import argparse import os import sys import json import ccsyspath import time import clang.cindex from clang.cindex import Cursor from clang.cindex import CursorKind from pathlib import Path from clang.cindex import TranslationUnit def get_args(): ''' Get and parse the parameters from the console ''' parse = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='python3.8') parse.add_argument('-l', type=str, required=True, help='input lib file path') parse.add_argument('-i', type=str, required=True, help='input head file path') parse.add_argument('-m', type=str, help='input macros file path') parse.add_argument('-b', type=str, help='input blacklist file path') parse.add_argument('-o', type=str, help='result file output path') args = parse.parse_args() paramers_value = vars(args) global INPUT_HEAD_PATH INPUT_HEAD_PATH = paramers_value['i'] global INPUT_LIB_PATH INPUT_LIB_PATH = paramers_value['l'] global INPUT_MACROS_PATH INPUT_MACROS_PATH = paramers_value['m'] INPUT_MACROS_PATH = '' if INPUT_MACROS_PATH == None else INPUT_MACROS_PATH global INPUT_BLACK_PATH INPUT_BLACK_PATH = paramers_value['b'] INPUT_BLACK_PATH = '' if INPUT_BLACK_PATH == None else INPUT_BLACK_PATH global OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH = paramers_value['o'] OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH = '' if OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH == None else OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH check_parameters() def check_parameters(): ''' Check whether the obtained parameters are correct ''' my_file = Path(INPUT_LIB_PATH) if not my_file.is_file(): print('please input correct lib file path') exit() my_file = Path(INPUT_HEAD_PATH) if not my_file.is_dir(): print('please input correct head file path') exit() global INPUT_BLACK_PATH if not INPUT_BLACK_PATH == '': my_file = Path(INPUT_BLACK_PATH) if not my_file.is_file(): print('warring:input correct blacklist file path is error') INPUT_BLACK_PATH = '' global INPUT_MACROS_PATH if not INPUT_MACROS_PATH == '': my_file = Path(INPUT_MACROS_PATH) if not my_file.is_file(): print('warring:input correct macros file path is error') INPUT_MACROS_PATH = '' global OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH if not OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH == '': my_file = Path(OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH) if not my_file.is_dir(): print('warring:input correct output file path is error') OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH = '' def os_popen(stmt): ''' Get the result of execution according to command parameter ''' re = os.popen(stmt).readlines() result = [] for i in range(0, len(re)): res = re[i].strip('\n') result.append(res) return result def get_info_from_file(file_path): ''' Get the list of contents in the file based on the path parameter ''' temp_file_list = [] with open(file_path) as file_object: for line in file_object: temp_file_list.append(line.rstrip()) return temp_file_list def get_lib_strs(): ''' Get a list of library file symbols ''' temp_lib_name_list = os_popen( 'nm -D ' + INPUT_LIB_PATH + '| grep -Ev " U " | grep -Ev " W " | grep -Ev " D " | grep -Ev " V " | grep -Ev " w " | awk \'{print $3}\' | xargs c++filt' ) if len(temp_lib_name_list) == 0: print("canot find lib file error") exit() global LIB_FILE_NAME_LIST for i in temp_lib_name_list: LIB_FILE_NAME_LIST.append(sub_str_name(i)) LIB_FILE_NAME_LIST = list(set(LIB_FILE_NAME_LIST)) LIB_FILE_NAME_LIST.sort() def get_permission_num(permissions): ''' Get the number of arguments of c++ function ''' if not permissions.find('()') == -1: return 0 else: count_premission = 1 current_sym_num = 0 for i in permissions: if i == '<': current_sym_num = current_sym_num + 1 if i == '>': current_sym_num = current_sym_num - 1 if i == ',' and current_sym_num == 0: count_premission = count_premission + 1 return count_premission def sub_str_name(iteam): ''' Handling redundant information in library file symbol table ''' if not iteam.find('non-virtual thunk to ') == -1: iteam = iteam.replace('non-virtual thunk to ', '') if not iteam.find('virtual thunk to ') == -1: iteam = iteam.replace('virtual thunk to ', '') if iteam.find('(') == -1: return iteam else: return iteam[:iteam.index('(')] + '@' + str(get_permission_num(iteam)) def get_head_strs(): ''' Get a list of header file symbols ''' head_file_name_list = os_popen('find ' + INPUT_HEAD_PATH + ' -name "*.h"') if len(head_file_name_list) == 0: print('canot find head file error') exit() compile_args = ['-x', 'c++'] marcros_list = [] if not INPUT_MACROS_PATH == '': temp_macros = get_info_from_file(INPUT_MACROS_PATH) for i in temp_macros: marcros_list.append('-D' + i) for i in head_file_name_list: global CURRENT_FILE_TYPE CURRENT_FILE_TYPE = 0 index = clang.cindex.Index.create() parser = index.parse(i, args=compile_args) cursor = parser.cursor traverse(cursor) if CURRENT_FILE_TYPE == 0: index_temp = clang.cindex.Index.create() syspath = ccsyspath.system_include_paths('clang') incargs = [b'-I' + inc for inc in syspath] incargs.append('-I'+INPUT_HEAD_PATH) parser_temp = index_temp.parse(i, args=marcros_list + incargs) cursor_temp = parser_temp.cursor traverse_c(cursor_temp, 0) else: index_temp = clang.cindex.Index.create() syspath = ccsyspath.system_include_paths('clang++') incargs = [b'-I' + inc for inc in syspath] incargs.append('-I'+INPUT_HEAD_PATH) parser_temp = index_temp.parse(i, args=marcros_list + compile_args + incargs) cursor_temp = parser_temp.cursor traverse_cpp(cursor_temp, '') global HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST = list(set(HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST)) HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST.sort() def traverse_c(node, depth): ''' Recursively obtain the symbol list from the c language header file and store it in HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST ''' global HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST if node.kind == CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL: if is_has_extern_in_node(node): HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST.append(node.spelling) if node.kind == CursorKind.VAR_DECL and depth == 1: if is_has_extern_in_node(node): HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST.append(node.spelling) for n in node.get_children(): traverse_c(n, depth + 1) def check_cpp_namespace(depth): if not depth.find('std') == -1: return False if not depth.find('__gnu_cxx') == -1: return False if not depth.find('__cxxabiv1') == -1: return False if not depth.find('__pthread_cleanup_class') == -1: return False return True def traverse_cpp(node, depth): ''' Recursively obtain the symbol list from the c++ language header file and store it in HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST ''' global HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST if node.kind == CursorKind.NAMESPACE or node.kind == CursorKind.CLASS_DECL: if depth == '': depth = node.spelling else: depth = depth + '::' + node.spelling if node.kind == CursorKind.CXX_METHOD and check_cpp_namespace( depth) and not depth == '' and not node.is_pure_virtual_method(): HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST.append(depth + '::' + node.spelling + '@' + str(get_permission_num(node.displayname))) if node.kind == CursorKind.FUNCTION_TEMPLATE and check_cpp_namespace( depth) and not depth == '': HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST.append(depth + '::' + node.spelling + '@' + str(get_permission_num(node.displayname))) if node.kind == CursorKind.DESTRUCTOR and check_cpp_namespace(depth): HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST.append(depth + '::' + node.spelling + '@0') if node.kind == CursorKind.VAR_DECL and check_cpp_namespace( depth) and not depth == '': HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST.append(depth + '::' + node.spelling) if node.kind == CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR and check_cpp_namespace(depth): HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST.append(depth + '::' + node.spelling + '@' + str(get_permission_num(node.displayname))) for n in node.get_children(): traverse_cpp(n, depth) def is_has_extern_in_node(node): for i in node.get_tokens(): if i.spelling == 'extern' or i.spelling == '__inline': return False return True def traverse(node): ''' Determine the type of the file parameter ''' global CURRENT_FILE_TYPE if node.kind == CursorKind.CLASS_DECL: CURRENT_FILE_TYPE = 1 for n in node.get_children(): traverse(n) def get_compare_result(): ''' Compare the symbol lists of header and library files and generate a file that stores the results of the comparison ''' only_lib_have = list( set(LIB_FILE_NAME_LIST).difference(set(HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST))) only_head_have = list( set(HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST).difference(set(LIB_FILE_NAME_LIST))) not_compare_list = [] if not INPUT_BLACK_PATH == '': not_compare_list = not_compare_list + get_info_from_file( INPUT_BLACK_PATH) only_lib_have = list(set(only_lib_have).difference(set(not_compare_list))) only_head_have = list( set(only_head_have).difference(set(not_compare_list))) only_lib_have.sort() only_head_have.sort() result = {} result['head_file_path'] = INPUT_HEAD_PATH result['lib_file_path'] = INPUT_LIB_PATH result['only_in_head_file'] = only_head_have result['only_in_lib_file'] = only_lib_have result['head_file_symble_list_num:lib_file_symble_list_nmu'] = str( len(HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST)) + ':' + str(len(LIB_FILE_NAME_LIST)) seconds = time.time() time_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(seconds)) out_difference_path = OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH + 'compare_result_' + time_str + '.json' out_lib_path = OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH + 'lib_file_list_' + time_str + '.txt' out_head_path = OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH + 'head_file_list_' + time_str + '.txt' with open(out_difference_path, 'w') as file_obj: json.dump(result, file_obj, indent=4, separators=(',', ':')) file_obj.close() f = open(out_lib_path, 'w') for line in LIB_FILE_NAME_LIST: f.write(line + '\n') f.close() f = open(out_head_path, 'w') for line in HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST: f.write(line + '\n') f.close() INPUT_LIB_PATH = '' #The path to the entered library file INPUT_HEAD_PATH = '' #The path to the entered header file INPUT_BLACK_PATH = '' #The path to the entered blacklist file INPUT_MACROS_PATH = '' #The path to the entered macro definition file OUTPUT_RESULT_PATH = '' #The output path of the result file HEAD_FILE_NAME_LIST = [] #header file symbol list LIB_FILE_NAME_LIST = [] #library file symbol list CURRENT_FILE_TYPE = 0 #current file type get_args() get_head_strs() get_lib_strs() get_compare_result()