// Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2015. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../round_robin.hpp" #include "../yield.hpp" using boost::asio::ip::tcp; const std::size_t max_length = 1024; class subscriber_session; typedef std::shared_ptr< subscriber_session > subscriber_session_ptr; // a queue has n subscribers (subscriptions) // this class holds a list of subcribers for one queue class subscriptions { public: ~subscriptions(); // subscribe to this queue void subscribe( subscriber_session_ptr const& s) { subscribers_.insert( s); } // unsubscribe from this queue void unsubscribe( subscriber_session_ptr const& s) { subscribers_.erase(s); } // publish a message, e.g. push this message to all subscribers void publish( std::string const& msg); private: // list of subscribers std::set< subscriber_session_ptr > subscribers_; }; // a class to register queues and to subsribe clients to this queues class registry : private boost::noncopyable { private: typedef std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< subscriptions > > queues_cont; typedef queues_cont::iterator queues_iter; boost::fibers::mutex mtx_; queues_cont queues_; void register_queue_( std::string const& queue) { if ( queues_.end() != queues_.find( queue) ) { throw std::runtime_error("queue already exists"); } queues_[queue] = std::make_shared< subscriptions >(); std::cout << "new queue '" << queue << "' registered" << std::endl; } void unregister_queue_( std::string const& queue) { queues_.erase( queue); std::cout << "queue '" << queue << "' unregistered" << std::endl; } void subscribe_( std::string const& queue, subscriber_session_ptr s) { queues_iter iter = queues_.find( queue); if ( queues_.end() == iter ) { throw std::runtime_error("queue does not exist"); } iter->second->subscribe( s); std::cout << "new subscription to queue '" << queue << "'" << std::endl; } void unsubscribe_( std::string const& queue, subscriber_session_ptr s) { queues_iter iter = queues_.find( queue); if ( queues_.end() != iter ) { iter->second->unsubscribe( s); } } void publish_( std::string const& queue, std::string const& msg) { queues_iter iter = queues_.find( queue); if ( queues_.end() == iter ) { throw std::runtime_error("queue does not exist"); } iter->second->publish( msg); std::cout << "message '" << msg << "' to publish on queue '" << queue << "'" << std::endl; } public: // add a queue to registry void register_queue( std::string const& queue) { std::unique_lock< boost::fibers::mutex > lk( mtx_); register_queue_( queue); } // remove a queue from registry void unregister_queue( std::string const& queue) { std::unique_lock< boost::fibers::mutex > lk( mtx_); unregister_queue_( queue); } // subscribe to a queue void subscribe( std::string const& queue, subscriber_session_ptr s) { std::unique_lock< boost::fibers::mutex > lk( mtx_); subscribe_( queue, s); } // unsubscribe from a queue void unsubscribe( std::string const& queue, subscriber_session_ptr s) { std::unique_lock< boost::fibers::mutex > lk( mtx_); unsubscribe_( queue, s); } // publish a message to all subscribers registerd to the queue void publish( std::string const& queue, std::string const& msg) { std::unique_lock< boost::fibers::mutex > lk( mtx_); publish_( queue, msg); } }; // a subscriber subscribes to a given queue in order to receive messages published on this queue class subscriber_session : public std::enable_shared_from_this< subscriber_session > { public: explicit subscriber_session( std::shared_ptr< boost::asio::io_context > const& io_context, registry & reg) : socket_( * io_context), reg_( reg) { } tcp::socket& socket() { return socket_; } // this function is executed inside the fiber void run() { std::string queue; try { boost::system::error_code ec; // read first message == queue name // async_ready() returns if the the complete message is read // until this the fiber is suspended until the complete message // is read int the given buffer 'data' boost::asio::async_read( socket_, boost::asio::buffer( data_), boost::fibers::asio::yield[ec]); if ( ec) { throw std::runtime_error("no queue from subscriber"); } // first message ist equal to the queue name the publisher // publishes to queue = data_; // subscribe to new queue reg_.subscribe( queue, shared_from_this() ); // read published messages for (;;) { // wait for a conditon-variable for new messages // the fiber will be suspended until the condtion // becomes true and the fiber is resumed // published message is stored in buffer 'data_' std::unique_lock< boost::fibers::mutex > lk( mtx_); cond_.wait( lk); std::string data( data_); lk.unlock(); // message '' terminates subscription if ( "" == data) { break; } // async. write message to socket connected with // subscriber // async_write() returns if the complete message was writen // the fiber is suspended in the meanwhile boost::asio::async_write( socket_, boost::asio::buffer( data, data.size() ), boost::fibers::asio::yield[ec]); if ( ec == boost::asio::error::eof) { break; //connection closed cleanly by peer } else if ( ec) { throw boost::system::system_error( ec); //some other error } std::cout << "subscriber::run(): '" << data << "' written" << std::endl; } } catch ( std::exception const& e) { std::cerr << "subscriber [" << queue << "] failed: " << e.what() << std::endl; } // close socket socket_.close(); // unregister queue reg_.unsubscribe( queue, shared_from_this() ); } // called from publisher_session (running in other fiber) void publish( std::string const& msg) { std::unique_lock< boost::fibers::mutex > lk( mtx_); std::memset( data_, '\0', sizeof( data_)); std::memcpy( data_, msg.c_str(), (std::min)(max_length, msg.size())); cond_.notify_one(); } private: tcp::socket socket_; registry & reg_; boost::fibers::mutex mtx_; boost::fibers::condition_variable cond_; // fixed size message char data_[max_length]; }; subscriptions::~subscriptions() { for ( subscriber_session_ptr s : subscribers_) { s->publish(""); } } void subscriptions::publish( std::string const& msg) { for ( subscriber_session_ptr s : subscribers_) { s->publish( msg); } } // a publisher publishes messages on its queue // subscriber might register to this queue to get the published messages class publisher_session : public std::enable_shared_from_this< publisher_session > { public: explicit publisher_session( std::shared_ptr< boost::asio::io_context > const& io_context, registry & reg) : socket_( * io_context), reg_( reg) { } tcp::socket& socket() { return socket_; } // this function is executed inside the fiber void run() { std::string queue; try { boost::system::error_code ec; // fixed size message char data[max_length]; // read first message == queue name // async_ready() returns if the the complete message is read // until this the fiber is suspended until the complete message // is read int the given buffer 'data' boost::asio::async_read( socket_, boost::asio::buffer( data), boost::fibers::asio::yield[ec]); if ( ec) { throw std::runtime_error("no queue from publisher"); } // first message ist equal to the queue name the publisher // publishes to queue = data; // register the new queue reg_.register_queue( queue); // start publishing messages for (;;) { // read message from publisher asyncronous // async_read() suspends this fiber until the complete emssage is read // and stored in the given buffer 'data' boost::asio::async_read( socket_, boost::asio::buffer( data), boost::fibers::asio::yield[ec]); if ( ec == boost::asio::error::eof) { break; //connection closed cleanly by peer } else if ( ec) { throw boost::system::system_error( ec); //some other error } // publish message to all subscribers reg_.publish( queue, std::string( data) ); } } catch ( std::exception const& e) { std::cerr << "publisher [" << queue << "] failed: " << e.what() << std::endl; } // close socket socket_.close(); // unregister queue reg_.unregister_queue( queue); } private: tcp::socket socket_; registry & reg_; }; typedef std::shared_ptr< publisher_session > publisher_session_ptr; // function accepts connections requests from clients acting as a publisher void accept_publisher( std::shared_ptr< boost::asio::io_context > const& io_context, unsigned short port, registry & reg) { // create TCP-acceptor tcp::acceptor acceptor( * io_context, tcp::endpoint( tcp::v4(), port) ); // loop for accepting connection requests for (;;) { boost::system::error_code ec; // create new publisher-session // this instance will be associated with one publisher publisher_session_ptr new_publisher_session = std::make_shared< publisher_session >( io_context, std::ref( reg) ); // async. accept of new connection request // this function will suspend this execution context (fiber) until a // connection was established, after returning from this function a new client (publisher) // is connected acceptor.async_accept( new_publisher_session->socket(), boost::fibers::asio::yield[ec]); if ( ! ec) { // run the new publisher in its own fiber (one fiber for one client) boost::fibers::fiber( std::bind( & publisher_session::run, new_publisher_session) ).detach(); } } } // function accepts connections requests from clients acting as a subscriber void accept_subscriber( std::shared_ptr< boost::asio::io_context > const& io_context, unsigned short port, registry & reg) { // create TCP-acceptor tcp::acceptor acceptor( * io_context, tcp::endpoint( tcp::v4(), port) ); // loop for accepting connection requests for (;;) { boost::system::error_code ec; // create new subscriber-session // this instance will be associated with one subscriber subscriber_session_ptr new_subscriber_session = std::make_shared< subscriber_session >( io_context, std::ref( reg) ); // async. accept of new connection request // this function will suspend this execution context (fiber) until a // connection was established, after returning from this function a new client (subscriber) // is connected acceptor.async_accept( new_subscriber_session->socket(), boost::fibers::asio::yield[ec]); if ( ! ec) { // run the new subscriber in its own fiber (one fiber for one client) boost::fibers::fiber( std::bind( & subscriber_session::run, new_subscriber_session) ).detach(); } } } int main( int argc, char* argv[]) { try { // create io_context for async. I/O std::shared_ptr< boost::asio::io_context > io_context = std::make_shared< boost::asio::io_context >(); // register asio scheduler boost::fibers::use_scheduling_algorithm< boost::fibers::asio::round_robin >( io_context); // registry for queues and its subscription registry reg; // create an acceptor for publishers, run it as fiber boost::fibers::fiber( accept_publisher, std::ref( io_context), 9997, std::ref( reg) ).detach(); // create an acceptor for subscribers, run it as fiber boost::fibers::fiber( accept_subscriber, std::ref( io_context), 9998, std::ref( reg) ).detach(); // dispatch io_context->run(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } catch ( std::exception const& e) { std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << "\n"; } return EXIT_FAILURE; }