    Copyright (C) 2015 Joel de Guzman

    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
    file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

[section:rexpr RExpressions - Recursive ASTs!]

In this example, we'll explore more on how to create heierarchical ASTs.
We will parse a minimalistic JSON-like language and compile the results
into our data structures in the form of a tree.

/rexpr/ is a parser for RExpressions, a language resembling a minimal subset
of json, limited to a dictionary (composed of key=value pairs) where the value
can itself be a string or a recursive dictionary.

Here's an Example:

        "color" = "blue"
        "size" = "29 cm."
        "position" = {
            "x" = "123"
            "y" = "456"

This simple parser for X3 is intended as a minimal starting point. It is
minimal, yet complete with all things necessary parts that make up rules (and
grammars), except error handling and reporting.

The example can be found here:
[@../../../example/x3/rexpr/rexpr_min/rexpr.cpp rexpr.cpp]

The same parser, but complete with error handling and reporting, better file
organization, separate compilation of grammars, and a full test harness, can
be found in this directory:

[@../../../example/x3/rexpr/rexpr_full/ rexpr/rexpr_full/]

[note rexpr_full is the canonical structure proposed as best practice on how
parsers are written using Spirit X3.]

[heading The AST]

Here's the AST:

    namespace client { namespace ast
        namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;

        struct rexpr;

        struct rexpr_value : x3::variant<
              , x3::forward_ast<rexpr>
            using base_type::base_type;
            using base_type::operator=;

        typedef std::map<std::string, rexpr_value> rexpr_map;
        typedef std::pair<std::string, rexpr_value> rexpr_key_value;

        struct rexpr
            rexpr_map entries;

`x3::variant` is a support utility in Spirit X3 that extends __boost_variant__.
Typically, you use __boost_variant__ right out of the box and refer to a
particular template instantiation using a typedef. For example:

    typedef boost::variant<std::string, int> my_variant;

Instead of doing that, we create a `class` (or `struct` in the case) that
subclasses from `x3::variant`. By making the variant a subclass, you have a
distinct type in your namespace. You also have control of the constructors
and assignment operators, as well as giving you the freedom to add more

`rexpr_value` has two variant elements. It can either be a `std::string` or a
`rexpr`. Since `rexpr` recursively contains a `rexpr_value`, it has to be
forward declared. This recursive data structure requires `rexpr` to be wrapped
in a `x3::forward_ast` as shown in the declaration.

We need to tell fusion about our `rexpr` struct to make it a first-class fusion


So essentially, a `rexpr_value` value is either a `std::string` or a
`std::map<std::string, rexpr_value>`.

[heading Walking the AST]

We add a utility to print out the AST:

    int const tabsize = 4;

    struct rexpr_printer
        typedef void result_type;

        rexpr_printer(int indent = 0)
          : indent(indent) {}

        void operator()(rexpr const& ast) const
            std::cout << '{' << std::endl;
            for (auto const& entry : ast.entries)
                std::cout << '"' << entry.first << "\" = ";
                boost::apply_visitor(rexpr_printer(indent+tabsize), entry.second);
            std::cout << '}' << std::endl;

        void operator()(std::string const& text) const
            std::cout << '"' << text << '"' << std::endl;

        void tab(int spaces) const
            for (int i = 0; i < spaces; ++i)
                std::cout << ' ';

        int indent;

Traversing the AST is a recursive exercise. `rexpr_printer` is a function
object and the main entry point is `void operator()(rexpr const& ast)`. Notice
how it recursively calls an instance of itself for each of the key value pairs,
using `boost::apply_visitor`. Before and after iterating through all the
elements in the map, the braces are printed to surround the entire body, taking
care of correct indentation at each point in the recursive traversal.

The `operator()` for `std::string` should be self explanatory. It simply prints
the text inside double quotes.

[heading The Grammar]

    namespace client { namespace parser
        namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
        namespace ascii = boost::spirit::x3::ascii;

        using x3::lit;
        using x3::lexeme;

        using ascii::char_;
        using ascii::string;

        x3::rule<class rexpr_value, ast::rexpr_value>
            rexpr_value = "rexpr_value";

        x3::rule<class rexpr, ast::rexpr>
            rexpr = "rexpr";

        x3::rule<class rexpr_key_value, ast::rexpr_key_value>
            rexpr_key_value = "rexpr_key_value";

        auto const quoted_string =
            lexeme['"' >> *(char_ - '"') >> '"'];

        auto const rexpr_value_def =
            quoted_string | rexpr;

        auto const rexpr_key_value_def =
            quoted_string >> '=' >> rexpr_value;

        auto const rexpr_def =
            '{' >> *rexpr_key_value >> '}';

        BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(rexpr_value, rexpr, rexpr_key_value);

We declare three rules `rexpr_value`, `rexpr` and `rexpr_key_value`. Same deal
as before. The attributes declared for each rule are the same structures we
declared in our AST above. These are the structures our rules will produce.

So, going top-down (from the start rule), `rexpr` is defined as zero or more
`rexpr_key_value`s enclosed inside the curly braces. That's the kleene star in
action there: `*rexpr_key_value`.

[note Take note of the convention: we use `rexpr` name as the rule name and
`rexpr_def` as the rule definition name.]

To make the grammar clean, we capture the `quoted_string` production using
C++ `auto`.

`rexpr_value` is a `quoted_string` followed by the assignment operator `'='`,
followed by a `rexpr_value`. `rexpr_value` is a `quoted_string` /OR/ a `rexpr`.
This uses the alternative operator `|`, and maps nicely to the variant AST the
rule is associated with.

Finally, we associate the rules and their definitions:

    BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(rexpr_value, rexpr, rexpr_key_value);
