[/ Copyright 2010 Neil Groves Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /] [section:irange irange] [heading Prototype] `` template iterator_range< range_detail::integer_iterator > irange(Integer last); template iterator_range< range_detail::integer_iterator > irange(Integer first, Integer last); template iterator_range< range_detail::integer_iterator_with_step > irange(Integer first, Integer last, StepSize step_size); `` [heading Description] `irange` is a function to generate an Integer Range. `irange` allows treating integers as a model of the __random_access_range__ Concept. It should be noted that the `first` and `last` parameters denoted a half-open range. [heading Definition] Defined in the header file `boost/range/irange.hpp` [heading Requirements] # `Integer` is a model of the `Integer` Concept. # `StepSize` is a model of the `SignedInteger` Concept. [heading Complexity] Constant. Since this function generates a new range the most significant performance cost is incurred through the iteration of the generated range. [endsect]