/* @internal */ // Don't expose that we use this // Based on lib.es6.d.ts interface PromiseConstructor { new (executor: (resolve: (value?: T | PromiseLike) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void) => void): Promise; reject(reason: any): Promise; all(values: (T | PromiseLike)[]): Promise; } /* @internal */ declare var Promise: PromiseConstructor; // eslint-disable-line no-var /* @internal */ namespace ts { // These utilities are common to multiple language service features. //#region export const scanner: Scanner = createScanner(ScriptTarget.Latest, /*skipTrivia*/ true); export const enum SemanticMeaning { None = 0x0, Value = 0x1, Type = 0x2, Namespace = 0x4, All = Value | Type | Namespace } export function getMeaningFromDeclaration(node: Node): SemanticMeaning { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: return isInJSFile(node) && getJSDocEnumTag(node) ? SemanticMeaning.All : SemanticMeaning.Value; case SyntaxKind.Parameter: case SyntaxKind.BindingElement: case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.PropertySignature: case SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment: case SyntaxKind.ShorthandPropertyAssignment: case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.MethodSignature: case SyntaxKind.Constructor: case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction: case SyntaxKind.CatchClause: case SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute: return SemanticMeaning.Value; case SyntaxKind.TypeParameter: case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.TypeLiteral: return SemanticMeaning.Type; case SyntaxKind.JSDocTypedefTag: // If it has no name node, it shares the name with the value declaration below it. return (node as JSDocTypedefTag).name === undefined ? SemanticMeaning.Value | SemanticMeaning.Type : SemanticMeaning.Type; case SyntaxKind.EnumMember: case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration: return SemanticMeaning.Value | SemanticMeaning.Type; case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: if (isAmbientModule(node)) { return SemanticMeaning.Namespace | SemanticMeaning.Value; } else if (getModuleInstanceState(node as ModuleDeclaration) === ModuleInstanceState.Instantiated) { return SemanticMeaning.Namespace | SemanticMeaning.Value; } else { return SemanticMeaning.Namespace; } case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.NamedImports: case SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier: case SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment: case SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration: return SemanticMeaning.All; // An external module can be a Value case SyntaxKind.SourceFile: return SemanticMeaning.Namespace | SemanticMeaning.Value; } return SemanticMeaning.All; } export function getMeaningFromLocation(node: Node): SemanticMeaning { node = getAdjustedReferenceLocation(node); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile) { return SemanticMeaning.Value; } else if (node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment || node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ExternalModuleReference || node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier || node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ImportClause || isImportEqualsDeclaration(node.parent) && node === node.parent.name) { return SemanticMeaning.All; } else if (isInRightSideOfInternalImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) { return getMeaningFromRightHandSideOfImportEquals(node as Identifier); } else if (isDeclarationName(node)) { return getMeaningFromDeclaration(node.parent); } else if (isEntityName(node) && isJSDocNameReference(node.parent)) { return SemanticMeaning.All; } else if (isTypeReference(node)) { return SemanticMeaning.Type; } else if (isNamespaceReference(node)) { return SemanticMeaning.Namespace; } else if (isTypeParameterDeclaration(node.parent)) { Debug.assert(isJSDocTemplateTag(node.parent.parent)); // Else would be handled by isDeclarationName return SemanticMeaning.Type; } else if (isLiteralTypeNode(node.parent)) { // This might be T["name"], which is actually referencing a property and not a type. So allow both meanings. return SemanticMeaning.Type | SemanticMeaning.Value; } else { return SemanticMeaning.Value; } } function getMeaningFromRightHandSideOfImportEquals(node: Node): SemanticMeaning { // import a = |b|; // Namespace // import a = |b.c|; // Value, type, namespace // import a = |b.c|.d; // Namespace const name = node.kind === SyntaxKind.QualifiedName ? node : isQualifiedName(node.parent) && node.parent.right === node ? node.parent : undefined; return name && name.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration ? SemanticMeaning.All : SemanticMeaning.Namespace; } export function isInRightSideOfInternalImportEqualsDeclaration(node: Node) { while (node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.QualifiedName) { node = node.parent; } return isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node.parent) && node.parent.moduleReference === node; } function isNamespaceReference(node: Node): boolean { return isQualifiedNameNamespaceReference(node) || isPropertyAccessNamespaceReference(node); } function isQualifiedNameNamespaceReference(node: Node): boolean { let root = node; let isLastClause = true; if (root.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.QualifiedName) { while (root.parent && root.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.QualifiedName) { root = root.parent; } isLastClause = (root).right === node; } return root.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeReference && !isLastClause; } function isPropertyAccessNamespaceReference(node: Node): boolean { let root = node; let isLastClause = true; if (root.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression) { while (root.parent && root.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression) { root = root.parent; } isLastClause = (root).name === node; } if (!isLastClause && root.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments && root.parent.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.HeritageClause) { const decl = root.parent.parent.parent; return ((decl.kind === SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || decl.kind === SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration) && (root.parent.parent).token === SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword) || (decl.kind === SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration && (root.parent.parent).token === SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword); } return false; } function isTypeReference(node: Node): boolean { if (isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess(node)) { node = node.parent; } switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword: return !isExpressionNode(node); case SyntaxKind.ThisType: return true; } switch (node.parent.kind) { case SyntaxKind.TypeReference: return true; case SyntaxKind.ImportType: return !(node.parent as ImportTypeNode).isTypeOf; case SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments: return !isExpressionWithTypeArgumentsInClassExtendsClause(node.parent); } return false; } export function isCallExpressionTarget(node: Node, includeElementAccess = false, skipPastOuterExpressions = false): boolean { return isCalleeWorker(node, isCallExpression, selectExpressionOfCallOrNewExpressionOrDecorator, includeElementAccess, skipPastOuterExpressions); } export function isNewExpressionTarget(node: Node, includeElementAccess = false, skipPastOuterExpressions = false): boolean { return isCalleeWorker(node, isNewExpression, selectExpressionOfCallOrNewExpressionOrDecorator, includeElementAccess, skipPastOuterExpressions); } export function isCallOrNewExpressionTarget(node: Node, includeElementAccess = false, skipPastOuterExpressions = false): boolean { return isCalleeWorker(node, isCallOrNewExpression, selectExpressionOfCallOrNewExpressionOrDecorator, includeElementAccess, skipPastOuterExpressions); } export function isTaggedTemplateTag(node: Node, includeElementAccess = false, skipPastOuterExpressions = false): boolean { return isCalleeWorker(node, isTaggedTemplateExpression, selectTagOfTaggedTemplateExpression, includeElementAccess, skipPastOuterExpressions); } export function isDecoratorTarget(node: Node, includeElementAccess = false, skipPastOuterExpressions = false): boolean { return isCalleeWorker(node, isDecorator, selectExpressionOfCallOrNewExpressionOrDecorator, includeElementAccess, skipPastOuterExpressions); } export function isJsxOpeningLikeElementTagName(node: Node, includeElementAccess = false, skipPastOuterExpressions = false): boolean { return isCalleeWorker(node, isJsxOpeningLikeElement, selectTagNameOfJsxOpeningLikeElement, includeElementAccess, skipPastOuterExpressions); } function selectExpressionOfCallOrNewExpressionOrDecorator(node: CallExpression | NewExpression | Decorator) { return node.expression; } function selectTagOfTaggedTemplateExpression(node: TaggedTemplateExpression) { return node.tag; } function selectTagNameOfJsxOpeningLikeElement(node: JsxOpeningLikeElement) { return node.tagName; } function isCalleeWorker(node: Node, pred: (node: Node) => node is T, calleeSelector: (node: T) => Expression, includeElementAccess: boolean, skipPastOuterExpressions: boolean) { let target = includeElementAccess ? climbPastPropertyOrElementAccess(node) : climbPastPropertyAccess(node); if (skipPastOuterExpressions) { target = skipOuterExpressions(target); } return !!target && !!target.parent && pred(target.parent) && calleeSelector(target.parent) === target; } export function climbPastPropertyAccess(node: Node) { return isRightSideOfPropertyAccess(node) ? node.parent : node; } export function climbPastPropertyOrElementAccess(node: Node) { return isRightSideOfPropertyAccess(node) || isArgumentExpressionOfElementAccess(node) ? node.parent : node; } export function getTargetLabel(referenceNode: Node, labelName: string): Identifier | undefined { while (referenceNode) { if (referenceNode.kind === SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement && (referenceNode).label.escapedText === labelName) { return (referenceNode).label; } referenceNode = referenceNode.parent; } return undefined; } export function hasPropertyAccessExpressionWithName(node: CallExpression, funcName: string): boolean { if (!isPropertyAccessExpression(node.expression)) { return false; } return node.expression.name.text === funcName; } export function isJumpStatementTarget(node: Node): node is Identifier & { parent: BreakOrContinueStatement } { return isIdentifier(node) && tryCast(node.parent, isBreakOrContinueStatement)?.label === node; } export function isLabelOfLabeledStatement(node: Node): node is Identifier { return isIdentifier(node) && tryCast(node.parent, isLabeledStatement)?.label === node; } export function isLabelName(node: Node): boolean { return isLabelOfLabeledStatement(node) || isJumpStatementTarget(node); } export function isTagName(node: Node): boolean { return tryCast(node.parent, isJSDocTag)?.tagName === node; } export function isRightSideOfQualifiedName(node: Node) { return tryCast(node.parent, isQualifiedName)?.right === node; } export function isRightSideOfPropertyAccess(node: Node) { return tryCast(node.parent, isPropertyAccessExpression)?.name === node; } export function isArgumentExpressionOfElementAccess(node: Node) { return tryCast(node.parent, isElementAccessExpression)?.argumentExpression === node; } export function isNameOfModuleDeclaration(node: Node) { return tryCast(node.parent, isModuleDeclaration)?.name === node; } export function isNameOfFunctionDeclaration(node: Node): boolean { return isIdentifier(node) && tryCast(node.parent, isFunctionLike)?.name === node; } export function isLiteralNameOfPropertyDeclarationOrIndexAccess(node: StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral): boolean { switch (node.parent.kind) { case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.PropertySignature: case SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment: case SyntaxKind.EnumMember: case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.MethodSignature: case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: return getNameOfDeclaration(node.parent) === node; case SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression: return (node.parent).argumentExpression === node; case SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName: return true; case SyntaxKind.LiteralType: return node.parent.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.IndexedAccessType; default: return false; } } export function isExpressionOfExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node: Node) { return isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node.parent.parent) && getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node.parent.parent) === node; } export function getContainerNode(node: Node): Declaration | undefined { if (isJSDocTypeAlias(node)) { // This doesn't just apply to the node immediately under the comment, but to everything in its parent's scope. // node.parent = the JSDoc comment, node.parent.parent = the node having the comment. // Then we get parent again in the loop. node = node.parent.parent; } while (true) { node = node.parent; if (!node) { return undefined; } switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.SourceFile: case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.MethodSignature: case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: return node; } } } export function getNodeKind(node: Node): ScriptElementKind { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.SourceFile: return isExternalModule(node) ? ScriptElementKind.moduleElement : ScriptElementKind.scriptElement; case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: return ScriptElementKind.moduleElement; case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ClassExpression: return ScriptElementKind.classElement; case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration: return ScriptElementKind.structElement; case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: return ScriptElementKind.interfaceElement; case SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.JSDocCallbackTag: case SyntaxKind.JSDocTypedefTag: return ScriptElementKind.typeElement; case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: return ScriptElementKind.enumElement; case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: return getKindOfVariableDeclaration(node); case SyntaxKind.BindingElement: return getKindOfVariableDeclaration(getRootDeclaration(node)); case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction: case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: return ScriptElementKind.functionElement; case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: return ScriptElementKind.memberGetAccessorElement; case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: return ScriptElementKind.memberSetAccessorElement; case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.MethodSignature: return ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement; case SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment: const { initializer } = node as PropertyAssignment; return isFunctionLike(initializer) ? ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement : ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement; case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.PropertySignature: case SyntaxKind.ShorthandPropertyAssignment: case SyntaxKind.SpreadAssignment: return ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement; case SyntaxKind.IndexSignature: return ScriptElementKind.indexSignatureElement; case SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature: return ScriptElementKind.constructSignatureElement; case SyntaxKind.CallSignature: return ScriptElementKind.callSignatureElement; case SyntaxKind.Constructor: return ScriptElementKind.constructorImplementationElement; case SyntaxKind.TypeParameter: return ScriptElementKind.typeParameterElement; case SyntaxKind.EnumMember: return ScriptElementKind.enumMemberElement; case SyntaxKind.Parameter: return hasSyntacticModifier(node, ModifierFlags.ParameterPropertyModifier) ? ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement : ScriptElementKind.parameterElement; case SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier: case SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier: case SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport: case SyntaxKind.NamespaceExport: return ScriptElementKind.alias; case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression: const kind = getAssignmentDeclarationKind(node as BinaryExpression); const { right } = node as BinaryExpression; switch (kind) { case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ObjectDefinePropertyValue: case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ObjectDefinePropertyExports: case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ObjectDefinePrototypeProperty: case AssignmentDeclarationKind.None: return ScriptElementKind.unknown; case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ExportsProperty: case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ModuleExports: const rightKind = getNodeKind(right); return rightKind === ScriptElementKind.unknown ? ScriptElementKind.constElement : rightKind; case AssignmentDeclarationKind.PrototypeProperty: return isFunctionExpression(right) ? ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement : ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement; case AssignmentDeclarationKind.ThisProperty: return ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement; // property case AssignmentDeclarationKind.Property: // static method / property return isFunctionExpression(right) ? ScriptElementKind.memberFunctionElement : ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement; case AssignmentDeclarationKind.Prototype: return ScriptElementKind.localClassElement; default: { assertType(kind); return ScriptElementKind.unknown; } } case SyntaxKind.Identifier: return isImportClause(node.parent) ? ScriptElementKind.alias : ScriptElementKind.unknown; case SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment: const scriptKind = getNodeKind((node as ExportAssignment).expression); // If the expression didn't come back with something (like it does for an identifiers) return scriptKind === ScriptElementKind.unknown ? ScriptElementKind.constElement : scriptKind; default: return ScriptElementKind.unknown; } function getKindOfVariableDeclaration(v: VariableDeclaration): ScriptElementKind { return isVarConst(v) ? ScriptElementKind.constElement : isLet(v) ? ScriptElementKind.letElement : ScriptElementKind.variableElement; } } export function isThis(node: Node): boolean { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword: // case SyntaxKind.ThisType: TODO: GH#9267 return true; case SyntaxKind.Identifier: // 'this' as a parameter return identifierIsThisKeyword(node as Identifier) && node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.Parameter; default: return false; } } // Matches the beginning of a triple slash directive const tripleSlashDirectivePrefixRegex = /^\/\/\/\s*= range.end; } export function rangeContainsStartEnd(range: TextRange, start: number, end: number): boolean { return range.pos <= start && range.end >= end; } export function rangeOverlapsWithStartEnd(r1: TextRange, start: number, end: number) { return startEndOverlapsWithStartEnd(r1.pos, r1.end, start, end); } export function nodeOverlapsWithStartEnd(node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile, start: number, end: number) { return startEndOverlapsWithStartEnd(node.getStart(sourceFile), node.end, start, end); } export function startEndOverlapsWithStartEnd(start1: number, end1: number, start2: number, end2: number) { const start = Math.max(start1, start2); const end = Math.min(end1, end2); return start < end; } /** * Assumes `candidate.start <= position` holds. */ export function positionBelongsToNode(candidate: Node, position: number, sourceFile: SourceFile): boolean { Debug.assert(candidate.pos <= position); return position < candidate.end || !isCompletedNode(candidate, sourceFile); } function isCompletedNode(n: Node | undefined, sourceFile: SourceFile): boolean { if (n === undefined || nodeIsMissing(n)) { return false; } switch (n.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression: case SyntaxKind.ObjectBindingPattern: case SyntaxKind.TypeLiteral: case SyntaxKind.Block: case SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock: case SyntaxKind.CaseBlock: case SyntaxKind.NamedImports: case SyntaxKind.NamedExports: return nodeEndsWith(n, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.CatchClause: return isCompletedNode((n).block, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.NewExpression: if (!(n).arguments) { return true; } // falls through case SyntaxKind.CallExpression: case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression: case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedType: return nodeEndsWith(n, SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.FunctionType: case SyntaxKind.ConstructorType: return isCompletedNode((n).type, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.Constructor: case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.MethodSignature: case SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature: case SyntaxKind.CallSignature: case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction: if ((n).body) { return isCompletedNode((n).body, sourceFile); } if ((n).type) { return isCompletedNode((n).type, sourceFile); } // Even though type parameters can be unclosed, we can get away with // having at least a closing paren. return hasChildOfKind(n, SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: return !!(n).body && isCompletedNode((n).body, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.IfStatement: if ((n).elseStatement) { return isCompletedNode((n).elseStatement, sourceFile); } return isCompletedNode((n).thenStatement, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement: return isCompletedNode((n).expression, sourceFile) || hasChildOfKind(n, SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression: case SyntaxKind.ArrayBindingPattern: case SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression: case SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName: case SyntaxKind.TupleType: return nodeEndsWith(n, SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.IndexSignature: if ((n).type) { return isCompletedNode((n).type, sourceFile); } return hasChildOfKind(n, SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.CaseClause: case SyntaxKind.DefaultClause: // there is no such thing as terminator token for CaseClause/DefaultClause so for simplicity always consider them non-completed return false; case SyntaxKind.ForStatement: case SyntaxKind.ForInStatement: case SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement: case SyntaxKind.WhileStatement: return isCompletedNode((n).statement, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.DoStatement: // rough approximation: if DoStatement has While keyword - then if node is completed is checking the presence of ')'; return hasChildOfKind(n, SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword, sourceFile) ? nodeEndsWith(n, SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, sourceFile) : isCompletedNode((n).statement, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.TypeQuery: return isCompletedNode((n).exprName, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.TypeOfExpression: case SyntaxKind.DeleteExpression: case SyntaxKind.VoidExpression: case SyntaxKind.YieldExpression: case SyntaxKind.SpreadElement: const unaryWordExpression = n as (TypeOfExpression | DeleteExpression | VoidExpression | YieldExpression | SpreadElement); return isCompletedNode(unaryWordExpression.expression, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.TaggedTemplateExpression: return isCompletedNode((n).template, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.TemplateExpression: const lastSpan = lastOrUndefined((n).templateSpans); return isCompletedNode(lastSpan, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.TemplateSpan: return nodeIsPresent((n).literal); case SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration: return nodeIsPresent((n).moduleSpecifier); case SyntaxKind.PrefixUnaryExpression: return isCompletedNode((n).operand, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression: return isCompletedNode((n).right, sourceFile); case SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression: return isCompletedNode((n).whenFalse, sourceFile); default: return true; } } /* * Checks if node ends with 'expectedLastToken'. * If child at position 'length - 1' is 'SemicolonToken' it is skipped and 'expectedLastToken' is compared with child at position 'length - 2'. */ function nodeEndsWith(n: Node, expectedLastToken: SyntaxKind, sourceFile: SourceFile): boolean { const children = n.getChildren(sourceFile); if (children.length) { const lastChild = last(children); if (lastChild.kind === expectedLastToken) { return true; } else if (lastChild.kind === SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken && children.length !== 1) { return children[children.length - 2].kind === expectedLastToken; } } return false; } export function findListItemInfo(node: Node): ListItemInfo | undefined { const list = findContainingList(node); // It is possible at this point for syntaxList to be undefined, either if // node.parent had no list child, or if none of its list children contained // the span of node. If this happens, return undefined. The caller should // handle this case. if (!list) { return undefined; } const children = list.getChildren(); const listItemIndex = indexOfNode(children, node); return { listItemIndex, list }; } export function hasChildOfKind(n: Node, kind: SyntaxKind, sourceFile: SourceFile): boolean { return !!findChildOfKind(n, kind, sourceFile); } export function findChildOfKind(n: Node, kind: T["kind"], sourceFile: SourceFileLike): T | undefined { return find(n.getChildren(sourceFile), (c): c is T => c.kind === kind); } export function findContainingList(node: Node): SyntaxList | undefined { // The node might be a list element (nonsynthetic) or a comma (synthetic). Either way, it will // be parented by the container of the SyntaxList, not the SyntaxList itself. // In order to find the list item index, we first need to locate SyntaxList itself and then search // for the position of the relevant node (or comma). const syntaxList = find(node.parent.getChildren(), (c): c is SyntaxList => isSyntaxList(c) && rangeContainsRange(c, node)); // Either we didn't find an appropriate list, or the list must contain us. Debug.assert(!syntaxList || contains(syntaxList.getChildren(), node)); return syntaxList; } function isDefaultModifier(node: Node) { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword; } function isClassKeyword(node: Node) { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword; } function isFunctionKeyword(node: Node) { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword; } function getAdjustedLocationForClass(node: ClassDeclaration | ClassExpression | StructDeclaration) { if (isNamedDeclaration(node)) { return node.name; } if (isClassDeclaration(node) || isStructDeclaration(node)) { // for class and function declarations, use the `default` modifier // when the declaration is unnamed. const defaultModifier = find(node.modifiers!, isDefaultModifier); if (defaultModifier) return defaultModifier; } if (isClassExpression(node)) { // for class expressions, use the `class` keyword when the class is unnamed const classKeyword = find(node.getChildren(), isClassKeyword); if (classKeyword) return classKeyword; } } function getAdjustedLocationForFunction(node: FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression) { if (isNamedDeclaration(node)) { return node.name; } if (isFunctionDeclaration(node)) { // for class and function declarations, use the `default` modifier // when the declaration is unnamed. const defaultModifier = find(node.modifiers!, isDefaultModifier); if (defaultModifier) return defaultModifier; } if (isFunctionExpression(node)) { // for function expressions, use the `function` keyword when the function is unnamed const functionKeyword = find(node.getChildren(), isFunctionKeyword); if (functionKeyword) return functionKeyword; } } function getAncestorTypeNode(node: Node) { let lastTypeNode: TypeNode | undefined; findAncestor(node, a => { if (isTypeNode(a)) { lastTypeNode = a; } return !isQualifiedName(a.parent) && !isTypeNode(a.parent) && !isTypeElement(a.parent); }); return lastTypeNode; } export function getContextualTypeOrAncestorTypeNodeType(node: Expression, checker: TypeChecker) { const contextualType = checker.getContextualType(node); if (contextualType) { return contextualType; } const ancestorTypeNode = getAncestorTypeNode(node); return ancestorTypeNode && checker.getTypeAtLocation(ancestorTypeNode); } function getAdjustedLocationForDeclaration(node: Node, forRename: boolean) { if (!forRename) { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ClassExpression: case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration: return getAdjustedLocationForClass(node as ClassDeclaration | ClassExpression | StructDeclaration); case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: return getAdjustedLocationForFunction(node as FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression); } } if (isNamedDeclaration(node)) { return node.name; } } function getAdjustedLocationForImportDeclaration(node: ImportDeclaration, forRename: boolean) { if (node.importClause) { if (node.importClause.name && node.importClause.namedBindings) { // do not adjust if we have both a name and named bindings return; } // /**/import [|name|] from ...; // import /**/type [|name|] from ...; if (node.importClause.name) { return node.importClause.name; } // /**/import { [|name|] } from ...; // /**/import { propertyName as [|name|] } from ...; // /**/import * as [|name|] from ...; // import /**/type { [|name|] } from ...; // import /**/type { propertyName as [|name|] } from ...; // import /**/type * as [|name|] from ...; if (node.importClause.namedBindings) { if (isNamedImports(node.importClause.namedBindings)) { // do nothing if there is more than one binding const onlyBinding = singleOrUndefined(node.importClause.namedBindings.elements); if (!onlyBinding) { return; } return onlyBinding.name; } else if (isNamespaceImport(node.importClause.namedBindings)) { return node.importClause.namedBindings.name; } } } if (!forRename) { // /**/import "[|module|]"; // /**/import ... from "[|module|]"; // import /**/type ... from "[|module|]"; return node.moduleSpecifier; } } function getAdjustedLocationForExportDeclaration(node: ExportDeclaration, forRename: boolean) { if (node.exportClause) { // /**/export { [|name|] } ... // /**/export { propertyName as [|name|] } ... // /**/export * as [|name|] ... // export /**/type { [|name|] } from ... // export /**/type { propertyName as [|name|] } from ... // export /**/type * as [|name|] ... if (isNamedExports(node.exportClause)) { // do nothing if there is more than one binding const onlyBinding = singleOrUndefined(node.exportClause.elements); if (!onlyBinding) { return; } return node.exportClause.elements[0].name; } else if (isNamespaceExport(node.exportClause)) { return node.exportClause.name; } } if (!forRename) { // /**/export * from "[|module|]"; // export /**/type * from "[|module|]"; return node.moduleSpecifier; } } function getAdjustedLocationForHeritageClause(node: HeritageClause) { // /**/extends [|name|] // /**/implements [|name|] if (node.types.length === 1) { return node.types[0].expression; } // /**/extends name1, name2 ... // /**/implements name1, name2 ... } function getAdjustedLocation(node: Node, forRename: boolean): Node { const { parent } = node; // /**/ [|name|] ... // /**/ [|name|] ... // /**/ [|name|] ... // /**/import [|name|] = ... // // NOTE: If the node is a modifier, we don't adjust its location if it is the `default` modifier as that is handled // specially by `getSymbolAtLocation`. if (isModifier(node) && (forRename || node.kind !== SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword) ? contains(parent.modifiers, node) : node.kind === SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword ? isClassDeclaration(parent) || isClassExpression(node) : node.kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword ? isFunctionDeclaration(parent) || isFunctionExpression(node) : node.kind === SyntaxKind.InterfaceKeyword ? isInterfaceDeclaration(parent) : node.kind === SyntaxKind.EnumKeyword ? isEnumDeclaration(parent) : node.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword ? isTypeAliasDeclaration(parent) : node.kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceKeyword || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleKeyword ? isModuleDeclaration(parent) : node.kind === SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword ? isImportEqualsDeclaration(parent) : node.kind === SyntaxKind.GetKeyword ? isGetAccessorDeclaration(parent) : node.kind === SyntaxKind.SetKeyword && isSetAccessorDeclaration(parent)) { const location = getAdjustedLocationForDeclaration(parent, forRename); if (location) { return location; } } // /**/ [|name|] ... if ((node.kind === SyntaxKind.VarKeyword || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword || node.kind === SyntaxKind.LetKeyword) && isVariableDeclarationList(parent) && parent.declarations.length === 1) { const decl = parent.declarations[0]; if (isIdentifier(decl.name)) { return decl.name; } } if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword) { // import /**/type [|name|] from ...; // import /**/type { [|name|] } from ...; // import /**/type { propertyName as [|name|] } from ...; // import /**/type ... from "[|module|]"; if (isImportClause(parent) && parent.isTypeOnly) { const location = getAdjustedLocationForImportDeclaration(parent.parent, forRename); if (location) { return location; } } // export /**/type { [|name|] } from ...; // export /**/type { propertyName as [|name|] } from ...; // export /**/type * from "[|module|]"; // export /**/type * as ... from "[|module|]"; if (isExportDeclaration(parent) && parent.isTypeOnly) { const location = getAdjustedLocationForExportDeclaration(parent, forRename); if (location) { return location; } } } // import { propertyName /**/as [|name|] } ... // import * /**/as [|name|] ... // export { propertyName /**/as [|name|] } ... // export * /**/as [|name|] ... if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.AsKeyword) { if (isImportSpecifier(parent) && parent.propertyName || isExportSpecifier(parent) && parent.propertyName || isNamespaceImport(parent) || isNamespaceExport(parent)) { return parent.name; } if (isExportDeclaration(parent) && parent.exportClause && isNamespaceExport(parent.exportClause)) { return parent.exportClause.name; } } // /**/import [|name|] from ...; // /**/import { [|name|] } from ...; // /**/import { propertyName as [|name|] } from ...; // /**/import ... from "[|module|]"; // /**/import "[|module|]"; if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword && isImportDeclaration(parent)) { const location = getAdjustedLocationForImportDeclaration(parent, forRename); if (location) { return location; } } if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword) { // /**/export { [|name|] } ...; // /**/export { propertyName as [|name|] } ...; // /**/export * from "[|module|]"; // /**/export * as ... from "[|module|]"; if (isExportDeclaration(parent)) { const location = getAdjustedLocationForExportDeclaration(parent, forRename); if (location) { return location; } } // NOTE: We don't adjust the location of the `default` keyword as that is handled specially by `getSymbolAtLocation`. // /**/export default [|name|]; // /**/export = [|name|]; if (isExportAssignment(parent)) { return skipOuterExpressions(parent.expression); } } // import name = /**/require("[|module|]"); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.RequireKeyword && isExternalModuleReference(parent)) { return parent.expression; } // import ... /**/from "[|module|]"; // export ... /**/from "[|module|]"; if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.FromKeyword && (isImportDeclaration(parent) || isExportDeclaration(parent)) && parent.moduleSpecifier) { return parent.moduleSpecifier; } // class ... /**/extends [|name|] ... // class ... /**/implements [|name|] ... // class ... /**/implements name1, name2 ... // interface ... /**/extends [|name|] ... // interface ... /**/extends name1, name2 ... if ((node.kind === SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword) && isHeritageClause(parent) && parent.token === node.kind) { const location = getAdjustedLocationForHeritageClause(parent); if (location) { return location; } } if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword) { // ... ... if (isTypeParameterDeclaration(parent) && parent.constraint && isTypeReferenceNode(parent.constraint)) { return parent.constraint.typeName; } // ... T /**/extends [|U|] ? ... if (isConditionalTypeNode(parent) && isTypeReferenceNode(parent.extendsType)) { return parent.extendsType.typeName; } } // ... T extends /**/infer [|U|] ? ... if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.InferKeyword && isInferTypeNode(parent)) { return parent.typeParameter.name; } // { [ [|K|] /**/in keyof T]: ... } if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.InKeyword && isTypeParameterDeclaration(parent) && isMappedTypeNode(parent.parent)) { return parent.name; } // /**/keyof [|T|] if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword && isTypeOperatorNode(parent) && parent.operator === SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword && isTypeReferenceNode(parent.type)) { return parent.type.typeName; } // /**/readonly [|name|][] if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword && isTypeOperatorNode(parent) && parent.operator === SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword && isArrayTypeNode(parent.type) && isTypeReferenceNode(parent.type.elementType)) { return parent.type.elementType.typeName; } if (!forRename) { // /**/new [|name|] // /**/void [|name|] // /**/void obj.[|name|] // /**/typeof [|name|] // /**/typeof obj.[|name|] // /**/await [|name|] // /**/await obj.[|name|] // /**/yield [|name|] // /**/yield obj.[|name|] // /**/delete obj.[|name|] if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.NewKeyword && isNewExpression(parent) || node.kind === SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword && isVoidExpression(parent) || node.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeOfKeyword && isTypeOfExpression(parent) || node.kind === SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword && isAwaitExpression(parent) || node.kind === SyntaxKind.YieldKeyword && isYieldExpression(parent) || node.kind === SyntaxKind.DeleteKeyword && isDeleteExpression(parent)) { if (parent.expression) { return skipOuterExpressions(parent.expression); } } // left /**/in [|name|] // left /**/instanceof [|name|] if ((node.kind === SyntaxKind.InKeyword || node.kind === SyntaxKind.InstanceOfKeyword) && isBinaryExpression(parent) && parent.operatorToken === node) { return skipOuterExpressions(parent.right); } // left /**/as [|name|] if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.AsKeyword && isAsExpression(parent) && isTypeReferenceNode(parent.type)) { return parent.type.typeName; } // for (... /**/in [|name|]) // for (... /**/of [|name|]) if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.InKeyword && isForInStatement(parent) || node.kind === SyntaxKind.OfKeyword && isForOfStatement(parent)) { return skipOuterExpressions(parent.expression); } } return node; } /** * Adjusts the location used for "find references" and "go to definition" when the cursor was not * on a property name. */ export function getAdjustedReferenceLocation(node: Node): Node { return getAdjustedLocation(node, /*forRename*/ false); } /** * Adjusts the location used for "rename" when the cursor was not on a property name. */ export function getAdjustedRenameLocation(node: Node): Node { return getAdjustedLocation(node, /*forRename*/ true); } /** * Gets the token whose text has range [start, end) and * position >= start and (position < end or (position === end && token is literal or keyword or identifier)) */ export function getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): Node { return getTouchingToken(sourceFile, position, n => isPropertyNameLiteral(n) || isKeyword(n.kind) || isPrivateIdentifier(n)); } /** * Returns the token if position is in [start, end). * If position === end, returns the preceding token if includeItemAtEndPosition(previousToken) === true */ export function getTouchingToken(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number, includePrecedingTokenAtEndPosition?: (n: Node) => boolean): Node { return getTokenAtPositionWorker(sourceFile, position, /*allowPositionInLeadingTrivia*/ false, includePrecedingTokenAtEndPosition, /*includeEndPosition*/ false); } /** Returns a token if position is in [start-of-leading-trivia, end) */ export function getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): Node { return getTokenAtPositionWorker(sourceFile, position, /*allowPositionInLeadingTrivia*/ true, /*includePrecedingTokenAtEndPosition*/ undefined, /*includeEndPosition*/ false); } /** Get the token whose text contains the position */ function getTokenAtPositionWorker(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number, allowPositionInLeadingTrivia: boolean, includePrecedingTokenAtEndPosition: ((n: Node) => boolean) | undefined, includeEndPosition: boolean): Node { let current: Node = sourceFile; outer: while (true) { // find the child that contains 'position' for (const child of current.getChildren(sourceFile)) { const start = allowPositionInLeadingTrivia ? child.getFullStart() : child.getStart(sourceFile, /*includeJsDoc*/ true); if (start > position) { // If this child begins after position, then all subsequent children will as well. break; } const end = child.getEnd(); if (position < end || (position === end && (child.kind === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken || includeEndPosition))) { current = child; continue outer; } else if (includePrecedingTokenAtEndPosition && end === position) { const previousToken = findPrecedingToken(position, sourceFile, child); if (previousToken && includePrecedingTokenAtEndPosition(previousToken)) { return previousToken; } } } return current; } } /** * The token on the left of the position is the token that strictly includes the position * or sits to the left of the cursor if it is on a boundary. For example * * fo|o -> will return foo * foo |bar -> will return foo * */ export function findTokenOnLeftOfPosition(file: SourceFile, position: number): Node | undefined { // Ideally, getTokenAtPosition should return a token. However, it is currently // broken, so we do a check to make sure the result was indeed a token. const tokenAtPosition = getTokenAtPosition(file, position); if (isToken(tokenAtPosition) && position > tokenAtPosition.getStart(file) && position < tokenAtPosition.getEnd()) { return tokenAtPosition; } return findPrecedingToken(position, file); } export function findNextToken(previousToken: Node, parent: Node, sourceFile: SourceFileLike): Node | undefined { return find(parent); function find(n: Node): Node | undefined { if (isToken(n) && n.pos === previousToken.end) { // this is token that starts at the end of previous token - return it return n; } return firstDefined(n.getChildren(sourceFile), child => { const shouldDiveInChildNode = // previous token is enclosed somewhere in the child (child.pos <= previousToken.pos && child.end > previousToken.end) || // previous token ends exactly at the beginning of child (child.pos === previousToken.end); return shouldDiveInChildNode && nodeHasTokens(child, sourceFile) ? find(child) : undefined; }); } } /** * Finds the rightmost token satisfying `token.end <= position`, * excluding `JsxText` tokens containing only whitespace. */ export function findPrecedingToken(position: number, sourceFile: SourceFile, startNode?: Node, excludeJsdoc?: boolean): Node | undefined { const result = find(startNode || sourceFile); Debug.assert(!(result && isWhiteSpaceOnlyJsxText(result))); return result; function find(n: Node): Node | undefined { if (isNonWhitespaceToken(n) && n.kind !== SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) { return n; } const children = n.getChildren(sourceFile); const i = binarySearchKey(children, position, (_, i) => i, (middle, _) => { // This last callback is more of a selector than a comparator - // `EqualTo` causes the `middle` result to be returned // `GreaterThan` causes recursion on the left of the middle // `LessThan` causes recursion on the right of the middle if (position < children[middle].end) { // first element whose end position is greater than the input position if (!children[middle - 1] || position >= children[middle - 1].end) { return Comparison.EqualTo; } return Comparison.GreaterThan; } return Comparison.LessThan; }); if (i >= 0 && children[i]) { const child = children[i]; // Note that the span of a node's tokens is [node.getStart(...), node.end). // Given that `position < child.end` and child has constituent tokens, we distinguish these cases: // 1) `position` precedes `child`'s tokens or `child` has no tokens (ie: in a comment or whitespace preceding `child`): // we need to find the last token in a previous child. // 2) `position` is within the same span: we recurse on `child`. if (position < child.end) { const start = child.getStart(sourceFile, /*includeJsDoc*/ !excludeJsdoc); const lookInPreviousChild = (start >= position) || // cursor in the leading trivia !nodeHasTokens(child, sourceFile) || isWhiteSpaceOnlyJsxText(child); if (lookInPreviousChild) { // actual start of the node is past the position - previous token should be at the end of previous child const candidate = findRightmostChildNodeWithTokens(children, /*exclusiveStartPosition*/ i, sourceFile); return candidate && findRightmostToken(candidate, sourceFile); } else { // candidate should be in this node return find(child); } } } Debug.assert(startNode !== undefined || n.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile || n.kind === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken || isJSDocCommentContainingNode(n)); // Here we know that none of child token nodes embrace the position, // the only known case is when position is at the end of the file. // Try to find the rightmost token in the file without filtering. // Namely we are skipping the check: 'position < node.end' const candidate = findRightmostChildNodeWithTokens(children, /*exclusiveStartPosition*/ children.length, sourceFile); return candidate && findRightmostToken(candidate, sourceFile); } } function isNonWhitespaceToken(n: Node): boolean { return isToken(n) && !isWhiteSpaceOnlyJsxText(n); } function findRightmostToken(n: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): Node | undefined { if (isNonWhitespaceToken(n)) { return n; } const children = n.getChildren(sourceFile); if (children.length === 0) { return n; } const candidate = findRightmostChildNodeWithTokens(children, /*exclusiveStartPosition*/ children.length, sourceFile); return candidate && findRightmostToken(candidate, sourceFile); } /** * Finds the rightmost child to the left of `children[exclusiveStartPosition]` which is a non-all-whitespace token or has constituent tokens. */ function findRightmostChildNodeWithTokens(children: Node[], exclusiveStartPosition: number, sourceFile: SourceFile): Node | undefined { for (let i = exclusiveStartPosition - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const child = children[i]; if (isWhiteSpaceOnlyJsxText(child)) { Debug.assert(i > 0, "`JsxText` tokens should not be the first child of `JsxElement | JsxSelfClosingElement`"); } else if (nodeHasTokens(children[i], sourceFile)) { return children[i]; } } } export function isInString(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number, previousToken = findPrecedingToken(position, sourceFile)): boolean { if (previousToken && isStringTextContainingNode(previousToken)) { const start = previousToken.getStart(sourceFile); const end = previousToken.getEnd(); // To be "in" one of these literals, the position has to be: // 1. entirely within the token text. // 2. at the end position of an unterminated token. // 3. at the end of a regular expression (due to trailing flags like '/foo/g'). if (start < position && position < end) { return true; } if (position === end) { return !!(previousToken).isUnterminated; } } return false; } /** * returns true if the position is in between the open and close elements of an JSX expression. */ export function isInsideJsxElementOrAttribute(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number) { const token = getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position); if (!token) { return false; } if (token.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxText) { return true; } //
Hello |
if (token.kind === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken && token.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxText) { return true; } //
{ |
if (token.kind === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken && token.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxExpression) { return true; } //
{ // | // } < /div> if (token && token.kind === SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken && token.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxExpression) { return true; } //
if (token.kind === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken && token.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxClosingElement) { return true; } return false; } function isWhiteSpaceOnlyJsxText(node: Node): boolean { return isJsxText(node) && node.containsOnlyTriviaWhiteSpaces; } export function isInTemplateString(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number) { const token = getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position); return isTemplateLiteralKind(token.kind) && position > token.getStart(sourceFile); } export function isInJSXText(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number) { const token = getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position); if (isJsxText(token)) { return true; } if (token.kind === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken && isJsxExpression(token.parent) && isJsxElement(token.parent.parent)) { return true; } if (token.kind === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken && isJsxOpeningLikeElement(token.parent) && isJsxElement(token.parent.parent)) { return true; } return false; } export function isInsideJsxElement(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): boolean { function isInsideJsxElementTraversal(node: Node): boolean { while (node) { if (node.kind >= SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement && node.kind <= SyntaxKind.JsxExpression || node.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxText || node.kind === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken || node.kind === SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken || node.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier || node.kind === SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken || node.kind === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken || node.kind === SyntaxKind.SlashToken) { node = node.parent; } else if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxElement) { if (position > node.getStart(sourceFile)) return true; node = node.parent; } else { return false; } } return false; } return isInsideJsxElementTraversal(getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position)); } export function findPrecedingMatchingToken(token: Node, matchingTokenKind: SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken | SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken | SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken, sourceFile: SourceFile) { const closeTokenText = tokenToString(token.kind)!; const matchingTokenText = tokenToString(matchingTokenKind)!; const tokenFullStart = token.getFullStart(); // Text-scan based fast path - can be bamboozled by comments and other trivia, but often provides // a good, fast approximation without too much extra work in the cases where it fails. const bestGuessIndex = sourceFile.text.lastIndexOf(matchingTokenText, tokenFullStart); if (bestGuessIndex === -1) { return undefined; // if the token text doesn't appear in the file, there can't be a match - super fast bail } // we can only use the textual result directly if we didn't have to count any close tokens within the range if (sourceFile.text.lastIndexOf(closeTokenText, tokenFullStart - 1) < bestGuessIndex) { const nodeAtGuess = findPrecedingToken(bestGuessIndex + 1, sourceFile); if (nodeAtGuess && nodeAtGuess.kind === matchingTokenKind) { return nodeAtGuess; } } const tokenKind = token.kind; let remainingMatchingTokens = 0; while (true) { const preceding = findPrecedingToken(token.getFullStart(), sourceFile); if (!preceding) { return undefined; } token = preceding; if (token.kind === matchingTokenKind) { if (remainingMatchingTokens === 0) { return token; } remainingMatchingTokens--; } else if (token.kind === tokenKind) { remainingMatchingTokens++; } } } export function removeOptionality(type: Type, isOptionalExpression: boolean, isOptionalChain: boolean) { return isOptionalExpression ? type.getNonNullableType() : isOptionalChain ? type.getNonOptionalType() : type; } export function isPossiblyTypeArgumentPosition(token: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile, checker: TypeChecker): boolean { const info = getPossibleTypeArgumentsInfo(token, sourceFile); return info !== undefined && (isPartOfTypeNode(info.called) || getPossibleGenericSignatures(info.called, info.nTypeArguments, checker).length !== 0 || isPossiblyTypeArgumentPosition(info.called, sourceFile, checker)); } export function getPossibleGenericSignatures(called: Expression, typeArgumentCount: number, checker: TypeChecker): readonly Signature[] { let type = checker.getTypeAtLocation(called); if (isOptionalChain(called.parent)) { type = removeOptionality(type, isOptionalChainRoot(called.parent), /*isOptionalChain*/ true); } const signatures = isNewExpression(called.parent) ? type.getConstructSignatures() : type.getCallSignatures(); return signatures.filter(candidate => !!candidate.typeParameters && candidate.typeParameters.length >= typeArgumentCount); } export interface PossibleTypeArgumentInfo { readonly called: Identifier; readonly nTypeArguments: number; } export interface PossibleProgramFileInfo { ProgramFiles?: string[]; } // Get info for an expression like `f <` that may be the start of type arguments. export function getPossibleTypeArgumentsInfo(tokenIn: Node | undefined, sourceFile: SourceFile): PossibleTypeArgumentInfo | undefined { // This is a rare case, but one that saves on a _lot_ of work if true - if the source file has _no_ `<` character, // then there obviously can't be any type arguments - no expensive brace-matching backwards scanning required if (sourceFile.text.lastIndexOf("<", tokenIn ? tokenIn.pos : sourceFile.text.length) === -1) { return undefined; } let token: Node | undefined = tokenIn; // This function determines if the node could be type argument position // Since during editing, when type argument list is not complete, // the tree could be of any shape depending on the tokens parsed before current node, // scanning of the previous identifier followed by "<" before current node would give us better result // Note that we also balance out the already provided type arguments, arrays, object literals while doing so let remainingLessThanTokens = 0; let nTypeArguments = 0; while (token) { switch (token.kind) { case SyntaxKind.LessThanToken: // Found the beginning of the generic argument expression token = findPrecedingToken(token.getFullStart(), sourceFile); if (token && token.kind === SyntaxKind.QuestionDotToken) { token = findPrecedingToken(token.getFullStart(), sourceFile); } if (!token || !isIdentifier(token)) return undefined; if (!remainingLessThanTokens) { return isDeclarationName(token) ? undefined : { called: token, nTypeArguments }; } remainingLessThanTokens--; break; case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken: remainingLessThanTokens = + 3; break; case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanToken: remainingLessThanTokens = + 2; break; case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken: remainingLessThanTokens++; break; case SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken: // This can be object type, skip until we find the matching open brace token // Skip until the matching open brace token token = findPrecedingMatchingToken(token, SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, sourceFile); if (!token) return undefined; break; case SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken: // This can be object type, skip until we find the matching open brace token // Skip until the matching open brace token token = findPrecedingMatchingToken(token, SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, sourceFile); if (!token) return undefined; break; case SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken: // This can be object type, skip until we find the matching open brace token // Skip until the matching open brace token token = findPrecedingMatchingToken(token, SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken, sourceFile); if (!token) return undefined; break; // Valid tokens in a type name. Skip. case SyntaxKind.CommaToken: nTypeArguments++; break; case SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken: // falls through case SyntaxKind.Identifier: case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral: case SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral: case SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword: case SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword: // falls through case SyntaxKind.TypeOfKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword: case SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword: case SyntaxKind.DotToken: case SyntaxKind.BarToken: case SyntaxKind.QuestionToken: case SyntaxKind.ColonToken: break; default: if (isTypeNode(token)) { break; } // Invalid token in type return undefined; } token = findPrecedingToken(token.getFullStart(), sourceFile); } return undefined; } /** * Returns true if the cursor at position in sourceFile is within a comment. * * @param tokenAtPosition Must equal `getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position) * @param predicate Additional predicate to test on the comment range. */ export function isInComment(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number, tokenAtPosition?: Node): CommentRange | undefined { return formatting.getRangeOfEnclosingComment(sourceFile, position, /*precedingToken*/ undefined, tokenAtPosition); } export function hasDocComment(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): boolean { const token = getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position); return !!findAncestor(token, isJSDoc); } function nodeHasTokens(n: Node, sourceFile: SourceFileLike): boolean { // If we have a token or node that has a non-zero width, it must have tokens. // Note: getWidth() does not take trivia into account. return n.kind === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken ? !!(n as EndOfFileToken).jsDoc : n.getWidth(sourceFile) !== 0; } export function getNodeModifiers(node: Node, excludeFlags = ModifierFlags.None): string { const result: string[] = []; const flags = isDeclaration(node) ? getCombinedNodeFlagsAlwaysIncludeJSDoc(node) & ~excludeFlags : ModifierFlags.None; if (flags & ModifierFlags.Private) result.push(ScriptElementKindModifier.privateMemberModifier); if (flags & ModifierFlags.Protected) result.push(ScriptElementKindModifier.protectedMemberModifier); if (flags & ModifierFlags.Public) result.push(ScriptElementKindModifier.publicMemberModifier); if (flags & ModifierFlags.Static) result.push(ScriptElementKindModifier.staticModifier); if (flags & ModifierFlags.Abstract) result.push(ScriptElementKindModifier.abstractModifier); if (flags & ModifierFlags.Export) result.push(ScriptElementKindModifier.exportedModifier); if (flags & ModifierFlags.Deprecated) result.push(ScriptElementKindModifier.deprecatedModifier); if (node.flags & NodeFlags.Ambient) result.push(ScriptElementKindModifier.ambientModifier); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment) result.push(ScriptElementKindModifier.exportedModifier); return result.length > 0 ? result.join(",") : ScriptElementKindModifier.none; } export function getTypeArgumentOrTypeParameterList(node: Node): NodeArray | undefined { if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeReference || node.kind === SyntaxKind.CallExpression) { return (node).typeArguments; } if (isFunctionLike(node) || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || node.kind === SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration) { return (node).typeParameters; } return undefined; } export function isComment(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean { return kind === SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia || kind === SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia; } export function isStringOrRegularExpressionOrTemplateLiteral(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean { if (kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral || kind === SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral || isTemplateLiteralKind(kind)) { return true; } return false; } export function isPunctuation(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean { return SyntaxKind.FirstPunctuation <= kind && kind <= SyntaxKind.LastPunctuation; } export function isInsideTemplateLiteral(node: TemplateLiteralToken, position: number, sourceFile: SourceFile): boolean { return isTemplateLiteralKind(node.kind) && (node.getStart(sourceFile) < position && position < node.end) || (!!node.isUnterminated && position === node.end); } export function isAccessibilityModifier(kind: SyntaxKind) { switch (kind) { case SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword: case SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword: return true; } return false; } export function cloneCompilerOptions(options: CompilerOptions): CompilerOptions { const result = clone(options); setConfigFileInOptions(result, options && options.configFile); return result; } export function isArrayLiteralOrObjectLiteralDestructuringPattern(node: Node) { if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression) { // [a,b,c] from: // [a, b, c] = someExpression; if (node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression && (node.parent).left === node && (node.parent).operatorToken.kind === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) { return true; } // [a, b, c] from: // for([a, b, c] of expression) if (node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement && (node.parent).initializer === node) { return true; } // [a, b, c] of // [x, [a, b, c] ] = someExpression // or // {x, a: {a, b, c} } = someExpression if (isArrayLiteralOrObjectLiteralDestructuringPattern(node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment ? node.parent.parent : node.parent)) { return true; } } return false; } export function isInReferenceComment(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): boolean { return isInReferenceCommentWorker(sourceFile, position, /*shouldBeReference*/ true); } export function isInNonReferenceComment(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): boolean { return isInReferenceCommentWorker(sourceFile, position, /*shouldBeReference*/ false); } function isInReferenceCommentWorker(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number, shouldBeReference: boolean): boolean { const range = isInComment(sourceFile, position, /*tokenAtPosition*/ undefined); return !!range && shouldBeReference === tripleSlashDirectivePrefixRegex.test(sourceFile.text.substring(range.pos, range.end)); } export function getReplacementSpanForContextToken(contextToken: Node | undefined) { if (!contextToken) return undefined; switch (contextToken.kind) { case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: case SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral: return createTextSpanFromStringLiteralLikeContent(contextToken); default: return createTextSpanFromNode(contextToken); } } export function createTextSpanFromNode(node: Node, sourceFile?: SourceFile, endNode?: Node): TextSpan { return createTextSpanFromBounds(node.getStart(sourceFile), (endNode || node).getEnd()); } export function createTextSpanFromStringLiteralLikeContent(node: StringLiteralLike) { if (node.isUnterminated) return undefined; return createTextSpanFromBounds(node.getStart() + 1, node.getEnd() - 1); } export function createTextRangeFromNode(node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): TextRange { return createRange(node.getStart(sourceFile), node.end); } export function createTextSpanFromRange(range: TextRange): TextSpan { return createTextSpanFromBounds(range.pos, range.end); } export function createTextRangeFromSpan(span: TextSpan): TextRange { return createRange(span.start, span.start + span.length); } export function createTextChangeFromStartLength(start: number, length: number, newText: string): TextChange { return createTextChange(createTextSpan(start, length), newText); } export function createTextChange(span: TextSpan, newText: string): TextChange { return { span, newText }; } export const typeKeywords: readonly SyntaxKind[] = [ SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword, SyntaxKind.AssertsKeyword, SyntaxKind.BigIntKeyword, SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword, SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword, SyntaxKind.InferKeyword, SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword, SyntaxKind.NeverKeyword, SyntaxKind.NullKeyword, SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword, SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword, SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword, SyntaxKind.StringKeyword, SyntaxKind.SymbolKeyword, SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword, SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword, SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword, SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword, SyntaxKind.UnknownKeyword, ]; export function isTypeKeyword(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean { return contains(typeKeywords, kind); } export function isTypeKeywordToken(node: Node): node is Token { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword; } /** True if the symbol is for an external module, as opposed to a namespace. */ export function isExternalModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol: Symbol): boolean { return !!(moduleSymbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Module) && moduleSymbol.name.charCodeAt(0) === CharacterCodes.doubleQuote; } /** Returns `true` the first time it encounters a node and `false` afterwards. */ export type NodeSeenTracker = (node: T) => boolean; export function nodeSeenTracker(): NodeSeenTracker { const seen: true[] = []; return node => { const id = getNodeId(node); return !seen[id] && (seen[id] = true); }; } export function getSnapshotText(snap: IScriptSnapshot): string { return snap.getText(0, snap.getLength()); } export function repeatString(str: string, count: number): string { let result = ""; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { result += str; } return result; } export function skipConstraint(type: Type): Type { return type.isTypeParameter() ? type.getConstraint() || type : type; } export function getNameFromPropertyName(name: PropertyName): string | undefined { return name.kind === SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName // treat computed property names where expression is string/numeric literal as just string/numeric literal ? isStringOrNumericLiteralLike(name.expression) ? name.expression.text : undefined : isPrivateIdentifier(name) ? idText(name) : getTextOfIdentifierOrLiteral(name); } export function programContainsModules(program: Program): boolean { return program.getSourceFiles().some(s => !s.isDeclarationFile && !program.isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(s) && !!(s.externalModuleIndicator || s.commonJsModuleIndicator)); } export function programContainsEs6Modules(program: Program): boolean { return program.getSourceFiles().some(s => !s.isDeclarationFile && !program.isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(s) && !!s.externalModuleIndicator); } export function compilerOptionsIndicateEs6Modules(compilerOptions: CompilerOptions): boolean { return !!compilerOptions.module || compilerOptions.target! >= ScriptTarget.ES2015 || !!compilerOptions.noEmit; } export function createModuleSpecifierResolutionHost(program: Program, host: LanguageServiceHost): ModuleSpecifierResolutionHost { // Mix in `getProbableSymlinks` from Program when host doesn't have it // in order for non-Project hosts to have a symlinks cache. return { fileExists: fileName => program.fileExists(fileName), getCurrentDirectory: () => host.getCurrentDirectory(), readFile: maybeBind(host, host.readFile), useCaseSensitiveFileNames: maybeBind(host, host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames), getSymlinkCache: maybeBind(host, host.getSymlinkCache) || program.getSymlinkCache, getGlobalTypingsCacheLocation: maybeBind(host, host.getGlobalTypingsCacheLocation), getSourceFiles: () => program.getSourceFiles(), redirectTargetsMap: program.redirectTargetsMap, getProjectReferenceRedirect: fileName => program.getProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName), isSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect: fileName => program.isSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect(fileName), getNearestAncestorDirectoryWithPackageJson: maybeBind(host, host.getNearestAncestorDirectoryWithPackageJson), getFileIncludeReasons: () => program.getFileIncludeReasons(), }; } export function getModuleSpecifierResolverHost(program: Program, host: LanguageServiceHost): SymbolTracker["moduleResolverHost"] { return { ...createModuleSpecifierResolutionHost(program, host), getCommonSourceDirectory: () => program.getCommonSourceDirectory(), }; } export function makeImportIfNecessary(defaultImport: Identifier | undefined, namedImports: readonly ImportSpecifier[] | undefined, moduleSpecifier: string, quotePreference: QuotePreference): ImportDeclaration | undefined { return defaultImport || namedImports && namedImports.length ? makeImport(defaultImport, namedImports, moduleSpecifier, quotePreference) : undefined; } export function makeImport(defaultImport: Identifier | undefined, namedImports: readonly ImportSpecifier[] | undefined, moduleSpecifier: string | Expression, quotePreference: QuotePreference, isTypeOnly?: boolean): ImportDeclaration { return factory.createImportDeclaration( /*decorators*/ undefined, /*modifiers*/ undefined, defaultImport || namedImports ? factory.createImportClause(!!isTypeOnly, defaultImport, namedImports && namedImports.length ? factory.createNamedImports(namedImports) : undefined) : undefined, typeof moduleSpecifier === "string" ? makeStringLiteral(moduleSpecifier, quotePreference) : moduleSpecifier); } export function makeStringLiteral(text: string, quotePreference: QuotePreference): StringLiteral { return factory.createStringLiteral(text, quotePreference === QuotePreference.Single); } export const enum QuotePreference { Single, Double } export function quotePreferenceFromString(str: StringLiteral, sourceFile: SourceFile): QuotePreference { return isStringDoubleQuoted(str, sourceFile) ? QuotePreference.Double : QuotePreference.Single; } export function getQuotePreference(sourceFile: SourceFile, preferences: UserPreferences): QuotePreference { if (preferences.quotePreference && preferences.quotePreference !== "auto") { return preferences.quotePreference === "single" ? QuotePreference.Single : QuotePreference.Double; } else { // ignore synthetic import added when importHelpers: true const firstModuleSpecifier = sourceFile.imports && find(sourceFile.imports, n => isStringLiteral(n) && !nodeIsSynthesized(n.parent)) as StringLiteral; return firstModuleSpecifier ? quotePreferenceFromString(firstModuleSpecifier, sourceFile) : QuotePreference.Double; } } export function getQuoteFromPreference(qp: QuotePreference): string { switch (qp) { case QuotePreference.Single: return "'"; case QuotePreference.Double: return '"'; default: return Debug.assertNever(qp); } } export function symbolNameNoDefault(symbol: Symbol): string | undefined { const escaped = symbolEscapedNameNoDefault(symbol); return escaped === undefined ? undefined : unescapeLeadingUnderscores(escaped); } export function symbolEscapedNameNoDefault(symbol: Symbol): __String | undefined { if (symbol.escapedName !== InternalSymbolName.Default) { return symbol.escapedName; } return firstDefined(symbol.declarations, decl => { const name = getNameOfDeclaration(decl); return name && name.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier ? name.escapedText : undefined; }); } export type ObjectBindingElementWithoutPropertyName = BindingElement & { name: Identifier }; export function isObjectBindingElementWithoutPropertyName(bindingElement: Node): bindingElement is ObjectBindingElementWithoutPropertyName { return isBindingElement(bindingElement) && isObjectBindingPattern(bindingElement.parent) && isIdentifier(bindingElement.name) && !bindingElement.propertyName; } export function getPropertySymbolFromBindingElement(checker: TypeChecker, bindingElement: ObjectBindingElementWithoutPropertyName): Symbol | undefined { const typeOfPattern = checker.getTypeAtLocation(bindingElement.parent); return typeOfPattern && checker.getPropertyOfType(typeOfPattern, bindingElement.name.text); } export function getParentNodeInSpan(node: Node | undefined, file: SourceFile, span: TextSpan): Node | undefined { if (!node) return undefined; while (node.parent) { if (isSourceFile(node.parent) || !spanContainsNode(span, node.parent, file)) { return node; } node = node.parent; } } function spanContainsNode(span: TextSpan, node: Node, file: SourceFile): boolean { return textSpanContainsPosition(span, node.getStart(file)) && node.getEnd() <= textSpanEnd(span); } export function findModifier(node: Node, kind: Modifier["kind"]): Modifier | undefined { return node.modifiers && find(node.modifiers, m => m.kind === kind); } export function insertImports(changes: textChanges.ChangeTracker, sourceFile: SourceFile, imports: AnyImportOrRequireStatement | readonly AnyImportOrRequireStatement[], blankLineBetween: boolean): void { const decl = isArray(imports) ? imports[0] : imports; const importKindPredicate: (node: Node) => node is AnyImportOrRequireStatement = decl.kind === SyntaxKind.VariableStatement ? isRequireVariableStatement : isAnyImportSyntax; const existingImportStatements = filter(sourceFile.statements, importKindPredicate); const sortedNewImports = isArray(imports) ? stableSort(imports, OrganizeImports.compareImportsOrRequireStatements) : [imports]; if (!existingImportStatements.length) { changes.insertNodesAtTopOfFile(sourceFile, sortedNewImports, blankLineBetween); } else if (existingImportStatements && OrganizeImports.importsAreSorted(existingImportStatements)) { for (const newImport of sortedNewImports) { const insertionIndex = OrganizeImports.getImportDeclarationInsertionIndex(existingImportStatements, newImport); if (insertionIndex === 0) { // If the first import is top-of-file, insert after the leading comment which is likely the header. const options = existingImportStatements[0] === sourceFile.statements[0] ? { leadingTriviaOption: textChanges.LeadingTriviaOption.Exclude } : {}; changes.insertNodeBefore(sourceFile, existingImportStatements[0], newImport, /*blankLineBetween*/ false, options); } else { const prevImport = existingImportStatements[insertionIndex - 1]; changes.insertNodeAfter(sourceFile, prevImport, newImport); } } } else { const lastExistingImport = lastOrUndefined(existingImportStatements); if (lastExistingImport) { changes.insertNodesAfter(sourceFile, lastExistingImport, sortedNewImports); } else { changes.insertNodesAtTopOfFile(sourceFile, sortedNewImports, blankLineBetween); } } } export function getTypeKeywordOfTypeOnlyImport(importClause: ImportClause, sourceFile: SourceFile): Token { Debug.assert(importClause.isTypeOnly); return cast(importClause.getChildAt(0, sourceFile), isTypeKeywordToken); } export function textSpansEqual(a: TextSpan | undefined, b: TextSpan | undefined): boolean { return !!a && !!b && a.start === b.start && a.length === b.length; } export function documentSpansEqual(a: DocumentSpan, b: DocumentSpan): boolean { return a.fileName === b.fileName && textSpansEqual(a.textSpan, b.textSpan); } /** * Iterates through 'array' by index and performs the callback on each element of array until the callback * returns a truthy value, then returns that value. * If no such value is found, the callback is applied to each element of array and undefined is returned. */ export function forEachUnique(array: readonly T[] | undefined, callback: (element: T, index: number) => U): U | undefined { if (array) { for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array.indexOf(array[i]) === i) { const result = callback(array[i], i); if (result) { return result; } } } } return undefined; } export function isTextWhiteSpaceLike(text: string, startPos: number, endPos: number): boolean { for (let i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) { if (!isWhiteSpaceLike(text.charCodeAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } // #endregion // Display-part writer helpers // #region export function isFirstDeclarationOfSymbolParameter(symbol: Symbol) { return symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations.length > 0 && symbol.declarations[0].kind === SyntaxKind.Parameter; } const displayPartWriter = getDisplayPartWriter(); function getDisplayPartWriter(): DisplayPartsSymbolWriter { const absoluteMaximumLength = defaultMaximumTruncationLength * 10; // A hard cutoff to avoid overloading the messaging channel in worst-case scenarios let displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[]; let lineStart: boolean; let indent: number; let length: number; resetWriter(); const unknownWrite = (text: string) => writeKind(text, SymbolDisplayPartKind.text); return { displayParts: () => { const finalText = displayParts.length && displayParts[displayParts.length - 1].text; if (length > absoluteMaximumLength && finalText && finalText !== "...") { if (!isWhiteSpaceLike(finalText.charCodeAt(finalText.length - 1))) { displayParts.push(displayPart(" ", SymbolDisplayPartKind.space)); } displayParts.push(displayPart("...", SymbolDisplayPartKind.punctuation)); } return displayParts; }, writeKeyword: text => writeKind(text, SymbolDisplayPartKind.keyword), writeOperator: text => writeKind(text, SymbolDisplayPartKind.operator), writePunctuation: text => writeKind(text, SymbolDisplayPartKind.punctuation), writeTrailingSemicolon: text => writeKind(text, SymbolDisplayPartKind.punctuation), writeSpace: text => writeKind(text, SymbolDisplayPartKind.space), writeStringLiteral: text => writeKind(text, SymbolDisplayPartKind.stringLiteral), writeParameter: text => writeKind(text, SymbolDisplayPartKind.parameterName), writeProperty: text => writeKind(text, SymbolDisplayPartKind.propertyName), writeLiteral: text => writeKind(text, SymbolDisplayPartKind.stringLiteral), writeSymbol, writeLine, write: unknownWrite, writeComment: unknownWrite, getText: () => "", getTextPos: () => 0, getColumn: () => 0, getLine: () => 0, isAtStartOfLine: () => false, hasTrailingWhitespace: () => false, hasTrailingComment: () => false, rawWrite: notImplemented, getIndent: () => indent, increaseIndent: () => { indent++; }, decreaseIndent: () => { indent--; }, clear: resetWriter, trackSymbol: noop, reportInaccessibleThisError: noop, reportInaccessibleUniqueSymbolError: noop, reportPrivateInBaseOfClassExpression: noop, }; function writeIndent() { if (length > absoluteMaximumLength) return; if (lineStart) { const indentString = getIndentString(indent); if (indentString) { length += indentString.length; displayParts.push(displayPart(indentString, SymbolDisplayPartKind.space)); } lineStart = false; } } function writeKind(text: string, kind: SymbolDisplayPartKind) { if (length > absoluteMaximumLength) return; writeIndent(); length += text.length; displayParts.push(displayPart(text, kind)); } function writeSymbol(text: string, symbol: Symbol) { if (length > absoluteMaximumLength) return; writeIndent(); length += text.length; displayParts.push(symbolPart(text, symbol)); } function writeLine() { if (length > absoluteMaximumLength) return; length += 1; displayParts.push(lineBreakPart()); lineStart = true; } function resetWriter() { displayParts = []; lineStart = true; indent = 0; length = 0; } } export function symbolPart(text: string, symbol: Symbol) { return displayPart(text, displayPartKind(symbol)); function displayPartKind(symbol: Symbol): SymbolDisplayPartKind { const flags = symbol.flags; if (flags & SymbolFlags.Variable) { return isFirstDeclarationOfSymbolParameter(symbol) ? SymbolDisplayPartKind.parameterName : SymbolDisplayPartKind.localName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.Property) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.propertyName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.GetAccessor) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.propertyName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.SetAccessor) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.propertyName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.EnumMember) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.enumMemberName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.Function) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.functionName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.Class) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.className; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.Interface) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.interfaceName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.Enum) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.enumName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.Module) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.moduleName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.Method) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.methodName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.TypeParameter) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.typeParameterName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.TypeAlias) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.aliasName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.Alias) { return SymbolDisplayPartKind.aliasName; } return SymbolDisplayPartKind.text; } } export function displayPart(text: string, kind: SymbolDisplayPartKind): SymbolDisplayPart { return { text, kind: SymbolDisplayPartKind[kind] }; } export function spacePart() { return displayPart(" ", SymbolDisplayPartKind.space); } export function keywordPart(kind: SyntaxKind) { return displayPart(tokenToString(kind)!, SymbolDisplayPartKind.keyword); } export function punctuationPart(kind: SyntaxKind) { return displayPart(tokenToString(kind)!, SymbolDisplayPartKind.punctuation); } export function operatorPart(kind: SyntaxKind) { return displayPart(tokenToString(kind)!, SymbolDisplayPartKind.operator); } export function textOrKeywordPart(text: string) { const kind = stringToToken(text); return kind === undefined ? textPart(text) : keywordPart(kind); } export function textPart(text: string) { return displayPart(text, SymbolDisplayPartKind.text); } const carriageReturnLineFeed = "\r\n"; /** * The default is CRLF. */ export function getNewLineOrDefaultFromHost(host: FormattingHost, formatSettings?: FormatCodeSettings) { return formatSettings?.newLineCharacter || host.getNewLine?.() || carriageReturnLineFeed; } export function lineBreakPart() { return displayPart("\n", SymbolDisplayPartKind.lineBreak); } export function mapToDisplayParts(writeDisplayParts: (writer: DisplayPartsSymbolWriter) => void): SymbolDisplayPart[] { try { writeDisplayParts(displayPartWriter); return displayPartWriter.displayParts(); } finally { displayPartWriter.clear(); } } export function typeToDisplayParts(typechecker: TypeChecker, type: Type, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags: TypeFormatFlags = TypeFormatFlags.None): SymbolDisplayPart[] { return mapToDisplayParts(writer => { typechecker.writeType(type, enclosingDeclaration, flags | TypeFormatFlags.MultilineObjectLiterals | TypeFormatFlags.UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope, writer); }); } export function symbolToDisplayParts(typeChecker: TypeChecker, symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, meaning?: SymbolFlags, flags: SymbolFormatFlags = SymbolFormatFlags.None): SymbolDisplayPart[] { return mapToDisplayParts(writer => { typeChecker.writeSymbol(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning, flags | SymbolFormatFlags.UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope, writer); }); } export function signatureToDisplayParts(typechecker: TypeChecker, signature: Signature, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags: TypeFormatFlags = TypeFormatFlags.None): SymbolDisplayPart[] { flags |= TypeFormatFlags.UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope | TypeFormatFlags.MultilineObjectLiterals | TypeFormatFlags.WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature | TypeFormatFlags.OmitParameterModifiers; return mapToDisplayParts(writer => { typechecker.writeSignature(signature, enclosingDeclaration, flags, /*signatureKind*/ undefined, writer); }); } export function isImportOrExportSpecifierName(location: Node): location is Identifier { return !!location.parent && isImportOrExportSpecifier(location.parent) && location.parent.propertyName === location; } export function getScriptKind(fileName: string, host: LanguageServiceHost): ScriptKind { // First check to see if the script kind was specified by the host. Chances are the host // may override the default script kind for the file extension. return ensureScriptKind(fileName, host.getScriptKind && host.getScriptKind(fileName)); } export function getSymbolTarget(symbol: Symbol, checker: TypeChecker): Symbol { let next: Symbol = symbol; while (isAliasSymbol(next) || (isTransientSymbol(next) && next.target)) { if (isTransientSymbol(next) && next.target) { next = next.target; } else { next = skipAlias(next, checker); } } return next; } function isTransientSymbol(symbol: Symbol): symbol is TransientSymbol { return (symbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Transient) !== 0; } function isAliasSymbol(symbol: Symbol): boolean { return (symbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Alias) !== 0; } export function getUniqueSymbolId(symbol: Symbol, checker: TypeChecker) { return getSymbolId(skipAlias(symbol, checker)); } export function getFirstNonSpaceCharacterPosition(text: string, position: number) { while (isWhiteSpaceLike(text.charCodeAt(position))) { position += 1; } return position; } export function getPrecedingNonSpaceCharacterPosition(text: string, position: number) { while (position > -1 && isWhiteSpaceSingleLine(text.charCodeAt(position))) { position -= 1; } return position + 1; } /** * Creates a deep, memberwise clone of a node with no source map location. * * WARNING: This is an expensive operation and is only intended to be used in refactorings * and code fixes (because those are triggered by explicit user actions). */ export function getSynthesizedDeepClone(node: T, includeTrivia = true): T { const clone = node && getSynthesizedDeepCloneWorker(node as NonNullable); if (clone && !includeTrivia) suppressLeadingAndTrailingTrivia(clone); return clone; } export function getSynthesizedDeepCloneWithReplacements( node: T, includeTrivia: boolean, replaceNode: (node: Node) => Node | undefined ): T { let clone = replaceNode(node); if (clone) { setOriginalNode(clone, node); } else { clone = getSynthesizedDeepCloneWorker(node as NonNullable, replaceNode); } if (clone && !includeTrivia) suppressLeadingAndTrailingTrivia(clone); return clone as T; } function getSynthesizedDeepCloneWorker(node: T, replaceNode?: (node: Node) => Node | undefined): T { const visited = replaceNode ? visitEachChild(node, n => getSynthesizedDeepCloneWithReplacements(n, /*includeTrivia*/ true, replaceNode), nullTransformationContext) : visitEachChild(node, getSynthesizedDeepClone, nullTransformationContext); if (visited === node) { // This only happens for leaf nodes - internal nodes always see their children change. const clone = isStringLiteral(node) ? setOriginalNode(factory.createStringLiteralFromNode(node), node) as Node as T : isNumericLiteral(node) ? setOriginalNode(factory.createNumericLiteral(node.text, node.numericLiteralFlags), node) as Node as T : factory.cloneNode(node); return setTextRange(clone, node); } // PERF: As an optimization, rather than calling getSynthesizedClone, we'll update // the new node created by visitEachChild with the extra changes getSynthesizedClone // would have made. (visited as Mutable).parent = undefined!; return visited; } export function getSynthesizedDeepClones(nodes: NodeArray, includeTrivia?: boolean): NodeArray; export function getSynthesizedDeepClones(nodes: NodeArray | undefined, includeTrivia?: boolean): NodeArray | undefined; export function getSynthesizedDeepClones(nodes: NodeArray | undefined, includeTrivia = true): NodeArray | undefined { return nodes && factory.createNodeArray(nodes.map(n => getSynthesizedDeepClone(n, includeTrivia)), nodes.hasTrailingComma); } export function getSynthesizedDeepClonesWithReplacements( nodes: NodeArray, includeTrivia: boolean, replaceNode: (node: Node) => Node | undefined ): NodeArray { return factory.createNodeArray(nodes.map(n => getSynthesizedDeepCloneWithReplacements(n, includeTrivia, replaceNode)), nodes.hasTrailingComma); } /** * Sets EmitFlags to suppress leading and trailing trivia on the node. */ export function suppressLeadingAndTrailingTrivia(node: Node) { suppressLeadingTrivia(node); suppressTrailingTrivia(node); } /** * Sets EmitFlags to suppress leading trivia on the node. */ export function suppressLeadingTrivia(node: Node) { addEmitFlagsRecursively(node, EmitFlags.NoLeadingComments, getFirstChild); } /** * Sets EmitFlags to suppress trailing trivia on the node. */ export function suppressTrailingTrivia(node: Node) { addEmitFlagsRecursively(node, EmitFlags.NoTrailingComments, getLastChild); } export function copyComments(sourceNode: Node, targetNode: Node) { const sourceFile = sourceNode.getSourceFile(); const text = sourceFile.text; if (hasLeadingLineBreak(sourceNode, text)) { copyLeadingComments(sourceNode, targetNode, sourceFile); } else { copyTrailingAsLeadingComments(sourceNode, targetNode, sourceFile); } copyTrailingComments(sourceNode, targetNode, sourceFile); } function hasLeadingLineBreak(node: Node, text: string) { const start = node.getFullStart(); const end = node.getStart(); for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { if (text.charCodeAt(i) === CharacterCodes.lineFeed) return true; } return false; } function addEmitFlagsRecursively(node: Node, flag: EmitFlags, getChild: (n: Node) => Node | undefined) { addEmitFlags(node, flag); const child = getChild(node); if (child) addEmitFlagsRecursively(child, flag, getChild); } function getFirstChild(node: Node): Node | undefined { return node.forEachChild(child => child); } export function getUniqueName(baseName: string, sourceFile: SourceFile): string { let nameText = baseName; for (let i = 1; !isFileLevelUniqueName(sourceFile, nameText); i++) { nameText = `${baseName}_${i}`; } return nameText; } /** * @return The index of the (only) reference to the extracted symbol. We want the cursor * to be on the reference, rather than the declaration, because it's closer to where the * user was before extracting it. */ export function getRenameLocation(edits: readonly FileTextChanges[], renameFilename: string, name: string, preferLastLocation: boolean): number { let delta = 0; let lastPos = -1; for (const { fileName, textChanges } of edits) { Debug.assert(fileName === renameFilename); for (const change of textChanges) { const { span, newText } = change; const index = indexInTextChange(newText, name); if (index !== -1) { lastPos = span.start + delta + index; // If the reference comes first, return immediately. if (!preferLastLocation) { return lastPos; } } delta += newText.length - span.length; } } // If the declaration comes first, return the position of the last occurrence. Debug.assert(preferLastLocation); Debug.assert(lastPos >= 0); return lastPos; } export function copyLeadingComments(sourceNode: Node, targetNode: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile, commentKind?: CommentKind, hasTrailingNewLine?: boolean) { forEachLeadingCommentRange(sourceFile.text, sourceNode.pos, getAddCommentsFunction(targetNode, sourceFile, commentKind, hasTrailingNewLine, addSyntheticLeadingComment)); } export function copyTrailingComments(sourceNode: Node, targetNode: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile, commentKind?: CommentKind, hasTrailingNewLine?: boolean) { forEachTrailingCommentRange(sourceFile.text, sourceNode.end, getAddCommentsFunction(targetNode, sourceFile, commentKind, hasTrailingNewLine, addSyntheticTrailingComment)); } /** * This function copies the trailing comments for the token that comes before `sourceNode`, as leading comments of `targetNode`. * This is useful because sometimes a comment that refers to `sourceNode` will be a leading comment for `sourceNode`, according to the * notion of trivia ownership, and instead will be a trailing comment for the token before `sourceNode`, e.g.: * `function foo(\* not leading comment for a *\ a: string) {}` * The comment refers to `a` but belongs to the `(` token, but we might want to copy it. */ export function copyTrailingAsLeadingComments(sourceNode: Node, targetNode: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile, commentKind?: CommentKind, hasTrailingNewLine?: boolean) { forEachTrailingCommentRange(sourceFile.text, sourceNode.pos, getAddCommentsFunction(targetNode, sourceFile, commentKind, hasTrailingNewLine, addSyntheticLeadingComment)); } function getAddCommentsFunction(targetNode: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile, commentKind: CommentKind | undefined, hasTrailingNewLine: boolean | undefined, cb: (node: Node, kind: CommentKind, text: string, hasTrailingNewLine?: boolean) => void) { return (pos: number, end: number, kind: CommentKind, htnl: boolean) => { if (kind === SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) { // Remove leading /* pos += 2; // Remove trailing */ end -= 2; } else { // Remove leading // pos += 2; } cb(targetNode, commentKind || kind, sourceFile.text.slice(pos, end), hasTrailingNewLine !== undefined ? hasTrailingNewLine : htnl); }; } function indexInTextChange(change: string, name: string): number { if (startsWith(change, name)) return 0; // Add a " " to avoid references inside words let idx = change.indexOf(" " + name); if (idx === -1) idx = change.indexOf("." + name); if (idx === -1) idx = change.indexOf('"' + name); return idx === -1 ? -1 : idx + 1; } /* @internal */ export function needsParentheses(expression: Expression) { return isBinaryExpression(expression) && expression.operatorToken.kind === SyntaxKind.CommaToken || isObjectLiteralExpression(expression); } export function getContextualTypeFromParent(node: Expression, checker: TypeChecker): Type | undefined { const { parent } = node; switch (parent.kind) { case SyntaxKind.NewExpression: return checker.getContextualType(parent as NewExpression); case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression: { const { left, operatorToken, right } = parent as BinaryExpression; return isEqualityOperatorKind(operatorToken.kind) ? checker.getTypeAtLocation(node === right ? left : right) : checker.getContextualType(node); } case SyntaxKind.CaseClause: return (parent as CaseClause).expression === node ? getSwitchedType(parent as CaseClause, checker) : undefined; default: return checker.getContextualType(node); } } export function quote(sourceFile: SourceFile, preferences: UserPreferences, text: string): string { // Editors can pass in undefined or empty string - we want to infer the preference in those cases. const quotePreference = getQuotePreference(sourceFile, preferences); const quoted = JSON.stringify(text); return quotePreference === QuotePreference.Single ? `'${stripQuotes(quoted).replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"')}'` : quoted; } export function isEqualityOperatorKind(kind: SyntaxKind): kind is EqualityOperator { switch (kind) { case SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken: return true; default: return false; } } export function isStringLiteralOrTemplate(node: Node): node is StringLiteralLike | TemplateExpression | TaggedTemplateExpression { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: case SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral: case SyntaxKind.TemplateExpression: case SyntaxKind.TaggedTemplateExpression: return true; default: return false; } } export function hasIndexSignature(type: Type): boolean { return !!type.getStringIndexType() || !!type.getNumberIndexType(); } export function getSwitchedType(caseClause: CaseClause, checker: TypeChecker): Type | undefined { return checker.getTypeAtLocation(caseClause.parent.parent.expression); } export const ANONYMOUS = "anonymous function"; export function getTypeNodeIfAccessible(type: Type, enclosingScope: Node, program: Program, host: LanguageServiceHost): TypeNode | undefined { const checker = program.getTypeChecker(); let typeIsAccessible = true; const notAccessible = () => { typeIsAccessible = false; }; const res = checker.typeToTypeNode(type, enclosingScope, NodeBuilderFlags.NoTruncation, { trackSymbol: (symbol, declaration, meaning) => { typeIsAccessible = typeIsAccessible && checker.isSymbolAccessible(symbol, declaration, meaning, /*shouldComputeAliasToMarkVisible*/ false).accessibility === SymbolAccessibility.Accessible; }, reportInaccessibleThisError: notAccessible, reportPrivateInBaseOfClassExpression: notAccessible, reportInaccessibleUniqueSymbolError: notAccessible, moduleResolverHost: getModuleSpecifierResolverHost(program, host) }); return typeIsAccessible ? res : undefined; } export function syntaxRequiresTrailingCommaOrSemicolonOrASI(kind: SyntaxKind) { return kind === SyntaxKind.CallSignature || kind === SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature || kind === SyntaxKind.IndexSignature || kind === SyntaxKind.PropertySignature || kind === SyntaxKind.MethodSignature; } export function syntaxRequiresTrailingFunctionBlockOrSemicolonOrASI(kind: SyntaxKind) { return kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.Constructor || kind === SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor || kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor; } export function syntaxRequiresTrailingModuleBlockOrSemicolonOrASI(kind: SyntaxKind) { return kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration; } export function syntaxRequiresTrailingSemicolonOrASI(kind: SyntaxKind) { return kind === SyntaxKind.VariableStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.DoStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.BreakStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.ReturnStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.ThrowStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.DebuggerStatement || kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceExportDeclaration || kind === SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment; } export const syntaxMayBeASICandidate = or( syntaxRequiresTrailingCommaOrSemicolonOrASI, syntaxRequiresTrailingFunctionBlockOrSemicolonOrASI, syntaxRequiresTrailingModuleBlockOrSemicolonOrASI, syntaxRequiresTrailingSemicolonOrASI); function nodeIsASICandidate(node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFileLike): boolean { const lastToken = node.getLastToken(sourceFile); if (lastToken && lastToken.kind === SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken) { return false; } if (syntaxRequiresTrailingCommaOrSemicolonOrASI(node.kind)) { if (lastToken && lastToken.kind === SyntaxKind.CommaToken) { return false; } } else if (syntaxRequiresTrailingModuleBlockOrSemicolonOrASI(node.kind)) { const lastChild = last(node.getChildren(sourceFile)); if (lastChild && isModuleBlock(lastChild)) { return false; } } else if (syntaxRequiresTrailingFunctionBlockOrSemicolonOrASI(node.kind)) { const lastChild = last(node.getChildren(sourceFile)); if (lastChild && isFunctionBlock(lastChild)) { return false; } } else if (!syntaxRequiresTrailingSemicolonOrASI(node.kind)) { return false; } // See comment in parser’s `parseDoStatement` if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.DoStatement) { return true; } const topNode = findAncestor(node, ancestor => !ancestor.parent)!; const nextToken = findNextToken(node, topNode, sourceFile); if (!nextToken || nextToken.kind === SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken) { return true; } const startLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getEnd()).line; const endLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(nextToken.getStart(sourceFile)).line; return startLine !== endLine; } export function positionIsASICandidate(pos: number, context: Node, sourceFile: SourceFileLike): boolean { const contextAncestor = findAncestor(context, ancestor => { if (ancestor.end !== pos) { return "quit"; } return syntaxMayBeASICandidate(ancestor.kind); }); return !!contextAncestor && nodeIsASICandidate(contextAncestor, sourceFile); } export function probablyUsesSemicolons(sourceFile: SourceFile): boolean { let withSemicolon = 0; let withoutSemicolon = 0; const nStatementsToObserve = 5; forEachChild(sourceFile, function visit(node): boolean | undefined { if (syntaxRequiresTrailingSemicolonOrASI(node.kind)) { const lastToken = node.getLastToken(sourceFile); if (lastToken && lastToken.kind === SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken) { withSemicolon++; } else { withoutSemicolon++; } } if (withSemicolon + withoutSemicolon >= nStatementsToObserve) { return true; } return forEachChild(node, visit); }); // One statement missing a semicolon isn’t sufficient evidence to say the user // doesn’t want semicolons, because they may not even be done writing that statement. if (withSemicolon === 0 && withoutSemicolon <= 1) { return true; } // If even 2/5 places have a semicolon, the user probably wants semicolons return withSemicolon / withoutSemicolon > 1 / nStatementsToObserve; } export function tryGetDirectories(host: Pick, directoryName: string): string[] { return tryIOAndConsumeErrors(host, host.getDirectories, directoryName) || []; } export function tryReadDirectory(host: Pick, path: string, extensions?: readonly string[], exclude?: readonly string[], include?: readonly string[]): readonly string[] { return tryIOAndConsumeErrors(host, host.readDirectory, path, extensions, exclude, include) || emptyArray; } export function tryFileExists(host: Pick, path: string): boolean { return tryIOAndConsumeErrors(host, host.fileExists, path); } export function tryDirectoryExists(host: LanguageServiceHost, path: string): boolean { return tryAndIgnoreErrors(() => directoryProbablyExists(path, host)) || false; } export function tryAndIgnoreErrors(cb: () => T): T | undefined { try { return cb(); } catch { return undefined; } } export function tryIOAndConsumeErrors(host: unknown, toApply: ((...a: any[]) => T) | undefined, ...args: any[]) { return tryAndIgnoreErrors(() => toApply && toApply.apply(host, args)); } export function findPackageJsons(startDirectory: string, host: LanguageServiceHost, stopDirectory?: string): string[] { const paths: string[] = []; forEachAncestorDirectory(startDirectory, ancestor => { if (ancestor === stopDirectory) { return true; } const currentConfigPath = combinePaths(ancestor, getPackageJsonByPMType(host.getCompilationSettings().packageManagerType)); if (tryFileExists(host, currentConfigPath)) { paths.push(currentConfigPath); } }); return paths; } export function findPackageJson(directory: string, host: LanguageServiceHost): string | undefined { let packageJson: string | undefined; forEachAncestorDirectory(directory, ancestor => { const moduleType: string = getModuleByPMType(host.getCompilationSettings().packageManagerType); const packageJsonType: string = getPackageJsonByPMType(host.getCompilationSettings().packageManagerType); if (ancestor === moduleType) return true; packageJson = findConfigFile(ancestor, (f) => tryFileExists(host, f), packageJsonType); if (packageJson) { return true; // break out } }); return packageJson; } export function getPackageJsonsVisibleToFile(fileName: string, host: LanguageServiceHost): readonly PackageJsonInfo[] { if (!host.fileExists) { return []; } const packageJsons: PackageJsonInfo[] = []; forEachAncestorDirectory(getDirectoryPath(fileName), ancestor => { const packageJsonFileName = combinePaths(ancestor, getPackageJsonByPMType(host.getCompilationSettings().packageManagerType)); if (host.fileExists!(packageJsonFileName)) { const info = createPackageJsonInfo(packageJsonFileName, host); if (info) { packageJsons.push(info); } } }); return packageJsons; } export function createPackageJsonInfo(fileName: string, host: { readFile?(fileName: string): string | undefined }): PackageJsonInfo | undefined { if (!host.readFile) { return undefined; } type PackageJsonRaw = Record | undefined>; const dependencyKeys = ["dependencies", "devDependencies", "optionalDependencies", "peerDependencies"] as const; const stringContent = host.readFile(fileName) || ""; const content = tryParseJson(stringContent) as PackageJsonRaw | undefined; const info: Pick = {}; if (content) { for (const key of dependencyKeys) { const dependencies = content[key]; if (!dependencies) { continue; } const dependencyMap = new Map(); for (const packageName in dependencies) { dependencyMap.set(packageName, dependencies[packageName]); } info[key] = dependencyMap; } } const dependencyGroups = [ [PackageJsonDependencyGroup.Dependencies, info.dependencies], [PackageJsonDependencyGroup.DevDependencies, info.devDependencies], [PackageJsonDependencyGroup.OptionalDependencies, info.optionalDependencies], [PackageJsonDependencyGroup.PeerDependencies, info.peerDependencies], ] as const; return { ...info, parseable: !!content, fileName, get, has(dependencyName, inGroups) { return !!get(dependencyName, inGroups); }, }; function get(dependencyName: string, inGroups = PackageJsonDependencyGroup.All) { for (const [group, deps] of dependencyGroups) { if (deps && (inGroups & group)) { const dep = deps.get(dependencyName); if (dep !== undefined) { return dep; } } } } } function tryParseJson(text: string) { try { return JSON.parse(text); } catch { return undefined; } } export function consumesNodeCoreModules(sourceFile: SourceFile): boolean { return some(sourceFile.imports, ({ text }) => JsTyping.nodeCoreModules.has(text)); } export function isInsideNodeModules(fileOrDirectory: string): boolean { return contains(getPathComponents(fileOrDirectory), "node_modules"); } export function isDiagnosticWithLocation(diagnostic: Diagnostic): diagnostic is DiagnosticWithLocation { return diagnostic.file !== undefined && diagnostic.start !== undefined && diagnostic.length !== undefined; } export function findDiagnosticForNode(node: Node, sortedFileDiagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[]): DiagnosticWithLocation | undefined { const span: Partial = createTextSpanFromNode(node); const index = binarySearchKey(sortedFileDiagnostics, span, identity, compareTextSpans); if (index >= 0) { const diagnostic = sortedFileDiagnostics[index]; Debug.assertEqual(diagnostic.file, node.getSourceFile(), "Diagnostics proided to 'findDiagnosticForNode' must be from a single SourceFile"); return cast(diagnostic, isDiagnosticWithLocation); } } export function getDiagnosticsWithinSpan(span: TextSpan, sortedFileDiagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[]): readonly DiagnosticWithLocation[] { let index = binarySearchKey(sortedFileDiagnostics, span.start, diag => diag.start, compareValues); if (index < 0) { index = ~index; } while (sortedFileDiagnostics[index - 1]?.start === span.start) { index--; } const result: DiagnosticWithLocation[] = []; const end = textSpanEnd(span); while (true) { const diagnostic = tryCast(sortedFileDiagnostics[index], isDiagnosticWithLocation); if (!diagnostic || diagnostic.start > end) { break; } if (textSpanContainsTextSpan(span, diagnostic)) { result.push(diagnostic); } index++; } return result; } /* @internal */ export function getRefactorContextSpan({ startPosition, endPosition }: RefactorContext): TextSpan { return createTextSpanFromBounds(startPosition, endPosition === undefined ? startPosition : endPosition); } /** * If the provided value is an array, the mapping function is applied to each element; otherwise, the mapping function is applied * to the provided value itself. */ export function mapOneOrMany(valueOrArray: T | readonly T[], f: (x: T, i: number) => U): U | U[]; export function mapOneOrMany(valueOrArray: T | readonly T[] | undefined, f: (x: T, i: number) => U): U | U[] | undefined; export function mapOneOrMany(valueOrArray: T | readonly T[], f: (x: T, i: number) => U, resultSelector: (x: U[]) => U): U; export function mapOneOrMany(valueOrArray: T | readonly T[] | undefined, f: (x: T, i: number) => U, resultSelector: (x: U[]) => U): U | undefined; export function mapOneOrMany(valueOrArray: T | readonly T[] | undefined, f: (x: T, i: number) => U, resultSelector: (x: U[]) => U | U[] = identity): U | U[] | undefined { return valueOrArray ? isArray(valueOrArray) ? resultSelector(map(valueOrArray, f)) : f(valueOrArray, 0) : undefined; } /** * If the provided value is an array, the first element of the array is returned; otherwise, the provided value is returned instead. */ export function firstOrOnly(valueOrArray: T | readonly T[]): T { return isArray(valueOrArray) ? first(valueOrArray) : valueOrArray; } export function getNameForExportedSymbol(symbol: Symbol, scriptTarget: ScriptTarget | undefined) { if (!(symbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Transient) && (symbol.escapedName === InternalSymbolName.ExportEquals || symbol.escapedName === InternalSymbolName.Default)) { // Name of "export default foo;" is "foo". Name of "export default 0" is the filename converted to camelCase. return firstDefined(symbol.declarations, d => isExportAssignment(d) ? tryCast(skipOuterExpressions(d.expression), isIdentifier)?.text : undefined) || codefix.moduleSymbolToValidIdentifier(getSymbolParentOrFail(symbol), scriptTarget); } return symbol.name; } function getSymbolParentOrFail(symbol: Symbol) { return Debug.checkDefined( symbol.parent, `Symbol parent was undefined. Flags: ${Debug.formatSymbolFlags(symbol.flags)}. ` + `Declarations: ${symbol.declarations?.map(d => { const kind = Debug.formatSyntaxKind(d.kind); const inJS = isInJSFile(d); const { expression } = d as any; return (inJS ? "[JS]" : "") + kind + (expression ? ` (expression: ${Debug.formatSyntaxKind(expression.kind)})` : ""); }).join(", ")}.`); } /** * Useful to check whether a string contains another string at a specific index * without allocating another string or traversing the entire contents of the outer string. * * This function is useful in place of either of the following: * * ```ts * // Allocates * haystack.substr(startIndex, needle.length) === needle * * // Full traversal * haystack.indexOf(needle, startIndex) === startIndex * ``` * * @param haystack The string that potentially contains `needle`. * @param needle The string whose content might sit within `haystack`. * @param startIndex The index within `haystack` to start searching for `needle`. */ export function stringContainsAt(haystack: string, needle: string, startIndex: number) { const needleLength = needle.length; if (needleLength + startIndex > haystack.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < needleLength; i++) { if (needle.charCodeAt(i) !== haystack.charCodeAt(i + startIndex)) return false; } return true; } export function startsWithUnderscore(name: string): boolean { return name.charCodeAt(0) === CharacterCodes._; } export function isGlobalDeclaration(declaration: Declaration) { return !isNonGlobalDeclaration(declaration); } export function isNonGlobalDeclaration(declaration: Declaration) { const sourceFile = declaration.getSourceFile(); // If the file is not a module, the declaration is global if (!sourceFile.externalModuleIndicator && !sourceFile.commonJsModuleIndicator) { return false; } // If the file is a module written in TypeScript, it still might be in a `declare global` augmentation return isInJSFile(declaration) || !findAncestor(declaration, isGlobalScopeAugmentation); } export function isVirtualConstructor(checker: TypeChecker, symbol: Symbol, node: Node): boolean { const symbolName = checker.symbolToString(symbol); // Do not get scoped name, just the name of the symbol const symbolKind = SymbolDisplay.getSymbolKind(checker, symbol, node); if (node.virtual && symbolName === InternalSymbolName.Constructor && symbolKind === ScriptElementKind.constructorImplementationElement) { return true; } return false; } // #endregion }