/** * Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* runtime基础数据类型声明 */ /* HCCL基础数据类型声明 */ #include "hccl/hcom.h" #include "hccl/hccl.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* 集合通信域初始化 */ HcclResult hcom_init(const char *rank_table, const char *identify) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 解析ranktable for python */ HcclResult hcom_rank_info_init(const char *rank_table, const char *identify, u32 device_id) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 集合通信域销毁 */ HcclResult hcom_destroy(void) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 绑定model */ HcclResult hcom_bind_model(rtModel_t model, rtStream_t stream) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 绑解定model */ HcclResult hcom_unbind_model(rtModel_t model) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* allgather功能实现 */ HcclResult hcom_all_gather(const char *tag, void *inputPtr, void *outputPtr, u64 inputCount, HcclDataType dataType, const char *group, rtStream_t stream) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* allreduce功能实现 */ HcclResult hcom_all_reduce(const char *tag, void *inputPtr, void *outputPtr, u64 count, HcclDataType dataType, HcclReduceOp op, const char *group, rtStream_t stream) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* broadcas功能实现 */ HcclResult hcom_broadcast(const char *tag, void *ptr, u64 count, HcclDataType dataType, u32 root, const char *group, rtStream_t stream) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* reduce_scatter功能实现 */ HcclResult hcom_reduce_scatter(const char *tag, void *inputPtr, void *outputPtr, u64 count, HcclDataType dataType, HcclReduceOp op, const char *group, rtStream_t stream) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 获取group内的rank个数 */ HcclResult HcomGetRankSize(const char *group, u32 *rankSize) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* python获取上云场景内的rank个数 */ HcclResult hcom_python_get_rank_size(u32 *rankSize) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 获取本rank的id */ HcclResult HcomGetRankId(const char *group, u32 *rankId) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 获取本rank的id */ HcclResult hcom_python_get_rank_id(u32 *rankId) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 获取本rank的id */ HcclResult HcomGetWorldRankFromGroupRank(const char *group, u32 groupRank, u32 *worldRank) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 获取通信域的rank个数 */ HcclResult HcomGetGroupRankFromWorldRank(u32 worldRank, const char *group, u32 *groupRank) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 创建group */ HcclResult HcomCreateGroup(const char *group, u32 rankNum, u32 *rankIds) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 销毁group */ HcclResult HcomDestroyGroup(const char *group) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 发送消息 */ HcclResult hcom_send(const char *tag, void *inputPtr, u64 count, HcclDataType dataType, u32 destRank, u32 srTag, const char *group, rtStream_t stream) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 接收消息 */ HcclResult hcom_receive(const char *tag, void *outputPtr, u64 count, HcclDataType dataType, u32 srcRank, u32 srTag, const char *group, rtStream_t stream) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 获取梯度参数切分方案 */ HcclResult hcom_get_split_strategy(const char *group, const struct model_feature *feature, u32 maxSegmentNum, u32 *segmentNum, u32 *segmentIdx, GradSplitForceMode force, OriginalGraphShapeType shapeType) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /* 连通性检测 */ HcclResult hcom_connectivity_detection(s32 *result) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } HcclResult hcom_set_split_strategy_by_index(const char *group, u32 segmentNum, const u32 *IdxList) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } HcclResult hcom_set_split_strategy_by_size(const char *group, u32 segmentNum, const float *sizeList) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } HcclResult HcclCommInitClusterInfo(const char *clusterInfo, uint32_t rank, HcclComm *comm) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } HcclResult HcclGetRootInfo(HcclRootInfo *rootInfo) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } HcclResult HcclCommInitRootInfo(uint32_t nRanks, const HcclRootInfo *rootInfo, uint32_t rank, HcclComm *comm) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Get the rank size of this comm. * * @param comm A pointer identifying the communication resource based on. * @param rankSize A pointer identifying the rank size. * @return HcclResult */ HcclResult HcclGetRankSize(HcclComm comm, uint32_t *rankSize) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Get the rank id of this comm. * * @param comm A pointer identifying the communication resource based on. * @param rankSize A pointer identifying the rank id. * @return HcclResult */ HcclResult HcclGetRankId(HcclComm comm, uint32_t *rank) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } HcclResult HcclAllReduce(void *sendBuf, void *recvBuf, uint64_t count, HcclDataType dataType, HcclReduceOp op, HcclComm comm, aclrtStream stream) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } HcclResult HcclBroadcast(void *buf, uint64_t count, HcclDataType dataType, uint32_t root, HcclComm comm, aclrtStream stream) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } HcclResult HcclReduceScatter(void *sendBuf, void *recvBuf, uint64_t recvCount, HcclDataType dataType, HcclReduceOp op, HcclComm comm, aclrtStream stream) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } HcclResult HcclAllGather(void *sendBuf, void *recvBuf, uint64_t sendCount, HcclDataType dataType, HcclComm comm, aclrtStream stream) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } HcclResult HcclCommDestroy(HcclComm comm) { return HCCL_SUCCESS; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif