getNumRpcs(); $timeout_sec = $request->getTimeoutSec(); $rpcs_by_method = []; $rpcs_by_peer = []; $num_failures = 0; // Heavy limitation now: the server is blocking, until all // the necessary num_rpcs are finished, or timeout is reached global $client_thread; $start_id = $client_thread->num_results + 1; $end_id = $start_id + $num_rpcs; $now = hrtime(true); $timeout = $now[0] + ($now[1] / 1e9) + $timeout_sec; while (true) { $curr_hr = hrtime(true); $curr_time = $curr_hr[0] + ($curr_hr[1] / 1e9); if ($curr_time > $timeout) { break; } // Thread variable seems to be read-only $curr_id = $client_thread->num_results; if ($curr_id >= $end_id) { break; } usleep(50000); } // Tally up results $end_id = min($end_id, $client_thread->num_results); // "$client_thread->results" will be in the form of // [ // 'rpc1' => [ // 'hostname1', '', 'hostname2', 'hostname1', '', ... // ], // 'rpc2' => [ // '', 'hostname1', 'hostname2', '', 'hostname2', ... // ], // ] foreach ($client_thread->results as $rpc => $results) { // initialize, can always start from scratch here $rpcs_by_method[$rpc] = []; for ($i = $start_id; $i < $end_id; $i++) { $hostname = $results[$i]; if ($hostname) { // initialize in case we haven't seen this hostname // before if (!array_key_exists($hostname, $rpcs_by_method[$rpc])) { $rpcs_by_method[$rpc][$hostname] = 0; } if (!array_key_exists($hostname, $rpcs_by_peer)) { $rpcs_by_peer[$hostname] = 0; } // increment the remote hostname distribution histogram // both by overall, and broken down per RPC $rpcs_by_method[$rpc][$hostname] += 1; $rpcs_by_peer[$hostname] += 1; } else { // $num_failures here are counted per individual RPC $num_failures += 1; } } } // Convert our hashmaps above into protobuf objects $response = new Grpc\Testing\LoadBalancerStatsResponse(); $rpcs_by_method_map = []; foreach ($rpcs_by_method as $rpc => $rpcs_by_peer_per_method) { $rpcs_by_peer_proto_obj = new Grpc\Testing\LoadBalancerStatsResponse\RpcsByPeer(); $rpcs_by_peer_proto_obj->setRpcsByPeer($rpcs_by_peer_per_method); $rpcs_by_method_map[$rpc] = $rpcs_by_peer_proto_obj; } $response->setRpcsByPeer($rpcs_by_peer); $response->setRpcsByMethod($rpcs_by_method_map); $response->setNumFailures($num_failures); return $response; } } // This client thread blindly sends a unary RPC to the server once // every 1 / qps seconds. class ClientThread extends Thread { private $server_address_; private $target_seconds_between_rpcs_; private $fail_on_failed_rpcs_; private $autoload_path_; private $TIMEOUT_US = 30 * 1e6; // 30 seconds public $num_results = 0; public $results; public function __construct($server_address, $qps, $fail_on_failed_rpcs, $rpcs_to_send, $metadata_to_send, $autoload_path) { $this->server_address_ = $server_address; $this->target_seconds_between_rpcs_ = 1.0 / $qps; $this->fail_on_failed_rpcs_ = $fail_on_failed_rpcs; $this->rpcs_to_send = explode(',', $rpcs_to_send); // Convert input in the form of // rpc1:k1:v1,rpc2:k2:v2,rpc1:k3:v3 // into // [ // 'rpc1' => [ // 'k1' => 'v1', // 'k3' => 'v3', // ], // 'rpc2' => [ // 'k2' => 'v2' // ], // ] $this->metadata_to_send = []; if ($_all_metadata = explode(',', $metadata_to_send)) { foreach ($_all_metadata as $one_metadata_pair) { list($rpc, $metadata_key, $metadata_value) = explode(':', $one_metadata_pair); // initialize in case we haven't seen this rpc before if (!array_key_exists($rpc, $this->metadata_to_send)) { $this->metadata_to_send[$rpc] = []; } $this->metadata_to_send[$rpc][$metadata_key] = $metadata_value; } } $this->autoload_path_ = $autoload_path; $this->simple_request = new Grpc\Testing\SimpleRequest(); $this->empty_request = new Grpc\Testing\EmptyMessage(); $this->results = []; foreach ($this->rpcs_to_send as $rpc) { $this->results[$rpc] = []; } } public function sendUnaryCall($stub, $metadata) { return $stub->UnaryCall($this->simple_request, $metadata, ['timeout' => $this->TIMEOUT_US]); } public function sendEmptyCall($stub, $metadata) { return $stub->EmptyCall($this->empty_request, $metadata, ['timeout' => $this->TIMEOUT_US]); } public function run() { // Autoloaded classes do not get inherited in threads. // Hence we need to do this. require_once($this->autoload_path_); $stub = new Grpc\Testing\TestServiceClient($this->server_address_, [ 'credentials' => Grpc\ChannelCredentials::createInsecure() ]); # hrtime returns nanoseconds $target_next_start_us = hrtime(true) / 1000; while (true) { $now_us = hrtime(true) / 1000; $sleep_us = $target_next_start_us - $now_us; if ($sleep_us < 0) { $target_next_start_us = $now_us + ($this->target_seconds_between_rpcs_ * 1e6); echo sprintf( "php xds: warning, rpc takes too long to finish. " . "Deficit %.1fms." . "If you consistently see this, the qps is too high.\n", round(abs($sleep_us / 1000), 1)); } else { $target_next_start_us += ($this->target_seconds_between_rpcs_ * 1e6); usleep($sleep_us); } foreach ($this->rpcs_to_send as $rpc) { $metadata = array_key_exists( $rpc, $this->metadata_to_send) ? $this->metadata_to_send[$rpc] : []; // This copy is somehow necessary because // $this->metadata_to_send[$rpc] somehow becomes a // Volatile object, instead of an associative array. $metadata_array = []; foreach ($metadata as $key => $value) { $metadata_array[$key] = [$value]; } $call = null; if ($rpc == 'UnaryCall') { $call = $this->sendUnaryCall($stub, $metadata_array); } else if ($rpc == 'EmptyCall') { $call = $this->sendEmptyCall($stub, $metadata_array); } else { throw new Exception("Unhandled rpc $rpc"); } // the remote peer is being returned as part of the // initial metadata, according to the test spec $initial_metadata = $call->getMetadata(); list($response, $status) = $call->wait(); if ($status->code == Grpc\STATUS_OK && array_key_exists('hostname', $initial_metadata)) { $this->results[$rpc][] = $initial_metadata['hostname'][0]; } else { if ($this->fail_on_failed_rpcs_) { throw new Exception("$rpc failed with status " . $status->code); } $this->results[$rpc][] = ""; } } // $num_results here is only incremented when the group of // all $rpcs_to_send are done. $this->num_results++; } } // This is needed for loading autoload_path in the child thread public function start(int $options = PTHREADS_INHERIT_ALL) { return parent::start(PTHREADS_INHERIT_NONE); } } // Note: num_channels are currently ignored for now $args = getopt('', ['fail_on_failed_rpcs:', 'num_channels:', 'rpc:', 'metadata:', 'server:', 'stats_port:', 'qps:']); $client_thread = new ClientThread($args['server'], $args['qps'], $args['fail_on_failed_rpcs'], (empty($args['rpc']) ? 'UnaryCall' : $args['rpc']), $args['metadata'], $autoload_path); $client_thread->start(); $server = new Grpc\RpcServer(); $server->addHttp2Port(''.$args['stats_port']); $server->handle(new LoadBalancerStatsService()); $server->run();