Name NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control Name Strings GL_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control Contact Pierre Boudier, NVIDIA Corporation (pboudier 'at' Contributors Tristan Lorach, NVIDIA Corporation Christophe KULESZA, Dassault Systemes Status Pending. Version Last Modified Date: May 31, 2017 Revision: 1.01 Number 500 Dependencies This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.4 specification (Core Profile) but may be used with the Compatibility profile or OpenGL ES 2.0 or later. Overview NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control_triangles provides a new mechanism to control whether dithering is applied when the existing alpha to coverage functionality is used. New Procedures and Functions void AlphaToCoverageDitherControlNV(enum mode) New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of AlphaToCoverageDitherControlNV(): ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_DEFAULT_NV 0x934D ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_ENABLE_NV 0x934E ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_DISABLE_NV 0x934F Accepted by the of GetIntegerv(): ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_MODE_NV 0x92BF Modification to Chapter 17.3.3 of the OpenGL 4.4 (Core Profile) Specification (Multisample Fragment Operations) Modify the paragraph describing SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE with ... No specific algorithm is required for converting the sample alpha values to a temporary coverage value. It is intended that the number of 1's in the temporary coverage be proportional to the set of alpha values for the fragment, with all 1's corresponding to the maximum of all alpha values, and all 0's corresponding to all alpha values being 0. The alpha values used to generate a coverage value are clamped to the range [0; 1]. It is also intended that the algorithm be pseudo-random in nature, to avoid image artifacts due to regular coverage sample locations. The function AlphaToCoverageDitherControlNV() allows to specify the kind of algorithm: If the mode is ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_ENABLE, the algorithm is different at different pixel locations. The dithering should be defined relative to window, not screen, coordinates, so that rendering results are invariant with respect to window position. If the mode is ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_DISABLE, then no dithering should be applied and the same conversion should happen regardless of the pixel coordinates. If the mode is ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_DEFAULT, then the algorithm is implementation dependent. Addition to the Table 23.11. Multisampling: ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_MODE | E | GetIntegerv | ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_DEFAULT | Control dither for alpha to coverage | 17.3.3 New State None. Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications None. GLX Protocol None. Modifications to the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, Version 4.40 None. Errors None Issues (XX) Revision History Revision 1.01 - fix incorrect enum names in the text section Revision 1 - Internal revisions.