Name NV_device_cuda Name Strings EGL_NV_device_cuda Contributors Michael Chock James Jones Contact Michael Chock (mchock 'at' Status Complete Version Version 1, June 21, 2014 Number EGL Extension #74 Extension Type EGL device extension Dependencies This extension is written against the language of EGL 1.5 as modified by EGL_EXT_device_base. EGL_EXT_device_base is required. Overview EGL and CUDA both have the capability to drive multiple devices, such as GPUs, within a single system. To interoperate with one another, both APIs must have compatible notions of such devices. This extension defines a mapping from an EGL device to a CUDA device enumerant. IP Status No known claims. New Types None. New Procedures and Functions None. New Tokens Accepted as a queried in eglQueryDeviceAttribEXT: EGL_CUDA_DEVICE_NV 0x323A Add a new section 2.1.3 (CUDA Devices) after 2.1.2 (Devices) "Somewhat analogous to an EGL device, a CUDA device establishes a namespace for CUDA operations. In the CUDA API, such a device is represented by a C int. For more details, see the CUDA documentation." Changes to section 3.2 (Device Enumeration) Replace the paragraph immediately following the prototype for eglQueryDeviceAttribEXT: "The only valid value of is EGL_CUDA_DEVICE_NV. On success, EGL_TRUE is returned, and a valid CUDA device handle corresponding to the EGL device is returned in . This handle is compatible with CUDA API functions." Issues None Revision History Version 1, 2014/06/24 (Michael Chock) - initial version.