# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from recipe_engine import recipe_api import default import ntpath import ssh import subprocess # TODO(borenet): No! Remove this. """Win SSH flavor, used for running code on Windows via an SSH connection. Copied from chromebook.py and modified for Windows. """ class WinSSHFlavor(ssh.SSHFlavor): def __init__(self, m): super(WinSSHFlavor, self).__init__(m) self.remote_homedir = 'C:\\Users\\chrome-bot\\botdata\\' self.device_dirs = default.DeviceDirs( bin_dir = self.device_path_join(self.remote_homedir, 'bin'), dm_dir = self.device_path_join(self.remote_homedir, 'dm_out'), perf_data_dir = self.device_path_join(self.remote_homedir, 'perf'), resource_dir = self.device_path_join(self.remote_homedir, 'resources'), images_dir = self.device_path_join(self.remote_homedir, 'images'), lotties_dir = self.device_path_join(self.remote_homedir, 'lotties'), skp_dir = self.device_path_join(self.remote_homedir, 'skps'), svg_dir = self.device_path_join(self.remote_homedir, 'svgs'), mskp_dir = self.device_path_join(self.remote_homedir, 'mskp'), tmp_dir = self.remote_homedir) self._empty_dir = self.device_path_join(self.remote_homedir, 'empty') def _cmd(self, title, cmd, infra_step=True, fail_errorlevel=1, **kwargs): return self.m.run(self.m.python, title, script=self.module.resource('win_ssh_cmd.py'), args=[self.user_ip, cmd, fail_errorlevel], infra_step=infra_step, **kwargs) def ensure_device_dir(self, path): self._cmd('mkdir %s' % path, 'if not exist "%s" md "%s"' % (path, path)) def _rmdir(self, path): self._cmd('rmdir %s' % path, 'if exist "%s" rd "%s"' % (path, path)) def device_path_join(self, *args): return ntpath.join(*args) def install(self): super(WinSSHFlavor, self).install() # Ensure that our empty dir is actually empty. self._rmdir(self._empty_dir) self.ensure_device_dir(self._empty_dir) self.create_clean_device_dir(self.device_dirs.bin_dir) def create_clean_device_dir(self, path): # Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/98069 and # https://superuser.com/a/346112. self._cmd('clean %s' % path, 'robocopy /mir "%s" "%s"' % (self._empty_dir, path), fail_errorlevel=8) def read_file_on_device(self, path, **kwargs): with self.m.step.nest('read %s' % path): with self.m.tempfile.temp_dir('read_file_on_device') as tmp: host_path = tmp.join(ntpath.basename(path)) device_path = self.scp_device_path(path) ok = self._run('scp %s %s' % (device_path, host_path), cmd=['scp', device_path, host_path], infra_step=True, **kwargs) # TODO(dogben): Should readfile respect fail_build_on_failure and # abort_on_failure? if ok: return self.m.run.readfile(host_path) def remove_file_on_device(self, path): self._cmd('rm %s' % path, 'if exist "%s" del "%s"' % (path, path)) def _copy_dir(self, src, dest): self._run('scp -r %s %s' % (src, dest), cmd=['scp', '-r', src, dest], infra_step=True) def copy_directory_contents_to_device(self, host_path, device_path): # Callers expect that the destination directory is replaced, which is not # how scp works when the destination is a directory. Instead scp to tmp_dir # and then robocopy to the correct destination. # Other flavors use a glob and subprocess with shell=True to copy the # contents of host_path; however, there are a lot of ways POSIX shell # interpretation could mess up Windows path names. with self.m.step.nest('copy %s to device' % host_path): tmp_pardir = self.device_path_join( self.device_dirs.tmp_dir, 'tmp_copy_directory_contents_to_device') self.create_clean_device_dir(tmp_pardir) tmpdir = self.device_path_join(tmp_pardir, self.m.path.basename(host_path)) self._copy_dir(host_path, self.scp_device_path(tmpdir)) self._cmd('copy %s to %s' % (tmpdir, device_path), 'robocopy /mir "%s" "%s"' % (tmpdir, device_path), fail_errorlevel=8) def copy_directory_contents_to_host(self, device_path, host_path): # Note that the glob in src is interpreted by the remote shell. src = self.scp_device_path(self.device_path_join(device_path, '*')) self._copy_dir(src, host_path) def step(self, name, cmd, infra_step=False, **kwargs): # There may be DLLs in the same dir as the executable that must be loaded # (yes, Windows allows overriding system DLLs with files in the local # directory). For simplicity, just copy the entire dir to the device. self.copy_directory_contents_to_device(self.host_dirs.bin_dir, self.device_dirs.bin_dir) device_bin = self.device_path_join(self.device_dirs.bin_dir, cmd[0]) # Copy PowerShell script to device. ps = 'win_run_and_check_log.ps1' device_ps = self.device_path_join(self.device_dirs.bin_dir, ps) self.copy_file_to_device(self.module.resource(ps), device_ps) cmd = ['powershell', '-ExecutionPolicy', 'Unrestricted', '-File', device_ps, device_bin] + cmd[1:] self._cmd(name, subprocess.list2cmdline(map(str, cmd)), infra_step=infra_step, **kwargs)