# help ## Command Function This command is used to display all commands in the OS and some Toybox commands. ## Syntax help ## Parameters None. ## Usage Guidelines You can run **help** to display all commands in the current OS. ## Example Run **help**. ## Output All commands in the system: ``` After shell prompt "OHOS # ": Use ` [args ...]` to run built-in shell commands listed above. Use `exec [args ...]` or `./ [args ...]` to run external commands. OHOS:/$ help ***shell commands:* arp cat cat_logmpp cd chgrp chmod chown cp cpup date dhclient dmesg dns format free help hi3881 hwi ifconfig ipdebug kill log ls lsfd memcheck mkdir mount netstat oom panicreset partinfo partition ping ping6 pmm pwd reset rm rmdir sem shm stack statfs su swtmr sync systeminfo task telnet touch umount uname v2p vmm watch writeproc After shell prompt "OHOS # ": Use ` [args ...]` to run built-in shell commands listed above. Use `exec [args ...]` or `./ [args ...]` to run external commands. ***toybox commands: chgrp chmod chown cp date du free help ifconfig kill ls mkdir mount mv ping ps reboot rm rmdir top touch umount uname Use `toybox help [command]` to show usage information for a specific command. Use `shell` to enter interactive legacy shell. Use `alias` to display command aliases. ```