# Copyright 2019 Google LLC. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("../../gn/skia.gni") if (skia_use_icu && skia_use_harfbuzz) { skia_source_set("editor_lib") { include_dirs = [ "../.." ] public = [ "include/editor.h", "include/stringslice.h", "include/stringview.h", ] sources = [ "src/editor.cpp", "src/stringslice.cpp", ] public_deps = [ "../..:skia" ] deps = [ ":shape" ] } skia_source_set("shape") { include_dirs = [ "../.." ] public = [ "src/shape.h" ] sources = [ "src/shape.cpp" ] public_deps = [ "../..:skia" ] deps = [ ":word_boundaries", "../../modules/skshaper", ] } skia_source_set("word_boundaries") { include_dirs = [ "../.." ] public = [ "src/word_boundaries.h" ] sources = [ "src/word_boundaries.cpp" ] configs = [ "../../third_party/icu/config:no_cxx" ] deps = [ "${skia_third_party_dir}/icu" ] } skia_source_set("editor_app") { testonly = true sources = [ "app/editor_application.cpp" ] public_deps = [ "../..:sk_app" ] deps = [ ":editor_lib" ] } }