/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { paramMock } from "../utils" export function mockBuffer() { const paramBuffer = { paramIterMock_K : '[PC Preview] unknow iterableiterator_k', paramIterMock_V : '[PC Preview] unknow iterableiterator_v' } const BlobClass = class Blob { constructor(...args) { console.warn('BlobClass.constructor interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the' + ' Previewer may be different from that on a real device.'); this.size = '[PC preview] unknow size'; this.type = '[PC preview] unknow type'; this.arrayBuffer = function (...args) { console.warn("BlobClass.arrayBuffer interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new Promise((resolve) => { resolve(paramMock.paramArrayMock) }); }; this.slice = function (...args) { console.warn("BlobClass.slice interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new BlobClass(); }; this.text = function (...args) { console.warn("BlobClass.text interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new Promise((resolve) => { resolve(paramMock.paramStringMock) }); }; } } const buffer = { alloc: function (...args) { console.warn("buffer.alloc interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new BufferClass(); }, allocUninitializedFromPool: function (...args) { console.warn("buffer.allocUninitializedFromPool interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new BufferClass(); }, allocUninitialized: function (...args) { console.warn("buffer.allocUninitialized interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new BufferClass(); }, byteLength: function (...args) { console.warn("buffer.byteLength interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, concat: function (...args) { console.warn("buffer.concat interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new BufferClass(); }, from: function (...args) { console.warn("buffer.from interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new BufferClass(); }, isBuffer: function (...args) { console.warn("buffer.isBuffer interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramBooleanMock; }, isEncoding: function (...args) { console.warn("buffer.isEncoding interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramBooleanMock; }, compare: function (...args) { console.warn("buffer.compare interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, transcode: function (...args) { console.warn("buffer.transcode interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new BufferClass(); }, Blob: BlobClass, Buffer: BufferClass } const BufferClass = class Buffer { constructor() { console.warn('BufferClass.constructor interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the' + ' Previewer may be different from that on a real device.'); this.length = '[PC preview] unknow length', this.buffer = '[PC preview] unknow buffer', this.byteOffset = '[PC preview] unknow byteOffset', this.fill = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.fill interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new BufferClass(); }, this.compare = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.compare interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.copy = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.copy interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.equals = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.equals interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramBooleanMock; }, this.includes = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.includes interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramBooleanMock; }, this.indexOf = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.indexOf interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.keys = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.keys interface mockecd in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + "may be different from that on a real device.") const IteratorKMock = { *[Symbol.iterator]() { yield paramBuffer.paramIterMock_K; } }; return IteratorKMock; }, this.values = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.values interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") const IteratorVMock = { *[Symbol.iterator]() { yield paramBuffer.paramIterMock_V; } }; return IteratorVMock; }, this.entries = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.entries interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") const IteratorEntriesMock = { *[Symbol.iterator]() { yield [paramBuffer.paramIterMock_K, paramBuffer.paramIterMock_V]; } }; return IteratorEntriesMock; }, this.lastIndexOf = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.lastIndexOf interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readBigInt64BE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readBigInt64BE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readBigInt64LE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readBigInt64LE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readBigUInt64BE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readBigUInt64BE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readBigUInt64LE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readBigUInt64LE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readDoubleBE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readDoubleBE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readDoubleLE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readDoubleLE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readFloatBE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readFloatBE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readFloatLE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readFloatLE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readInt8 = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readInt8 interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readInt16BE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readInt16BE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readInt16LE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readInt16LE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readInt32BE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readInt32BE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readInt32LE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readInt32LE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readIntBE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readIntBE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readIntLE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readIntLE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readUInt8 = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readUInt8 interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readUInt16BE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readUInt16BE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readUInt16LE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readUInt16LE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readUInt32BE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readUInt32BE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readUInt32LE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readUInt32LE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readUIntBE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readUIntBE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.readUIntLE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.readUIntLE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.subarray = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.subarray interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new BufferClass(); }, this.swap16 = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.swap16 interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new BufferClass(); }, this.swap32 = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.swap32 interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new BufferClass(); }, this.swap64 = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.swap64 interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return new BufferClass(); }, this.toJSON = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.toJSON interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramObjectMock; }, this.toString = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.toString interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramStringMock; }, this.write = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.write interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeBigInt64BE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeBigInt64BE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeBigInt64LE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeBigInt64LE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeBigUInt64BE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeBigUInt64BE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeBigUInt64LE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeBigUInt64LE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeDoubleBE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeDoubleBE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeDoubleLE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeDoubleLE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeFloatBE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeFloatBE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeFloatLE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeFloatLE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeInt8 = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeInt8 interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeInt16BE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeInt16BE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeInt16LE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeInt16LE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeInt32BE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeInt32BE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeInt32LE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeInt32LE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeIntBE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeIntBE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeIntLE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeIntLE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeUInt8 = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeUInt8 interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeUInt16BE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeUInt16BE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeUInt16LE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeUInt16LE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeUInt32BE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeUInt32BE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeUInt32LE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeUInt32LE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeUIntBE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeUIntBE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; }, this.writeUIntLE = function (...args) { console.warn("Buffer.writeUIntLE interface mocked in the Previewer. How this interface works on the Previewer" + " may be different from that on a real device.") return paramMock.paramNumberMock; } } } return buffer; }