include (CheckIncludeFile) include (CheckTypeSize) include (CMakePushCheckState) macro (TEST_LARGE_FILES VARIABLE) if (NOT DEFINED ${VARIABLE}) cmake_push_check_state() message (STATUS "") message (STATUS "") message (STATUS "Checking large files support...") if (WIN32) set (${VARIABLE} 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Result of tests for large file support" FORCE) message (STATUS "") message (STATUS "Result of checking large files support: supported with WinAPI") else () message (STATUS "") check_include_file(sys/types.h HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H) check_include_file(stdint.h HAVE_STDINT_H) check_include_file(stddef.h HAVE_STDDEF_H) message (STATUS "") message (STATUS "Checking size of off_t without any definitions:") check_type_size (off_t SIZEOF_OFF_T) message (STATUS "Checking of off_t without any definitions: ${SIZEOF_OFF_T}") if (SIZEOF_OFF_T EQUAL 8) set (LARGE_FILES_DEFINITIONS "" CACHE INTERNAL "64-bit off_t required definitions") set (FILE64 TRUE) else () unset (HAVE_SIZEOF_OFF_T CACHE) unset (SIZEOF_OFF_T CACHE) unset (SIZEOF_OFF_T_CODE CACHE) cmake_pop_check_state() set (FILE64 FALSE) endif () if (NOT FILE64) set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS} /D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64) message (STATUS "") message (STATUS "Checking size of off_t with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64:") check_type_size (off_t SIZEOF_OFF_T) message (STATUS "Checking size of off_t with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64: ${SIZEOF_OFF_T}") if (SIZEOF_OFF_T EQUAL 8) set (_FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 CACHE INTERNAL "") set (_FILE_OFFSET_BITS_CODE "#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64" CACHE INTERNAL "") set (LARGE_FILES_DEFINITIONS ${LARGE_FILES_DEFINITIONS} "/D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" CACHE INTERNAL "64-bit off_t required definitions") set (FILE64 TRUE) else () set (_FILE_OFFSET_BITS_CODE "" CACHE INTERNAL "") unset (HAVE_SIZEOF_OFF_T CACHE) unset (SIZEOF_OFF_T CACHE) unset (SIZEOF_OFF_T_CODE CACHE) cmake_pop_check_state() set (FILE64 FALSE) endif () endif () if (NOT FILE64) set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS} /D_LARGE_FILES) message (STATUS "") message (STATUS "Checking size of off_t with _LARGE_FILES:") check_type_size (off_t SIZEOF_OFF_T) message (STATUS "Checking size of off_t with _LARGE_FILES: ${SIZEOF_OFF_T}") if (SIZEOF_OFF_T EQUAL 8) set (_LARGE_FILES 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") set (LARGE_FILES_DEFINITIONS ${LARGE_FILES_DEFINITIONS} "/D_LARGE_FILES" CACHE INTERNAL "64-bit off_t required definitions") set (FILE64 TRUE) else () unset (HAVE_SIZEOF_OFF_T CACHE) unset (SIZEOF_OFF_T CACHE) unset (SIZEOF_OFF_T_CODE CACHE) cmake_pop_check_state() set (FILE64 FALSE) endif () endif () if (NOT FILE64) set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS} /D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE) unset (HAVE_SIZEOF_OFF_T CACHE) unset (SIZEOF_OFF_T CACHE) unset (SIZEOF_OFF_T_CODE CACHE) message (STATUS "") message (STATUS "Checking size of off_t with _LARGEFILE_SOURCE:") check_type_size (off_t SIZEOF_OFF_T) message (STATUS "Checking size of off_t with _LARGEFILE_SOURCE: ${SIZEOF_OFF_T}") if (SIZEOF_OFF_T EQUAL 8) set (_LARGEFILE_SOURCE 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") set (LARGE_FILES_DEFINITIONS ${LARGE_FILES_DEFINITIONS} "/D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE" CACHE INTERNAL "64-bit off_t required definitions") set (FILE64 TRUE) else () cmake_pop_check_state() set (FILE64 FALSE) endif () endif () message (STATUS "") if (FILE64) set (${VARIABLE} 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Result of tests for large file support" FORCE) if (NOT SIZEOF_OFF_T_REQURED_DEFINITIONS) message (STATUS "Result of checking large files support: supported") else () message (STATUS "Result of checking large files support: supported with ${LARGE_FILES_DEFINITIONS}") message (STATUS "Add LARGE_FILES_DEFINITIONS to your compiler definitions or configure with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS,") message (STATUS "_FILE_OFFSET_BITS_CODE, _LARGE_FILES and _LARGEFILE_SOURCE variables.") endif () else () message ("Result of checking large files support: not supported") set (${VARIABLE} 0 CACHE INTERNAL "Result of test for large file support" FORCE) endif () message ("") message ("") endif () endif (NOT DEFINED ${VARIABLE}) endmacro (TEST_LARGE_FILES VARIABLE)