// Copyright Andrey Semashev 2020. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Library home page: http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem // This test verifies copy operation behavior. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // on Windows, except for standard libaries known to have wchar_t overloads for // file stream I/O, use path::string() to get a narrow character c_str() #if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API) \ && (!defined(_CPPLIB_VER) || _CPPLIB_VER < 405) // not Dinkumware || no wide overloads # define BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR string().c_str() // use narrow, since wide not available #else // use the native c_str, which will be narrow on POSIX, wide on Windows # define BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR c_str() #endif namespace fs = boost::filesystem; namespace { void create_file(fs::path const& ph, std::string const& contents = std::string()) { std::ofstream f(ph.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc); if (!f) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Failed to create file: " + ph.string())); if (!contents.empty()) f << contents; } void verify_file(fs::path const& ph, std::string const& expected) { std::ifstream f(ph.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR); if (!f) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Failed to open file: " + ph.string())); std::string contents; f >> contents; BOOST_TEST_EQ(contents, expected); if (contents != expected) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("verify_file failed: contents \"" + contents + "\" != \"" + expected + "\" in " + ph.string())); } } fs::path create_tree() { fs::path root_dir = fs::unique_path(); fs::create_directory(root_dir); create_file(root_dir / "f1", "f1"); create_file(root_dir / "f2", "f2"); fs::create_directory(root_dir / "d1"); create_file(root_dir / "d1/f1", "d1f1"); fs::create_directory(root_dir / "d1/d1"); create_file(root_dir / "d1/d1/f1", "d1d1f1"); fs::create_directory(root_dir / "d1/d2"); fs::create_directory(root_dir / "d2"); create_file(root_dir / "d2/f1", "d2f1"); return root_dir; } typedef std::set< fs::path > directory_tree; directory_tree collect_directory_tree(fs::path const& root_dir) { std::cout << "Collecting directory tree in: " << root_dir << '\n'; directory_tree tree; fs::recursive_directory_iterator it(root_dir, fs::directory_options::skip_permission_denied | fs::directory_options::follow_directory_symlink | fs::directory_options::skip_dangling_symlinks), end; while (it != end) { fs::path p = fs::relative(it->path(), root_dir); std::cout << p << '\n'; tree.insert(p); ++it; } std::cout << "done." << std::endl; return tree; } void test_copy_file_default(fs::path const& root_dir) { std::cout << "test_copy_file_default" << std::endl; fs::path target_dir = fs::unique_path(); fs::create_directory(target_dir); fs::copy(root_dir / "f1", target_dir); fs::copy(root_dir / "f2", target_dir / "f3"); directory_tree tree = collect_directory_tree(target_dir); BOOST_TEST_EQ(tree.size(), 2u); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("f1") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("f3") != tree.end()); verify_file(target_dir / "f1", "f1"); verify_file(target_dir / "f3", "f2"); fs::remove_all(target_dir); } void test_copy_dir_default(fs::path const& root_dir, bool with_symlinks) { std::cout << "test_copy_dir_default" << std::endl; fs::path target_dir = fs::unique_path(); fs::copy(root_dir, target_dir); directory_tree tree = collect_directory_tree(target_dir); BOOST_TEST_EQ(tree.size(), 4u + with_symlinks); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("f1") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("f2") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("d1") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("d2") != tree.end()); if (with_symlinks) { BOOST_TEST(tree.find("s1") != tree.end()); } verify_file(target_dir / "f1", "f1"); verify_file(target_dir / "f2", "f2"); fs::remove_all(target_dir); } void test_copy_dir_default_ec(fs::path const& root_dir, bool with_symlinks) { // This test is similar to test_copy_dir_default, but uses an error_code overload of the operation. // Tests for https://github.com/boostorg/filesystem/issues/152 fix. std::cout << "test_copy_dir_default_ec" << std::endl; fs::path target_dir = fs::unique_path(); boost::system::error_code ec; fs::copy(root_dir, target_dir, ec); BOOST_TEST(!ec); directory_tree tree = collect_directory_tree(target_dir); BOOST_TEST_EQ(tree.size(), 4u + with_symlinks); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("f1") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("f2") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("d1") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("d2") != tree.end()); if (with_symlinks) { BOOST_TEST(tree.find("s1") != tree.end()); } verify_file(target_dir / "f1", "f1"); verify_file(target_dir / "f2", "f2"); fs::remove_all(target_dir); } void test_copy_dir_recursive(fs::path const& root_dir) { std::cout << "test_copy_dir_recursive" << std::endl; fs::path target_dir = fs::unique_path(); fs::copy(root_dir, target_dir, fs::copy_options::recursive); directory_tree tree = collect_directory_tree(target_dir); BOOST_TEST_EQ(tree.size(), 9u); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("f1") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("f2") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("d1") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find(fs::path("d1") / "f1") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find(fs::path("d1") / "d1") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find(fs::path("d1") / "d1" / "f1") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find(fs::path("d1") / "d2") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("d2") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find(fs::path("d2") / "f1") != tree.end()); verify_file(target_dir / "f1", "f1"); verify_file(target_dir / "f2", "f2"); verify_file(target_dir / "d1/f1", "d1f1"); verify_file(target_dir / "d1/d1/f1", "d1d1f1"); verify_file(target_dir / "d2/f1", "d2f1"); fs::remove_all(target_dir); } void test_copy_dir_recursive_tree(fs::path const& root_dir) { std::cout << "test_copy_dir_recursive_tree" << std::endl; fs::path target_dir = fs::unique_path(); fs::copy(root_dir, target_dir, fs::copy_options::recursive | fs::copy_options::directories_only); directory_tree tree = collect_directory_tree(target_dir); BOOST_TEST_EQ(tree.size(), 4u); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("d1") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find(fs::path("d1") / "d1") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find(fs::path("d1") / "d2") != tree.end()); BOOST_TEST(tree.find("d2") != tree.end()); fs::remove_all(target_dir); } void test_copy_file_symlinks(fs::path const& root_dir) { std::cout << "test_copy_file_symlinks" << std::endl; fs::path target_dir = fs::unique_path(); fs::create_directory(target_dir); fs::copy(root_dir / "f1", target_dir); fs::path prev_cur_dir = fs::current_path(); fs::current_path(target_dir); fs::copy(".." / root_dir / "f2", "f2", fs::copy_options::create_symlinks); fs::current_path(prev_cur_dir); // Copying from a relative path with copy_options::create_symlinks to a directory other than current directory is a non-standard extension fs::copy(target_dir / "f1", target_dir / "f3", fs::copy_options::create_symlinks); verify_file(target_dir / "f1", "f1"); fs::path link_target = fs::read_symlink(target_dir / "f2"); if (link_target != (".." / root_dir / "f2")) { BOOST_ERROR("Incorrect f2 symlink in test_copy_file_symlinks"); std::cout << (target_dir / "f2") << " => " << link_target << std::endl; } link_target = fs::read_symlink(target_dir / "f3"); if (link_target != "f1" && link_target != (fs::path(".") / "f1")) { BOOST_ERROR("Incorrect f3 symlink in test_copy_file_symlinks"); std::cout << (target_dir / "f3") << " => " << link_target << std::endl; } fs::remove_all(target_dir); } void test_copy_errors(fs::path const& root_dir, bool symlinks_supported) { std::cout << "test_copy_errors" << std::endl; fs::path target_dir = fs::unique_path(); fs::create_directory(target_dir); BOOST_TEST_THROWS(fs::copy(root_dir / "non-existing", target_dir), fs::filesystem_error); create_file(target_dir / "f1"); BOOST_TEST_THROWS(fs::copy(root_dir / "f1", target_dir), fs::filesystem_error); BOOST_TEST_THROWS(fs::copy(root_dir / "f1", target_dir / "f1"), fs::filesystem_error); BOOST_TEST_THROWS(fs::copy(root_dir / "d1", target_dir / "f1"), fs::filesystem_error); BOOST_TEST_THROWS(fs::copy(target_dir, target_dir), fs::filesystem_error); BOOST_TEST_THROWS(fs::copy(target_dir / "f1", target_dir / "f1"), fs::filesystem_error); if (symlinks_supported) { // Should fail with is_a_directory error code BOOST_TEST_THROWS(fs::copy(root_dir, target_dir, fs::copy_options::create_symlinks), fs::filesystem_error); } fs::remove_all(target_dir); } } // namespace int main() { try { fs::path root_dir = create_tree(); test_copy_file_default(root_dir); test_copy_dir_default(root_dir, false); test_copy_dir_default_ec(root_dir, false); test_copy_dir_recursive(root_dir); test_copy_dir_recursive_tree(root_dir); bool symlinks_supported = false; try { fs::create_symlink("f1", root_dir / "s1"); symlinks_supported = true; std::cout << " *** For information only ***\n" " create_symlink() attempt succeeded" << std::endl; } catch (fs::filesystem_error& e) { std::cout << " *** For information only ***\n" " create_symlink() attempt failed\n" " filesystem_error.what() reports: " << e.what() << "\n" " create_symlink() may not be supported on this operating system or file system" << std::endl; } if (symlinks_supported) { test_copy_dir_default(root_dir, true); test_copy_file_symlinks(root_dir); } test_copy_errors(root_dir, symlinks_supported); fs::remove_all(root_dir); return boost::report_errors(); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cout << "FAIL, exception caught: " << boost::diagnostic_information(e) << std::endl; return 1; } }