package: name: mindspore-gpu version: "1.3.0" build: number: 0 requirements: build: - python - pip run: - python - numpy >=1.17.0 - protobuf >=3.13.0 - asttokens >=1.1.13 - pillow >=6.2.0 - scipy >=1.5.2 - cffi >=1.12.3 - wheel >=0.32.0 - decorator >=4.4.0 - setuptools >=40.8.0 - astunparse >=1.6.3 - packaging >=20.0 - psutil >=5.7.0 about: home: license: Apache 2.0 summary: MindSpore is a new open source deep learning training/inference framework that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios.