/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef TEST_MALLOC_STATS_H #define TEST_MALLOC_STATS_H #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <pthread.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "test-malloc-stats-common.h" #include "test.h" #define MAX_TID_LEN 32 #define STATS_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 typedef struct { char stats_before_allocations[STATS_BUFFER_SIZE]; char stats_after_allocations[STATS_BUFFER_SIZE]; char stats_after_free[STATS_BUFFER_SIZE]; char threads[SIZES_COUNT][MAX_TID_LEN + 1]; } test_results_t; static void stderr_stats_cb(void); static int populate_thread_stats(const char *output, const char *thread_id, malloc_thread_stats_t *stats); static int populate_total_free_heap_space(const char *output, long long *total_free_heap_space); static int is_thread_in_output(const char *output, const char *thread_id); static void print_to_file(void *fp, const char *s) { fputs(s, fp); } int stats_to_buffer(char *buffer) { fflush(stderr); int err_pipe[2]; int saved_stderr = dup(STDERR_FILENO); if (pipe(err_pipe) != 0) { perror("Can't create pipe"); return 0; } dup2(err_pipe[1], STDERR_FILENO); close(err_pipe[1]); stderr_stats_cb(); fflush(stderr); read(err_pipe[0], buffer, STATS_BUFFER_SIZE); dup2(saved_stderr, STDERR_FILENO); return 1; } static test_results_t get_main_thread_test_results(void) { test_results_t test_results = {{0}, {0}, {0}, {{0}}}; stats_to_buffer(test_results.stats_before_allocations); snprintf(test_results.threads[0], MAX_TID_LEN, "%d", (pid_t) syscall(__NR_gettid)); void *ptrs[SIZES_COUNT] = {0}; for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZES_COUNT; i++) { ptrs[i] = malloc(sizes[i]); } stats_to_buffer(test_results.stats_after_allocations); for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZES_COUNT; i++) { free(ptrs[i]); } stats_to_buffer(test_results.stats_after_free); return test_results; } static test_results_t get_different_threads_test_results(void) { test_results_t test_results = {{0}, {0}, {0}, {{0}}}; stats_to_buffer(test_results.stats_before_allocations); pthread_barrier_t alloc_barrier, free_barrier; if (pthread_barrier_init(&alloc_barrier, NULL, SIZES_COUNT + 1)) { return test_results; } if (pthread_barrier_init(&free_barrier, NULL, SIZES_COUNT + 1)) { return test_results; } thread_data_t thread_data[SIZES_COUNT]; for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZES_COUNT; i++) { thread_data[i] = (thread_data_t) {sizes[i], &alloc_barrier, &free_barrier, 0}; } pthread_t threads[SIZES_COUNT]; for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZES_COUNT; i++) { pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, allocate_wait_free, &thread_data[i]); } pthread_barrier_wait(&alloc_barrier); for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZES_COUNT; i++) { snprintf(test_results.threads[i], MAX_TID_LEN, "%d", thread_data[i].self_id); } stats_to_buffer(test_results.stats_after_allocations); pthread_barrier_wait(&free_barrier); for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZES_COUNT; i++) { pthread_join(threads[i], NULL); } stats_to_buffer(test_results.stats_after_free); return test_results; } static void *allocate_and_abandon(void *arg) { void **allocs = arg; for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZES_COUNT; i++) { allocs[i] = malloc(sizes[i]); } return NULL; } static int validate_main_thread_test_results(test_results_t *test_results) { malloc_thread_stats_t stats_before_allocations = {0}; malloc_thread_stats_t stats_after_allocations = {0}; malloc_thread_stats_t stats_after_free = {0}; populate_thread_stats(test_results->stats_before_allocations, test_results->threads[0], &stats_before_allocations); populate_thread_stats(test_results->stats_after_allocations, test_results->threads[0], &stats_after_allocations); populate_thread_stats(test_results->stats_after_free, test_results->threads[0], &stats_after_free); stats_after_free.total_mmapped_memory -= stats_before_allocations.total_mmapped_memory; stats_after_free.total_allocated_memory -= stats_before_allocations.total_allocated_memory; stats_after_free.mmapped_regions -= stats_before_allocations.mmapped_regions; int result = validate_total_allocated(&stats_after_allocations); result &= validate_all_freed(&stats_after_free); return result; } static int validate_allocated_size(size_t size, malloc_thread_stats_t *stats) { int result = expect_greater_equal(stats->total_allocated_memory, size, "allocated memory", "size"); if (size > MMAP_THRESHOLD) { result &= expect_greater_equal(stats->total_mmapped_memory, size, "mmapped memory", "size"); result &= expect_equal(stats->mmapped_regions, 1, "mmapped regions"); } return result; } static int validate_different_threads_test_results(test_results_t *test_results) { int result = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZES_COUNT; i++) { malloc_thread_stats_t thread_stats = {0}; result &= populate_thread_stats(test_results->stats_after_allocations, test_results->threads[i], &thread_stats); result &= validate_allocated_size(sizes[i], &thread_stats); if (is_thread_in_output(test_results->stats_after_free, test_results->threads[i])) { t_error("Thread %s did not disappear from output\n", test_results->threads[i]); result = 0; } } long long free_heap_space_after_allocations = 0; long long free_heap_space_after_free = 0; result &= populate_total_free_heap_space(test_results->stats_after_allocations, &free_heap_space_after_allocations); result &= populate_total_free_heap_space(test_results->stats_after_free, &free_heap_space_after_free); result &= expect_greater_equal( free_heap_space_after_free, free_heap_space_after_allocations, "free heap space after free", "free heap space after allocations"); return result; } static int validate_and_report( test_results_t *test_results, int (*validate_test_results_func)(test_results_t *), const char *message) { t_printf("%s...", message); if (!validate_test_results_func(test_results)) { t_error("Failed!\n"); return 0; } t_printf("Success\n"); return 1; } int main(void) { test_results_t main_thread_test_results = get_main_thread_test_results(); test_results_t different_threads_test_results = get_different_threads_test_results(); int result = validate_and_report( &main_thread_test_results, validate_main_thread_test_results, "Testing allocations in main thread"); result &= validate_and_report( &different_threads_test_results, validate_different_threads_test_results, "Testing allocations in different threads"); return result == 0; } #endif // TEST_MALLOC_STATS_H