.. Algorithms/Querying Algorithms//lower_bound |60 lower_bound =========== Synopsis -------- .. parsed-literal:: template< typename Sequence , typename T , typename Pred = less<_1,_2> > struct lower_bound { typedef |unspecified| type; }; Description ----------- Returns the first position in the sorted ``Sequence`` where ``T`` could be inserted without violating the ordering. Header ------ .. parsed-literal:: #include Parameters ---------- +---------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Parameter | Requirement | Description | +===============+===============================+===================================+ |``Sequence`` | |Forward Sequence| | A sorted sequence to search in. | +---------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ |``T`` | Any type | A type to search a position for. | +---------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ |``Pred`` | Binary |Lambda Expression| | A search criteria. | +---------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ Expression semantics -------------------- For any sorted |Forward Sequence| ``s``, binary |Lambda Expression| ``pred``, and arbitrary type ``x``: .. parsed-literal:: typedef lower_bound< s,x,pred >::type i; :Return type: |Forward Iterator|. :Semantics: ``i`` is the furthermost iterator in |begin/end| such that, for every iterator ``j`` in [``begin::type``, ``i``), .. parsed-literal:: apply< pred, deref::type, x >::type::value == true Complexity ---------- The number of comparisons is logarithmic: at most log\ :sub:`2`\ ( ``size::value`` ) + 1. If ``s`` is a |Random Access Sequence| then the number of steps through the range is also logarithmic; otherwise, the number of steps is proportional to ``size::value``. Example ------- .. parsed-literal:: typedef vector_c numbers; typedef lower_bound< numbers, int_<3> >::type iter; BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION( (distance< begin::type,iter >::value), ==, 2 ); BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION( deref::type::value, ==, 3 ); See also -------- |Querying Algorithms|, |upper_bound|, |find|, |find_if|, |min_element| .. copyright:: Copyright © 2001-2009 Aleksey Gurtovoy and David Abrahams Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)