size_t sampleSize = 0; int32_t retCode = SUCCESS; while (status_ == RUNNING) { { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); if (cache_ == nullptr) { printf("[KwsManager] cache_ is nullptr.\n"); break; } sampleSize = cache_->GetCapturedBuffer(sampleAddr); } if (sampleSize == 0 || sampleAddr == 0) { continue; } Array input = { .data = (int16_t *)(sampleAddr), .size = sampleSize >> 1 }; { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); if (plugin_ == nullptr) { printf("[KwsManager] cache_ is nullptr.\n"); break; } if ((retCode = plugin_->SyncExecute(input)) != SUCCESS) { printf("[KwsManager] SyncExecute KWS failed with retCode = [%d]\n", retCode); continue; } } } } ``` **调用Destroy** ``` void KwsManager::StopInference() { printf("[KwsManager] StopInference\n"); if (plugin_ != nullptr) { int ret = plugin_->Destroy(); if (ret != SUCCESS) { printf("[KwsManager] plugin_ destroy failed.\n"); } plugin_ = nullptr; } } ``` ## 相关仓 [AI子系统](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/zh-cn/readme/AI%E4%B8%9A%E5%8A%A1%E5%AD%90%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F.md) [ai_engine](https://gitee.com/openharmony/ai_engine) ## 依赖仓: [build\_lite](https://gitee.com/openharmony/build_lite/blob/master/README_zh.md) [systemabilitymgr\_samgr\_lite](https://gitee.com/openharmony/systemabilitymgr_samgr_lite/blob/master/README_zh.md) [startup\_init\_lite](https://gitee.com/openharmony/startup_init_lite/blob/master/README_zh.md) ## AI引擎开发导航 [《AI插件开发指南》](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/zh-cn/device-dev/subsystems/subsys-ai-aiframework-devguide.md)