Lines Matching refs:Enable
1 option(ENABLE_D "Enable d" OFF)
2 option(ENABLE_GPU "Enable gpu" OFF)
3 option(ENABLE_CPU "Enable cpu" OFF)
4 option(ENABLE_GE "Enable graph engine as backend to execute" OFF)
5 option(ENABLE_MINDDATA "Enable minddata compile" OFF)
6 option(ENABLE_TRAIN "Enable ge train, default off(only infer)" OFF)
10 option(ENABLE_ASAN "Enable Google Sanitizer to find memory bugs")
11 option(ENABLE_LOAD_ANF_IR "Enable load ANF-IR as input of 'infer' stage of pipeline" OFF)
12 option(ENABLE_COVERAGE "Enable code coverage report" OFF)
14 option(ENABLE_SECURITY "Enable security, maintenance function will be disabled, default off" OFF)
15 option(ENABLE_PROFILE "Enable pipeline profile, default off" OFF)
16 option(ENABLE_TIMELINE "Enable time line record" OFF)
17 option(ENABLE_DUMP_PROTO "Enable dump anf graph to file in ProtoBuffer format, default on" ON)
18 option(ENABLE_DUMP_IR "Enable dump function graph ir, default on" ON)
23 option(ENABLE_PYTHON "Enable python" ON)